Chapter 125: Spearhead attack

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Mavis: Ring the bell ! We're under attack ! Approximately 50 heavy cruiser-class warships in the western sky !!

Ajeel: FIRE !!

Ajeel: What ?!

Freed: Jutsu-Shiki, activates !!

Ajeel: Oh ? They've got a magic barrier... ? A Jutsu-shiki, maybe ?

Makarov: First master ! Freed's good, but if he's pushed too hard, he won't be able to last long !

Macao: Who knew they'd come from the sky ?! What're we supposed to do ?!

Mavis: In fact... It was in my range of predictions. And although this is just a spearhead advanced force, i'm pleased to see that it is much smaller than anticipated. Warren ! Telepathically inform everyone it's Operation D !! Instruct Dragon Flight Force and Osprey Force to commence attack !!

Warren: Roger !!

Bisca: This is Osprey Force in the Eastern weeds. The target is still too far off.

Asuka: Why "Osprey" ?

Alzack: Beats me.

Mavis: Bisca, I know you can do it.

Bisca: Y- Yes, ma'am !!

Ajeel: Fire ! Fire !! Hahahaha ! Let's see how long they can hold out !!

Soldier: Ajeel sir ! Something's coming at us from straight ahead ! They're coming in at incredible speed ! Evade it !!

Ajeel: What is that... ?

Soldier: Cruiser four has been destroyed !!

Ajeel: WHAT ?!

"Surprised ? You shouldn't be."

Natsu: This is Fairy Tail's Dragon Flight Force !!

Ajeel: I remember them...

"Let's go ! Wendy, Gajeel, Natsu ! Remember our creed !"

All: If there's no property damage, it ain't Fairy Tail !!

"Now move out !!"


Natsu: Whoops ! Nice flying, Happy !!

Pantherlily: Damn ! This barrage is too dense !

"Remember what we're here for ! To buy time !"

Carla: Is Bisca not ready yet ?!

Bisca: This is Osprey Force ! Charged and ready to fire !

Asuka: Go, mommy, go !

Alzack: Asuka, get back from there !

Bisca: Since I only get one shot per fifteen minutes of charge... I can't afford to miss !

Alzack: Bisca ! You can do it ! Trust yourself !

Bisca: ... An Osprey, huh ? It's a bird... That never lets its prey get away ! MAGIC FOCUSING CANNON JUPITER... FIRE !!


Juvia: That's Phantom Lord's Cannon... But when did we...

Gray: The first master's kinda scary.

Ajeel: Heh ! NICE TRY !!

Bisca: He split it up ?!

Alzack: Yeah, but it took out a whole bunch of ships !

"Of course... It would've been too easy if we could end it like that..."

Gajeel: if their commander can split up Jupiter, then we gotta take him out ourselves !

Natsu: C'mon, we're boarding this ship !

Ajeel: You sure did a number on my fleet !

"Speaking of numbers, this is four on one. And with no one else to worry about, we can-"

Gajeel/Natsu/Wendy: URP !!

Ajeel: WHAT ?!

"... ... Are you all KIDDING ME ?!"

Happy: Come to think of it, this is a ship, isn't it ?!

Carla: All three of them at once...

Pantherlily: Wendy ! We need you to cast Troia, and quickly !

Wendy: Sorry... When I'm all pukey, I can't cast anything...

Gajeel: Urp...

Natsu: Ohhhhh...

Makarov: ... First master...

Mavis: I... I forgot...

Ajeel: What is this, a bad joke ?!

"I kinda wish it was..."

Ajeel: Ah ! Who cares ? We got damaged ships ! Order them to land. I'll take out the trash myself !

Soldier: Yes, sir !

Ajeel: So... Fairy Tail really is just a bunch of weaklings, ain't it ? And after all that big talk back in Alvarez !

Ajeel: Wha- ?!

Soldiers: The ship ! Somebody sliced off the prow !!

"Somebody ? Nah, not just 'Anyone'. Now... All of you, on your knees."

Ajeel: ... Who are you ?

Erza: I am the one who will cut you down !

Natsu: E- Erza !

Wendy: A bunch of ships have landed ! We should go and meet their attack on the ground !

Gajeel: Guess we gotta leave that guy to these two. He's on a ship after all.

Pantherlily: They should be able to handle it.

Makarov: It'll be nearly impossible for one person to defeat a member of the Spriggan 12 alone. Even for one of these two...

Mavis: That's why they're fighting together. Let's trust them.

Warren: If we can hold off the vanguard, it'll be a huge boost to morale !

Erza: Tenrin... Circle sword !!

Ajeel: That won't work on me !!

"Aqua Dragon, Moonlit cascade !!"

Ajeel: Ah ! Tell me, are there many in your guild who are stronger than you ? 'Cause you two are a real letdown so far ! Come on, bring out that Tsunami like last time !

"Don't you dare... MAKE FUN OF FAIRY TAIL !!"

Ajeel: Why not, making anything of you guys is a waste of time ! Crumble into Desert Dust !

Freed: Guh !

Evergreen: What's wrong, Freed ?!

Freed: Impossible... A hole has opened in my Jutsu-Shinki... ?!

Warren: A fissure has opened up in Freed's Jutsu-Shinki... or, a hole ?!

Mavis: Could it be that there's a magic canceler among the enemy ?!

Wall: Phew... I almost broke a sweat there. This case is an easy win.

Soldiers: You're always incredible, Wall sir ! We can cut right through !

Wall: I will now present the evidence of Alvarez's overwhelming force !

Makarov: But that would mean... Another of the Spriggan 12 is here ?!

Mavis: We have invaders within the town ! Everyone ! Get ready to intercept !

Gray: So we've been breached ?!

Juvia: It is in the Fairy Hills district !

Laxus: What do Natsu and his group think they're doing ?

Mirajane: Let's go ! We have to protect Fairy tail !

Lisanna: Yeah !

Elfman: This is a MAN'S battle !!

Lucy: I have to get out there, too ! 'Aquarius... Please give me strength !'


Lucy: 'What was that sound ?! It came from inside my apartment... The bath... ?'

Brandish: Oh, no. I thought this might be your place.

Tiny Marin: You pass !

Lucy: ... In my apartment ?! Why would one of the 12 be in my apartment ?! IN MY BATHTUB ?!

Brandish: I wonder why myself... But you certainly left an impression.

Warren: Another ! Another one of the 12 is here in the town !

Makarov: What was that ?!

Jet: They've committed three if the 12 to the attack ?! Can we hold them off ?!

Warren: Wait... What... ?!

Droy: What's wrong, Warren ?!

Warren: A force of more than 300 ships is approaching from the North ! And judging from the magic power levels, I'd say three more of the Spriggan 12 are with them !

Mavis: ... ... ...

Warren: And that isn't all ! Another force of the same size is coming in from the South ! With maybe three more Spriggan 12 !

Makarov: We're surrounded by three different forces ?!

Warren: ... No.. I was wrong... There's also a force coming in from the East of more than a million troops... three more Spriggan 12... We're surrounded... In all directions ! There's no place left to run !

Macao: How could they be coming from the East ?! That's from Bosco, a whole different country !

Levy: We never even considered an attack from all four sides...

Mest: This is the worst possible outcome !

Mavis: 'I've considered every potential strategy... But there is no way to win this...'

Erza: Kh... Urgh...

Ajeel: Shrivel up ! All the water that keeps you alive shall be depleted !

"Erza ! Why aren't you fighting back ?!"

Erza: I don't know ! Something's happening ! I can't use Requip !

"That can't be his doing... There has to be someone else interfering ! Aqua dragon... Water Bubble Shield !!"

Mavis: Osprey Force ! The aerial battle isn't going well for the two of them ! isn't Jupiter ready yet ?!

Warren: Even if we manage to survive this battle, we know that bigger forces are on their way...

Mavis: Warren, use your telepathy ! You need to transmit my orders !

Warren: Waaahhh...

Mavis: Warren !!

Max: Will you get a grip, you fool ?!


Warren: GWEEEEEEE !!

Max: Everybody's scared ! My knees have been knocking since this started !! BUT WE GOTTA FIGHT !! THIS IS OUR HOME !! WE GOTTA PROTECT OUR HOME !!

Warren: ... ... You don't kick a guy in the junk !!

Max: GWEEEE !!

Warren: Osprey Force, can you hear me ? This is Warren !

Bisca: Five minutes until Jupiter is charged up !

Warren: We're counting on you ! Save our guild ! ... ... Thanks, Max.

Max: ... What'd you poke me in the butt with that broom for ?!

Warren: Well, you booted my nads first !!

Makarov: I'm sorry, first master... they have no class...

Mavis: Don't worry about it. 'The minute I give up, that's when all is lost ! A strategy... I need to come up with a new strategy...'

Lucy: Wh- Why my apartment... ?

Brandish: ... Get in with me.

Lucy: Huh ? What's with you ?! First you help yourself to my bathtub... And now you expect me to join you ?! This is ludicrous !!

Brandish: I should warn you... never make me repeat myself. ... ... ... Oh, I see... It's him, right ?

Tiny Marin: You always get passing grades ! Hey, wait ! Lady brandish ! What are you-

Brandish: there, that's settled. Get in.

Lucy: N- No !

Brandish: ... ... ... ... The moment I entered this town, you and your people lost. You remember my magic, don't you ? I could reduce this town to nothing in a second. One snap of my fingers, and Poof ! Gone. But, you know... I'm kind of enjoying this bath, so I'm not doing it. You understand, right ?

Brandish: Don't worry... Not a thing will happen as long as you do what I say. This may come as a surprise to you, but I treat my pets pretty well.

Tiny-Marin-in-the-box: You're saying I'm a pet ?!

Lucy: What is this all about ?!

Brandish: ... ...


Lucy: What did you... ?!

Brandish: Next door. A little demonstration for you. This is your last chance, get in the bath. that's an order.

Lucy: ...' I can't beat her with magic. I don't know what she's up to... But I can play it her way ! Get ready for a naked battle !'


Brandish: I never thought I'd stumble upon you here.

Lucy: What did my mother ever do to you ?!

Brandish: It's too much of a pain to explain.

Cana: YOU GET AWAY FROM LUCY !! You think you can treat our town like your own personal playground ?! You're just an eyesore !

Lucy: Cana !!

Cana: ... That's some outfit you got there. I didn't know you were so... Intense about roleplay.

Lucy: Y- You've got it all wrong, this is... But i'm in the clear now ! Sorry about this !!

Tiny-Marin-in-the-box: What's going on out there... ?

Brandish: Marin !

Lucy: Now I can use celestial spirit magic again !! Star Dress !! ARIES FORM !!

Cana: This reminds me of when we teamed up on Tenrou island !

"Gggkhh ! Still nothing ?!"

Erza: Wait... I can use Requip now ! I don't know what happened, but... Wind-god armor !!

Ajeel: That all you got ? Seriously ?

"That's the appetizer. Erza if you may ?"

Erza: My pleasure.

Ajeel: B- Bakel ?!

"There's only one capable of something that chaotic."

Erza: Natsu... We received your fighting spirit !

Both: To let the wind soar... To let the seas roar... Let them unleashed upon those that stand in our way... To mow all that they were, to protect all that we'll be... Let the howl of our united souls sing the song called Victory !! UNISSON RAID !!

Ajeel: W- What- ?!


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