Chapter 126: Men

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ajeel: D... Dammit !! You're just cannon fodder ! You're nothing ! How dare you make... The great Ajeel angry !!

"You really don't know when to quit, do you ? I thought we've already proven how many weaknesses your sand has ! Water and wind... TYPHOON !!"

Ajeel: You're looking down on me. How about a sandstorm then ?!

Erza: It's... Covering the whole ship ?!

Ajeel: Think bigger...

Natsu: What the ?! Where'd this sandstorm come from... ?

Wendy: Probably that sand wizard up there, right ?!

Happy: I can't see anything !

Pantherlily: This is bad ! The enemy is still coming !

Gajeel: You cats stay back ! We'll use our dragon noses to hunt down the enemy and crush them !

Makarov: What is this ?!

Mavis: Go shut every door in the guild, please !

Max: Freaky weather !!

Lucy: What's going on ?!

Brandish: Can't Ajeel keep his sand out of everyone else's way ?

Gray: Kh... Our field of view is too limited !

Juvia: Gray-Sama ! Where are you ?!

Lisanna: Um, that's...

Wall: Sand World... There's an enemy here who merits that ?

Bickslow: The enemy's magic managed to slip in through the fissure in the Jutsu-shiki !

Freed: Dammit !!

Evergreen: Why did it have to be a sandstorm?! Magnolia's pollen is bad enough !

Erza: You don't mean... That you're covering the entire town in this sandstorm ?!

"One can shrink a whole island... Another can create massive sandstorms... No doubt, there are in a league of their own..."

Ajeel: Welcome to the Sand world ! In this world... I AM GOD !!

"UNGH- !"

Ajeel: the fear of being unable to move freely... The fear of the unseen enemy... But I can see you ! I can see how terrified you are !

"... The things us humans fear... It's the looming specter of death. To accept is as part of the cycle, is to embrace the fear itself..."

Ajeel: Pathetic ! Try all you want, that won't get you anywhere ! Now, revere me as a God ! And BEG for my forgiveness ! If you do, I'll grant you the mercy of a quick death ! Can't you feel it ? Your strength being drained ? Hurts, doesn't is ? My magic is stripping the life-giving water from your bodies !

Ajeel: Do you want to suffer the pain of death by dehydration ? Now... Call me GOD !

Erza: Ghh... You... Got it all wrong... Gods... Are not fearsome tyrants... They are kind, benevolent beings... Who use their power for the good of the people... And even if you did become one... We would never be afraid of you... Because we know who we can put our faith on !

"Life and death... Day and night... Light and Dark... To try and take away the light of our guild, you just make this beacon shine even brighter ! MORNING STAR, LET THEE GUIDE THE LOST SOULS !!"


Bisca: A light ! That can only be...


Ajeel: N- Not... Possible...

"And yet here it is ! Erza !! Finish this !!"

Erza: With pleasure ! Nakagami Armor... NAKAGAMI ASTERISM !!

Wendy: The sandstorm is...

Gajeel: Gone !

Natsu: ... Heh. It's them ! Erza, Y/n ! Wait up !!

Wendy: Natsu !!

Gajeel: You better go, too. They gotta be in bad shape after all of this.

Wendy: I will !

Pantherlily: We'll find a way to clean things up here !

Carla: You go and help, too !

Happy: Aye !

"Hey, Erza..."

Erza: Yes ?

"As a matter of fact... Right now, I can't feel my wings, so I have no idea how we're going to land."

Erza: And you chose now to tell me that ?!

Natsu: NUOOOOOOOOOOOOH !! You guys ! Are you okay ?! Hang in there !

"Oh, we're hanging alright, Natsu..."

Natsu: Good ! Just hold on ! Wendy will be here really soon !

Erza: Natsu...

Wendy: Just stay still, both of you... You'll be okay.

"I'm not worried about us two... But we had to go that far just to take out one of the Spriggan 12... I'm worried about the other..."

Gray: You think you need to ? We just finished things up here, too !

"Gray... ? Is that Warren's telepathy ?"

Juvia: Gray-Sama and Juvia really fought together this time !

Lisanna: Hey, where're your clothes ? Both of you ?!

Lucy: And we bagged one of the 12, too ! By sheer luck, but still...

Cana: we're bringing her back to the guild !

"Wait, so... The sand guy... the one who breached Freed Jutsu-shiki... And that one Lucy just mentioned... Did we just take out 3 of the Spriggan 12 ?"

Makarov: Well, it looks like we somehow survived the enemy's spearhead attack.

Mages: All right ! We won !! Did you see that, Zeref ?! This is Fairy tail !!

Mavis: Yes... Well done !

Evergreen: Huh ?! You were in Magnolia this whole time, Ichiya ?

Ichiya: You mean you actually forgot ? Oh, that's what I get for dealing with fairies ! You do remember what happened just a few days ago, do you not !

Gajeel: We're here to grab Laxus !

Elfman: And we'll take the Raijin guard while we're at it !

Ichiya: How dare you...

Lisanna: Mr.Ichiya, we're borrowing your boat !

Cana: I always wanted to fly in that thing !

Ichiya: How dare you...

Laxus: We're heading for the Alvarez Empire !

All: LET'S GO !!

Ichiya: How dare you...

Makarov: I knew it was wonderful to have family !

Ichiya: How dare you...

Natsu: Yaay ! We're home !

"Back to Magnolia, finally..."

Happy: Yahoo !

Ichiya: How dare you... ... ...

Ichiya: And that was a week ago !!

Freed: You could have gone home, you know.

Ichiya: Do you have any idea how far my ship had to travel ?! It takes time to repair and refuel Christina ! And then Alvarez suddenly attacked ! Do you know how mad that made me ?! You little... You little...

Bickslow: Sorry...

Evergreen: But you still saved us, I'm impressed.

Ichiya: i'm not talking to you ! Hmph.

Freed: He sure can be difficult... Ichiya !! Watch out !!

Ichiya: Hm ? Y- You mean...



Gray: What ?! The Kardia Cathedral ?!

Ichiya: Ohh... oh... Ohh !

Ichiya: Y- You... You can get up now ! Hey ! Do you hear me ?!

Bickslow: Now... We don't owe ya' nothin'... Right... ?

Evergreen: i'm glad... You're safe...

Freed: When someone has been in a guild with you... They're just like family, aren't they... ?

Ichiya: You... You really... !

???: Ah hya hya ! Ah hya hya hya hya !!

Dimaria: That's a creepy laugh. Could you please stop ? I was enjoying the sound of the waves.

Wall: AH HYA HYA HYA HYA ! I can't help myself... They made this case a lot more fun than my briefs suggested... Ah hya hya ! Oh, but I guess I should stop with the legal talk, ya know ? I figured that mechanical puppet wasn't gonna work out, ah hya hya hya !

Dimaria: Oh, my ! Are you saying your puppet was defeated ?

Wall: Yeah... Nothing short of what I had predicted. What's really fun is that Ajeel got taken down ! And Brandish is an enemy prisoner !

Dimaria: ... Ha ! You're kidding ! Randi is an enemy prisoner ? Oh, how pitiable she is !

Wall: Ah hya hya hya ! Ain't it a hoot ?! I gotta say, Fairy Tail ain't half-bad !

Dimaria: I suppose that's why the emperor sent all our troops to attack them, huh ?

Wall: But... It's no fun havin' them think we're pushovers ! No fun at all, Dimaria !

Dimaria: Now, don't get ahead of yourself. we'll make landfall soon, and our first task is to take control of the harbor town. If you're thinking of reducing the harbor to rubble, we're still 30 Km away.

Wall: Naw...

Wall: I'm aimin' at Fairy Tail !

Dimaria: That's some 400 Km away. Even you can't hit it.

Wall: I am the elite Machias ! Wall-Sama !! never underestimate me ! ULTRA-LONG-RANGE ANTI-MATERIAL MAGIC CANNON !!

Warren: i'm detecting a great heat emanating from the South... Wait ! It's magic ?! Whatever it is, it's coming towards us at immense speed !

Makarov: What ?! Fresh troops... ?!

Mavis: No... probably an Alvarez attack...

Romeo: How far away can they fire from ?!

Mavis: Well, first ! Freed, I need the Jutsu-shiki barrier up again ! Freed !

Warren: can't reach him... The Raijin guard isn't responding ! Distance 700... 600... NO ! It's gonna be a direct hit !

Max: Everybody get outta here !

Droy: We're gonna lose another guild hall ?!

???: I won't allow it !!

Levy: I... I know that voice...

Levy: It's Christina !!

happy: Christina acted as a shield !

Natsu: Why would Ichiya... ?!

Ichiya: This... is war ! And not just for you ! Fiore's entire communication network, activate ! CAN YOU ALL HEAR ME ?! THIS BATTLE INVOLVES ALL OF US !!

Makarov: We managed to make it through the spearhead attack... But we're still going to come under attacks on all sides.

Jet: yeah, but now guilds from all over Fiore are gonna help us, right ?

Vijeeter: We can count on them ! We've basically already won !

Mavis: No. This is Fairy Tail's problem. I didn't want to get other guilds caught in the cross-fire...

Laxus: If we let ideals like that hold us back, we'll never win. With Ishgar as the battlefield, it was bound to turn out like this anyway. But this guy that took out Freed, Ever and Bickslow... I got a score to settle with him.

Makarov: there's some truth to what Laxus says. Right now, we can only be thankful of the help... And turn our minds to create a new strategy.

Mavis: ... ... Warren, I need an update on enemy conditions !

Warren: I though you'd never ask ! New Info from the east ! They've pretty much wiped out all of the guilds in Bosco !

Wakaba: All of them ?! I can't believe it !

Warren: But their troops are stopped there. I don't know if it's to take control of Bosco or what. And I've got some good news ! Enemy forces are still approaching from the North... But the combined forces of Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus are going to meet them ! The enemy's also taken the southern harbor town of Hargeon, but Mermaid Heel and Lamia Scale are heading there to liberate the town !

Droy: That means we only have to worry about the Eastern and Western forces, right ?

Jet: We can't think that way ! We don't know if the guilds to the North and South will win !

Vijeeter: hey ! Have some faith in the other guilds !

Romeo: First master... let's go back them up !

Wakaba: Romeo's right ! We won't be able to look 'em in the eye if we let them do all the work ! This is the time to switch to attack mode !

Mavis: of course we will ! Reinforcements to head north will be: Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna, Gajeel, Levy and Lily. And reinforcing the Southern attack: Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Wendy and laxus.

Gray: ... Huh ? What happened to Natsu ?

Juvia: Now that you mention it, Juvia hasn't seen him either...

Mages: Aaarg ! Why's Natsu taking off on his own at a time like this ?! Again ?! Find him ! Natsu, where are you ?!

"Don't you bother about him. If I've learned anything about Natsu, it's his abilities to pull through no matter the situation."

Erza: We shall go to the South in his stead !

Wendy: But, you two are wounded...

Makarov: First master, what will we do about the eastern and xestern enemies ?

Mavis: the western forces are moving the slowest. I assume that is where Zeref can be found. I would think that these are his reserve forces, to be committed after the fates of the other three have been decided.

Romeo: Okay, then the East ! I'll go ! Please send me !

Mavis: At present, the East is where our greatest danger lies. Therefore, it is where we must commit the strongest of our forces. Warren, have you made contact ?

Warren: Of course I have ! This'll be the strongest force in Fiore !

Mages: You mean the heavenly Kings of Ishgar ?! That's great ! But why...

Levy: They've been working behind the scenes to avoid a war with Alvarez, but since it's come to this, they felt responsible... Even though it isn't really their fault...

Mavis: If the enemy should get past these four... there will be no one who can stop their advance.

Warren: H- hey, look at that ! Natsu ! That's Natsu ! And look how fast he's moving !

Gray: But where's he going ?

Makarov: he can't be...

Invel: Your majesty, there is an object approaching at incredibly high speed.


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