Chapter 127: Eight left

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Warren: So Natsu's speeding out there to take on Zeref all by himself ?! Does he have a death wish ?!

Laxus: that jerk...

Gray: Change of plans ! We're going after him !

"Wait. We will stick to the First master's plan. Leave Zeref to Natsu."

Gray: Are you serious ?! He's up against Zeref, you know ! And that Zeref has the book of END !

"Weren't you listening when Natsu talked about his plan to defeat Zeref ? I did, and I'm plenty confident that he knows what he's doing."

Gray: Aren't you the one putting too much trust in Natsu ?

"Would that mean you do not trust him ?"

Erza: ... All, right you two. Break it up. First Master, what should we do ?

Mavis: ... Let's bet on Natsu's instincts, for now. It may seem like a reckless charge, but it's possible he actually has a logical strategy. We are trapped on all four sides... So an attack on their supreme commander may end things before he has a chance to box us in completely. It could be an excellent plan. Gray... let's trust Natsu.

Gray: It ain't like I don't trust him ! I just don't want him going off alone.

Juvia: For Gray-Sama to actually be worried about Natsu...

Carla: Besides, he isn't alone. Happy is with him, right ?

Happy: Look, Natsu ! There sure are a lot of them !

Natsu: Yeah ! It's like a big, black carpet ! Awful rude to bring a carpet into our house without asking us ! Come to think of it, what'd we do with that old, dirty carpet we had ?

Happy: You burned it up, Natsu.

Natsu: Oh, yeah ! I burned it up, huh ? HERE WE GO, HAPPY !!

Happy: AYE, SIR !!

Soldiers: What was that ?! An enemy attack !!

Natsu: Set me down, Happy !

Happy: You're not planning to take them all on, are you ?!

Natsu: I sure am ! This is how i'm gonna drag Zeref out !

Soldiers: that little... Thinks he can make fools of us, does he ?!

Happy: Natsu !

Natsu: I got this ! i'm gonna protect the guild ! AND THAT'S SOMETHING WORTH FIGHTING FOR !!

Soldiers: H- he changed the landscape... He's a monster !! they never told us there was somebody with this kind of power in Ishgar ! How many of us has he taken down ?!

???: 973.

Zeref: Leaving 999.027.

Natsu: ... You got here faster than I expected.

Zeref: I was just so eager to say hi. Natsu.

Natsu: But now's the time to say bye. Zeref.

Erza: We'll arrive in Hargeon tomorrow. We should rest up as much as possible today.

Wendy: I will.

Carla: You two shouldn't push yourselves too hard either. After all, Wendy's doing her best to heal you !

Juvia: Gray-Sama, I thought we could use this ! A sleeping bag built for two !

Gray: No way ! Too hot in there !

Wendy: Come to think of it, where did Laxus go ?

Carla: he said he was hungry and ran off somewhere.

Gray: Maybe he's going to catch a bear and eat it.

"He's kind of a bear himself, isn't he ?"

Erza: I wonder what they taste like...

Wendy: Erza, you're drooling...

Laxus: Huff... Huff... Huff...

"Again with that ? How many times does that make ?"

Laxus: It ain't got nothin' to do with you !

"Allow me to doubt. We're all in the same boat together here. You still haven't recovered for that time, did you ? One year ago, when you took in all those anti-magic particles."

Laxus: ... Don't you dare say a word to anyone.

"Tone down the death stare, will ya ? Brings back unpleasant memories."

Laxus: It ain't nothin' ! This just happens now and then. Nothin' to worry about. Until the battle is done, i'm gonna protect this guild, even if it kills me !

"Well, didn't you go through one hell of a redemption ? Remember when you tried to destroy that very guild ?"

Laxus: And remember when I told you how insufferable that hint of pity in your eyes was for me ? I haven't forgotten anything. And as soon as that battle's over, we'll settle the score.

Dimaria: It's a pretty nice town. i'm glad you didn't wipe it off the map, Wall.

Wall: Hya hya hya hya ! It wasn't my target. Magnolia was.

Dimaria: It's good you didn't destroy that either. Randi's imprisoned there. Just thinking of her humiliation makes my mouth water.

Wall: I don't get you humans.

Dimaria: Where's Neinhart ?

Soldiers: Still on the ship.

Dimaria: Oh, for pity's sake. one's a machine, the other refuses to cooperate, and i'm stuck looking after the both of them. i'm really missing you right now, Randi !

Serena: Yo.

Wolfheim: Are you the one who attacked the country of Bosco, you traitor ? Are you ?

Serena: It was not just me. It was a joint effort between August, Jacob, and myself.

Hyberion: Why do you defile the land of your birth... God Serena ?

Serena: I like that face you're making, Draculos Hyberion.

Jura: So, this is the highest-ranked of the Saint wizards, God Serena...

Warrod: And behind him, is one who is called the King of all magic, near and far, old and new, August. Their companion is also a Spriggan 12 member... And a genius in the art of magical assassination. Jacob Lessio.

Jacob: ... Nice hair.

Jura: Gh.

Kagura: We will take back Hargeon today !! Forward !!

Dimaria: After the humiliation I heaped on her yesterday, i'm surprised she's in such high spirits.

Wall: Ahya hya hya !

Dimaria: But today... Perhaps I'll choose someone else.

Sherria: SKY GOD'S HOWL !!

Soldiers: What's with this little girl ?! She's stronger than she looks !

Sherria: SKY GOD'S...

Sherria: H- Huh ?!

Dimaria: This one is mine.

Sherria: N- No ! Stop !

Dimaria: I really dig girls with looks like yours~. So I thought I'd play with you like I did that other one yesterday. Or at least, that's what I was thinking.

Dimaria: Today's fun will be different. You're a healer, right ? If I let you live, you'll just cause me trouble, so why don't you just die for me ?

Sherria: Wendy !!

Wendy: Sorry to keep you waiting, Sherria ! The Sky Sisters are back together !

Dimaria: You kicked me... In the face... ?!

Gray: Lyon !! We're advancing the front line !

Lyon: GRAY ?!

Juvia: Let's give it one big push !!

Lyon: Juvia !! 'She's still cute !' What are you guys doing here, anyway ?!

"Do you even need to ask ? This was our fight from the beginning. You other guilds just had to stick your noses in..."

Erza: For which we are immensely grateful !!

Kagura: Erza...

"For this once, can you follow us ?!"

Kagura: I will !

Wall: Really ? You came to us, Fairy Tail ?!

Laxus: So you're the one who did a number on Freed and the others ?

Wall: Heh. Who're they ?


Laxus: My friends, that's who !

*Southern Fiore, the battle to liberate Hargeon. Battling the Dimaria and Wall Divisions of the Alvarez forces, are the allied members of Lamia Scale and Mermaid Heel, who, after being forced to retreat, find new allies in Fairy Tail.

The Northern front. The combined forces of Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus have been in retreat under the murderous pressure of Alvarez's Bloodman, of the Spriggan 12.

And in Eastern Fiore... One battle is drawing to a close.*

Serena: Oh, come on ! Is this the best you can do ?! I didn't even need the others' help ! Guess being a Wizard Saint doesn't count for much, huh ?

Hyberion: God Serena...

Wolfheim: So he was this powerful...

Jura: Alas...

Warrod: Mavis... I wish I could have seen your smile one last time... Mavis...

Serena: Huh ? ... Warrod, I'm going to finish you off first. God bye-bye.

Warrod: 'Yuri... Precht... I'm coming to join you now... But... As one of the founders of Fairy tail myself... I will not let my death be in vain !' YOU'RE COMING WITH ME, GOD SERENA !!

Serena: Whoah ?!

Serena: Hey, you're not totally pathetic after all. HNG-

Serena: Hyberion ! Gah ! Ugh !!

August: Vampiric magic . And without direct contact. I'm impressed.

Jacob: ... ... ...

August: There is no cause for concern. Let us simply watch. We hardly ever get a chance to witness his power.

Hyberion: It seems you were overconfident, God serena.

Serena: ... Heh.

Jura: What is this ?! Is this... Earth Dragon-slayer magic ?!

August: No.


Jura: Fire ?! And water ?!

Serena: GALE DRAGON...

Jura: Now wind ?!

August: I believe that will suffice, God Serena.

Serena: ya think maybe I overdid it ?

Jacob: A Dragon slayer with eight dragon lacrymas in his body... makes a pretty tough enemy.

August: Hybrid theory. He has been blessed by the Dragon Gods.

Serena: Heh. Ain't no such things as a dragon god. Or dragon kings. 'Cause anything like a dragon is toast when I get through with 'em ! Nothin' holding us here, right ? So let's head for Fairy tail.

Warrod: ... 'We can't let him... get anywhere near the guild... We need help...'


August: Wh- What is this... This magic.. ? Who...

Acnologia: I smell dragon.

August: Acnologia !

Serena: ... ... I never thought you'd come to me ! I can't wait to take you down, that's why I-

Serena: ... Huh... ?

Acnologia: To be "Blessed by the Dragon Gods"... There's just one bearing that title. Only eight more now. I will wipe all traces of the dragons from this world.

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