Chapter 128: Historias

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Jacob: ... ...

August: Stop. You're no match for him. Perhaps the emperor will be, once he receives Fairy heart... We must make haste to Fairy Tail... So we may offer the heart up to the Emperor.

Erza: I can see the harbor !

Kagura: There's someone here !

Knights: We are the four heraldry knights of the Neinhart Division ! You won't get past us.

"Aaahhh... I'm afraid we don't have time for that."

Erza: Well, in that case... WE'LL JUST PUSH PAST THEM !!

Knights: Wha- GAH !!

Kagura: You two... Are you really supposed to be wounded ?

Erza: We work quite well together, don't you think ?

Knights: Fools ! There are FOUR heraldry knights !! You let your guard down !!

"It's you... I thought we agreed on meeting up sooner than that."

Jellal: Sorry, we had to split on the way here...

Erza: nevermind that, hide your face !

Jellal: No. i'm done running away. The reason I am here, is to take down Zeref !

Kagura: Jellal...

"Right... That problem..."

Jellal: What is that ?

"It'd be too troublesome to explain now... Just follow through, and don't try talking to her that much, please."

Jellal: ... I know this sensation...

"Me too... From a long time ago... And it's rather unpleasant..."




Kagura: What was that ?!

???: So many familiar faces... I wonder, have you missed me, Giratina ?!

"Not really... Zero."

Erza: Zero... ? As in, the Zero from Oracion Seis ?! But, didn't you...

"I'm pretty sure I gouged out his heart and cut off his head... So how... ?"

Jellal: Then it simply can't be him... An illusion ?

???: Heh... You're wrong.

*Spriggan 12: Neinhart*

Neinhart: This is a Historia for you lot. Love and friendship, and family... And death. Yes, and what a beautiful Historia it is ! I'm surprised you caught on so quickly. Yes, this is a Historia for you.

"... A memory that became alive once more. That is a whole new level of fuckery right there."

Neinhart: I'm a wizard of the heart. I peer into your hearts, and see the many memories and feelings within you ! And then... I make them real again. My magic is life-make. I create beautiful Historias.

"Quit it with the fancy speech ! All you're doing is reading our memories and creating illusions from it !"

Neinhart: Illusions ? Not quite. You saw it, didn't you ? My creations can use magic. They have personality and memory.

Erza: Kagura !! Jellal !!

Neinhart: Right now... i'm afraid you don't have time to worry about others.

"You again..."

Ikaruga: Could it be that you have forgotten me... ?

"... As far as i'm concerned, neither of us killed you..."

Zero: You don't have to worry about this.

Erza: How are you holding ?!


"I'm managing !!"

Ikaruga: What has become of you, Erza-Han ? You are lacking the edge you once had.

Azuma: It's 'cause she hasn't healed yet. Erza's normally a lot stronger than that.

Erza: A- Azuma !!

Azuma: Since it's the two of you... I want you to show me ! Show me your strength ! Ramus Sica !!

Ikaruga: New Moon school... Demon flash !!

Erza: Gh-

"Fire and Wind... Bi-elemental Dragon, FIRE TORNADO !! You said you wanted to see what we could do, I'd be more than happy to oblige !! Three on two... It isn't a bad ratio."

Neinhart: Delightful. What delightful Historias you have ! Your past is overflowing with strong adversaries... Next I'll pick... these ones... This is my magic ! I can bring back those you have fought before ! Historia of the dead !

"... You've got to be kidding me..."

Hades: Young lions like you... I don't remember my guild being so weak that it'd be pressed on by the likes of such worthless scum.

"... So even if he somehow brings them back, they don't obey him completely..."

Zero: Hades, guild master of Grimoire heart... So even you were done in by these weaklings ?

Hades: Shut your trap. Once i'm done teaching these younglings a lesson, you and that mug-face up there are next in line.

Azuma: M- Master Hades... ! And you...

Kyouka: It's been quite a long time, hasn't it ? Erza...

Erza: Kyouka...

"So it went from 3 on 2 to 5 on 2... Better split all of this up before they push our backs to the wall. Tempest dragon... TWISTER CYCLONE !!"

"I'm taking these two on a one-way trip. Erza, you know what to do, I think ?"

Erza: Clean up here... And finish up the enemy.

Kyouka: You shall give this one much entertainment !

Neinhart: Yes ! Entertain me, historias ! My little battlefield flowers ! Dimaria and Wall were so pitiful ! These wizards are no trouble at all !

Neinhart: I like that look in your eyes. You will make a fine Historia ! A beautiful corpse...

Kyouka: String her up !

Erza: O... Oww !! Guh...

Kyouka: This brings to mind... That dungeon torture chamber, does it not ? Do you wish to feel this one's tender touch again ? Hm ? Your sensitivity to pain is multiplied tenfold !

Ikaruga: Kyouka-han sure has unsavory appetites.

Azuma: You should give your opponents a quick death.

Kyouka: Heh heh heh... Shall this one raise your pain sensitivity even higher ? Or perhaps your pleasure sensitivity instead ? Does this bring back memories, Erza ? Tell me, do you think if I make you squeal enough, your little boyfriend will come running back ? Or maybe, he let himself get filled with despair again ? Which one do you think it is, hm ?

Erza: ... ... yes... I think that's enough of this reunion party. All of you... Without exception, stood against us as very powerful and challenging enemies. But... there's one thing you tend to forget...


Azuma: W- What ?!

"1... And 2. And soon three more will go back where they belong, as memories of the past. As memories we already defeated."

Hades: Hack... Gh...

Zero: Not again...

Erza: You get it, do you ? All of you, without exception, Fell before us as we defeated you !

Kyouka: S-SILENCE !! Hah-


Azuma: Th- Those eyes... !

Kyouka: This can't be ! I don't believe it !!


Neinhart: Wh- What's happening... ?! they... vanished... Did he... The sheer terror from having to face them again... All that pressure...

Erza: Gh...

"Whoa there... Why must you always go overboard like that, seriously... With how much we progressed in that year, I'm pretty sure you would've take them out easily, right ?"

Erza: I just wanted to see... Maybe I was a bit... Nostalgic...

"Unbelievable... But that's also why I love you..."

Kagura: Erza !!

"Hey, you two are late to the party. There's only a few leftovers left."

Kagura: You're bleeding everywhere ! Are you all right ?! Erza...

"If things went right, Wendy and Sherria should be done with their battle already. Please, take Erza and get her to these two. As for us... Jellal ?"

Jellal: ... ... ...

"I share that. But, you said Crime Sorciere was supposed to handle retribution for this kind of people. What is the sentence here ?"

Jellal: ... i'm sure we can figure something out.

"Now ain't that just what I wanted to hear."

Neinhart: 'Erza... That scarlet hair... her overwhelming Magic power... She... She couldn't be... Irene-sama's...'

Jellal: I will take... Just one more sin upon my soul. You don't have to follow me through that.

"Are you kidding ? These fuckers have the nerve of waltzing in here, wrecking everything up, and then act as if they own the place ? Sorry, but no. This is personal matter for both of us now."

Jellal: Very well...

Neinhart: What ?! What kind of magic is that ?!

"I hope you don't mind if I... Add my own flair to it... let open... Gate to the Distortion World... "

Jellal: Be judged by the Seven Stars...


Neinhart: GH... F- Finally !! I could see far enough ! I have it !! The perfect Historia for you !!

"What ?"

Neinhart: It's a pain to bring out something as powerful... So, have fun !

Jellal: Th- This is...

???: It's been quite a long time... So... How're you getting used to my powers, kid ?

Natsu: So it's decided !! I'll go blow away the guy coming from the east !!

Droy: You mean that scary August guy ?

Lucy: You can't take him on alone ! I'll go with you.

Happy: Me too !

Makarov: I don't know...

Natsu: I can't just sit by and wait for the enemy to come to us !

Makarov: he's the most powerful wizard out of all of the 12 !!

Brandish: That's not quite true. Technically, he's one of the most powerful.

Macao: Uwaah !! One of the 12 !! How'd she get out of her cell ?!

Natsu: I let her out.

Macao: WHY ?!

Natsu: 'Cause she's not actually bad.

Lucy: What do you mean ? There's someone else ?

Brandish: yes. There's something you people don't get about the 12. It's true that August is very powerful... But he's not the only one that gets called the strongest of the 12. And, if August is the strongest man in the 12... then she is the strongest woman...

Brandish: Irene Belserion ! They call her "The Scarlet Despair".

Irene: The sacred mountain, Zonia. This was the site of an ancient battle between the White Heavenly Maiden, and the Black heavenly Maiden. The White maiden emerged triumphant, and the area has been blanketed in an endless fall of pure white snow ever since.

Right: I'm surprised how well you know the legends of this country, Irene-sama !

*Alvarez empire, Irene Division: Juliet Sun*

Left: Didn't you know that Irene-sama was born in Ishgar ? You fool !

*Alvarez empire, Irene division: Heine Lunasea*

Irene: ... ...

Juliet: Hm ? Did you really want to mention that ?

Heine: Ah... No... ! I just meant.

Irene: heh. You two remind me of the black and white Heavenly Maidens.

Juliet: I call dibs on black~ !

Heine: You're obviously white ! Just how ignorant are you ?!

Irene: I wonder which one of you would win, if you fought each other... Just kidding.

Irene: Legend has it that the two heavenly Maidens were fighting over a man. It's a beautiful tale. A beautiful tale, but... I'm getting a bit chilly.

Juliet: Yaay !! That's Irene-sama for you !!

Heine: It's so warm...

Irene: ... Juliet, Heine, both of you head to the front.

Heine: yes, ma'am !

Juliet: Whaat , But whyyy ?! Didn't you say that Bloodman and Larcade would take care of everything ?

Heine: You have to add the "-sama" to their names ! Even if they're not your commanders, they outrank you, fool !

Irene: the third guest will arrive soon. The Pegasus and the Tiger were the first guests. The Fairies were the second. And now comes the third guest. They may be a bit of trouble. But, the most troublesome will be the fourth guest.

Juliet: You mean more are coming ?

Irene: Though they will be neither friend nor for. I suppose I shall be called upon to address that guest.

Heine: This new mystery guest must be a real fool then !

Juliet: yes, only a fool would make an enemy of the high-enchanter Irene-Sama ! Heh heh heh !

Irene: I have some preparations to make before the fourth guest arrives. This is the end of His majesty's invasion game. If he had simply fought like normal, we'd have won already. But I believe we can say the game board has been upended now, and a certain party is breaking the rules.

Irene: Acnologia. The Wings of Darkness. A black dragon is coming to the mountain where the white Heavenly Maiden was victorious. What better vengeance could the black Heavenly Maiden ask for ? But the one who will get the last laugh... Is the Scarlet Heavenly Maiden.

Irene: That reminds me... It seems the world calls me the "Scarlet despair"... Couldn't they pick something more charming ?

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