Chapter 129: Heritage

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... It cannot be..."

???: trust me, I'm just as baffled as you ! But on second thought, this really ain't that bad ! How have you been since then, kiddo ?

Erza: K- kiddo... ? Do you know him ?! Who is he ?!

"I sure know him... And, as a matter of fact, so do you... Even though you never met him, you already know him..."

"... Giratina..."

Jellal: Wait, Giratina ?! As in... Isn't that your middle name ?!

"And he's the one I got it from... basically... I'm kind of the reincarnation of this guy... It's a bit complicated."

Giratina: It really is. But now, there's quite a bit of things we have to discuss.

Neinhart: Gh... What are you talking about ! Stop blabbering and destroy them ! I didn't bother making an Historia out of you just so you could- ACK !!

Giratina: I'd watch my tone if I were you... The only reason you're still breathing now is because I need you to keep me here for a while. Don't forget that. Now... Let's get down to business, shall we ?

"... Just like the rest of them... Yet another ghost of my past I need to bury."

Giratina: Will you be ready to bury yourself, though ?

"I already did... And these two made me regret it afterward. And what you seem to overlook... Is how much I've grown since last time."

Giratina: Heh. Then show it to me !! Show me that wasn't a mistake of mine to let things to you back there ! Or else... I'LL TAKE BACK WHAT IS MINE, HERE AND NOW !!

Makarov: What ?! What's that light... ? That pressure...

Warren: It's coming from the south !!

Giratina: Now... Let us begin.

Acnologia: ... One is gone... But another one just appeared... Still eight left until every dragon has been slain.

Irene: Oh ? Is that your true purpose ?

Acnologia: ... Begone. I have no use for you.

Irene: How powerful you are.

Acnologia: You know of me, and yet you block my path ?

Irene: But of course... Acnologia-sama.

Acnologia: ... Perhaps you'll offer me a bit of amusement.

Irene: Yes. More than a bit...


Giratina: Is that all ?! You're being way less threatening than what I remember !!

"What, is there a problem on going easy against your elders ? And here I was being polite."

Giratina: No, that's not it... There's something wrong... Something's missing... GUARF- !!

"Keep that mouth of yours shut ! This is a fight !"

Giratina: ... ... ... I get it now. The facet of you that changed... You just grew way softer, didn't you ?

"S- Softer ?!"

Giratina: "This is a fight" huh ? Tell me... Was it a "Fight" when you were going up against Riser ? Against Kokabiel ? Or even against the White Dragon Emperor ? Were these "fights" ?

"Get to the point already !!"

Jellal: What is happening... ?

Erza: I... I have no idea... But this pressure... This aura... It almost looks like... A father scolding his son...

"Lost my touch... Are you for fucking real ?!"

Giratina: i'm just stating the obvious ! Back there, you had no qualm going at them with the intent to absolutely destroy them ! There was no fights, just slaughtering ! Straight-up massacres !! Doing things in such a light-hearted way now, aren't you ashamed of yourself ?!

"Are you trying to give me a lesson on how to live my own life ?! Old man, you've lost the right to meddle with that a long time ago !!"

Giratina: ... Then perhaps I should make you remember... That this name you've appropriated yourself isn't just for show... Let that old man pound this into that thick skull of yours !!

"... ... ... Let time spread to eternity... Let space shrink to infinity... The distortion to engulf them both... "


Giratina: Oh, what's that ? Is that an iota of your old pride I'm sensing right there ? Guess the apple don't fall far from the tree after all !

"The tree withered a long time ago already ! I'm not like you !! You only fight out of spite and hatred !"

Giratina: ... I see. On the meantime, you found a real reason for your strength... So you're telling me, you changed... because of these people down there ?


Giratina: Yeah, I can see that... When the bystanders aren't looking at you with fear in their eyes... But hope instead... So, I suppose, if I were to take them out of the picture first... It should have a nice effect on you.

"D- Don't you dare !!"




Jellal: *Cough* *Cough* Is everyone okay ?!

Erza: Yes... Just a bunch of smoke... *Cough*

Kagura: What the hell's happening here ?! First this guy comes out, they know each other... And now he makes it seem like he attacked us ?!

Erza: ... Making it seem like he took us out just to get what he wants from the other one... This sounds so familiar...

Jellal: Historia... of the dead...

Giratina: Go on, show me what you've got !


Giratina: H- Heh... ?


"Gaah... Haaah... Haah..."

Giratina: ... My point still stands. Had it been back there, you would've come at me with the intent to kill me. Or are you looking down on me that much ?

"Please... Like it could... Like something of that sort could keep you down... "

Giratina: Then what ? What are you after then ?

"... What are you after ? You just stroll in, and start bitching about what i'm doing with my life... You really think you've got anything to say in that matter ?"

Giratina: ... ... That kid who grew up without anyone... Whose loneliness brought him to curse the entire world... Whose hatred for those who looked down on him made him wish them death... Where is he ?

"That kid ? You lost the right to speak to that kid long ago, just like you lost the right to tell me what to do, and how to do it. And do you know why ?"

"Because that kid of yours... Simply grew up."

Giratina: ... ... ... ... Heh... Hehehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Erza: Y- Y/n ! Are you alright ?!

"Huh ? Well, I'm alright... Uhh, I'm more surprised about you being unscathed..."

Giratina: Hehehehe... "That kid of yours grew up..." That's a good one. But... I suppose there's a time when parents shouldn't get involved in their kids' life anymore... It's true that I wanted to scold you, you did inherit my title and power... But I'm not you. And as such, I can't tell you how to live your life...

"But you are me, in a sense... You're a part of me..."

Jellal: That's wrong. That magic, "Historia of the dead"... It only works on memories, on dead people... So if he was able to bring him out, then...

Giratina: Then it simply means all traces of me within you are gone.

"... You shitty old man..."

Giratina: I take that as a compliment, coming for you... And before I forget...



Giratina: Now that this is taken care of...

"You realize you'll just vanish with that."

Giratina: You said it yourself... I'm just a memory... I belong in your past, and nowhere else. Not even as part of you... As a god... Nah, scratch that. You are no god.

"Huh ?"

Giratina: Some would say it's better... A king rules over a kingdom... A god can rule over universes, or even aspects of reality itself... But they're still tied up in that. One can tell a king how to rule... One can tell a God how to act... But no one can tell a free man how to live.

Giratina: You are no king... You are no God... You're way, way more than any of that. Don't let anyone convince you of the opposite... And don't let anyone dictate you your life...

"... Just for that, heh ?"

Giratina: To think I had to literally come back from the dead just to act like a responsible parent... How miserable of me. And you, girl...

Erza: H- Huh... ?

Giratina: ... ... Looks like he really pays more attention on the inside than the outside. But please, try to keep an eye on him... he tends to get himself in trouble...

Erza: I know that already...

Giratina: ... That's about it, I think... Keep wrecking ass, kid, and always remember why and who you're fighting for... farewell...


Jellal: So he vanished like that...

"Not really... He just went back... To a place where his resting soul should never has been disturbed. And certainly not by that kind of guy."

Erza: ... What now then ?

"is that even a question ? I'll cry all I want once all of this is done, but for now... I just really itch to take down Acnologia."

Acnologia: ... So this one was just passing by... Only seven remain now.

Irene: Very well then... Shall we begin ?

Acnologia: An enchantment of the very air...


Acnologia: You can enchant everything around you ! A high enchanter ? HAHAHAHAHA !! Your magic power is impressive, for someone trained by the Black Wizard. Interesting.

Irene: Thank you for the kind words. And the rumors of you hardly do you justice. I see why his majesty is wary of you. However, I wonder how you will measure up once Fairy Heart is in his majesty's possession.

Acnologia: Are you saying the black wizard will surpass me ?

Irene: It is a possibility.

Acnologia: Are you telling me not to interfere with you humans until then ? Save your breath, you won't stop me.

Irene: "You humans" ? How odd. I thought you were originally human yourself. Still, you are correct. I do not want you to interfere. A part of his majesty thinks this is a game. I want him to be serious. I desire a swift end to this war.

Acnologia: What is this... ? Some magic I do not know ?

Irene: Yes... This magic did not exist four hundred or more years ago. This is a new generation of magic.

Acnologia: The Earth... The earth, all of it... is enchanted ?

Irene: Indeed. All the Earth in the Kingdom of Fiore.

Acnologia: Who... Are you... ?

Irene: My name is Irene. And I hope we will meet again... Acnologia-Sama...

Zeref: Irene... Did you actually use that magic ? World reconstruction magic... Universe One ?!

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