Chapter 130: Universe One

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*That day, a light enveloped Fiore. And, led by the light, everyone found themselves in...*

Mavis: .. H- Huh... Cana !! Cana, where are you ?! Urg... My body won't move right... Cana !

Mavis: Good, I can still use my magic. But, there's no one here... That light we saw... What could it have... Huh ?

Mavis: Zeref !

Zeref: Mavis.

Mavis: Where is everyone... ? Did you...

Zeref: No, it wasn't me. To be honest, the situation we find ourselves in has puzzled me as well.

Mavis: Why are you here... ?

Zeref: Why are you alive ?

Natsu: WHAT JUST HAPPENED ?! Wait ! First, where am I ?!

Lucy: On top of me, for one thing.

Natsu: Lucy ! Happy !

Lucy: August hit us with some attack... You can let go now, you know.

Natsu: That ? Nope, I canceled it out. I called out August on Twitter for his blackfa-


*A/n: Sorry, couldn't resist.*

Natsu: That ? Nope, I canceled it out. More or less. Good thing my magic is heat-based.

Lucy: You canceled that out ?

Happy: the big question now is, why are we here ?

Natsu: I don't smell Mest or Brandish. And there ain't no sign of August, either.

Lucy: So, what in the world happened... ?

"Okay, so... There was that big-ass light... And then everything disappeared... The harbor got replaced by some rocky mountains..."

Gray: Or maybe we are the one who moved...

"Gray ? Tell me, any signs of either Jellal or Kagura nearby ?"

Gray: Not that I know of...

Juvia: Gray-sama !! Juvia tried, but Wendy and Carla are nowhere to be found...

Gray: Even them, huh... Okay, we'll search next. Watch over Erza, okay ?

Juvia: yes !

"Time to do a bit of sky scouting, it would seem..."

Wendy: Gray ! Juvia !!

Carla: Erza ! Y/n !!

Wendy: What'll we do ? I think we've all been separated...

Carla: No scents ?

Wendy: None.

Makarov: What is this... ?

Jet: We're outside ?! Why are we outside ?!

Wakaba: Where are we ? What the heck happened ?!

Macao: Some people are missing !

Cana: Where's the first master ?! Has anybody seen the first master ?!

Warren: What is this ? This... isn't right...

Max: Who cares ?! Just find out where we are !

Mirajane: Huh ?

Lisanna: Why is everyone here ?

Jet: Mira... ? Lisanna... ? Didn't they go North... ?

Mirajane: the sky lit up, and suddenly...

Makarov: it's the same for us...

Alzack: The enemy ! there's a huge enemy force really close ! they're headed this way !

Mirajane: ... Master ?

Makarov: Everyone, prepare for battle !

Warren: ... Something's off about the shape of Fiore...

Brandish: You'll be all right now... I've decreased the size of the wound. August, what did you do ?

August: This wasn't me. It was Irene's "Compression".

Brandish: Compression ?

August: She enchanted all of the land and changed its form.

Brandish: Changed its form ?

August: A side effect is that people were sent to random locations in the reshaped country.

Brandish: What would be the purpose of that ?

August: it's merely a byproduct of placing certain people in a chosen place. I would suppose that she placed his majesty somewhere near Fairy heart, ad Acnologia as far away as possible.

Brandish: She wants this war over with, huh...

"Oh... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuu..."

Gray: See anything from up there ?!

"Uhhh... The problem is not about seeing anything... But seeing everything !"

Gray: What ?!

"How do I explain that... ?"

Mavis: In other words, everyone is scattered all over the kingdom now ?

Zeref: Of course, that is true to my people as well. And that's not all. The landmass of Fiore has shrunk. To perhaps one-twentieth the size. Or smaller.

Mavis: This is to increase the likelihood of Fairy Tail members encountering Alvarez forces ?

Zeref: I'd assume so... This is Irene's way of accomplishing what she wants. To end the war quickly. And here is Fairy Heart... Standing right in front of me.

Irene: It was my first time ever using that magic, but it seems to have gone well. At the very least, his majesty is in the guild and Acnologia is probably somewhere far out over the ocean. Now... To tell the truth, even I have no idea where I am, but this place is very interesting.

Irene: perhaps you'll tell me ?

Arcadios: Wh- Who are you... ?

*Led by the light, they found themselves in a warped kingdom of Fiore.*

Happy: Look !

Lucy: Both Kardia Cathedral and the Mercurius royal palace ?

Natsu: Were they always that close together ?

Lucy: They were in separate towns ! Now they're in the same location...

*All sorts of people and buildings were thrown together, seemingly at random. It's like they lost their way and wound up in a different world entirely. But what awaits them here ? Hope ? Or despair... ?*

Lucy: Kardia cathedral and Mercurius palace...

Natsu: What's going on ? Are Magnolia and Crocus one town now ?

Happy: But there's no guild here ! Or anything else ! there's no town !

Lucy: What ?! That can't be right...

Natsu: Hold it ! Somebody's coming. That smells...

"I'm taking exception to that, Natsu. You know I didn't have the occasion to shower in a while now."

Natsu: You guys ! Y/n ! Gray !

Lucy: Juvia !

Gray: Natsu !

Juvia: Lucy ! And Happy too !

Natsu: And... You're carrying Erza ?

"Yeah... We took a couple of hits, and Wendy's nowhere to be found..."

Lucy: We were on our way back to the guild, but... We have no idea where it could be...

Gray: Same here... That's quite the problem.

Arcadios: H- How can she be so powerful... ?

King: P- Please ! I don't care what you do to me... But my daughter... Let my daughter live... Please !

Irene: ... ...

King: HISUI !!

Arcadios: Th- The princess...


King: Wh- What did you do... ?!

Arcadios: The princess is a mouse... ?

Irene: Can you still love her in her present form ? Can you love your daughter now ?

King: Of course I can ! No matter what form she takes, she's my daughter ! i'm going to fix this, Hisui !! I'll get you turned back ! I swear it !!

Irene: ... This bores me... Huh ? I sense...

Happy: Guys... What... is that ?

Natsu: What ?!

"AN EYE ?!"

Gray: IT'S HUGE !!

Irene: That scarlet hair... It couldn't be... GAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!

Gray: Wh- Why did you throw sand at it ?!

"Huuuuuuh... Instinct... ? Nevermind that, we have to get to the guild."

Natsu: easier said than done ! We don't even know where it is !

???: The guild is to your...

"... Am I the only one hearing that... ?"

Lucy: No... There's a voice... It's coming directly into our heads...

Natsu: But who is it ?!

???: Head for the guild ! Everyone can meet there ! You've been separated by the enemy's magic ! You have to become one force !

"So wait, the guild is that way ?"

Natsu: We'd better get there then !

Happy: Aye.

Gray: Wait ! Do we trust that voice ?

Juvia: Will Juvia have a new rival in love ?!

???: Mavis is in trouble ! She's like a mother to all of you ! Each of you have a duty as her child ! So go ! Now ! GO PROTECT MAVIS !!

Natsu: ... LET'S GO !!

"But... Just who... What was that voice, anyway ?"

Natsu: What's it matter ?

???: That was way too overbearing. Couldn't you have sounded... I don't know... Nicer ? Are you really an old friend of the first master ?

Gray: That voice...

"... Gajeel ?! What in the name of all that's holy is happening ?!"

Lucy: So that other voice is on our side, for sure !


Zeref: ... ... It's been maybe a hundred years since we've had the chance to chat, hm ?

Mavis: 95, to be exact.

Zeref: I've sensed your voice and your presence all this time.

Mavis: ... 'i came up with one last-ditch plan to defeat Zeref. The first step was for me to return to my original body. As for the next... I understand the logic behind it, but... It's easier said then done...'

Mavis: M- My body... Ahh... !

Zeref: Stop that, Invel.

Invel: Your majesty... I understand you have a relationship with that girl... However, she is the physical host of Fairy heart. If she were to use that power...

Zeref: Mavis understands the dangers of Fairy heart better than anyone. She won't use it. Not even to kill me.

Invel: Yes, but still...

Zeref: She was trapped within a crystal for a very long time. It pains me to see her freedom of movement stolen away from her again. Invel.

Invel: ... Yes, sir.

Mavis: Huff... Huff... What is this... ?!

Invel: if I cannot restrain her body, at least permit me to restrain her mind.

Mavis: 'What did he do... ? My thoughts... Keep... Slipping away... No... ! I have... To focus...'

Zeref: You're such a worrywart. What will I do with you ?

Invel: as the country's chief of staff, it behooves me to exercise caution.

Mavis: 'I... can't think... ! What... Is this... Magic... ?!'

Zeref: You will come with me now, won't you, Mavis ?

Mavis: Urrg ! 'My body... is moving on its own... What is...'

Zeref: Have a look.

Zeref: Your guildmates are coming here to reclaim you and take back the guild hall. The question is, will they even make it to the doors ?

Ajeel: Ain't no way !! Not with the great Ajeel-sama here to stop them !

Jacob: And yet, you've already lost to them once.

Ajeel: So did you, right ?! Well, it ain't gonna happen twice !

Jacob: Agreed.

Dimaria: Randi ?

Brandish: Mari ?

Dimaria: I heard you were captured. They didn't do anything terrible to you, did they ?

Brandish: No.

Dimaria: I'll never say another harsh word to you ! We're going to destroy every last one of those animals together !!

???: Isn't friendship a beautiful thing ?

August: ... ... ...

???: As always, I am the only one August does not seem to like.

Invel: because you never answer his summons.

Mavis: 'That must be August... The one rumored to be the strongest... But this other one...'

Mavis: 'That magic... I've never felt anything like it...'

Zeref: Larcade is my secret weapon. He may even be able to defeat Acnologia.

Neinhart: Maintaining three Historias of my fellow Spriggan 12 is a bit taxing, to be honest.

Bloodman: have I really returned from the next world... ?

Wall: That makes sense... So yer bringing all 12 of us back together again, huh ? Ah hya hya hya !

Serena: Eight-dragon God Serena... Has been reborn !

Neinhart: No, all three of you are dead. So you'd better protect me, because if I lose, you'll all also...

Serena: Just leave everything to God !

Irene: A million soldiers and the 12. Quite fabulous.

Zeref: Irene.

Mavis: 'H- How can she have... So much power... ?'

Zeref: I will not question your use of Universe One now. It has worked out well.

Irene: Oh ? I was prepared to at least receive a spanking as punishment.

Zeref: I would like you to perform an extraction.

Irene: Of course. You want me to take Fairy heart out of that girl, hm ?

Mavis: 'Huh... ? Nobody can do that... !'

Zeref: Irene is a genius at extracting and inserting through enchantment.

Mavis: 'You're kidding...'

Irene: Still, it looks as though it will take quite some time.

Zeref: Take what time you need. It's in your hands now. Can you face the full might of our army, Fairy Tail ? We will not allow you another tomorrow.

"... 11, 12... And 13. There's no doubt about it, they're all over there. Without exception..."

Erza: Our guild used to be a beautiful building at the heart of a town that exuded warmth. But now it seems so warped and incredibly cold.

"... Get rest while you can, all of you... It may be the last dawn for some of us..."

Natsu: Nah ! It ain't gonna be our final anything. We're takin' back our guild ! This is for tomorrow... And we're gonna live to see it !

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