Chapter 132: Down by law

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Makarov: Huff... Huff... Huff...

Alzack: master !

Makarov: Don't bother with me... Move forward !!

Max: Forward ? Easier said than done... We haven't even made a dent... There's no end to 'em !!


Erza: Have no fear ! We shall open a path !!

"Master... please don't overwork yourself. After all, when all's said and done, we still need you to run this mess we call family. We're all going back together."

Makarov: of course we will, you brat !

Jet: WHOA !! Wh- What is that ?!

"... Again with that eye..."

Irene: Mavis... You cannot hide from me. My eyes sees all... You cannot escape !

Erza: It can talk !! Is that thing searching for the first master ?!

"Real good thing I put her in safety in the distortion world... So that giant eye belongs to one of the enemy's top fighters..."

Erza: The Spriggan 12 ?

"Most likely..."

Mavis: Run ? I am not running anywhere.

Levy: It's the first master's voice ! But from where ?!

Erza: ... Why is it coming from you ?

"Uhhh... So this is what it feels like to be a speaker... She's using me as a catalyst to make her voice reach everyone..."

Mavis: You are in our guild hall ! We'll be there soon to take it back ! To all my comrades listening to the sound of my voice ! Keep fighting ! I am with you ! Entrust your swords to me, the Fairy General !!

Wakaba: The first master ?! She's huge !!

Romeo: Is that... An illusion... ?!

Makarov: That is the first master's specialty.


Gildarts: Well, she sure got our attention, huh ?

Erza: Amazing how she can raise the morale of an entire army at once...

Irene: of course... She deduced what I would say and planned a response... What an obnoxious little girl. Very well.

Irene: Enchant !

Soldiers: Ohh... Oh... Ohhh !!

Max: What ?! What's up with the enemy soldiers ?!


Erza: Gh- !

Warren: erza !

"You've got to be kidding me... It was bad enough with their raw number, but they've powered-up now too ?! We've got to find whoever did that and take them out first !"

Irene: Fufufu... I'd like to see you try, fairies. Berserker enhances a soldier's fighting power several times over. Though they do lose their ability to reason, which can be a drawback. Now, how will you respond, Mavis ?

Max: They don't even feel pain ?!

"Kh... Everyone fall back for a bit ! I'll just bomb the entire area !!"

Erza: You can't! Some of us are further in enemy territory !

Makarov: ... is this where it ends... ?

"Don't you DARE give up ! I did once and that was the worst mistake of my entire life ! We will clear a path, just you wait !!"

Makarov: You will, for sure. But... My journey ends here.

Erza: I've seen this stance...

Macao: Fairy law ?!

Jet: Oh, yeah ! I forgot we had that attack ! we're gonna win !

Mavis: You mustn't !!

"First master ?!"

Mavis: Fairy Law drains your life ! The greater the number of enemies, the greater the toll on your body ! Against this many, you will not survive !

Romeo: You're kidding...

Makarov: First master ! I know. I've already made my decision. Please don't try to stop me. This is my final crowning glory.

Mavis: I have a plan ! It will get us out of this situation, so you don't need to-

Makarov: SHUT YOUR MOUTH !! I'm watching all of my brats suffer out here ! My brats are getting hurt ! They may just be members of an army to you... But they're my precious kids !

Mavis: I... Don't...

Makarov: Yes, I know ! I know your plan will lead us to victory... BUT I CAN'T STAND TO SEE MY BRATS SPILL ANOTHER DROP OF BLOOD ! I CAN'T TAKE IT !!

Makarov: I'm an old soldier. The time I have left is short. So if I can use what little I do have to give these brats a future... Then the price is cheap !

"M- Master !!"

Makarov: ... Listen well.

"I'm not listening to something like that !! You're coming back to the guild with the rest of us !!"

Makarov: No matter what trials you face in the future... You'll always find a way through them with everyone. Trust in them. Trust in yourself. Your guild is your family. Never forget that. I've had a delightful journey... thanks to you little brats.


Makarov: I have no regrets. Take care of them. Take care of each other !!



Erza: ... ... ...

Mavis: ... ... Aaa... Unnh...

Laxus: Please stand, first master... there are still enemies left to fight. And we can't win without your plan. It's what my grandfather would want, too.

"... I've made a promise... That I'd wait until the end of all of this to shed tears... But..."

Erza: 'I was happy as your child... Thank you...'

Laxus: ... Seventh master... What are the orders ?

"... ... Forward."

Zeref: How many did that take out ?

Irene: I'd imagine some 70 to 80 percent of our forces.

Zeref: I should probably compliment them on the effort. I underestimated them. I taught Mavis that magic many years ago, and it seems she passed it on Makarov.

Irene: However, it did not affect the remaining members of the Twelve... So it should have minimal impact on our chances of success.

Erza: How can you... Be fighting each other ?!

Natsu: Erza... ?!

Gray: You're crying...


Natsu: GUH !!


Gray: GAH !!

"You... Pair of absolute MORONS !! What has gotten onto you ?! TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THE PERSON BEFORE YOU ! Is he an enemy ?! Or a friend ?! I have no idea what happened for you to go that far, and honestly, speaking, I don't give a crap about it ! How can you throw everything away over one impulsive moment ?!"

Natsu: You...

"THINK BACK !! Weren't you guys growing up together ?! You... Listen, and listen well !!"

Makarov: Listen, and listen good !

Gray: The old man...

Makarov: You can fight every once ina while, that's okay. It's natural to have some conflicts when you're both being true to yourselves. But you can only fight if you have respect for the person your soul is clashing with ! You must not bring anger and hatred into that fight ! That's what it means to be family !

Natsu: ... ... ... *Fssshhhh*

Makarov: 'Cause I...

Erza: You see, we... We love both of you ! From the bottom of our hearts, we love you !

Gray: ... ... ...

Juvia: Gray-sama ! Juvia is all right ! Juvia is all right !

Carla: "All right" might be a stretch.

Wendy: Natsu, Erza and Y/n are her, too ?

Gray: J- Juvia... Urg.

Juvia: Gray-Sama !! Guh...

Wendy: Juvia !!

Carla: Honestly ! Those two always overdo it !

Lucy: Natsu... Quit making people worry about you !

Happy: NATSU !!

Natsu: Lucy... Happy... Heh...

Wendy: hey... Do you know what that light was ?

"... ... ... You already know what it was. Please, get Natsu and the other to Porlyusica, and fast."

Happy: Aye !



Carla: What just... What was that ?!

Irene: My, my... It has been a while, Erza.

Lucy: ... You know her ?

Erza: I don't ! Who are you ?!

Wendy: She... She kind of look like Erza-San... !

"She does... And her magic feels a bit similar too... Just who..."

Irene: I am you... And you are me.

Erza: ... I have no idea what you're talking about.

Irene: Kuku... Mmmf... Th- This is... It must be Larcade...

Wendy: What is...

Erza: I don't know, but now's your chance ! Take Natsu and Gray to safety !

Lucy: We're on it !!

Happy: Aye !!

Wendy: What are you planning on doing ?!

Erza: I must confirm the true meaning of this woman's words !!

Irene: ... Kuh...

"Mmmn... This... This feels weird... if this is something you do, please stop..."

Erza: You...

"This isn't the kind of opponent you can just take on by yourself... Especially when she's on a league of her own when it comes to magic power..."

Irene: ... You must be that "Fallen God"... And to think that even affected by Larcade's magic... You accursed brats !

Erza: What even is happening with that ?! Who is that Larcade ?!

Lector: All of the enemies in front of us were suddenly defeated in one fell swoop !

Frosch: Fro thinks so too !

Yukino: I haven't a clue whose magic that was, but it certainly bailed us out, didn't it sister ?

Sorano: How many times must I repeat myself... I'm not your sister, got it ?

???: I must say, that was quite the gaudy little spell...

Yukino: Who the... ?!

???: Thanks to that, our forces have been considerably dwindled... Quite troublesome indeed. And so it falls upon me to return the favor, if only a bit. I simply wouldn't be able to face my father otherwise.

Lector: He's so... Divine !

Frosch: Fro thinks so too !

Yukino: He's another one of the twelve ! I caught a glance of him in the North !

Sorano: Oh... ? If he thinks he can take on the two of us at the same time, he has another thing coming.

Lector: i'm here too, y'know... In case you forget.

Frosch: And Fro too !

Larcade: ... I said I'd be returning the favor, did I not ? That is to say... I shall "Take on" all those who dared oppose us.

Yukino: So bright... Light ?

Sorano: Aah... Ah~...

Yukino: Sister ! Sister, please hold on !

Larcade: let their pure, white souls ascend to the free heavens.

Zeref: Larcade, cease this at once. Our allies are suffering harm from your magic as well.

Larcade: Oh my... Please pardon my impetuous actions.

Lector: What was that magic just now ?!

Yukino: Why was my sister the only one affected ?!

Larcade: My magic is "Pleasure". It is impossible for those who have already tasted the forbidden fruit of pleasure to escape from my magic. I wonder... Are you aware of exactly what happens to humans who are granted pleasure over and over and over again ?

Yukino: Open !! Gate of the Twin fish !! Hah ?!

Larcade: It's really simple... they die. Knowledge is to ignorance as black is to white. May you come to know both pleasure and agony.

Lector: What's... happening... This feels bad... wait. On second thought, it feels really good !

Frosch: Fro too~ !

Yukino: Lord Lector ! Lord Frosch ! Come to your senses ! Aaaaah... !

Kagura: White ? Light ? Granting pleasure ? It's quite hard to fathom that you are a comrade of the black wizard.

Yukino: L- Lady Kagura !

Larcade: I am much more than his comrade... Zeref is my father.

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