Chapter 133: Dragon Seed

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Porlyusica: Gray and Juvia are out of danger. They look quite beat up, though...

Brandish: I shrank their wounds.

Lucy: Thank you so much, Brandish !

Porlyusica: Juvia in particular, owes her life to Wendy.

Wendy: I did all I could...

Carla: But the biggest problem is Natsu.

Happy: Aye.

Brandish: That tumor inside his body... My magic cannot treat it anymore. In short, whatever it is is far more powerful than any magic I have.

Happy: ... ...

Porlyusica: he moved within stopped time and attacked with full intent to kill... There is so much I can treat, but this... ?

Dimaria: he's a demon... There's no other explanation.

Happy: 'A demon... END.'

Lucy: Natsu's no demon !

Dimaria: What do you know about him ?

Lucy: I know way more than you.

Dimaria: You're wrong. People can't really know each other. Even the people you trusted can betray you. Can't they, Randi ?

Lucy: I guess it's true that Natsu's violent and doesn't know how to work on a team... But I don't think he could have a hidden dark side. That's not the sort of people he is.

Evergreen: See ? She's in loooove.

Brandish: That explains a lot.

Lucy: I am not !! He... He's the one who led me to Fairy Tail. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. So...

Carla: What is this ?! there's smoke coming from his body ?

Happy: Natsu !!

Porlyusica: Could it be that something is happening with the tumor inside Natsu's body... ?

Lucy: Hey ! Come on, Natsu... ! 'H- He's cold...' NATSU !! Wake up, Natsu !! Please !


Natsu: ... Where am I... ? Hm ? Is somebody there ?

Zeref: it's me, Natsu.

Natsu: ZEREF !! GRRRRRR !! Wah ?!

Zeref: So, as I was saying, this is not my physical form. You should calm down. We're inside your heart.

Natsu: Gh... Inside my heart, huh ?

Zeref: Yes... And as long as we're here, I give you permission to call me big brother.

Natsu: Not a chance.

Zeref: ... I regret to say this, but you will die very soon. And that is why I've come to fill in a few memories that you have forgotten.

Natsu: Huh ?

Zeref: Memories of the life you lived before you awakened in the year X777.

Natsu: I was with Igneel.

Zeref: Prior to that.

Zeref: We were living peacefully in a small village with our parents. But one day, a dragon attacked, and the entire village was lost Our father and mother... And you... Were all killed. But, you see... I studied and learned... And eventually, I was able to bring you back to life, as the final demon, E.N.D.

Zeref: Right, we have already discussed what happened after that. You were entrusted to Igneel, but it seems your memories of this point are somewhat vague. Perhaps because of Dragon Soul. Do you remember meeting Gajeel ?

Zeref: You two were always fighting. And when Wendy came to stop your fights, she was always crying. At that time, Sting and Rogue were about the same age as Wendy, and they looked up to you and Gajeel as older brothers.

Sting: Our dragons would all get together a few times a year, and they brought us with them. Not that either of us actually remember it, Natsu.

Natsu: Sting ! Where did Zeref go ?

Sting: We're inside your heart, remember ? Your consciousness just erased him.

Natsu: I have no clue what's goin' on !

Sting: Just come along. I'm sure some sort of answer will come to you.

Natsu: Answer ?

Sting: the truth about what's inside your body.

Natsu: ... Sting ? Hey, where'd you run off, Sting ?

Rogue: Sting ? I am Rogue.

Natsu: Huh ?! When'd that happen ?

Rogue: Weren't you told ? This is all happening within your heart.

Natsu: Well, you know... Even if it's inside me, it's still kinda weird when my tour guide changes.

Rogue: Your lack of focus must be to blame for that. Did you know that your scarf is made of Igneel's scales ?

Natsu: Sure did !

Rogue: However, Igneel is a red dragon. Have you ever wondered why it is white ?

Natsu: ... ... ... Hey, that IS weird !

Rogue: You've never ever considered it, have you ? After a scale leaves the dragon's body, its color begins to fade. But taht's not the most important part. Once the color of a dragon scale has faded, it becomes possible for human hands to touch it. Even you wouldn't think Igneel could knit a human-sized scarf... Would you... ?

Natsu: You mean he didn't ?!

Rogue: ... ... The one who knitted your scarf was a woman by the name of Anna. I assume you've forgotten that as well.

Natsu: ... ... Lucy ?!

Zeref: Yes, she and your friend do share a resemblance. Anna was very kind and caring.

Natsu: Zeref...

Zeref: Now... Your death is quickly approaching. And your final answer is within reach.

Your POV:


Irene: ... You think you can get me with such a trick ? Behind !


"KH- ! Fire element, Absorb ! Wind Dragon, CYCLONE WALL !!"

Erza: Heaven's Wheel...

"Light Dragon, Mirage of a million swords..."

"Haa... Haa... It would be god... if so much was enough..."

Erza: if it was, she wouldn't be one of the Spriggan 12... It will take far more than that to defeat her.

Irene: I see... An attack with countless swords converging on the targeted area. A wall of wind to confine the target's movement range. And finally, a mirage multiplying the swords. I must say, i'm impressed to see something of that caliber. Very well done !

Irene: I give you a flower !

"... She's just mocking us..."

Erza: Not only did she avoid, she rearranged all the swords...

Irene: It's two on one, yet you can't even manage to land a single hit on me ? It is pathetic, Erza.

Erza: What in the world are you ?

Irene: You haven't realized ? Ah... I believe you do have an inkling of who I am. You simply refuse to accept it.

Erza: I do not know you.

'... Be it looks, magic, or even simply the kind of aura they both give...'

Irene: I am your mother.

"... ... ... Heh... ? Your... Mother-"

Erza: YOU ARE NOT !! I was alone in the town of Rosemary ! I always thought I was an orphan !

Irene: And yet, your parent stands before you now.

Erza: there is only one person I will ever call my parent... And that is my lifelong master !

Irene: well... It does not matter to me. I couldn't care less whether I have a daughter or not. I thought you would be long dead by now.

"... There is one reason I'm still here. Had it be under any other circumstances, I would've let you two alone for all that family business. But here and now..."

Erza: This is a battlefield we happened to meet on. So even if it is true, any person who attacks our guild, is simply an enemy.

Irene: Yes... I see any who brings arms against the Empire in the same light. Even if it is my own flesh and blood. And yet... It would be unfortunate to die without knowing the secret of your own birth, you know.

"Is there so much about it to be called a secret ?"

Erza: Save your breath.

Irene: Still, fate has brought us together. Shall I entertain you with some stories from the past ?


"Don't rush in ! That's exactly what's she wants you to do !"

Irene: My name is Irene Belserion. And I was once the queen of the dragons.

*Four hundred years ago... In the Kingdom of Dragnof.*

Guard: I heard that people are being attacked on the Western continent again.

Soldier: You mean by dragons ?

Dragon: That's because the dragons on the western continent have no wisdom.

Soldier: Belserion-Sama the wise ! I see you are back from your investigation.

Belserion: Hm... It seems that things in the West are worse than I imagined. Is Irene here ?

Guard: Yes, the Queen is within the inner garden.

Irene: Belserion, you're back ? You are looking a bit pale.

Belserion: ... The Western dragons are eating humans. And they are bound to come here in Ishgar eventually. I am afraid nothing will stop them now.

Irene: Dragons eating humans...

Belserion: We must not allow the concept to even spread to Ishgar. We have come this far in cooperation with the humans.

Irene: The dragons' wisdom and strength have been invaluable to us as well. Humans and dragons can coexist peacefully... But if the views of the western dragons were to take root here... It would ruin the bond we have built.

Belserion: That shall never happen ! We shall protect the humans !!

Irene: That... Was the beginning of the war that would later be called the Dragon King Festival. Yes, it was a war that stemmed from the kindness of dragons.

"Wait, wait, wait... That was 400 years ago, when dragons were still alive... How could you..."

Irene: I will get to that presently. This is where it gets interesting. Erza... And you too, I guess, it should interest you.

*Dragons and humans lived in harmony for generations in my country... We walked the same path together. In that age, there were several such kingdoms in Ishgar.*

Crowd: Yesss !! You broke a steel sword with a wooden stick !! Your majesty, what was that ?!

Irene: It is called Enchant. It can strengthen abilities for a short while. I simply have made this wood stronger than steel.

Crowd: That's incredible !! You can use it to make the dragons stronger, right ? Now we'll win this war for sure !!

*However, our circumstances on the battlefield were not so favorable. The forces from the Western continent... Were joined by dragons from Ishgar who had no desire to live with humans.*

Belserion: We will be defeated...

Irene: I see...

Belserion: I have not lost the desire to protect the humans. No matter how many friends and allies I may lose, that will never change...

Irene: Why would you risk everything for us... ?

Belserion: I believe I have told you, that your predecessor once saved my life.

Irene: I believe you repaid that debt long ago. Why do you still feel compelled to serve me, and to battle for the humans ?

Belserion: Irene, I do not believe my debt will be paid until I have protected you to the very end. I will devote my entire life to that...

Irene: Belserion... Allow me to fight by your side.

Belserion: What a foolish suggestion ! We are fighting Dragons, not humans !! Even all you humans together could never beat a dragon !

Irene: But I have an idea for a new magic technique. I'm hoping that you... Can enchant me with your dragon power.

Belserion: A dragon's power... Within a human... ?

Irene: I need the power to fight evil dragons... To become a Dragon Slayer !

"To become... You mean... the Dragon slayers..."

Erza: You... created that magic... ?!

Irene: Yes. In a way, I am the mother of the dragon slayers. Well, safe for one, at least.

"... ... ..."

Irene: Let us simply say that the plan to grant humans the power to defeat dragons was a success. And many dragon slayers were born that way. That finally gave us an advantage on the battlefield.

*However, the power was too great. It ate away at the human body from the inside. Some could not control their power, and ran wild. As for others... The dragons' vision was not compatible with their sensory systems, and caused incapacitating illness. Also...*

Guard: Y- Your majesty... Your face...

Irene: Huh ?

*Something grew within the human body. A Dragon Seed. It turned that person into a dragon. The ultimate fate of the dragon slayers.

And it was at that very moment that you were within me... Erza.*

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