Chapter 134: Reborn

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Erza... Your father was a general from a neighboring country's army. Ours was a political marriage made at a time when humans warred with each other over territory. He and I fought together on many battlefields. And he was by my side when I bid a final farewell to Belserion. There was no winning nor losing when Acnologia entered the fray. The war simply ended. With nothing but contempt for the countless bodies he left in his wake, Acnologia departed the battlefield as the sole victor. But one week after that final battle...*

General: Stay away from me, you freak !! Or I'll cut you down !!

Irene: I am no different ! I am still Irene ! My face will heal ! I know it ! So please...

General: This creature will become the next Acnologia !!

Irene: I shall not ! Unlike him, I love dragonkind !

General: Then you're an enemy to humanity ! Seize her ! Take this hideous dragon woman and lock her up !!

Irene: You must stop this ! I am carrying your child...

General: You think I want a monster for a child ?!

*My life after that was one of degradation. Torture... Violence... Shame...*

Irene: ... ... Be at peace... I will... I will protect you !

Asshole: Dragon woman ! The date of your execution has been determined.

Irene: I beg of you... Please... Just spare the life of our child...

Asshole: I've had enough of this nonsense ! What child takes more than three years to be born ?!

Irene: I used magic... To delay the birth... I can't have my child in this dungeon !!

Asshole: There is no child !! You want to see ?! I'll split your belly in two and prove it !!

Irene: No !! Stop !! I BEG OF YOU ! NOOOOO !!

Asshole: Y- You monster...


Guards: Wh- What was that sound ?! It came from the dungeon !!

Guards: A DRAGON ?!

Irene: I am human !! I am a human being ! I never asked for this body !! I want my human body back ! Somebody... Help me...

*Several centuries passed. And through it all, you remained inside of me. I never stopped looking for magic that could cure my affliction, but I stayed deep in the mountains, where there were no people to bother me. And one day...*

Zeref: That's quite a rare sight. Dragons still exist ?

Irene: Who are you ?!

Zeref: Oh, I see. You're a human, aren't you ?

*That's how I met His Majesty. He was a genius with magic. What I could not accomplish in hundreds of years... Was mere child's play for him...*


Irene: H... Human... ! I'm human again... ! YES !! I finally have... My body back !!

Zeref: It is simply a different form. Unfortunately, you're already...

Irene: No ! This is fine ! I just... I look like me again... i'm so happy !

*But I soon realized that it wasn't the same at all.*

Irene: ... ... I taste nothing... No matter what I eat, I can't taste it !

Irene: I can't sleep ! I can't sleep ! I can't sleep ! I can't sleep ! I can't sleep ! I can't sleep !

Irene: I itch... I'm cold... It hurts... What am I now... ?! I just... Want to go back to being a normal human !

Zeref: It is simply a different form. You're-

Irene: I'M HUMAN ! I AM ! I AM HUMAN !! I want to give birth to my child as a human... With my human body.. Human...

Irene: I have... A human right inside of me... A human life... With a human... Body... If I could enchant this child with my very essence... Then I would have a human body again, wouldn't I ?

Irene: A new life... A new body... A whole new lifetime... I am you, and you are me ! We will become one... My child !

Irene: But I failed. It proved impossible to Enchant myself into my child's body. So I lost all interest in it, and threw it out like garbage in some out-of-the-way spot in a small town.

Erza: ... And that town was Rosemary ?

Irene: If I knew the name, I've forgotten it.


Erza: It's all right. I suppose I must thank you for bringing me into this world.

Irene: Keep your thanks. they're worthless, just like you.

"Now that's a word I hate hearing. To say that to your own child..."

Erza: I must also thank you for abandoning me. Because if you hadn't... I would never have found my true family ! Even if you are my flesh and blood, my own mother... if you decide to stand between us and our guild, I will cut you down !

Irene: I will not hesitate to do the same. I admit that I thought I might feel a bit of affection for you after revisiting my memories. But... Too bad ! My emotions were not stirred in the slightest !

Irene: I was chosen to be a queen, based solely on my skills with magic... Do you really think you can beat me ?

Erza: I can, because I have a real family !

"Wind and Light... JET-STREAM FLASH !!"

Irene: URG- !


Irene: AAAAAAAH !! You... How dare... To wound me... ?!

"I listened. I heard. And I understood. I understood bits of your pain. And even if anything I live could never compare to the centuries of misery you went through... That despair... that feeling of losing yourself, and the awful decisions it makes you take... I understand that all too well."

Irene: Fufu... You think you understand anything about me ? Remember that Dragon seed I spoke of earlier, do you not ? Right now, there should be one identical to mine, dwelling within you !

"I know. But it doesn't matter in the slightest. Neither to me, nor to any other dragonslayer still existing. Because for them, their foster dragon parents devoted many years of their lives to a magic that completely halted its growth."

Irene: What ?!

"As things stands now... None of them will ever turn into a dragon."

Erza: Probably not even Natsu.

Natsu: Huh ? Hey, where did everyone go ? Guys ?

???: The Dragon seed. That is the nature of what is inside of you. It is the seed of darkness within all dragon slayers. When it sprouts, it turns the wizard into a dragon. But I stopped its growth.

Natsu: Igneel...

Igneel: Your seed should have remained dormant forever.

Natsu: It's because you left my body ?

Igneel: No, that is not the cause. There is another seed within you. Perhaps we should call it a demon seed. It is the root of END. The two seeds are attempting to merge into one. That is what is happening within your body at this moment.

Natsu: ... And that's the reason that I'm gonna... Die ?

Igneel: Yes. You will die.

Irene: I see... Dragons entered their bodies in an effort to keep the Dragon Seeds from growing... ? The dragon who gave me his power, Belserion, died in battle. And I carry on his name. I have vowed to avenge his death.

Irene: And now... I learn that his magic could have inhibited the Dragon seed's growth... ... HOW UNJUST !!



"... Convergent Evolution. How two different unrelated species manage to evolve towards a similar form despite having nothing to do with each other. Just to say, I'm not exactly the same as the dragon-slayers you created. But even so, it's safe to assume that something similar to the dragon seed was planted inside my body. And as you just said... It's true that the dragon inhabiting me at that time had neither the time nor knowledge to prevent its growth."

Irene: THEN WHY ?! HOW ?!

"Simply... He did the opposite. Instead of trying to halt it, he made everything to cultivate it. Honestly, I think that at first, he had planned to fully turn me into a dragon, then hijack my body as his own. Kinda like what you wanted to do, right ? But just like with you, it just didn't work out in the end."

"Now, to answer the question of my human body... That can be summed up with just one word: Soul. The Dragon seed, when it sprouts, turn the wizard's body into one of a dragon, yes... But you experienced it first-hand yourself, right ? The soul stays what it was. Regardless of what changes the body can undergo, one soul just can't be tainted that easily."

Irene: The... Soul... To have two souls in a same body is asking to turn properly insane, moreover if both souls weren't together from birth !

"It is true. And now I understand why Zeref uses books as catalysts for the demons he created. Because much like a story, a soul writes itself down as it lives. And it is also true, that one 'Book' can only hold enough for one soul to write itself. But... if one were to wipe that book... To take all the first chapters, and make them blank."

"If the first years of someone's life were to disappear altogether... Then maybe their book would be able to hold on to two different souls, wouldn't you think ?"

Irene: ... What... ?

"It's funny, isn't it ? How everyone's past here has been stolen, one way or another."

Irene: ... Funny, you say... So that's how... You lost the most important memories, the ones built as a child... But the seed...

"Has sprouted a long time ago already. And just how all the other dragons managed to halt its growth, by fusing the souls of the human and the dragon together, it allowed the tree born from that seed to grow even further... To a point the fruits it would bear could be harnessed by the host. In a sense, I'm closer to you or Acnologia than to them. Instead of resisting it, I accepted and embraced it. A hybrid soul inside a human body."


"Because you think I wanted it ?! But, if anything, I suppose I should thank you... That we should thank you"

Erza: Perhaps. But for now... if you don't want this body, THEN WE WILL PUT IT TO REST !!



Irene: ... I get it now. The truth behind enchant. Did it fail because you were an infant, or because you and I were related... ? Or, is it just that Enchantment cannot work on a person's whole personality ? But I was mistaken. It's true... A book that could hold on two souls... If you can wipe it clean, it can become a perfect canvas. And with a body that has already tamed the growth of the dragon seed...


Erza: ... N... No... !

"... ... Fu... How I have waited for this moment... Even though my magical abilities have been reduced, it doesn't matter right now."

Erza: Y- Y/n...

"A new body ! A new life ! Irene has been reborn !"

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