Chapter 135: Scourge of the Universe

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"A new body... My body..."

Erza: No...

"Now, let's see... Mostly internal injuries, bruises all over, and a nearly broken arm...But this hardly matters. It moves for me.. Even though, a man's body would never have been my first choice, it'll have to do for now."

Erza: I- Is Y/n...

"That's nothing more than a lump of flesh now."

Erza: Where is he ?!

"He no longer exists. Except as me, so to speak."

Erza: Stop lying !! Get out of his body !!

"How dim can a child be ? This isn't some fleeting possession spell. I am him now !"

Erza: GUH- ! How... dare you...

"Oh, my. I lost less power than what I expected... Maybe I even gained some in the process, even... I suppose this was to be expected, from a body that overthrew a god... And speaking of... Is that... A ring... ?"

Erza: Urg... Guh...

"... It is a ring ! My, that's just the icing on cake ! That's just so adorable ! He wasn't just one of your friends, he was you significant other ! How fitting that the daughter of a monster could only fall in love with another monster ! That's just precious ! Now I almost feel bad for stealing that from you... Almost~."

"Haaa... But that's just another reason to end playtime, right ? It just wouldn't feel right that my daughter suddenly became my... Hmm, I don't think you married already... Engaged ? It's just not right for my daughter to become my fiancee, even for a short time. HOW ELSE AM I TO ENJOY MY NEW LIFE ?!

"Hm, this is a bit different from the regular dragon slayer magic... I can see now why Acnologia wages nothing but destruction, this feels exhilarating !!"

Erza: AAAAAHH !! Y- Y/n !! Get her out of your body !!

"Don't waste your breath ! His consciousness has perished ! I AM HIM NOW !! Y/N BELSERION !!"

Erza: You can't have him... YOU PARASITE !!

"... Can you really bring yourself to cut up... The body of your beloved ?"

Erza: Kh- !

Kyouka: It looks like he values you way more than he values himself after all.

"The path that lies ahead... Will you take it with me... ?"

Erza: You never learn, do you ? This time... It'll be my turn to keep you out of harm's reach.

"Hahahaha !! You're far too soft, Erza !! I'll just enchant your armor... To explode !! Now DIE-"

Erza: Guh... It... It missed... ? What was that...

"Gh- HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !! IT... IT BURNS !! Why was.. Why the hell did it go off point-blank ?! GURCK- !!"

Erza: She... Attacking herself... ? What is that ?!

"Guuuuh... That body... It's not... It can't be possible... No..."

*What word exactly did you not get when I said "A body capable of hosting two souls" ? If even a god wasn't able to take it for himself, you have no shot at it either.*

Erza: That voice... That's... !!

*I'm really sorry about all of that, I just had to deal with some sort of annoying freeloader all of a sudden.*

"You... Taking back control... Impossible..."

*They say the pen is mightier than the sword... I'd say the soul is mightier than the body. And in that case... That kind of Soul Magic is one of the very few things I actually asked him to teach me. So in short... One of us is getting out of here ! Soul Extraction...*

"N- NOOOO !!*


"... ... ... ..."

Erza: ... You just enjoy making me worry about you, don't you ? Can't say I exactly dislike that about you, though...

"... Neither do I... It's worrying about your loved ones that'll get you into an early grave, Erza."

Erza: H- Huh... ?

"Eh... Ehehehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHA !! ALL THAT BRAVADO FOR NOTHING !! All that talk about the soul being the mightier, and he just erases himself in the end !!"

Erza: What ?!

"So where were we before that inconvenience... Right, I believe that was..."

???: You getting the hell out of my body, for starters. We can work the rest from there.

"H- Hah ?!"

Erza: You...

Irene: I know this must be extremely confusing for everyone... But the solution just presented itself to me. If you're taking what is mine... I just have to take what is yours left in return.

"You're... In my body... That's a feat only a high-enchanter could pull off !"

Irene: How many times do I have to repeat until you get it ? I'm a soul with a body, not the opposite. I just need a vessel to move around, that's all. And that one will have to do until I get the old one back.

*A/n: For obvious comprehension reasons, I will now switch who speaks. I will indicates whose soul is talking instead of whose body is.*

"This just feels wrong, in so many levels... My back is killing me, and... Something clearly missing down there... Very weird."

Irene: Kh... No matter... I still have your body ! You can't do a thing !

"Interesting point, care to test that out ? Erza, get down !!"

Irene: K- Kh !! Urnng... He's pushing... Me back ?! Why can't I muster any strength ?!

"Some say the pen is mightier than the sword... I say the soul is mightier than the body."

Irene: The soul... Does your body not hold any power ?!

"All you got your hands on is some empty shell. On the other hand, this is quite the weapon you gave me. So if you don't want to get burned to a crisp, GIVE ME BACK WHAT IS MINE !!"

Irene: You little...


Erza: Wh- What are you... ?!

Irene: Are you sure you want this body back now ?! I've finally gotten a human body, and I'm never giving it back ! Never !!

"This is merely but a vessel I created when the old one died ! Destroy it if you want, I can make another one ! On the other hand, you will just vanish if this keeps up! So make up your mind, and quick !"

Erza: Y/n !!

Irene: DAMMIT !!

"... ... Phew... It feels good... To be back..."

Erza: Is it really you this time ?

"Yeah... But... She didn't do a half-assed job at messing me up... You mind taking it for a bit from here... ?"

Erza: ... Yes. I will finish this.

Irene: ... You little brats !! Right away ? Surely you jest. I have been doing magic for over four centuries !!

Irene: I protected you for four hundred years !! Yet, once born, you have been of no use to your mother whatsoever ! And now you intend to block my path to happiness ?!

Erza: I can see that you re suffering ! But... I SHALL NOT BE DEFEATED HERE !!

Irene: What do YOU know of suffering ?!

Erza: After you abandoned me in that town, I was captured. I was held by a religious cult... For years ! Perhaps I did not suffer much compared to you, but that time is what made me who I am ! Now I have people I hold dear !

Erza: Because I had them, I was able to overcome any misfortune !

Irene: Your pretty words ring hollow ! I detest every single thing about you !! I should never have had you in the first place ! I want you dead !! WIPED FROM EXISTENCE !! DIE ! DIE !! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH !!

Erza: W- What... ?!

Erza: A dragon ?!

Erza: 'Sh- She broke my bones... With one attack...' A- Aaah... Kah ! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH !

Irene: You are immobilized now ! The wisdom of a dragon can greatly increase the power of one's Enchant magic. This goes beyond even High Enchant... Up to the level of Master Enchant !

Erza: Unm... Urg...

Irene: This power transcends earth, sky, and water. It is an enchant that reaches the very Heavens !

Erza: 'M- My body... Won't move...'

Irene: Now, you will be ground into nothing, Erza !!

Erza: Th- That's just impossible... That's a level above Jellal's magic ! If that hits me, I'll be dead for sure ! ... No... It won't be just me dying... Everyone nearby will... Damnit ! Move ! Move for me ! This body must move !

"... I am not afraid of death, Erza..."

Erza: Y- Y/n...

"However... For everyone else's sake... This is something I can put everything on the line for."

Erza: You're not gonna...

"This already happened, don't you remember ? Back on Tenrou island..."

Erza: You don't mean...

"Even though I had died at that time... This is our only chance here. Let me be your sword, Erza !"

Irene: This is where you meet your end, Erza !!

Erza: Right now, I can only move my right arm...

"That will do ! Put everything you have in that strike, and leave the rest to me !!"

Irene: You're attacking a meteorite ?! How witless can this child even get ?! NO HUMAN ALIVE CAN EVER HOPE TO STOP A METEORITE !!

Erza: Not alive... Not human... But a bit of everything. Before I knew it, people started calling me Titania ! To tell the truth... I never paid much attention to that. But if you're a queen of dragons... then I don't mind being Titania, the queen of the fairies ! BECAUSE A QUEEN IS SOMEONE WHO LOVES AND PROTECTS HER PEOPLE !! AND I PROMISE I WILL ! EVEN IF MY BODY FALLS APART !! PLEASE, GIVE ME STRENGTH !!

Irene: '... I do not... understand my daughter... But no human could... Only a god would be able to... A god...'


Irene: That's...

"I'm a soul with a body. All you got your hands on is an empty shell."

Irene: IT CAN'T BE !!

Erza: Alone, maybe none of us could do that. But we are the strongest, when our souls are as one !


Irene: That shouldn't... Even be possible... !! Who... What are you ?!

'Erza': ... As One... Not just the two of us, but all of Fairy Tail... We will destroy you !! PREPARE TO DIE !!

Irene: Even if you can cut a meteorite, you can't pierce the armor of a dragon, Erza !!

Erza: You never get it ! Even if I can't alone, together there is nothing we can't do !

Erza: Kh... Haah... urgh...

Irene: You... You've caused no end of trouble for me... You brats... Now, you die. Accept your fate.

Irene: ... ... ...

Irene: It's a girl... I'm so glad... She will be my new body... My new life. Once I enchant myself into her... I can bid farewell to this cursed body forever ! I have waited 400 years for this... For this very moment... now, you will be my vessel !

Irene: ... ... Why do you smile... ?! Why... I have suffered 400 years for this ! I mustn't hesitate now ! It is my natural right ! This child is my property, to do with as I please ! Stop that... PLEASE STOP SMILING !



Irene: H- Hah... W... You...

"... ... ... ... Haah... Haah... Even... In death... You will not... Lay a single finger on any of them... neither you... NOR ANYONE TRYING TO ATTACK FAIRY TAIL !! I WILL PROTECT THEM, EVEN FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE !!"

Irene: GH-

"You think I missed that last time ? Then I'll show you ! Soul Extraction, SEVERED LINKS !!"


Irene: I... I'm not hurt... What did you do to me... ?

"In a sense, what you wanted so badly. Getting you rid of that cursed body of yours."

Irene: ... ... Why... ? You could've killed me easily... Why sparring my life, going as far as that... When yourself are already dead...

"... You're not as evil as you say, and you realized it already. Otherwise, you wouldn't have hesitated to deal the finishing blow... Despite all you say, it's still here... That love for your own daughter."

Irene: ... Pathetic... I am the most powerful woman in the Alvarez empire... And I am pitied by the enemy I sought out to kill... And to be unable to kill my own daughter... What a humiliation...

Irene: ... It wasn't just "Still there"... It was always there. I... the truth is, that I chose not to enchant myself into her. When I was faced with Erza, my newborn baby, she was just too precious. I abandoned her before I could change my mid... But with everything else, I wouldn't mind if you didn't believe me... It was her smile that... I suppose, made me remember... How much I loved her...

"... ... And there goes my second question..."

Irene: H- Huh... ?

"You saw the ring we share... So I'm asking you... Your blessing for Erza's hand in marriage..."

Irene: ... ... Fu... Fufufu ! Hahahaha ! In the end, you are a curious one ! ... I abandoned Erza when she was a baby... At that moment, I relinquished my role as a mother... Even if I were to say no... This is her decision to make, not mine... All I can say, is telling you to beware of what's to come, and also... Thank you...

"... ... ... Farewell..."

Erza: Mother...

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