Chapter 23: Alcohol=danger

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Mirajane: Everyone ! From today onward we can receive job requests again ! Though this took a long time everyone should work hard at their jobs !!


Lucy: Why are they so excited ? Usually they just fool around and drink.

"Pretty sure most of them are just like you. Broke as hell."

Mirajane: Ahaha.

Lucy: Speaking of which, Loki isn't here...

Mirajane: Ah- ah... Did Lucy fall into Loki's hands as well ?

Mew: I'll go order the flowers...

Lucy: NO !!! That... It seems he helped me find my keys, so I just wanted to thank him for that.

Mirajane: Mm... If I see him I'll help pass your message. Don't talk about that, you lost the keys. Are the stellar spirits angry ?

Lucy: Haha... That... Already... Isn't just at the level of angry...

Aquarius: I told you not to lose the keys again, you bitch. Understood ?

Lucy: Haaaaaaaaa...

Lucy: Just thinking about it makes my butt hurt...

Gray: Do you want me to cool it ?

Lucy: Don't pretend to be a gentleman. That's sexual harassment.

Happy: Lucy, let me see your red butt.

Lucy: This is obvious sexual harassment !

Natsu: If I make her butt hurt more, I wonder what expression Lucy will have.

Lucy: YOU'RE A DEVIL !!!

'Thank Arceus he's not..."


Lucy: Erza ?

Laxus: Then I'll say it more clearly. This guild doesn't need weak bastards.

"Is that it ? Then why are you still here ?"

Laxus: To be looked down upon by a guild such as Phantom Lord... How embarrassing. I couldn't face anyone.

Erza: You bastard...

Happy: Laxus is back ?

Mew: And he brought his arrogant side with him, as usual.

Lucy: S-Class Laxus...

Laxus: I'm talking about you three. I heard that you guys were beaten up by Gajeel ? Speaking of which, what are your names ? Who are you guys ? You're a disgrace !

Lucy: He's too much...

Laxus: hey, isn't this the princess who's the cause of all this ?

Mirajane Laxus !! the matter is closed. There was no talk of blame from the start. You don't need to add oil to the fire. Master said that.

"You know, Laxus, for someone who bluntly refused to take part in that, you sure talk big."

Laxus: of course it doesn't have anything to do with me. But if I was there I wouldn't get beaten up horribly. isn't that right, Mr.I-got-my-ass-handed-to-me-three-times-and-almost-died ?

"Now you're really asking for a beating..."

Laxus: Come on, attack me with your poor water, see what you can do.

Natsu: LAXUS, YOU BASTARD !! Duel with me !!! You unfeeling, unreasonable bastard !!!

Laxus: Ahahaha... You can't even touch me, and you still talk about dueling ? If I succeed the guild I'll erase all the weak shits away !!! And every single one who opposes me !!! I WILL BUILD THE STRONGEST GUILD !! A GUILD THAT NOBODY WILL LOOK DOWN ON, HISTORY'S STRONGEST GUILD !!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!

"I'm anticipating the moment when I'll finally put him back to his place."

Mew: Please leave a piece of him to me. He dared to call me a "Useless marshmallow" when he first saw me.

Lucy: Succeed... What nonsense is he talking about.

Mirajane: It's not really nonsense. Because Laxus is master's blood and flesh grandson.

Lucy: HUH...... ?!!!

"I know, it's always surprising the first time."

Mirajane: So if master retires, the probability of Laxus being the next master is quite high.

Lucy: How... How can that be... But... I don't wish at all... For a person who looks at his comrades that way to be the master.

Mirajane: that's why there's a rumor saying the master can't retire because of that.

Lucy: Is he waiting for that person to become more mature ?

"At this point, it's only a rumor. As far as I know, the master hasn't said a single word about this matter."

Natsu: That bastard Laxus...

Erza: Forget it... It'll be very troublesome if you try to fight him. How about this ? Want to take up a job ?

"Good idea. I need to blew off some steam after that."

Erza: of course, Gray and Lucy should come too. Ever since the Eisenwald incident, we keep gathering together. We're like a little team, aren't we ? Us five, and seven, if we add Happy and Mew.

Max: Fairy Tail's strongest team is born !!

Vijeeter: Yeah !

Jet: Is Lucy actually one of the strongest... ?

Droy: I think if she calls out Aquarius I'll have no chance of victory.

Levy: In... Indeed...

Warren: You guys are the strongest !!

Natsu/Gray: With.. With this guy...

Erza: Not happy ?

Gray/Natsu: No, extremely happy !!!

"Alright, here we go !! Disband the dark guild in Lobinasu city's rural district !"

Erza: Very well then, what are we waiting for ?

Lucy: All right !! Another job done !!

Taurus: Mooo !! You were beautiful, Lucy !!

Natsu: But man, these guys barely even put a fight...

Gray: Weaklings like these shouldn't go around stirring up trouble...

Extra N°784: Think you'll get away with doing this to us... Devon will never stand for it... !

Happy: Oh, we beat him up a long time ago, already.

Extra N°784: Whaaa ?!!

"We're done up here too."

Lucy: That's our S-Class mages !!

Future ground meat: Unhh... Nhhhh...

Erza: Hm. NOT A CHANCE !!! It looks like you need a little more punishment.

Ground meat: AAAAAAAHHH !!

Taurus: Aaaaaaahhhh... Lady Erza, please punish me too !!

Lucy: Close, gate of the bull !

"But seriously, that job was way faster than I thought it would be..."

Natsu: Damn riiight !! I needed more chance to go wild !!

Lucy: I think you went plenty wild enough...

Happy: hey Lucy, check out this jewel !

Lucy: AAAH ! You can't just take things like that !

Erza: Well, we've got lodgings for a full day left... Leisurely sort of town, this one. Let's stay the night and then head back.

Natsu Why ? We've gotta get back quick and find another job !!!

Mew: Hm ? Hey, look over there...

"Boom. Isn't that Loki right here ?"

Gray: Huh, what a coincidence.

Natsu: You git work around here too ?

Loki: You guys too ?

Lucy: Ahh, just who I was looking for ! About the keys earlier-

Loki: LUCY !!! Well, work to do, must dash. Bye.

Lucy: ... What's with him ?!

Mew: The real question would be, what did YOU do to that guy ? You sure scared him good.

Lucy: I haven't done anything !

*This is a small town, just a little way West of Magnolia... Balsam town. It's a great sight-seeing spot for oriental architecture. Our latest job was to take out a group of thieves who had settled in some nearby castle ruins. We finished up pretty quickly, so now we're staying the night here, but everything changed, when the fire dragonslayer attacked...*


Happy: Yaaay !!

Gray: Ugh, keep it down guys, I'm sleepy over here.

Natsu: Hey, come on !! We're at a hotel right now !! And if you're staying at an hotel, you've gotta have pillow-brawls !!!

Gray: Isn't it "Pillow-fights" ?

Erza: Hahah... I have secured all of the best pillows. You fools Stand no chance !

Lucy: The "Best pillows"... ?


Gray: Oh dear... BUAAAOH !!

Erza: Fool.

Gray: Natsu, why you... !!!

Natsu: GUAGHH !

Erza: Not bad !

Lucy: Ahahaha ! Maybe I'll give this a go too !


Natsu: Y/n, you're late ! We've already started the pillow-brawl !

Erza: Where's Mew ? I thought you were looking for her.

"Yes, and I found her. She was at the bar drinking her 4th cocktail."

Gray: Yeah, and so ?

"I'm not finished. Those have higher alcohol concentration than wine, and each drink was as big as her, so Please, if you don't want to meet a horrible fate, just ru-"

Mew: Y/nnn, Getz yuuur zorry ass back heeere RIIGHT NOOOW !!!

Natsu: And why is it dangerous ?

"She found the room where they keep all the pillows. Fly, you fools !!"



Natsu: A stray shot !!

Gray: She got Lucy !! Ice mages and flying cats first !!!


Lucy: Maybe I'll sit this out. I'd die...

Lucy: Ahhh... Are those guys really even human... ?

Happy: Where are you going, Lucy ?

Lucy: Taking a walk, since I wouldn't last two seconds in a pillow fight with those guys...

Molester N°1: hey there, young miss. You look great in that yukata. Sight-seeing ?

Molester N°2: Us, we came from over in Oshibana, yeah ? So how about it ? Come for a drink with us, yeah ? It'll be funky.

Lucy: Sorry, I already have company.

Molester 1: Oh, come on... Just for a little while... ?

Lucy: Sorry.

Molester 1: And when you say "company"... you mean the cat and that...

Plue: Puuun !

Molester 2: Well, whatever, we don't mind if you bring your little funky friends along... Let's go, yeah ?

Lucy: Pushy, aren't you... Look, you guys... Just cut it out... ! 'Huh... What's this... ? My body... It won't move... !!'

Molester 1: Whaddya say ? Play with us a while... ?

Molester 2: Let's make this a real funky night, yeah ?

Lucy: 'Are these guys... mages ?! This is bad !'

(Of course that's what I meant, what are you guys imagining again ?)

Lucy: huh ?

Molester 2: Wh- Who the hell d'you th-


Molester 2: GUAHH !!

Loki: Y- Y/n ?! What happened ?!

"Lo... Loki... I want you... To hear my last words... And tell the others... My message... Don't... Don't... Don't let Mew near Cana, no matter the cost... Blerg."

Loki: ... What... ?

Happy: Mew, alcohol, pillows. A deadly equation. May he rest in peace, we'll forever remember him...

Plue: Puuuuun...

Lucy: Loki !!

Loki: I'm very sorry.

Lucy: For what ?!!

Loki: These punks are rogue mages, they're known for preying on women... I was in the middle of a mission to capture them.

Lucy: Ohhh...

Loki: Well, I'll just be turning these guys in. See you later.

Lucy: Hey... Thanks for saving me, okay ? And for finding my keys for me...

Loki: Oh, don't worry about it...

Lucy: Hey... if you don't mind, could you come with me for a bit ?

Loki: Huh ?

Happy: C- C- C- COULD THIS BE... ?!!!

Plue: PUPUU !!!

Lucy: Oh, shut up.

"I'm bringing the candles~."

Lucy: Weren't you supposed to be dead ?

"I recover fast."

"Alright, I get that the joke of the 'You're in love' isn't funny anymore, but sitting so far from each other won't take you anywhere."

Loki: S- Sorry...

Lucy: I've been wanting to ask you for a while, but what exactly is the deal with you and stellar spirit mages ?

Loki: ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Lucy: if you don't want to tell me, that's okay... But you know, I'm just who I am...

Loki: yeah, I know that. I'm sorry... really... If I've been bothering you, I apologize You should just forget about me.

Lucy: What's with that ? You sound like you're breaking up with a girlfriend or something !

Lucy: Sigh... Well, whatever. I was just wondering... Thanks again for saving me ! You know, you're really not a bad guy ! Besides, you can say what you like, but we're still friends in the end, you know ? Well, then, I'll just be-

Loki: Wait.

Loki: Lucy...

Lucy: Y- Yes ?!!

Loki: I... Don't have long left to live.

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