Chapter 32: Past and Future

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Gray: Are you SURE that you're okay ? You took that Etherion head on, after all...

"I'll be fine. I've stopped coughing blood a while ago, and I'm pretty sure all of my ruptured organs have been fixed already.

Mew: But I'm glad your balance Breaker is so sturdy. It'd be quite difficult to heal a bloody mush, you know. I'd have to drown you in your own berries.

"And then I would become a super powerful slime... "

Erza: Come to think of it, what happened to that Elemental 4 girl ?

Gray: Juvia ? Oh, she's headed back already. She said she wanted to join Fairy Tail as soon as possible, so she ran off to find gramps.

Erza: I see... I hear she's helped us out quite a lot, so I would have liked to be here to back her up, but...

"Be more worried about yourself, Erza. You really should be getting some sleep as well."

Erza: I wouldn't say I've taken enough damage to worry about. Although, to be fair, my body theoretically should have been broken down at the structural level within the Etherion...

Natsu: Broken down at the... How come the two of you are still alive ?

"Right now, I am more worried about this thing."

Lucy: So the Etherion is still trapped inside of that ?

Mew: Correct. And even though it's not dangerous as it is right now, if it were to be released at once...

"Well, we'd have to add the 'Magnolia Crater' on the maps..."

Mew: Come on, just one...

"I said no. No alcohol while we're here. On second thoughts, no alcohol at the guild either. Now give me that bottle-"

Erza: Y/n !! Have you seen Shô and the others ?

"No, I haven't..."

Erza: They were supposed to be staying at the same hotel as us, but I can't find them anywhere...

Mew: Don't tell me they ran away without saying a word ?!

"They can't be that far already... Let's not get too ahead of ourselves and search for them."

Erza: ... Tell Natsu, Gray and Lucy to get some "Fireworks" ready.

"Umm, okay. I don't get why, but okay..."

Wally: Do you think we'll really be able to handle living in the outside world... ?

Shô: it's not a question of whether we can or not ! We have to ! We can't go causing any more trouble to Erza and the others. Now let's go !! We've gotta get out of here before they realize we're gone !

Wally: hell yeah ! We'll make it somehow !

Millianna: Let's go for it !

Erza: YOU GUYS !!

Shô: E... Erza !!

Wally: Nghhh... Speak of the devil and, uh, something or other...

"Did you guys really think you could just leave like that ?"

Wally: I- If you're going to try and stop us, don't bother ! We've made this decision, and we're not turning back...

Simon: We lived our whole lives inside that tower, and now we're trying to take our first steps into the outside world. Sure, there are tons of things we don't know, and things we're worried about... But we want to see the outside world with your own eyes.

Shô: we don't want to keep on relying on other people all our lives... And we don't want to live for anybody else's sake, either. We want to live out our lives for ourselves... To seek out the things that we really want to do ! That's the freedom we've been looking for !

Erza: ... With a powerful will like that, you should be able to accomplish anything. I'm relieved. However... We have three rules that we're obliged to tell anybody leaving Fairy Tail. So you'd better listen up.

Wally: Wait !! We never even joined !!

Erza: ONE !! You must never reveal any sensitive information about Fairy tail to outsiders, as long as you live !!!

"TWO !! You must never use the clients you met through the guild to achieve personal gain !!!"

Wally: We don't know any "sensitive information" or anything about the guild...

Millianna: What's a "client" ?

Erza: THREE... !! Though our paths may differ... You must always live out your lives with all your might !!! never must you consider your own life to be insignificant !!! NEVER IN YOUR LIVES MUST YOU FORGET THE FRIENDS YOU HELD DEAR !!! LET THE FAIRY TAIL SEND-OFF PARTY... BEGIN !!!

Simon: Y/n, would you mind coming here for a bit ? there's something I need to tell you. In private.

"So ? What did you wanted to tell me-"

*BAM !!*

"OW !! Hey, what the hell was that ?!"

Simon: Does that hurt ?

"Of course it does ! You better have a good reason for that, or else..."

Simon: Then let me tell you that. That pain, is nothing compared to the one you'll feel, if Erza happens to be hurt because of you.

"... That's rather bold of you, to think that I'll ever let Erza get hurt. We both know how much Erza means to us."

Simon: That's what I wanted to hear. For 8 years... As long as I can remember, I've always admired Erza. But until recently, I couldn't tell if it was admiration or love. Now I know. I represent Erza's past, that she must forgot, but you are her future, that she must follow to keep moving forward.

"You're not obliged to do that, you know. You could join the guild with the other."

Simon: If we stay with Erza, she won't be able to forget what happened, and she will never forgive herself for all these years. Y/n... before we disappear, to go on our own... please promise me... that no mater what, you'll stand by her side, and protect her from the demons of her past.

"My answer should be obvious, isn't it ?"

Erza: No matter where you may be... I will never forget any of you. And besides... those painful memories are what can help us make it to tomorrow, and become stronger. That goes for everyone, every single human being has that power within them. Walk tall. And I, to, will keep walking tall, ever onward. As long as you do not forget this day, we will meet again. Farewell.

Shô: You too, Erza...

Wally: We'll definitely meet again ! It's a promise !!

Erza: It's a promise.

Erza: Y/n ? What is that red mark on your face ?

"Nothing really important. Simon and I just had some pretty moving farewells, that's all."

Erza: if you say so...

"By the way, there is something I wanted to ask you, Erza..."

Erza: What is it ?

"Erza... Would you... ... ..."

Ultear: And so, the council will have to take responsibility for their actions. I doubt they will be able to function normally for a while. Why, they may even be abolished entirely.

???: Excellent, Ultear. And, what became of Jellal ?

Ultear: Who knows... perhaps he actually died.

???: Without even realizing that he was in fact being used by the very woman he though he was using to his own ends... truly a pitiful man.

Ultear: Ohoho... Well, it was enjoyable. He was rather... Cute. But to think that for all those eight years he never realized that I was simply playing the part of the "Ghost of Zeref".

???: Even considering the brainwashing, everything went beyond perfectly. The conflict engulfing the entire council, the firing of Etherion, all of it just as planned.

Ultear: Indeed... For whilst Jellal was going on his rampage, you were able to move as you wished.

???: And as a result, one of the keys to the seal is finally mine...

Ultear: Congratulation ! Hoho... So very sorry, "master" Jellal.. There was never any chance of you reviving Zeref from the very beginning. No, there is no chance of anybody bringing Zeref back from the dead. After all, Zeref was never dead in the first place. He merely lies sleeping for the moment...

"Th... This is... !"

Natsu: Whoooa !!

Erza: That's quite the shock...

Lucy: They actually finished it ?!

Natsu: It's the new Fairy Tail !!!

Krov: Hey ! Welcome back ! Bet you got a surprise, huh ? This here is our brand new guild !

Natsu: ... ... ... !

Mew: At a loss for words, Natsu ?

Lucy: But... I mean... It's totally different from how it was before !

Krov: Well, yeah. We did build the whole thing from scratch, you know.

"I'm pretty sure things went smoothly without Makarov's plans..."

Gray: We've got an open-air cafe now... ?

Happy: And a souvenir shop by the entrance ?!!

Max: Welcome ! Oh, it's you guys. Welcome back ! we've got Fairy Tail T-Shirts, wristbands, mugs and towels, even special lacryma crystals ! But the most popular items we've got are these mage figures ! 3000 jewels apiece !

"When exactly did all this... ?"

Happy: hey, look !! there's a figure of Lucy !

Lucy: Whaaaaat ?!! Don't just make stuff like this without asking me !

Happy: They've done a pretty good job on it though !

Max: naturally, the clothing is all removable.


Gray: Huh, mine isn't even wearing anything to start with...

"How the hell did they manage to reproduce my wings... ?"

Mew: Stop complaining, you have your own... I'm a side character...

Erza: I'm not too sure about mine, either. The armor should be made out of real metal. Besides, since when is my skin so stiff ?

Cana: Hm ? Oh, you guys are back now, huh ? C'mon, you've gotta come inside !

Lucy: Ohh, that's lovely !

Erza: yes, rather impressive.

"What's up, Natsu ?"

Natsu: it's not like before...

Waitresses: hey there ! Welcome to Fairy tail !

Gray: the waitresses got new outfits too... !

Erza: Well, they look cute enough.

"Remind me to hit the master later..."

Natsu: it's all different...

Cana: And that's not all we've got that's new ! Behind the bar, we have a pool !!

Levy: hey there, Lucy !

Cana: Downstairs, there's an amusement center !!

Mew: Now that's interesting.

Cana: And perhaps the biggest difference of all, the second floor ! Anybody's allowed to go up there now. Although naturally, you still have to have an S-mage in your team to go on an S-Quest.

Lucy: We can go up on the second floor ?!

Cana: that's right !

Makarov: So you're finally back, are you ? This is our newest member, Juvia. Cute, ain't she ?

Juvia: It's good to see you all !

Gray: Hahah ! So you really have joined up, huh ?

Erza: Juvia, thank you for all your help back there.

Makarov: Hm ? You know one another ? In that case, you probably already know, but... She used to be one of Phantom's...

"Yes, yes. Don't worry about that. We've already gotten along."

Makarov: I see, I see ! Well, make her feel welcome ! Oh, and there's one more member I'd like you all to meet. Hey !! Come introduce yourself !

Happy: Someone else ?!

Lucy: Wha- ?!

Gray: Y- You're kidding, right ?!!


Gray: Master !! What kind of joke is this supposed to be ?!!

Juvia: Wait !! Juvia brought him here !

Erza: Juvia is one thing... But this guy was directly responsible for our guild's destruction.

Gajeel: Hmph...

Makarov: Now, now... He was only acting on Jose's orders back then, so it couldn't be helped. You know what they say, yesterday's enemies are today's friends.

Levy: Uh-huh... I'm n- not bothered at all, really...

Lucy: Levy...

Jet/Droy: Menacing

Natsu: Stop screwing around !! I can't work with a guy like that !!

Gajeel: Oh, don't worry. I have no intention of being all buddy-buddy with you. I need work, that's all. One guild is as good as the next. Not that I ever thought I'd end up working at a nasty little guild like this...


Juvia: Gajeel always seems so lonely, Juvia couldn't bear to just leave him... I- I mean !! Juvia doesn't love him or anything... !!

Makarov: It is the duty of an old man like me to guide younglings who have lost their ways back onto the right path. he's not a bad guy at heart, you know. At least, I hope not.

Erza: if this is your decision, then I will support it... But I think we should at least have someone keep an eye on him for the time being.

Makarov: Quite.

"Say no more. C'mon, Gajeel, I'm gonna give you a tour around the guild !"

Gajeel: Wha- Hey ! Let go of me !! You punk !! You're not supposed to be friendly with me !

"Hey, don't be silly. You trashed your guild, I destroyed yours and killed everyone, we're pretty even, if you ask me. But I do have a question."

Gajeel: *sigh* What ?

"Do you remember a guy with candyfloss hair in your guild ?"

Gajeel: No. Why ?

"Right after I finished my rampage, he suddenly appeared in the rubble, spouting nonsense about some 'requiem' guy, and got crushed by a wall. So I was just asking. But enough talking, let's go, dragon to dragon !"

Gajeel: *Internal confusion*

Natsu: Uuuuuughhhhh... !! I dunno, this new guild... It just doesn't feel right...

Cana: hurry up and take a seat ! The main event is about to start !

Lucy: wait, there's a stage over there... !

Lucy: MIRAJANE ?!!


Natsu: What the hell was that for ?!!! You did that on purpose !!!

Mages: Shut up !! Stop interrupting Mirajane's song !!!


Gray: Dammit, Natsu !!! Stop screwing around !!!

Erza: My... Strawberry cake...

"Mew, evasion plan 42. Now !"

Elfman: Dammit, you guys !!! Shut up and listen to my sister's song !!



Mirajane: I guess this is no time for a ballad, huh ? LET'S ROCK THE HOUSE, THEN !!!

Lucy: This place hasn't changed one bit... But then... I guess that's what makes it Fairy tail !

Away from the fight, there was an upside-down barrel, with an upside-down mug on top of it.

Makarov: Why... Why couldn't they just bottle it for one day... Those damn brats... Tomorrow's the day the reporter comes to collect data on the guild !!!

Lucy: Reporter ?!!


Gray: Hey, Gramps !! Don't go all giant on us !!!

"So that's what the shop, waitresses and stage were for..."

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