Chapter 41: Nirvana

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*The most powerful force amongst the dark guilds, the Balam alliance. One corner of this alliance is the Dark guild, Oracion Seis. It has only six members, but apparently each one of them is incredibly strong. At the last regional guild meeting, it was decided, that four regular guilds would band together to defeat them. Blue Pegasus. Lamia Scale. Cait Shelter, and us Fairy Tail.*

Lucy: But wait... Why the heck am I included in this grand strategy, anyway ?!

Gray: I think this is a pain as well, don't you start complaining.

Mew: This is a direct order from the old man, we have no choice but to oblige.

Lucy: But what about Gajeel and Juvia ?! They'd be much better suited for a battle like this !

Mew: Busy with other works.

Natsu: Are... Are we... There... yet... ?

"No Natsu. No we're not... Am i the only one thinking it'd be nice to catch a break for once ? I mean, lately, it's like we've been jumping from death threat to death threat constantly..."

Erza: Speaking of death threat, it's important that we have good relations within our own delegation. So, Natsu and Gray, I hope you'll behave when we meet everyone.

Happy: There it is ! That's the meeting point !

Lucy: I don't know about this place...

Erza: It's a villa belonging to master Bob of Blue Pegasus.

Mew: Oooh... That guy...

"At least that explains the pink and all the hearts everywhere."

Natsu: A... Are we... There yet ?

Happy: We're already arrived, Natsu.

"I am uncomfortable... I feel like a danger is lurking in the shadows, so close-"

???: Ladies and Gentlemen of Fairy Tail, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. We are the delegation from Blue Pegasus, the Trimens.

Hibiki: Hibiki of the hundred nights

Eve: Eve of the holy night.

Ren: Ren of the empty night.

"Why are they sparkling so much ? Where did all that glitter comes from ?"

Lucy: Th... They're cool... !

Gray: Crap !! I forgot to wear my clothes !!!

Natsu: Ughhh...

Lucy: ... Unlike our guys...

"Thanks, I appreciate..."

Mew: Don't turn around.


Hibiki: You are every bit as beautiful as the rumors say.

Eve: A pleasure to meet you, Titania.

Ren: Please, step this way. Take this to wash your hands.

Eve: Will you have your drink diluted ?

Erza: I...

Hibiki: You should sit as well.

Lucy: Aahhh... Is it just me, or are you TOO cute ?

Gray: The hell is up with these guys... ?

"... A very good question indeed. My foot, their nose."

Mew: Remember, no bloodbath. We're supposed to work together.

"I know, there won't be a single drop of blood shed. I'll just break their necks, nice and clean."

Erza: Um, I'd advise you to not try anything of the sort, it could-

Eve: So cute ! Your face is simply marvelous ! To tell the truth... I have always admired you...

Erza: ... End badly...

Mew: Y/n, no.

"... Y/n yes. Now, pretty boy, stop the glittering or I'll make you see REAL stars."

Lucy: And so the problems begin...

Ren: It's... Not as though I made it for you or anything, all right ?

Lucy: A TSUNDERE !!!

Hibiki: Now... You must be tired from your long journey. Let us spend this night of rest together...

Trimens: Forever~ !

"Eenie meenie minie kill."

???: My friends~... I think that is quite enough of that~. Yes~ ?

Mew: What's with that sickly-sweet voice ?

Ren: Master Ichiya...

Ichiya: It as been a while, my dear Erza~ !

Erza: Ichiya... ? T... To think that YOU would be participating...

Ichiya: I have longed to see you, my honey~ ! Worry not... Ichiya is here for you~ !

Lucy: MY HONEY ?!!

Mew: Y/n, contain the rage !

Trimens: So you were master Ichiya's lover. We must apologize for our conduct...

Erza: I vigorously deny everything !

"Erza ? I do have a question."

Erza: Y... Yes ?

"Which one... Do I kill first ?"

Erza: ... Please start with Ichiya.

Ichiya: Clear all that away !! We're not here to mess about~ !!

Trimens: Yes, aniki !!

Lucy: Weren't they calling him "master Ichiya" just a moment ago ?

Mew: They have no consistency...

Ichiya: I have heard all about you people~... Dear Erza, dear Lucy, and the rest. Hm ! Dear Lucy ! Ah, such a wonderful perfume~ !!

Lucy: I'm really creeped out...

Erza: I'm sorry... I have trouble dealing with this guy as well. Though he IS admittedly a great mage.

"Not for long."

Gray: Insufferable dandies of Blue Pegasus... Could we trouble you to keep those hands off our lovely ladies here ? Or else you might have trouble keeping them to begin with.


Ichiya: ... Oh, you men can just run off home.

Trimens: It has been a pleasure !

Gray: Whoa, whoa !! Are you Pegasus punks trying to pick a fight, sending over this bunch of womanising creeps ?

Ren: Are you sure you want to try ?

Eve: we are powerful mages, you know.

Mew: Y/n, you can't kill our allies out of the blue !

"Let me gooooooooooooooooooo !!! I won't kill them, I'll just eradicate them a little !!"

Natsu: A fight ?!! All right !! i'm in !!

Erza: Enough already, all of you- !

Ichiya: Erza... Your perfume is glorious as always.


Ichiya: MEHHHHN !!

???: Interesting manner of greeting us you have there. Would you be the delegates from Fairy Tail ?

*Lamia Scale: Lyon.*

Gray: LYON ?!!

Lyon: GRAY ?!!

Natsu: You... Were in a guild... ?!

Gray: What are you playing at ?!!

Lyon: Well, you did it to me first, right ?

Ren: What do you all think you are doing to our boss ?!!

Eve: It's terrible !!

Hibiki: Could all of you men perhaps just leave ?

???: Oh... ? We're not all men, you know. ATTACK OF THE CARPET DOLL !!!

Lucy: WHY MEEEEEEE ?!!! Wait... This magic...

???: Ohoho... Don't try pretending you've forgotten me, now...

Sherry: But forget all about the past me !

*Lamia Scale: Sherry*

Lucy: make up your mind already !

Sherry: I have been reborn for the sake of love !

Ishiya: More... I need to smell more of that glorious perfume !!

Erza: S... Stay back !!!

"All I'm going to smell IS YOUR BLOOD ON MY HANDS !!!"

Natsu: BRING IT, PUNKS !!!

Sherry: You, I cannot love.

Lucy: I don't like you either !!

???: ENOUGH !!! We are here to form an alliance, and defeat the Oracion Seis ! This no time to be fighting amongst ourselves.

*Lamia Scale: Jura*

Ren: This man is...

Hibiki: The ace of Lamia... Rock iron Jura.

Natsu: Who ?

Mew: If i'm not mistaken, he's one of the ten holy mages...

Lucy: Even I've heard of that name...

Sherry: Five fairies, and four pegasi, I see... But three of us will be quite sufficient.

Lucy: Nghhh...

Jura: Three of the guilds are now assembled. All that remains is the delegation from Cait shelter.

Ishiya: Y... You say "delegation"... But from what I hear, they are only sending a single mage...

Erza: That's enough Y/n, he's gonna die !

"But you said I should start with him !"

Gray: A single mage ?! Those assholes are only gonna send us one mage to help out in this stupidly dangerous mission ?!

Lucy: W... Wait... Don't tell me it's going to be some stupidly powerful person... ?!


???: Aahhhh ! Owww... U... Um... I'm sorry I'm so late.

Wendy: I'm here from Cait Shelter, my name is Wendy. Pleased to be working with you all !!

Lucy: A child ?!!

Lyon: A girl ?!

Natsu: ... Wendy... ?

Jura: ... All the guilds are now assembled.

"Hold it right there ! Am I the only one thinking there's something wrong here ?"

Sherry: An offensive endeavor of this scale, and they send us a single mage... ? What do Cait Shelter think they are playing at ?

???: Alone ? I think not, you tawdry woman.

Wendy: Carla ! You followed me here ?!

Carla: But of course. I would worry to no end if you were to go off alone.

Trimens: A cat ?!!

Happy: H... hey, Lucy... Could you go and give her a fish from me... ?

Lucy: You have to do these kind of things yourself !

Wendy: U... Um... I... I can't actually fight at all, but... I know lots of support magic that should be useful to you all... So please don't leave me out completely !

Carla: Honestly... It's that timidity of yours that makes people look down on you !

Mew: That's some bossy partner she got.

"Remind me of someone..."

Mew: And what is that supposed to mean, young man ?

Erza: My apologies... We were a little taken aback, but I'm sure nobody meant you any insult. We look forward to working with you, Wendy.

Wendy: W- Wow... It's Erza... It's really her, Carla !

Carla: She is more agreeable than I had expected. The same can't be said about everyone.

"Let go, let go, LET GO NOW !!"

Mew: No.

Happy: D... Do you know me ? I'm Happy, the catmander !

Carla: *Royally ignoring him*

Happy: Ahh, she's so shy... How cute...

Lucy: or she could just be ignoring you...

Ren: She's going to grow up to be a real beauty.

Eve: She's cute enough right now.

Hibiki: please, young lady, this way...

Wendy: Huh... ? I...

Lucy: They're too quick !

Mew: What a bunch of sim-

"No. Don't say that word here."

Ichiya: This girl... This glorious perfume... She is something special ~ ...

Jura: You have noticed it too ? There is something different about her magic... It seems that a few of us has realized it also.

Natsu: Wendy... I feel like I might have heard that name before somewhere... Hmmmmmmm... Could you remember it for me ?

Gray: The heck is that ?!

Ichiya: Now, then... Since everyone has finally arrived~... I shall proceed to the explanation of our strategy~ ! ... But first, I must visit the perfume of the lavatory~.

"Did he really need to mention "perfume"... ?"

Ichiya: North of our current location lies the Warth Woodlands. It is there that a mighty magic was sealed away in ancient times. It's name... "Nirvana".

Lucy: Nirvana...

Lyon: Never heard of it. Have you, Jura ?

Jura: No... I know not the name.

Happy: Have you heard of it ? Also, would you like a fish ?

Carla: No, thank you.

"Isn't it one of the name for 'heaven' ?

Mew: That can't be good...

Ren: We know that its destructive power was so great that the people back then saw fir to seal it away...

Eve: But we don't know exactly what kind of magic it was.

Hibiki: But since the Oracion Seis have gathered in the Warth woodlands, we should assume that Nirvana is their goal. In order to prevent them from obtaining it, we must defeat them now !! we have thirteen mages, whilst they have but six, but we would do well not to underestimate them, for each of those 6 mages is extremely powerful.

Hibiki: Cobra, who uses poisonous snakes. Racer, whose name would appear to indicate that he uses speed-related magic. Hoteye of the heavenly eyes. Angel, a woman who is said to be able to see into your heart. Information on this man is scarce, but he is known as Midnight. And finally, their leader, Brain.

Hibiki: each of these mages has enough power to annihilate a guild single-handedly. We must take full advantage of our numerical superiority.

Lucy: Er... Erm... You probably shouldn't bother counting me at all...

Wendy: I'm no good at fighting either...

Carla: Wendy !! Will you stop being like that ?!

Ishiya: Worry not, our strategy does not imply combat for now. The important point is that we locate their base of operations.

Lyon: Their base ?

Ren: We have yet to confirm this for certain, but we believe they have established a temporary base of operations in the woodlands.

Ishiya: If all possible, we want to get all six of them together at that base.

"And how do we do that exactly ?"


Mew: What do you fail to understand in "No combat" ?

Erza: What do we do once they are gathered there ?

Ren: We use our guild's mighty Pegasus airship, the Christina, To destroy their base and them along with it !!!

Sherry: A magical bomber ?!

Lucy: ... You're breaking out a bomber-craft against humans... ?

Jura: That is the nature of the enemy we face. Now, take heed, if combat ensue, nobody is to attempt to face an enemy alone. You must always battle in groups of at least two.

Natsu: Right !! I'm all fired up now !! I'M GONNA TAKE ALL SIX OF THEM ON BY MYSELF !!!

Lucy: Natsu !! Try listening to the strategy !!

"You know, that was unexpected, but somehow I was expecting it anyways..."

Mew: I know that feeling...

Erza: I suppose we should go after him.

Lucy: Aaahhhh...

Gray: That absolute idiot...

Lyon: We can't let Fairy Tail outdo us. Let's go, Sherry.

Sherry: Okay~ !!

Jura: Lyon !! Sherry !!

Ren: That's our cue to move out !!

Eve: Right !!

Hibiki: "Angel", huh~... ?

Wendy: Ahhhhhhh...

Happy: Don't worry... ! You've got me right here !

Carla: Wendy, it's time to go !

Happy: hey ! Wait for me !

"Way to go all according to plan..."

Mew: We should go as well. Who know what kind of trouble will Natsu gets himself into again ?

"Oh, I'm not worried about him. He'll most likely drag everyone else in his mess..."

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