Chapter 44: Oracion Cinco

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Wendy: There... All done ! There's no more poison left in Erza's body.

Lucy: All right ! Now you can stop stressing out !

"I am not ! I was just worried !"

Happy: You removed all the grass by going back and forth.

"Ah... maybe I was slightly stressed. Anyways, Wendy, you are a real life savior. You literally are."

Wendy... S- She may not open her eyes for a while yet... But she'll be okay now.

Hibiki: Incredible... The color really is returning to her face... So this is sky magic...

Lucy: Not so close !!

"It's fine. Now that she's not in danger anymore, I'm in a way too good mood to care about something like that."

Hibiki: Hrm. Anyways, now we just have to wait for Erza to wake up, and then go on the counterattack.

Lucy: yeah ! Time to take down the oracion Seis !

"From what I've learned, it's more like the oracion Cinco now.

Happy: We're not letting them have Nirvana-

Lucy: WHA... ?!

Hibiki: A pillar of black light...

Happy: Could it be... ?!

"They beat us to it... That's... "

Lucy: The oracion Seis-


Lucy: They managed to find it first !!

"Not exactly... If someone found it, it's not them... it's Jellal..."




"Jellal and the Nirvana are at the same spot... I'm gonna take them both out before the situation gets anymore darker ! And no matter what... Don't let Erza follow me !!"

3rd Person POV:


Hibiki: Aaahhhh... How could you destroy my ears from telepathy... ?

Mew: How could YOU let him go fight Jellal on his own ?! Where are you all anyways !!

Hibiki: I've uploaded a map to lead you, it shouldn't be too long...

Mew: Good, now I can yell at you face-to-face !!

Hibiki: How did you-

Mew: Teleportation. Now let's start from the beginning, shall we ? Is Erza safe ?

Hibiki: She is.

Mew: Good. Alright, next one, and that one is a tricky one. Where did he go ?

Lucy: He went straight for that pillar, hoping to find a man near it.

Mew: We're talking about Jellal, right ?

Lucy: yes.

Mew: Is there anything else ?

Happy: They used one of his crystal to bring him back to life.

Mew: ... Alright. Alright... Let's, let's not start to panic, guys...

Lucy: AAAAAHHH ! Erza has vanished !!

Happy: You... You don't think she heard about Jellal and...

Mew: Alright, NOW we panic !

Wendy: Ah... Aahhhh... Oh no... it's all my fault... It's all because I healed Jellal... They found Nirvana... And now Erza... And Y/n too... And...

Mew: Okay, THE HELL ?!

Hibiki: Sorry if I startled you like that, but all I did was knock her unconscious.

Lucy: Why ?! And why are we running for, anyway ?!

Hibiki: We're going after Erza and Y/n. We should head for that light as well.

Mew: She may be kind of a burden sometimes, but was that really necessary ?

Hibiki: I had to do it. The truth of the matter is... i'm familiar with the magic known as Nirvana. But because of its very nature, I couldn't tell anybody about it. Simply being aware of this magic is enough to put a person in danger. That's why Ichiya, Ren and Eve don't know anything... Only I was told the details by the master.

Lucy: What do you mean ?

Hibiki: It's an extremely dangerous form of magic.

Mew: Go on, announce something extraordinarily grave, so I can assess how screwed we all are.

Hibiki: It makes light and darkness switch places. That's what Nirvana is.

Happy: Light and darkness...

Lucy: ... Switch Places ?!

Mew: ... Continue...

Hibiki: That's only the final stage, though. Once the seal upon it is released, a black light bursts forth, that's what we're looking at now. The first thing the black light does, is to cause those who are caught in the rift between light and darkness to switch alignments completely. So people on the side of light who are experiencing powerful negative emotions... Will fall to the darkness.

Lucy: then the reason you knocked Wendy out was...

Mew: Because of the guilt she was experiencing.

Lucy: But then, what about "Rage" ?

Hibiki: I can't say... If it's for someone else's sake, then maybe it's not truly "Negative"...

Mew: Good to hear... We might not be completely done just yet. As long as his his anger is dedicated to Erza's protection, we should be good.

Hibiki: And that's the reason I didn't say anything about this magic until now Once people start thinking about everything in terms of "good" and "evil", negative feelings can spring up for all sorts of places.

Mew: "If only that person wasn't around..." Whose fault is all this pain ?" Why does it have to be me... ?"

Hibiki: Nirvana can end up judging all of those worries and doubts.

Lucy: So if this Nirvana is activated completely... Are we all going to turn into bad people ?

Happy: But wait... if we look at it the other way, doesn't that mean the people from the dark guilds are going to turn into good people ?

Hibiki: Yes, that is entirely possible. But the nastiest part of Nirvana is the way it can be controlled, and used to a specific end.

Mew: Uh oh...

Happy: So, what is the situation concerning Y/n ?

Mew: he definitely is under Nirvana's effect already... The real question is to know how much it'll affect him. For what I saw, it's kind of like having the old Giratina back, so it really could go both ways from now on...

Hibiki: So right now he's on the "Chaotic good" side of the scale... And if he starts to tilt...

mew: As long as he remain as "Chaotic neutral", there's not too much to worry about if we don't stand directly in his way or try to harm Erza... But if he goes "Chaotic Evil"... Be it us or the oracion seis, it won't end up pretty for anyone.

Your POV:

"Finally, I arrived... It took me time, efforts, and LOTS of bodies, but I'm finally here. Now, time to find myself..."

Jellal: ...

"Jellal, perfect, just the man I was hoping to find. I am currently under the very strong impression that me owning your ass on your little tower has caused you some... mental damage. Care to either confirm or deny ?"

Jellal: ...

"Come on, stop giving me that 'I'm too dark to answer you' look, it really doesn't suit you. Buy hey, given the fact you still haven't spewed some nonsense about Zeref or even attacked me yet, I'll take that as a yes."

Jellal: ...

"Really, such a rich conversation we're having here... Alright, whoever is the bitch who's hiding behind that rock, come out now and add something, would you ?"

Jellal: ... !

Cobra: Why didn't I noticed you approaching...

"Annnd it's Mr.Poison himself ! Not only do I have one big-ass pillar here to take care of, but I get to skin you alive for what you've done ! If I still believed in Santa Claus, I'd think this is Christmas !"

Erza: Y/n... Jellal... ?!

"... This, I did not accounted for. I shall explain my point of view concerning this to Lucy afterwards..."

Jellal: Erza...

"A reaction ! We got a reaction from him !"

Erza: Why ... are you here... ?

Jellal: I don't know. Erza... Er... Za... That word is all I can remember... Could you tell me... Who I am ? Do you know who I am... ?Who is this "Erza"... ? I can't remember a thing !

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