Chapter 43: Return of the doomed

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Such a shame. And here I thought you guys could understand art..."

Natsu: Wait, Y/n ? Are... Are you the one who did that ?

"Well, who else would it be ? And by the way, you may not want to look at what's behind this tree. It's for your own safety guys."

Mew: You do realize this is a life-or-death situation, right ? We got no time to fool around like that ! We have to-

"Find Happy and Wendy, I know. I'm quite ahead of you already, I managed to locate where they're holding them captives. So I decided to wait for you guys, and that I might as well mark the path so you wouldn't get lost."

Mew: ... What.

"What what ?"

Mew: What. Happened. Here ?

"Oh well, you see, I was just waiting for you, going on a walk through the wood, when all of a sudden, all these guys appeared outta nowhere."

Gray: What guys ?

"Don't look behind the tree. Anyways, they all surrounded me, and one of them yelled:"

Mage: Get on your knees !!

"And I replied with:"

"I'm not your mother last night !!"

"... And they took exception to that. On the bright side, I got a great beacon for you guys !"

Mew: So this is what you've been doing...

"Yup, going on an enthusiastic walk."

Gray: You massacred an entire Dark Guild !

"VERY enthusiastic walk. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd rather be at their hideout's entrance, waiting for the right occasion to swoop in and bring everyone back."

Mew: ... What exactly happened while we were gone ? This doesn't sounds like you at all !

"Dunno, but I feel damn good about my life right now. Maybe it's somewhat related to those trees, who knows ? After all, it's since I got here that I get really itching to sucker punch someone. You following or what ?"

Natsu: This is the place ?!! HAPPY !!! WENDY !!!

Carla: Not so loud !! There may be enemies around, you know !!

Mew: Why do you have to jinx it ?!

Natsu: It's that guy again !! We must go ahead Y/n... Y/n... ?

Mew: He went ahead.

"Yoohooooooo~. Anyone home ? I've got a package for a certain Brain here, and it's labeled 'Go f*ck yourself' so I believe it's kinda important. Hello ?"

Happy: Y/n !! You came !!

"Yeah, I know. Natsu is currently busy with Speedy Gonzales back there, so I went on my own. Is Wendy here ?"

Wendy: Aahh... I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry... I...

Jellal: ... ... ...

Brain: What a coincidence, you two know each other I believe ?

"Yeah... We've got a particular kind of relationship. So I take it that this was your plan. Lucky you, I'm not here to fight at the moment, I have other priorities right now.'

Jellal: ... ...

Brain: I see your power is as impressive as ever, Jellal.

Brain: What ?!! GUAAAHHHH !!!

"Okay, first of: Rude."

Jellal: ... !

"What happened, cat got your tongue or something ? Come on, say something."

Jellal: ... ...

"Fine, do whatever you want, see if I care. i'm out of here, and frankly you should to, because if I found you still here next time, you're in for one hell of a party."

Jellal: ...

"Whatever. Happy ?"

Happy: A- AYE !!

Brain: ... This, I did not account for... No, I suppose it is my own fault for not preparing any restraints... Still, he never used to possess this level of hostility towards me, I am sure of it... Was he able to overhear our discussions of Nirvana in his unconscious state ?


"Did he really yelled that thinking that no one else could possibly hear him ?"

Happy: What about Natsu and Gray ?!

"As long as Mew is with them, that racer guy stands no chance. Our top priority right now is to save Erza."

Wendy: I'm so... Sorr... Aahh... Aahh... I owe this man... A huge... Debt...

"We all make mistakes in life, don't sweat it. What is done is done, no point in weeping about the past. Even thought I had no idea healing magic could literally bring back the dead..."

Happy: There's something else about this you need to know, and you won't be happy to hear it.

"What is it ?"

Wendy: M- My magic alone... It wasn't enough, so... So they gave me some artifact... That amplified my powers...

"Artifact... You still have it with you ?"

Wendy: Y- Yes...

Happy: Is it ?

"... Wendy. Before they gave it to you... Was the color somewhat different ?"

Wendy: B- Bloody red...

"So they used it... They used it to bring back Jellal from the dead... They disturbed the balance between the worlds..."

Happy: How much of a problem is that ?

"Beyond what you imagine... I can only hope that Jellal has changed, because if he's still the same... We have an evil mage even stronger than Erza wandering around, still imbued with the divine magic that brought him back..."

Wendy: This is my fault...

"Stop that, it won't get you anywhere, Wendy. Keep that crystal with you, you'll need it soon. Once Erza is healed and ready to fight, then we'll worry about Jellal and the Nirvana. The two of them seem to be linked anyways."

Hibiki: 'Y/n. Can you hear me ?'

"I do. Telepathy, huh ?"

Hibiki: 'That sort of things, yeah. This is Hibiki of Blue Pegasus. Thank goodness... I was getting worried because I wasn't getting trough to anyone.

'Where are you right now ?'

Hibiki: 'Be careful, one of our enemies has incredibly good hearing. There's every possibility that he's eavesdropping on our conversation right now, that's why I'm speaking directly into your head. What's the situation with Wendy ?'

'Got her safe and sound with me. Happy's here too.'

Hibiki: 'Thank goodness ! Excellent work. i'm now going to upload a map to lead you where we are. Please hurry back.'

'You bet your sweet ass that that I'll be back. Thanks for the map by the way.'

"Happy !"

Happy: Yes sir ! Happy the Catmander reporting to duty !

"We're going now."

Happy: Aye aye sir !

'Mew, Wendy and Happy has been secured and we're on our way back. How are things going on your side ?'

Mew: 'It's 6 on one, what do you expect ? Poor guy bit way more than he could chew.'

'Perfect. When possible, bring everyone back. Hibiki will most likely contact you on your way, so don't worry.'

Mew: 'Roger that'.

Lucy: Please hang in there Erza, soon Y/n will be back with Wendy and-


Lucy: EEK !!

"Couldn't resist, sorry. And thanks by the way, that map was a good help."

Hibiki: This can wait. Bring Wendy here please.

"Of course. Now Wendy, if you may ?"

Wendy: U... Uuhhh...

"She has been taken out by a poisonous snake, so we need you to heal her. Please..."

Hibiki: We need her power on our side in the battle against the Oracion Seis.

Lucy: Please... You have to save Erza !!

Wendy: B... But of course !! Right !! I'll do it !! Here goes nothing !

"Phew... Thank goodness..."

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