Chapter 48: Dragonslayer

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Erza: I think Zero and Y/n are both at lacryma number one...

Wendy: That's where Natsu went !!

Erza: He has an extremely good nose. I don't doubt he chose number one precisely because of that.

Wendy: Then we should go and back him up ! If he's up against the two of them at the same time...

Erza: Don't underestimate Natsu. Be it Zero or Y/n, if there's someone who can handle them, it's him.

Carla: You... Don't sound very affected by his treason...

Erza: He is under Nirvana's effect. Destroying the lacryma will bring him back. But I will still have to explain a few things to him afterwards.

Jellal: Y... Y/n...

Erza: Now, let's head out for our designated stations !! Number five for me, Jellal, you're number six !! Jellal ?

Jellal: No... Its nothing... Y/n... Giratina...


Zero Your movements are quite impressive. Dark Capriccio !!

Natsu: Ngh...

"You missed."

Zero: Oh, don't make the mistake of thinking my magic is the same as Brain's.




Zero: Stopping a magic designed for piercing head-on. Very interesting...

"Who's there ? Oh, look at that, Jellal."

Zero: That look on your face... So your memories have returned...

Jellal: Yeah. Now I remember.

Natsu: Ugh... JELLALLLLL !!!

Natsu: Fire won't work on me !!

Jellal: I know that. I remembered... The one who brought judgement... And the only one who can bring him back.

"Hm ?"

Jellal: Fire dragonslayer magic, can be amplified using the power of fire.

Zero: Then it's your funeral. Kill them now.


Zero: Do I need to repeat myself ? I said, KILL THEM ! IT'S AN ORDER-

"... I think I told you already, didn't I ?"

Zero: Wha- *SPROTCH*

"I'm not your god damn subordinate."

Zero: Y... You...

"And one last thing: Giving your trust to the embodiment of chaos is a sorry ass mistake brain would never have made to begin with."


Mew: ... Was tearing out his heart really necessary ?

"Maybe. Just to be sure. You can destroy that thing now, see if I care."

Natsu: Ngh... It would've been better if you just-


"Woops, I just changed my mind~. Now I do care about that~.

Mew: make up your mind already, whose side are you on ?!

"Mine. That is the way of chaos, it is neither evil nor good, it just acts on whims. Who know, give me some time and maybe I'll start hitting on you."

Natsu: You... Listen, Y/n, I have no reason to fight you, so just step aside and-

"Friendship suuuuuuuucks~."


"Yes, come at me with everything you've got ! Because if you don't WE'RE ALL DOOMED !! Chaotic dragon... DRAGON PULSE !!!"

"Oh ? Well isn't that familiar ?"

Natsu: YOU !!

Jellal: I know, that you must hate me for everything I've done, Natsu. But right now... Take the power to defeat him... And bring him back...

Natsu: A golden... Flame...

Jellal: This is the flame of rebuke. I won't ask for forgiveness, but I want you to accept this power. I believe in you, and I believe the Y/n Erza trust and love is still in there somewhere. Please, break his shell... And save him...

Natsu: ... Thanks for the meal. I've received it now, Jellal.

"Flame of rebuke ? A fitting name for a sinner."

Natsu: As Fairy Tail mages, we're used to sin. You know that better than anyone. Fire dragon... FIRE CHARGE !!!

"Oh, that's so cute, he named it- OH SHIT !!!"



Carla: It crashed on that mountain...

"Ugh... This... This is something new. Pride in someone else... That light, that pressure, I cannot be mistaken. Semi-draconic form, balance breaker, or whatever they call it here..."

"Good. That's very good, Natsu. But you know that wont be enough... show me how far you can go, 'CAUSE WE ! ARE ! NOT ! DONE ! YET !!"

Natsu: That doesn't sound good... Five minutes left. I must take him out...


"You just showed me yours, Natsu, now allow me to show you mine."

"I do hope you're ready yet, Natsu, for this will be a clash of the titans !! SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT ! SHOW ME... THE TRUE POWER OF A DRAGON !!!"

Natsu: Haa... haa... Haa... Ugh !

"I am not surprised, Natsu. You still cannot use this power to its fullest. In the end, a dragon cannot compete with a Dragon god. Your power is a force to be reckoned with, but you are facing your natural superior here !

Natsu: There's a difference... Between you and me... i'm not alone...

Mew: I don't understand... If he really wanted to kill Natsu, he would've just used his water powers and destroyed him...

Natsu: I can feel it... Everybody's voice... Everybody's feelings... It's not only my power, but everybody's feelings... THEY'RE KEEPING ME STANDING UP NOW !!! MY COMRADES' POWER IS RUNNING THROUGH MY WHOLE BODY !!!

Mew: Unless... It was never his goal to begin with...

"I see. This is indeed what makes us different..."

Mew: From the very beginning... he was playing a role...



Mew: He was trying to bring out Natsu's true potential...

"Is this all you can do ? This is disappointing, Natsu. I- *SKRASH*"

"What... My Balance breaker... I've sustained damages... ?"

Natsu: This is our combined will. This is what will bring you down !


Mew: The only way to defeat a dragon... Another dragon...

"We have an evil mage even stronger than Erza wandering around, still imbued with the divine magic that brought him back..."

Mew: Natsu received Jellal's strength... he indirectly received a part of Y/n's divine powers...

"This is the true... The true Dragonslayer..."


'Natsu... That's perfect... I've got no reason to worry anymore... You won't need me, you're perfectly able to fight on your own...'

Gray: That was dangerous. Is everyone safe ?!

Lucy: Oof !

Happy: We made it.

Ichiya: Erzaaaaa~ ! Thank goodness~ !

Erza: Wh- What's with that body ?!

Wendy: What about the others ?!

Jura: they don't seem to be here...

Gray: That flame head...

Lucy: HII ! The ground's moving !!

Richard: Love shall lift up our comrades, don't you agree ?

Natsu: Wha ?

Wendy: Natsu !! And Jellal !

Carla: Isn't he one of the oracion Seis ?

Jura: Don't worry, because of certain events, he's an ally now.

Wendy: NATSU !! You really protected us, just like you promised...

Erza: That reminds me... What happened ?! Where are Y/n and Mew !!

mew: Oh, not so far. I swear, this kid will really kill me one day...

"Ow ow ow ow OWOWOWOWOWOWOW !! LET GO !!"

Mew: Young man, I don't think you're in position to make any demands right now ! Do you have the slightest how worried that act of yours made us ?!!

Natsu: ... Act ?

"I already told you, I had everything under control !"

Mew: That moron, He faked his evilness, so he could kill Zero for sure, and test out Natsu's true power by himself !!

Gray: So, that time he took us out...

Mew: he was using just enough power to not outright kill you. The only effect Nirvana had over him at that time was so he wouldn't have any remorse.

"GAH ! If I had told you guys, Zero would've noticed that something was off. I already told you, I had everything under control."

Mew: Are you sure about that ?

"... Well, okay. MAYBE I went a little overboard near the end... Maybe..."

Erza: You... You... *sigh* We'll need to talk once we're back to Magnolia.

"I'm scared..."

Erza: You'll have reasons to be.

Natsu: leave him be, everyone's safe after all, and Zero's dead too. That's the most important. And, if you want a rematch, just ask away !!

"Thanks, but... I think I had my fill for some time. Right now, all I want to do is sleep..."

Jura: Everyone, you did a truly excellent job.

Ichiya: This marks the end of our operation~ !

Gray: But who's that guy? Is he another of those pegasus ?

"That's Jellal."

Gray: WHAT ?!

Lucy: THAT GUY IS ?!

Erza: But he's not the Jellal that we once knew.

Wendy: He lost his memories.

Gray: Well... You could've mentioned this earlier...

Wendy: It's alright, Jellal is back to being a good-natured person.

Ichiya: MEEEN~ ?!

"What is wrong now ?

Ichiya: I was just trying to to the bathroom... I can't move.

Wendy: What are these letters on the ground...

"Oh god no... Not that again..."

Mew: An enchantment ?!

Lucy: What's going on ?!

???: There will be no more violence, so refrain from moving for a short while.

Rahal: I am the head of the newly reformed council's 4th custody enforcement unit. My name is Rahal.

Gray: A newly reformed council ?!! When did that happen ?!

Rahal: We were reborn in order to enforce laws and justice. We will not forgive any form of misconduct.

Happy: None of us have done anything wrong !!

Natsu: Y... yeah !

"You two are mixing up your lines."

Rahal: There is one among you. Our purpose is to arrest the Oracion Seis. The one whose codename is Hoteye, please pass through.

Jura: W- WAIT !!

Richard; It's alright Jura. My good nature may have awoken but the sins from my past have not disappeared. In order to start over I must make things right.

Jura: ... If that's the case, I'll search for your younger brother in your place. Tell me what his name is.

Richard: REALLY ?! His name is Wally. Wally Buchanan.

"... Dandy block guy... ?"

Richard: Y- You know him ?!

Erza: He's a friend. He is doing well. Last we heard, he was traveling around the continent.

Richard: ... ... E- Even though I'm one who recently turned to the light, it already bestowed up me such a beautiful miracle ? Thank you, thank you... THANK YOU !!!

Lucy: I feel bad for him.

"Well, it can't be helped..."

Happy: Aye.

Ichiya: Alright already ! Now please remove the spell !

Rahal: No... Our goal wasn't just the oracion seis. Infiltrating the council, and causing its destruction, firing Etherion... there is an even greater villain among you.

Rahal: JELLAL !! Come with us !! We have permission to eliminate you if you resist !!

"Wait a minute !!"

Wendy: That's... !!

Rahal: This man is dangerous. He will never be allowed to walk free in this world again. NEVER AGAIN !!

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