Chapter 49: Nirvit

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Rahal: Jellal Fernandes. You are under arrest for the crime of federal treason.

Wendy: Wait, please !! Jellal has lost all of his memories !! He doesn't remember any of that !!

Rahal: under article 13 of the penal code, that is no cause for pardon. You may release the enchantment now.

Soldier: Yes sir !

Wendy: B... BUT !!

Jellal: It's all right... I have no intention of resisting. I never did manage to remember you in the end... I am truly sorry, Wendy.

Carla: She tells me you saved her, a long time ago.

Jellal: I see... I do not know how much trouble I may have caused all of you, but I am glad to hear that I at least saved somebody, once.

Jellal: Giratina... Y/n... Thanks you. For everything.

"Trust me, you haven't seen the last of me just yet."

Erza: ... 'I have to stop this... I have to stop it, now... Or Jellal will be gone.. Just when he finally awakened from his bad dream... I can't let him fall back to the darkness again !!'

Rahal: Is that all you have to say ?

Jellal: yes.

Rahal: It is almost certain that your sentence will be either death or life imprisonment. You will never meet any of these people again.

Lucy: That's just... !

Wendy: No...

Erza: 'I can't let him go !!'

"Erza... I know what you're thinking. Please, don't."

Erza: How can you say that ?!

"What I meant was 'There's no need to worry about that matter' To be honest, I'm pretty confident Jellal won't be gone for long. Unless..."


Mew: Of course he'd do that...

Gray: NATSU !! This is the council we're dealing with !!

Rahal: Why, you... !

Natsu: Move it !!!! He's one of us !! WE'RE TAKING HIM BACK WITH US !!!

Wendy: Natsu...

Jellal: ... St... Stop...


Gray: Go for it, Natsu !!

Happy: GRAY !!

Gray: Nobody's going to be able to stop Natsu now !! And besides, this pisses me off !! That guy helped defeat Nirvana... AND THEY 'RE NOT SHOWING EVEN A SHRED OF GRATITUDE !!!!

Jura: It is unjust to arrest a good man !!!

Ichiya: Though it pains me to say it, if that man is taken away, Erza wil be inconsolable~ !

Lucy: Aaahhhh... Why do I have to get dragged into these things ?!!

Happy: Aye !

Wendy: Please !! You can't take Jellal away !!


Rahal: Arrest the lot of them !!! they are guilty of obstruction of officers in the line of duty, and assisting in the escape of a prisoner !!!



Erza: We apologize for the commotion. We'll take full responsibility for their behavior. You may... Take Jellal... Away...

Natsu: ERZA !!

Jellal: Of course... The color of your hair... Farewell, Erza.

Erza: ... Farewell...

Happy: Where did Erza go, I wonder... ?

"She told me she needed to be alone for a moment. She need to process everything that happened recently."

Natsu: I can't believe you stayed still and let them take Jellal away...

"This is the council, Natsu. Did you actually managed to free Jellal, that would've just made you a criminal. This is nothing like a petty war between guilds, you know."

Natsu: It doesn't change the fact that he's gone now !

"Natsu, soon you shall learn that there are a lot of situations that can be solved without actually blowing up everything in your path. Trust me, Jellal won't spend a single day in jail."

Natsu: How can you be so sure ?!

Mew: Everything's possible... With a bit of "Divine intervention"

Roubaul: Fairy Tail. Blue Pegasus. Lamia scale. And you, Wendy and Carla. Congratulations on defeating the Oracion Seis and halting Nirvana. As a representative of the local union of guilds, I, Roubaul, offer you my thanks. Thank you.

Ichiya: You are most welcome~ !! master Roubaul~ !! Ah, the conflict with the Oracion Seis was just one fierce battle after another~ !! It was far from an easy task~ !! Yet our bonds of comradeship ultimately led us to victory~ !!

Trimens: That's our sensei !!

Gray: he just loves stealing the spotlight...

Lucy: Did he actually defeat anyone in the end... ?

"He DID destroy one of the lacryma..."

Natsu: I think this calls for a party !!!

Happy: Aye, sir !!

Ichiya: Ichiya~...

Trimens: Ichiya !

Ichiya: The shining star~ !

Trimens: the shining star !


Gray: A party, huh ?

Lyon: Ha hah...

Lucy: Stop stripping !! Both of you...

Mew: And so, once I got to that part...

"The mist should help around here... If the path is clear, it shouldn't take long... They're still at it ?"

Ichiya: Now, friends of Cait Shelter ! Will you not join us~ ?!

Trimens: HIP HIP, HOORAY !!

Ichiya: Hip...

'... kind of a mood killer.'

Roubaul: My friends... I must sincerely apologize to you all, for concealing the truth of the nirvit tribe.

Happy: You ruined the whole mood for that ?

Natsu: Seriously, we don't mind. Right, guys ?

Wendy: I don't mind either, master...

Roubaul: ... Everyone... I ask that you listen carefully to what I am about to reveal. First of all, the price for the PS5 is-


Roubaul: First of all, we are not the descendants of the nirvit tribe. We ARE the nirvit tribe. The man responsible for constructing Nirvana four hundred years ago... Was I.

Lyon: WHAT ?!!

Lucy: No way...

Happy: Four hundred... ?!


Roubaul: Four hundred years ago... in the hope of putting an end to the wars that ravaged the world, I created the magic of reversal, Nirvana. It became our home and nation, a symbol of peace for many long years. But a great power will always find itself opposed by another. For all the darkness that it had turned into light, Nirvana had taken more and more "darkness" upon itself.

"The principle of balance... It is impossible to simply create light from darkness, an equal amount of darkness has to be created from light in return..."

Gray: Now that you mention it, that makes sense...

Roubaul: The darkness that had been lost from the targets of Nirvana came to settle upon the nirvits themselves.

Wendy: No...

Roubaul: It was hell. We fought amongst ourselves, almost to extinction. I was the only one to survive.

Roubaul: No... I suppose even that is no longer quite accurate. Even my own body perished many years ago now. I remain as little more than a spirit. In order to atone for the sin I committed, and in order to find one with the power I have not, who might destroy Nirvana in my stead... I have watched over this place for four hundred years. Now... My task is finally over.

Wendy: Th... That's just...

Wendy: MAGNA !! PEPEL !! What is this... ?! Why are you... ?!

Carla: EVERYONE... !!!

Mew: They're all vanishing...


Roubaul: I must apologize for deceiving you all this time, Wendy. All the members of this guild, were but an illusion that I created.

Natsu: WHAAAAT ?!!

"Illusions with their own personalities ?! Now that's some high-level magic..."

Roubaul: In order to watch over Nirvana, I lived alone in this abandoned village. Seven years ago, a boy appeared before me.

Jellal: Please, take care of this girl...

Roubaul: Taken aback by his clear and earnest gaze, I could not help but agree. Even though I had sworn to lead a solitary life...

Wendy: Old man... Where... Am I... ?

Roubaul: Wh... Where are you... ?

Wendy: Jellal... Said he was going to take me to a guild...

Roubaul: ... Th.. This is a guild !! A wonderful guild of mages !!

Wendy: Really !!

Roubaul: Step out and take a look around. Everyone is waiting to meet you !

Roubaul: And so I created a guild of illusory companions.

Lucy: An entire guild, created fro Wendy's sake... !

Wendy: No !! I don't want to hear this !! Usk... Naoki... You can't all disappear !!!

Roubaul: Wendy, Carla... You no longer have any need of illusory companions. You have found yourselves true companions now. Your future awaits you. It is only just beginning.

Wendy: MASTER !!

Roubaul: Everyone, thank you so much. Please, take good care of Wendy and Carla.


Erza: ... It is always sad to part with those whom you love... But your companions will help you bear that sadness.

"Wendy, come with us. To Fairy Tail."

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