Chapter 52: Edolas kingdom

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Natsu: OHHHHH !!!

"Well, color me surprised."

Carla: This is Edolas...

Happy: My roots...

"It really is a peculiar world, even by my standards..."

"Are you guys okay ?"

Natsu: Ohhhhhh...

Happy: My wings suddenly...

Carla: I told you, didn't I ? We can't use magic freely here.

Wendy: You're right... This feels weird.

"I don't feel any difference. Look, I believe, I can flyyyyy~..."

Happy: Don't mind him. This looks like some kind of storehouse.

Carla: perfect. We'll stock up on disguise clothes from here.

Natsu: Ohhhh !! There are a lot of interesting clothing here !!

"I can understand why you two are trying to disguise yourself, but why us ? Mh ?"

Carla: Well-


Natsu: What ?!

Natsu: It's... IT'S FAIRY TAIL !!!

Wendy/Carla: EHHH ?!!



"Wait a second... This looks way too convenient, even for us..."

Natsu: Everyone's alright !!! Well that sure didn't take long !

Carla: Hold on a second ! This seems suspicious !

"Look closer, guys..."

Juvia: Well, Juvia's going off to work now.

Gray: W- Wait, Juvia !! I wanna go too... Kinda.

Juvia: Just looking at your outfit is making me hot... How many layers are you wearing ?

Natsu: ... Huh ?

Juvia: Call me again when you're wearing less.

Gray: B- But I get cold easily !!

"Pffrrrrrr... And it's even better over there."

Nab: Work ! Woooork !!!

Vijeeter: Nab... You need to rest once in a while.

Droy: You screwed up again ?!

Jet: You're pathetic, Elfman !

Elfman: I'm really embarrassed...

Max: hey, look. The two candidates for strongest in the guild, Jet and Droy, are lecturing Elfman again.

Warren: Don't overdo it, you two !

Macao: Cana, how about drinking with us for once ?!

Cana: How many times must I tell you ? I... Don't like alcohol.


Alzack: Bis-Biiiiis !

Bisca: Whaaat, Al- Al ?

Jet: You know what you are, huh ?!

Droy: Stop crying !!

Elfman: Uuu...

Gray: I have a crush on Juvia!!

Reedus: Shut the hell up, Gray ! You're stuffing up the room !

Natsu: Wh... What is going on here... ?

Happy: Has everyone gone nuts ?

'Must not laugh...'

???: Hey. Who the fuck are you ?

Lucy: What the hell are you sneaking around here for, huh ?


Carla: Just what... is the meaning of this ?


Wendy: Lucy is scaring me...



Natsu: GUOHH !

Max: That's Natsu ?

Warren: What's with those clothes ?

Macao: And what's with the other guy, the little girl and the cats ?

Lucy: Where have you been until now... ? Do you know how worried I was... ?

Natsu: Lucy...


Natsu: NGYAAAHH !!

Mage: There it is !! One of Lucy's 48 torture techniques: Screwdrive crush !!

Wendy: NATSUUUU !!


Cana: Poor thing, don't bully him too much.

Elfman: Sniff...

Jet/Droy: How long are you going to keep crying for, dammit ?!!

Gray: I'm glad you're all right, though ! Right, Juvia ?!

Juvia: Shut up.

Happy: Is this... All a result of being in Edolas ? Everything has been completely reversed.

"Weehee... Hee... Phew. I- I think... I think you've got things wrong here, Happy... They haven't been reversed."

???: Lucy ! Look at you, bullying Natsu again ! Enough already ! Jet and Droy, you need to stop bullying Elfy too !

Natsu: Lisanna...

Happy: No way...


Lucy: Since when did you become so animal-like, huh ?

Natsu: But... Lisanna's alive... Right there...

Gray: C'mon, just sit down. What do you say we have a little chat for once in a while, friend ?

Natsu: You're scaring me... Take off those clothes, Gray...

Happy: Wh... Why is Lisanna here... ?

Wendy: Mira's younger sister...She should be deceased !

"That's my point. If you look closely, some of them doesn't seem to be reversed. For example..."

Mirajane: Natsuuu ! Welcome baaack !

Happy: It's normal Mira ! In a way, that's kinda boring...

"Well, there's also some that seems reversed, but in a... Different way."

Warren: Doesn't that little girl sorta look like you, Wendy ?

'Wendy': You think so ?


"You see what I mean ? They haven't been reversed at all. They just aren't the ones we're looking for. This is the textbook definition of a parallel universe after all."

Wendy: But that's... This Fairy Tail has always existed in Edolas, then ?!

Natsu: Then where are all the people we know ?!!

"That's what we are trying to discover here. But I must say, it's pretty fun how they immediately started to mix you with your counterpart."

'Lucy': What the hell are you going on about ?

Happy: Speaking of, where's yours ? There must be an Edolas Y/n, right ?

"Well yes, but actually no. That would technically be the case, but I'm not even the version of myself from your universe."

Happy: I don't understand...

"You don't have to."

Carla: It's just going to cause us trouble to stay here any longer. We're off.

Wendy: But, to where ?!

Carla: To the royal city !!! There should be some clue to where the absorbed guild went !!!


"What now... ?"

'Lucy': Hey, you guys ! I don't know who you are, but you seem to get along with Natsu, so hear me out !! It's dangerous outside, don't go !!


Warren: They already found out this location ?!!

Mage: Those bastards from the kingdom... They're chasing us down again...

"Whatever these 'Fairy hunters' may be, it sounds like a pretty serious matter."

Happy: Kingdom... the ones that sent us to Earthland. Are we... Enemies of Fairy Tail... ?

'Lucy': How much longer is it going to take for that damn transport field, Levy ?!

'Levy': I'm taking care of it right now, you asshole !!!

Wendy: The atmosphere is shaking...

"hey, is it just me, or is there something in the sky coming right at us ?!"

Natsu: Wh... What is that...

"Who the hell are those Fairy hunters..."

Wendy: The kingdom is after Fairy Tail ?! For what ?!

'Wendy': isn't it obvious ? Under orders of the king, all magician guilds were abolished. This is the only one that remains in all of the world. Did you guys followed Natsu here without even knowing that . In sort, we... Are a Dark guild.

"So in short, they're under direct orders from the king ?"

'Wendy': Exactly.


???: Transport... ?!

???: Mmmm~... These fairies, really are fast runners.

???: Sugarboy. So you came too.

Sugarboy: Mmmm, close, but no cigar, Fairy Hunter. They won't be able to transport themselves more than a few more times, though. It's just a matter of time before hunting day comes. More important, the massive Anima plan seemed to have succeeded. And so, they told all the division captains to return to the Royal City.

*Royal Army, captain of the 4th magical war division, Sugarboy.*

???: Did they destroy the Earthland Fairy Tail ?!

Sugarboy: They absorbed it, to be accurate... Our king really sets his aims high.

???: What happened to the mages from Earthland after the absorption ?

Sugarboy: They're in the royal city. Inside a massive Lacryma.

???: Wonderful. Edolas' magic should be secure for a while, then.

Sugarboy: Mmmm~.

'Levy': Hey, all you bastards !! Moving is finished !!

Natsu: Moving... ?

Happy: They transported the entire guild... ?

Wendy: Amazing...

'Lucy': You sure took your sweet time, though !! You could have fucking killed us !!

'Levy': Shut up !! Try doing it yourself once in a while !!


Natsu: Wait a second... Where's Y/n ?! Don't tell me he stayed back there !!

'Mirajane': That's no good... Have you already forgot, Natsu ? If your new friend stayed, he might be in great danger... That was one of the royal magic war division captains, Erza Knightwalker, also known as "Fairy hunter Erza".

Natsu: Erza's... Our enemy ?!

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