Chapter 53: Diplomacy

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

???: Oh, wow !!! have you seen it, Erza ?! That huge lacryma !

*Royal army, captain of the 3rd magical war division: Hughes.*

Erza: I saw it when I arrived, Hughes. A beautiful thing it is indeed.

Hughes: That's the magical power of tens of thousands of humans from Earthland, you know !

Sugarboy: Hmm~. To be more precise, it is the magical power of approximately one hundred mages, and the lives of a multitude of people besides.

Hughes: Do we have to sweat the details, Sugarboy ? All I'm trying to say is: This thing is amazing ! You get it ? I'm not just talking about your average "Amazing" !! I'm talking Super-amazing !!

Sugarboy: Hm, super-amazing.

???: Erza. Have you still not succeeded in eliminating Fairy Tail ?

Erza: Byro...

*Royal army, chief of staff: Byro*

Byro: Ngushushushushu... And to think they call you the "Fairy Hunter"... Fairy Tail is the only remaining guild to be eliminated. Certainly, they are adept at running away, but I feel his majesty would like to see some results sooner than later.

Sugarboy: Do not fret. The day when this goddess will rid us of those fairy pests is soon at hand.

Hughes: That's right ! Erza's sword-skills are amazing ! So amazing !

Byro: Ngushushushu...

???: Enough of that ghastly laughter, Byro.

Erza: Pantherlily...

*Royal army, captain of the 1st magical war division: Pantherlily.*

Pantherlily: I don't appreciate people making excessive noise. Hughes, that goes for you too.

Hughes: Whaddaya mean, me too ?! Why you... Do you think you're the most amazing guy here or something, huh ?!

Pantherlily: Try closing your mouth for a change.

Sugarboy: Hmm... You seem in a nasty mood, Lily.

Erza: He isn't too please about the arms race we have got ourselves into.

Sugarboy: Surely that should be a happy development for a military man...

Erza: Still, considering our country has united almost the entire world, it is true enough that there would appear to be little need for further arms development...

Sugarboy: Mmmm... There are still a few rebellious factions out there, are there not ?

Erza: But we are quite capable of handling those ourselves, surely ?

Hughes: What the heck !! Where did this amazingly complicated discussion come from ?! I don't get it at all !!

Erza: ... ...

Sugarboy: Something's on your mind ?

Erza: ... No, it's just me... I can't shake off the feeling that I'm being followed... Like something was watching me for some time...

Sugarboy: It's just you. Who could possibly sneak into the castle without being noticed ?

'... Stop talking, stop breathing, stop thinking...'

Sugarboy: There's no one around here.

'And I'm glad I got Shadow sneak... Now I'm all infiltrated... Still can't believe I managed to follow them all the way to the capital, sneak into her shadow, and got here without being noticed... But it was all worth it.'

???: Your majesty !!! Your majesty !!! We have confirmation that extraction of magical energy from the giant lacryma can begin according to plan in four days' time ! Congratulations !!!

*Royal army, assistant chief of Staff: Coco*

King: ... Insufficient.

Coco: Hmm ?

Coco: Your majesty... What did you just... ?

King: I said that it will be insufficient.

Coco: If I speak freely, your majesty... !!! That lacryma contains the magical energy of an entire Earthland magical city ! It will be more than enough to supply our country with magical power, for the next ten years !!

King: The glorious kingdom of Edolas... Cannot be bound by limitations. More... Bring me more magical power I must have an eternity !!! A supply of magical power that will never die !!

*King of Edolas: Faust*

"... I might be able to help with that."

King: What ? Who's there ?! Show yourself !!

"My, my, how impolite of me. Please disregard this, and hear me out."


"Allow me to introduce myself. I am know as Giratina, but most people nowadays call me Y/n. And just as I said, I have a proposition that would solve your problem."


"Of course it would end up like that... Why do I even bother..."

Sugarboy: What is it, your majesty !!



"Alright, I'll be extremely blunt and clear here."


Erza: 'He... he caught it ?! With his bare hand ?!!'

"I came here with no ill intents yet, but keep trying to attack me, and they might appear. So settle down, all of you, because if you persist in that way, soon they won't be any castle left to protect."

King: What do you want ?

"I told you already, I have a proposition. An endless and infinite amount of magic for your world, all in exchange for what your Anima has already absorbed be set free. That's all."

Erza: Who are you to make such demands ?!

"If you really want to know, I'm from Earthland myself. Member of Earthland's fairy Tail, quite pissed off at your actions right now, and also a literal God. I could go with my entire resume but that's not the point.

King: So you're here to save your friends, aren't you... But I am curious, let's say what you're saying is true... How do you intend to do it ?

"I'm glad you asked."

Erza: A deity from outside this world ?

"You can see it that way. i'm the one in charge of looking after the realm that spreads between all universes, the Distortion realm, that also happens to be the source of what you refer as 'Magic'. Now, the explanations might be a little long, so I could probably give you a quick summary ?"

King: Please do.

"Very well. In short, 'magic' is an extremely ancient energy, remnants of a time when even the simple concepts of 'Time', 'Space', or even 'Spirit', were still nonexistent. The magic is, simply put, a fragment of that energy that seeps from the Distortion realm to every universe. But that's where differences starts to emerge."

King: Not all of them...

"And that's the point. Some universes are completely hermetic to magic. There can be different reasons, but I'll spare you the details, just know it has to do with energy fluctuations in the border area. That's where your Anima will come to play. Here's what's gonna happen from now on..."

Natsu: Alright. We finally arrived in the Royal city. Now where is that giant lacryma ?

Carla: Don't make any ruckus, or-




Sugarboy: Hmm. How troublesome, but I'm afraid I cannot allow you to leave just yet.

Wendy: Who are you ?

Sugarboy: Natsu Dragneel, Wendy Marvell, Lucy Heartfillia, Happy the Catmander and Carla ? We were waiting for you, please follow me.

Natsu: I don't trust you. It must be a trap. And how the hell do you know our names ?!

Sugarboy: We were requested to escort you to the castle. Trust me, you are our guests.

Lucy: ... they aren't a lot of people who knows about Happy's self-nickname...

Wendy: You don't think it is...

Sugarboy: Please, this way. Your friends are all waiting.

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