Chapter 54: Anticlimactic

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Lucy: Everyone...

Wendy: They're all...


Gray: Hey, it's you guys.

Natsu: What the shizz happened ?! We heard you were all transformed into a giant lacryma, so we were here to save you, but then...

Gray: Don't ask us, we got no idea either. There was that massive light, then nothing until these guys just, awaken us, saying they had no more use for us.

Lucy: Was that...

Erza: Y/n's doing ? Absolutely. Right now, we're waiting for them to finish.

Lucy: Finish what ?

Erza: The peace summit.

Gray: They're coming out !

King: I suppose you had reasons to decapitate my chief of staff...

"I could tell from miles away this guys didn't care about the magic, and just wanted to see suffering. Had we let him live, he'd have taken the military might you have and turned it against everyone."

Coco: Your majesty !

King: The queen of exceeds, Shagotte, and myself, came to an agreement.

Natsu: Y- Y/n ?!

"Ah. You guys have been escorted here ?"

Natsu, but what's happening ?!

"There's no reason to fight anymore. I gave them what they wanted, a reliable, unlimited source of magic, in exchange of everyone's lives."

Natsu: So wait, we traveled all the way here for nothing ?!

"Don't say that. But... yeah, after I'm done here, I probably would've just went looking for you so we can all go back."

Gajeel: My entire plan went to waste because of that as well too... Not cool.

"Hey, look at the bright side, this ended quick, so now we all go back with the rest of Magnolia through Anima, they get the magic they so much wanted, and apart from that treacherous midget, no one has to get hurt. A complete win in my book."

Natsu: Oh... Okay... But then, what are we waiting for to go back ?

"We wait for Mystogan to open the door."

Natsu: Mystogan... ?

"You want the short version ?"

Lucy: All of this has been rather anticlimactic, so go ahead...

"He's the prince of this land, Edolas' version of Jellal."

Natsu: Alright... WAIT WHAT-

Mystogan: You single-handedly resolved a conflict that lasted for centuries...

"Well, it's only the second time, in the end."

'Erza': So you really are leaving so soon ?

"There's nothing left to do here."

'Erza': We are grateful for your help, just know... If you ever come back and step a foot inside the castle, it'll be the last thing you'll ever do.

"I... I'll keep that in mind, thank you."

'Erza': Just... remind of one thing... Y/n, correct ?

"Yes... Why ?"

'Erza': Nothing important. Have a safe travel.

"That was weird."

Mystogan: Ready to go ?

"As ever. Please rule this country with care. And just... Don't come back. It creates really confusing situations, for all of us."

Mystogan: we'll see about that. Anima, opening.

*Rumors says that a few days later, Erza Knightwalker took a young soldier under her wing, much to the general confusion.*


Natsu: We... WE'RE BAAACK !!!

Gray: That's right, what about Fairy Tail ?!!

"Look over here."

Natsu: It's back to normal !!! Magnolia town too !!!

Erza: It's too early to celebrate. First we've got to make sure everyone's alright.

Exceeds: They're fine. We reached Earthland a step ahead of you. We flew all over. The guild and everyone in the town are just fine !


Carla: This is no laughing matter. These guys are dangerous !! They sent us to Earthland with a mission to kill off the dragonslayers !!!

"Your 'mission', huh ? About that... I think it's better if I'm not the one explaining."

Elder: Thank you. This... This is a tale from 6 years ago. You see, queen Shagotte has an ability to "foresee" the future. One day, she saw an image of Extalia, our country, crashing to the ground, and at the time, we thought it would come as a result of human actions. We realized that even if we went to war with the humans, we would never win. After convening a meeting, we established a plan to allow 100 children to escape from Edolas.

Elder: We kept this plan secret, even from the citizens of Extalia, but the official story was that they were being sent to destroy beasts called dragonslayers in a parallel universe.

"Of course, they just needed that setup, or else great panic would've occurred. They borrowed the Anima to do so, and, well, everything was going smooth, until..."

Shagotte: One thing that we didn't accounted for, that was your power, Carla. You have the same power of "prediction" as I do. But because it activated while you were unconscious, it jumbled your memories. Among the 100 escaped exceeds, you were the only one with this power. It's likely you foresaw bits and pieces of the future of Edolas, and you probably mistook those impressions for your "mission".

Carla: It can't be...

Happy: then the rest of us...

Shagotte: There was never any such mission. It was truly misfortune upon misfortune... You created your own "imaginary mission".

"To think she'd go as far just to protect her people... That's what ruling a country means... A lot of sacrifices are needed, and no one can claim to be perfectly white... We all are different layers of gray."

Natsu: Gray... Layers...

"Yes. Don't you think the best puns are the unintentional ones ?"

Natsu: We should head on back to the guild, too.

Lucy: But, how're we going to explain all this ?

Gray: No worries... Nobody will have noticed anything this time, right ?

Erza: But we can't keep quiet about what happened to Mystogan.

Mew: To be fair, I'd like to have a resume of that whole situation.

"Yes, we should think of... Um, I can explain. For once, it has nothing to do with me. The problem, I mean, not the solution."

Mew: i'm all ears. I finally come back from my mission, only to find the entire town missing.

"It might be a little long..."

Mew: I have time.

Gajeel: Wa- Wait a sec... Where's Lily ? I don't see Pantherlily anywhere !!

"That really buff cat ? Why ?"

Pantherlily: if you're looking for me, I'm over here.

"... Did your body shrink or something ?"

Pantherlily: It looks like Earthland didn't mix well with my constitution. I want to join the guild that his highness was helping out. As promised, you'd better let me in, Gajeel.

Gajeel: OF COURSE !!! MY CAT !!!

"He's crying... A lot of things happened without me knowing."

Mew: I am beyond confused right now.

Pantherlily: But that aside, I caught a suspicious-looking person. Come.

???: Wait... I... Am not really... Anyone suspicious... Kyah !

Lisanna: I'm a member of Fairy Tail, too...

Natsu: Lisanna...

Lisanna: What's up with this cat ?! Is it an exceed ?

Pantherlily: I'm Pantherlily.

Gajeel: Who the hell are you ?! You pickin' on my cat ? Huh ?!

Natsu: Lisanna...

Gray: It can't be...

Erza: Lisanna ?!

Happy: How... Could it be Edolas' Lisanna ?

Lucy: She got sucked over here ?!

Wendy: Wh... What're we going to do ?

Mew: I don't fucking understand anything right now...

"You're not the only one. i'm just as lost as you on that one."

Lisanna: ... NATSU !!!!

Lisanna: I finally get, to see the real Natsu again. Happy ! it's me ! Lisanna !! Erza and gray, it's been a long time !! Whoa, so nostalgic ! Are those guys new guild members ? Could it be Lucy... And a little Wendy ?

Gray: Wait a sec... You... You couldn't be... Earthland's Lisanna ?!!

Lisanna: ... Yup.


"Wait a second, time out !! Weren't you supposed to have died, like, 2 years ago or something ?"

Lisanna: I... Didn't die, or anything like that. 2 years ago, while I was on a job with Mira and Elfy... I lost consciousness. I was probably sucked into the Anima at that point.

"Mystogan did say there was a lot of small ones out there..."

Lisanna: When I found Fairy Tail after I awoke in Edolas, I was surprised. everyone's vibe was a little different, but there were people who knew me there. In addition, everyone thought I was the Lisanna from Edolas... So I figured the real Edolas Lisanna... Was probably already dead. That's what I felt, in the guild's vibe...

Lisanna: I couldn't tell them the truth, so I pretended to be the Lisanna of Edolas. But after 2 years... You guys showed up.

Natsu: B- But then... Why couldn't you just have told the truth then !!

Lisanna: I couldn't say it...

'Mew... I think this is between her and them. We should probably leave them reunite.'

Mew: 'I agree. And in the meantime, you can tell me what happened.'

'Oh boy, where to begin...'

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