Chapter 55: S-Trial

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Lisanna: Looks like the guild's changed a little bit too. But I guess Fairy Tail is Fairy Tail, after all.




Elfman: You bastards, don't you dare come near her lookin' all dirty !

Bickslow: it's a happy day, baby !

Fried: It's truly a relief that you're alright.

Lisanna: The Raijin guard ! It's unusual for you to be at the guild.

Evergreen: That's not true. After all, I am the fairy~ !

Lucy: Looks like you changed your hairstyle.

"She's not the only one, you know ?"

Lucy: Uwaahh, her too !! Is there something wrong with Juvia ?

Mew: Dunno, but she does look pretty down.

Happy: In Edolas, it was Gray who was in love with Juvia !

Juvia: WHAT ?!!

Happy: I wonder if it's the hairstyle ?

Gray: The version of you over there... Pffft ! I can't... even just thinking about it...

Cana: Spit it out ! You're making the liquor taste bad !!

Juvia: 'Juvia... Wants to go back to Edolas !!'

Lucy: So that's what it was...


"I was wondering, you guys met the other Natsu, right ? What was he like ?"

Lisanna: Ahaha, well... "I- I got bullied by Lucy..." Kinda like that. He was cute.

"Knowing that Lucy, I think anyone would react that way..."

Pantherlily: ... ... Sure is a noisy guild...

Carla: That's the same first impression everyone has...

Happy: It's a fun place.

Mew: You'll get used to it. Eventually. Just know that "you'll get used to it" is the most common sentence said to new members.

Pantherlily: So you're telling me every single person here has internal magic...

Erza: That's right. That's how it is with Earthland mages.

Pantherlily: E- Erza !

Carla: Come to think of it, you were Erza's colleague in Edolas, weren't you ?

Happy: You're together again !

"What's important isn't the magic in itself, you know ? But rather, the hearts of the ones wielding it. Don't you think so ?"

Pantherlily: You maybe different persons, but it's comforting to have at least some familiar faces around.

"Wait, even me ?"

Pantherlily: Haven't we told you ? You were a soldier under Erza's order back in Edolas.



Natsu: Huh ?

Lucy: Looks like you've been counted among the greats, huh Wendy ?

Natsu: Sure, whatever you want !!!

Happy: Don't want that, please.

Gajeel: I'll tell you this in advance, my Lily's the strongest of the strong !

Natsu: Happy is the cattiest of the cats, you bastard !!

"How is that even an argument ?"

Happy: Umm... I'd lose in a second, you know ?

Carla: How disgraceful... How can you give up before you've even tried ?

Happy: She believes in me !!

Mew: Or she's making fun of you. It's that or the other.

Pantherlily: Stop it... I may look like this now, but on that side I was a division commander. If you engage in a senseless fight, you'll just get hurt.

Erza: You're more mature than I expected.

Pantherlily: It's they who are childish. let's get along, Happy, Carla, Mew.

Happy: Aye !

Carla: Hmph.

Mew: When the cat is more mature than the dragonslayer...

"And why are they fighting ? Even Gray and Elfman got sucked in... Somehow."

Juvia: Body upon body, clashing violently together... Juvia wants to, too !!

Lucy: Don't strip !!

Cana: Been a while since the last ruckus !!

Bickslow: YEAAAAAH !!

Nab: Go for it, Natsu !!

Makarov: My, my... It's too bad about Mystogan, but... Let's hope he's in high spirits over there in Edolas or whatnot.

Gildarts: I'm sure he is. He grew up in this guild, of course he's in high spirits.

"Hey, Gildarts, you're going to stay in town for a while this time ?"

Gildarts: Hmm... I wonder.

"Come on, I may not have been here for long, but even I know what is coming up. We all have something to gain here."

Mew: Speaking of, didn't you forgot to tell me what you gained in Edolas ?

"Oh, right. 5 out of 6 now."

"Light magic charged by the Anima. All that is left is finding the last one, then convert them back to finally regain my lost grandeur."

Mew: Careful not to pat yourself on the back too much.

"You'll also finally be able to go back to your human form."

Mew: You better hurry.

Lucy: This really is getting weird...

"You realize you're talking about Fairy Tail, right ?"

Lucy: What I mean, in another guild, it would seem almost normal, but in Fairy Tail...

Natsu: WORK, WORK !!!

Happy: AYE, SIR !!

Lucy: Hey, wait !! If you're taking a job, I...

Natsu: Sorry !! I'm going alone while this is going on !!

Gray: I'M BACK !!

"Gray, where are your clothes ?"

Gray: There is no time for that !! On to the next job !!

Elfman: Big sis !! I'm heading off on this job !!

Mew: They're all awfully noisy.

Alzack: Work, work !!

Max: Hey, you bastard, I saw that one first !

Warren: As if !!

Jet: Out of the way, punk !!

Droy: Team Shadow gear is disbanded during this period !!!

Lucy: What the heck is going on... ?

"I'd heavily recommend you to not sit at the bar, and especially not directly in front of Mira. And while you're at it, don't go near those two for now."

Erza: That's enough.


Pantherlily: Phew. The amount of time I can spend in my original body is pretty short.

Erza: Still, that was excellent. Superb swordsmanship.

Gajeel: How's that, Erza ?!! This is Lily's true power !!

Pantherlily: No, no, but this is certainly what I'd expect from the woman called Erza. This is, the S-class power of this guild.

"Gajeel, what are you doing chilling here ? Shouldn't you be working your as off like everyone else ?"

Gajeel: You guys are to talk ! You have the easy, didn't even had to go through this ! I envy you...

Lucy: He's right. Somehow, though there's people rushing off to jobs, there are others who're just doing the usual... I can't make heads nor tails of it...

Mew: You'll understand when tomorrow comes.

Lucy: Whoa... What a crowd. It looks like nearly all the members of the guild have gathered.

Pantherlily: What's the commotion about ?

Gajeel: Who knows ?

Wendy: They say the master's going to make some kind of important announcement.

Carla: Not interested.

Happy: Natsu, calm down...

Lucy: Finally, the secret will be revealed.

Juvia: Juvia's excited... When she looks at Gray.

Lucy: Maybe you should just go home.

Lucy: What are they all doing up here with the master... Mirajane, Erza, and Y/n too...

Mages: MASTER !!! We've been waiting !! Hurry up and make the announcement ! "Who" is it this year ?!

Makarov: Ahem. Since long ago, this has been Fairy Tail's custom. And now, THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE PARTICIPANTS IN THE S-CLASS MAGE PROMOTION TRIAL !!


Natsu: I'M ALL FIRED UP !!!

Makarov: The venue for this year's trial, is Tenrou island, the holy ground of our guild.

Lucy: What happens in the trial ?

Warren: It's different every year, but the fact that it's hard doesn't change !

Alzack: At any rate, those who pass become S-class mages !

Makarov: Strength, heart, soul... I've been watching for each of these things this past year. There will be 8 participants. NATSU DRAGNEEL !


Happy: You did it, Natsu !


Gray: The time's finally come.


Juvia: Eh ? Juvia, too ?


Elfman: To be worthy to be called a man, one must become S-Class !!

Lisanna: Good luck, Big brother !!


Cana: ... ...


Fried: The one to take Laxus' place will be...

Makarov: LEVY McGARDEN !!

Levy: Me... Finally !

Jet/Droy: IT'S LEVY !!

Makarov: MEST GRYDER !!

Mages: It's Mest !! last year was so close !

Alzack: Uwaah... I didn't make it this year either.

Bisca: there's always next year, Alzack.

Lucy: So that's it... these members were working hard to increase their appeal because they wanted to be chosen.

Wendy: Good luck, everyone !!

Makarov: This time, only one will be selected to pass from among them. Get into your best condition within one week's time.

Mages: ONE ?!! Think the favorite's Fried ? Nah, must be Mest. Natsu and Gray are in it, too.

Gajeel: Wh... Why wasn't I included... ? Even Juvia was picked...

Pantherlily: I've heard about your standing and position in the guild. I guess they can't trust you yet.

Gajeel: No, that's not it !! I can't talk about it, but that's not it !!

Pantherlily: I heard from the others.

"I think it's a little too early for you."


Lucy: But... Yes, that's weird. You joined the guild only a little before me, yet you're already S-Class, how did you do ?

"I'll explain later, right now's not the time."

Makarov: there are some newbies here, so I'll explain the rules.

Mirajane: Within a preliminary period of one week, you 8 are to select one partner.

Lucy: Partner ?!

Jet: This means this will be a two-man team battle.

Warren: It'll also test partners' bonds.

Erza: there are two rules to partner selection: First, they must be a member of Fairy Tail. Second, they cannot be an S-Class mage.

Pantherlily: Which means Erza, Y/n, Mirajane and Gildarts can't be chosen.

Wendy: Yeah, having one of them as a partner would make you too powerful.

"The details of the exam will be revealed after arrival to Tenrou island. All you can know is that this time... You'll have to compose with us if you want to be victorious."


Lucy: Y- You mean no one will be able to become an S-class mage unless they can defeat them ?!

Warren: You understand know that this is hard, right ?

Gildarts: Enough whining. This is a path that all S-Class mages have gone done. Well, almost all of them.

Elfman: Wait a minute...

Happy: No way...


Gray: Don't be happy !!!

Makarov: the chosen eight will take their partners with them, and gather at Hargeon port one week from now. That is all !!

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