Chapter 60: Soul Links

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ultear: That was far... The path to Zeref... Was too far for me. But today, my dream will finally come true. Once I have my hands on Zeref... I will be saved.


Ultear: Who's there ?!

Zeref: Looking for me ? I see... So you people are the apple of discord here... It's sad... How you've managed, to anger me...

Ultear: 'Zeref... !! After searching for so long... Zeref is finally... Right before my eyes...'

Zeref: What you want, is my power ?

Ultear: I want your D-


Ultear: Your entire existence, my Lord.

Zeref: I have no intention of doing anything in this period. I don't want to see wars or people dying. Stop attacking this island and leave at once. I'm... Angry.

Hades: Fuhahahaha ! This is fantastic ! But really... Have I known our ship would sustain such damage... I'd have asked Ultear to stay on board.

"What can I say ? We all make decisions we regret afterward. You and I are no exceptions."

Hades: That makes me curious. What kind of decisions could you regret ? What can make a god feel grief ?

"The very sorrow a decent father should feel, upon seeing his children fall."

Hades: Oh, so you knew ? You little fairies already took care of 3 of the 7 Kin. Makarov's kids are really something. It looks like that arrogance of yours wasn't exactly an empty threat, you do have strength to back it up. But I do wonder... In your current state, how long can you maintain that strength ?

"Long enough to put you in a retirement home ! Power that was once lost in the meanders of time, called upon to maintain balance to this world, lend me the strength to protect, to slay and to save, for I am in charge, as a divine being, of keeping the spread of chaos in check... ETERNAL RETRIBUTION, OF THE DIVINE DRA-"

"What... Is happening..."

Hades: Ah what a shame. Azuma finally managed to take a hold of the Great Tenrou Tree. Have Makarov not informed you ? On this island, the power of those who arbor the Fairy Tail Emblem is enhanced, and they're granted a protection to prevent their death. You must have realized it by now, haven't you ?


Hades: "You have no chance against me", "Today's the day fairy Tail will get crushed"... I told you, that I was the one to decide such things.

Hades: I've learned to be cautious when handling young lions such as yourself. But really... Even Meredy was defeated. I hadn't anticipated that half of the seven kin would be wiped out. Bluenote... Ah, perhaps I was too late... I apologize, Makarov. I hadn't intended on using him again. It's over.

"... ..."

Hades: You should be dead. You throat have been sliced, your heart have been teared out. So how are you able to stand back up ?

"... You are correct. You have killed me. Congratulations are in order, you have destroyed that body of mine. But, you see... This here where the biggest difference between us lies... You are a human who keeps claiming to have somehow attained godhood, while I'm a god who has taken on a human body. You are a body with a soul, while I'm a soul with a body.

Hades: If this is everything a god is capable of, maybe I wasn't so wrong to proclaim myself as one.

"Am I a god... ? Not exactly. Am I a King... ? Nah. Am I a human... ? We're getting closer, but that's still not it. I am a hybrid. I am the result of a mortal soul and divine soul fusing together. 'Who am I...' Such a simple question at first glance... But, despite all of this, there is one thing I'm certain of. Human... Dragon, king, God, whatever you'd like to call me... I am, and I stay... A member, OF FAIRY TAIL !!! SOUL MANIPULATION, SEVERED LINKS !!"


Hades: ... He's gone... His body's still here, but if what he said is true... I may have killed him, but that doesn't end this battle just yet... And that brat used the flash to take a little something with him too. It was a mistake of me to let him go away... Especially now that he's got all six of them...

Mew: You've got to be kidding me.

"It'd be better if I was. Trust me, I'd love to suddenly shout 'PRANKED' and turn back."

Mew: So let me get this straight... Your body has been destroyed, and now all that's left of you is your soul, flying around ?

"That... Sums up the situation pretty well. That little ball of light you're talking too is everything that's left, since I'm pretty sure they already disposed of the corpse... So yeah, guess I'll stay like that until I can do something about it."

Mew: Well, at least now you get to experience what he did right before you started working together.

"Yes... This is actually rather nice now that I think about it. I feel more free, but this is weird to not have any 'eyesight' and just 'feel' things rather to see or hear them... Boy, Erza isn't going to like that..."

Mew: She definitely won't. But as things are, I believe we have bigger problems at hand.

Erza: Why are you doing this ?

Azuma: Orders from master Hades. I am to erase every last mage of Fairy Tail.

Erza: Not that. I meant why have you made it so only I can move ?

Azuma: I already told you... I want to try fighting with you when you've gotten serious. That's all.

Erza: If what you're saying is the truth, then when I defeat you, you'll return everyone's power to them.

Azuma: I promise. To be honest, I don't like doing things this way either. But of course... That's only if you win.

Erza: My comrades' lives are on the line. NO MATER WHAT... I'LL WIN !! HEAVEN'S WHEEL: BLUMENBLATT !!!

Azuma: PHORIUM SEEKER !! (Leaf blades) LAUM SEEKER !! (branch blades)



Erza: 'He... Has... Incredible magical power... He's really powerful ! He's damaged the fairy armor and the purgatory armor... What should I do ?!'

Azuma: ...

Erza: 'I just remembered... Last week, I bought that seduction armor..' A... ABSOLUTELY NOT !!

Azuma: talking to yourself ?

Erza: 'Well, what can I do... If I want to surpass his magical power, I'm going to have to collect all my strength into one attack. I can't afford any magical power for defenses... So I have no need for armor. I'll put all my power into this "sword". Without my defenses, all I have to hold onto is this blade...' Let's go. Fairy... CRIMSON CHERRY !!!

Erza: My defeat, would mean the guild's defeat...'

Azuma: COME !! TITANIA !!!

Erza: 'I can't lose !! For the guild... I need to put everything into that one attack...'


Erza: 'I can't move my body...' SHIT !!!

Azuma: Haa... Haa... Titania... You've been beaten... Huh ?

Erza: W- What... I'm... Fine ? How ?

Azuma: What is that... ? When did that sphere appeared around here... It absorbed the entire blast ! It withstood the full power of Tenrou Island !!

Erza: That flawless defensive magic... It's familiar, yet... It also feels different...

"I heard that, Erza. I heard your call."

Erza: W- Where-

"I'm here. I've always been here, Erza. The situation would be too long to explain right now. Don't get caught up. Stay focused...You will protect everyone, so rise up now !!'

Azuma: 'I'm so excited... My heart is racing...' THIS WILL FINISH YOU !!! TASTE THE MAGIC POWER OF TENROU ISLAND AGAIN !! TERRA CHRYMAL !!!

Erza: 'Yes, just like first time... I can feel it...'

"That's it, Erza ? You're really going to give up ? It seems you've forgotten already..."

Erza: 'Y/n... No, everyone... I see. So that's how it is... I'm sorry. Somehow, I had forgotten... the things I hold most important...'

Azuma: WHA... !!

"Don't worry about anything... What you can't do, you can let us handle it !! So attack without fear ! We are here to protect you !!"

Erza: 'Yes... It's not that I was protecting everyone...'

Azuma: Th... This is...

Erza: 'I was the one always being protected.'

Azuma: 'I should have control of the magic of Tenrou Island... But it's protecting Erza ?! Faith... their true strength... Lies not in each "individual", but in their "sum". What an amazing guild...'

Azuma: Incredible...

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