Chapter 61:Unisson Raid

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Erza: U- Ugh... Y... Your body...

Azuma: It's a side effect from the lost magic. I overused its limits for too long. Just as I promised... I'll return everyone's magic power to them. But... As we speak, there's a good chance Ultear already found Zeref. She's... A truly frightening person. A person who Master Hades trusts more than any other.

Erza: Why are you guys after Zeref so badly ?

Azuma: The very first magic in the world... To get closer to the original source of all magic...

Erza: Source of all magic ? And what's going to happen if you finally manage to get your hands on it ?!!

Azuma: ... We...

Erza: The source of all magic...

"Everyone magic powers... Looks like Fairy Tail is back in business, and ready to kick some ass."

Erza: Y- Y/n ? You're still here ?

"Well, yes... You thought I went away ?"

Erza: You're not... Some hallucination my mind created to give me more strength ?

"Why would it do that ? Erza ? Erzaaa ?"

Erza: ... Huh...


"Erza ? Are you alright ?"

Erza: Hm... Hmmmmm... What...

Mew: Hey, you're finally awake. You were trying to fight one of the seven kin, right ? Same as everyone in the guild...

Erza: Huh... What happened ? I though I won...

Mew: oh you did. You simply fainted because of the shock.

Erza: Shock ? From what ?

"So, um... You tell her, or I do ?"

Mew: it's your business, not mine.

Erza: Y/n... That ball of light...

"Yep, that's me... You want the short or long explanation-"

Mew: He died while fighting Hades and everything that left of him is his soul right there.

Erza: ... ... ...


"Mew !"

Mew: What ? You were about to tell her anyways. Better now than later, isn't it ?

"Yes, but... There's a way to announce that ! It's tact ! Now go get some cold water !"

Mew: ... So fetch Gray then ?

"D... Do whatever you want."

Gray: Shit... My eyes are getting blurry... I can't... Go on...

Gray: Erza...

Erza: Are you okay ?

Gray: Heh... I'm always needing to be saved by somebody...

Erza: I'm the same way. We all are.

Gray: Huh ?

Mew: Everyone is.

Lucy: Gray !!

Wendy: Erza !!

Natsu: I'm the same way, too.

Gray: Heh. Now I guess we just need to wait for Y/n...

Natsu: Speaking of, he went to fight Hades on his own. We should hurry and back him up!

"i'm afraid that won't be necessary..."

Natsu: ... Erza ? How did you... Wow, didn't know you were a ventriloquist.

Erza: That's... Not it. I think it'd be easier if he explains it himself...

Hades: Impossible... The seven kin, even Bluenote was defeated ?! I truly have to give my praise to Makarov's soldiers. Oh well. I suppose I'll have to be their opponent then. The devil shall play with the fairies at last... this is the final round... Let's have some fun, then... Third Fairy Tail.

Hades: Come any time you're ready. Makarov's babies.

Natsu: WHAAAAAT ?! YOU come down here !!!

Gray: How cocky.

"He has all rights to be. He could handle both Master Makarov and I at the same after all."

Wendy: if we can defeat that guy... Everyone would be able to leave this island, right ?

Lucy: Of course ! All of us would be free to go.

"Mew, I want you to go and comb that entire ship. Look for anything that could be identified and used as a weakness. And if there's nothing, then search the ship's power source and destroy it. If it can't move around, it's still gonna be quite helpful. Carla, Happy and Lily, please go as well."

Mew: You got that.

Happy: You can leave it to us !

"And while we're at it... Wendy, cast Trojan on Natsu. Just in case."

Gray: Shall we get started, then ?

All: LET'S DO IT !

Natsu: WOOOOOH !!

Happy: We're going, too !!

Mew: We'll get in from the bilge !

Erza: You fought him already... is there anything ?

"... As a mage, he is more powerful than Master Makarov, and not by a thin margin. My Balance Breaker brought us to a stalemate, but even then it was clear he wasn't serious. We don't have the luxury of going slow on him. The second you see an opening, blast him with absolutely everything you've got !"

Wendy: Okay !

Gray: Give it everything you've got !!!

Lucy: No time to think about the past or the future, just focus on now !!


Hades: the power of... Fairy Tail ?



Lucy: OPEN ! Gate of the Bull ! TAURUS !!!

Taurus: MOOOOOO !!

Wendy: I'll enhance the attack power, defensive power and speed of everyone's magic ! Arms x Armor x Vernier !!!

Hades: If you are going to be that relentless...

Natsu: Fire Dragon... WING ATTACK !!!

Gray: NATSU !!

Natsu: OOHH !! LET'S... GO !!!

Wendy: Sky Dragon's roar !!!

Lucy: SCORPIO !!




"FLASH !!"

Hades: MY EYES !!!


Hades: ... The mistakes people make... Are eventually labeled as "Experience". But with a true mistake, there will be no experience to be gained. Because the mistake you made taking me as your opponent, will leave you with no future."

Wendy: No... Way...

Lucy: It... Had no effect on him at all.

Gray: H- Hey... I went at it with full power...

"No, there's something else... this isn't just him being strong, it couldn't be physically possible that your attack had no effect."

Natsu: The level of his magical power has changed...

Hades: Well, then... Are you just about finished with, your warm-ups ?


Hades: KATSU !!!

"W- WENDY ?!!"

Lucy: She's... Gone...

Gray: What did he do to her... ?!

Natsu: NO WAY !!

'Wendy': "Everyone, please calm down. I'm fine."

Horologium: Is what she's saying.

Lucy: Horologium !!

"Well, that's a relief... Phew."

Horologium: I am currently in automatic danger response mode.

Lucy: Umm... I've been in pleeenty of dangerous situations up till now..

Horologium: I'm sorry, the level of danger is currently higher than any previous situation. "Thank you very much, Horologium", is what she's saying.

"As complicated as ever, I see..."

Natsu: So why did only your clothes get left behind ?

Horologium: In an emergency situation, I protected her body.

Gray: Wait... Does that mean inside there... Wendy is...

Horologium: "KYAAAAA !!" I what she's saying.

Erza: Regardless, thank you for saving her.

Horologium: I'm only able to protect you this one time, I'm at my limit. Everyone, stay alert, and please be careful...

Lucy: Thanks.

Hades: So these are Makarov's kids ? As expected, they're interesting.

Natsu: Are you an acquaintance of the old man ?!

Hades: Why don't you ask your friend, he was here after all.

"That's worse than what you're thinking, Natsu... That man... Before becoming Grimoire Heart master's, he went by the name Precht. He was... Fairy Tail's second master, before Makarov."

Hades: You didn't investigate me ? There should be plenty of information archived about me in your guild' files.

Natsu: LIAR !!!

Hades: But it's true. All of it. I was the one who nominated Makarov to be the third guild master.

Natsu: There's no way that's true !!! STOP BULLSHITTING ME !!


Hades: Hm. Looks like even in that sorry state, you haven't lost everything, have you ?

"With my body, I lost all my means of attacking, but please, don't count me out just yet. i'm more than able to still protect them."

Hades: interesting. How much will it take this time ? I'm taking bets. Look, Bang ! Bang bang !


Hades: Oh, so you want me to get serious ? Very well. Now, dance with my magic !! FUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Hades: Hahahaha... Do Fairy have tails ? Or don't they ? An eternal mystery. And an eternal adventure. The origin of the name of your guild probably sprung from that thought. But your journey is about to end. Even if you could've been somewhat of a problem sooner, you are just delaying the inevitable now.


Hades: Mavis's will was entrusted to me. My will was entrusted to Makarov. But that was a mistake. Makarov changed the guild...

Natsu: What's wrong with change ?!

Hades: Too much sunlight shone on magic.

Natsu: That is OUR Fairy Tail !! We don't live like we have already died, like you do !! No offense, Y/n.

"None taken."

Natsu: We live with our lives on the line, you bastard !!! IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE COURAGE TO CHANGE THINGS THEN YOU MIGHT AS WELL JUST DIE !!!

Hades: Annoying brats... If you're going to hate someone, hate Makarov. It's Makarov's fault that you have to suffer and die like this. I've had enough already. Disappear now, you, and everyone else.

???: So HE'S the old man's predecessor ? Hm?

"... Laxus..."

Hades: The brat... ?

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