Chapter 69: Plan B

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Haha, funi number go nice

 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Erza: Answers ?

Chapati: There are just two more teams that made it through the preliminary round !!

Crowd: So... One of them has to be Sabertooth, right ? Then who's the other one ? No idea. Are there any other notable guilds ?

Chapati: Here we go ! The team who came in 2nd place in the preliminaries... Well, now... This is definitely unexpected !! Could the flapping of their fallen wings really carry them all the way here ?!

"You asked me how I could have a fitting uniform... Truth is, I was supposed to go... For Plan B."

Chapati: It's the least expected... The unbelievable...

Natsu: No way... !!

Chapati: FAIRY TAIL TEAM B !!!

Natsu: WHAAAAAAT ?!!

Erza: Mirajane ?!

Natsu: GAJEEL !!

Gray: JUVIA !!

Lucy: Wait, what about Laxus ?!!

Crowd: Fairy Tail has another team ?!


Erza: It can't be... Are you... Jellal... ?

'Mystogan': ... ... ... Shh...

Gray/Natsu: SERIOUSLY ?!!

Lyon: Juvia...

Sherria: is that the person that's in love with Lyon ?

Hibiki: That's wonderful, Fairy Tail still has 2 teams in the competition.

Ivan: Laxus... And Gajeel...

Crowd: Why does Fairy Tail get to have 2 teams ? What's going on here ?!


Chapati: Well, it seems as though there's a lot of people still confused over the new revisions to the rules this year, don't you think Yajima ?

Yajima: That's right... this year, each guild can have not just one, but two teams enter into the tournament.

Lucy: Nobody told us !! Master...


Makarov: KAAAHAHAHAHAHA !! You see that ?! That's how we do it in Fairy Tail !!

Chapati: But in this tournament, each team has the possibility of being matched up against every other team... Will members of the same guild be capable of fighting themselves ?

Yajima: they'll be fine.

Jenny: But... That seems kind of unfair, doesn't it ? Like... What if the competition has each time send out 1 member at a time for a battle Royale... Then Fairy Tail would be the only guild to have two members in the ring at once, right ?

Chapati: Of the over 100 guilds that entered, Fairy Tail is the only one that still has 2 teams in the running... This is their advantage they've earned, don't you think ?

Lucy: I see... So that's why there were so many teams that entered...

Natsu: DON'T GIVE ME THAT CRAP !! I'M SERIOUS HERE !!! I don't care if we're part of the same guild or not, if we're fighting against each other, we will fight with all our strength, don't you dare hold back !! Any team we get matched against is an opponent !! I'm not losing to anyone, you bastards !!

"... You honestly think anyone here would be bothered with something like that ?"

Gajeel: that's exactly what I was hoping for, Mr.8th place preliminary.

"Oh, so you're playing it that way, alright. Please don't disappoint."

Laxus: The only disappointing thing here is that you joined that weak team at the last moment. But at least that gives a good opportunity to finally finish what we started at the Kaldia cathedral.

Pantherlily: Gajeel's gonna dominate this thing.

Happy: Natsu isn't gonna lose !!

Romeo: man... B team really looks strong, don't they ?

"I'm really sorry about that last minute change, Je- Um, Mystogan. But you know how this is, we can't let Wendy down."

Jellal: Master really is an understanding guy. After Mew reported about the whole situation, he was more than happy to consent to this.

Erza: ... You said you weren't able to get near the event grounds, didn't you ?

"That was before we got that idea. Even if at first he was supposed to stay a spectator, but..."

Erza: This is still against the rules. You're not a guild member.

"As far as we're concerned, he and Mystogan are still the same person. Anyway, don't get so worked up, and enjoy the festival. Right, 'Mystogan' ?"

Jellal: Exactly.

"But you better watch it, Mystogan doesn't talk that much."

Jellal: Gotcha.

Mavis: Hmm... That person in the mask isn't a guild member, is he ?

Makarov: AH !! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Macao: I told you shouldn't have let him !!

Wakaba: We tried to stop you !

Mavis: But he's not "Evil". It's strange, but he has the same heart as everyone else with the guild crest.

Mew: It's kind of a long story, but I guess you could say he is a guild member.

Pantherlily: So that's the Jellal of this world ?

Mavis: Is he strong ?

Makarov: O- Of course !! He was once one of the ten wizard saints !!

Mavis: I'll allow it.

Makarov: Huh ?

Mavis: For Fairy Tail's victory.

Mew: Way to go... I don't even think anything other than power reall mattered in the decision...

Levy: She's definitely part of our guild.

Jellal: So... Have you noticed anything yet ?

"Apart from raven tail, there is nothing really worth mentioning."

Chapati: Now, for the last team that made it through the preliminary round... That's right ! You all know who they are !! THE STRONGEST !! THE INVINCIBLE !! THE COMPLETE DOMINATORS !!

Natsu: Here they come...

Sting: Looking forward to you, Natsu.

Gajeel: Don't wave that finger at me, you bastard.

Rogue: Gajeel.

"Over there... That's Fiore's strongest guild. At least until now..."

Lector: Do your best !! Sting !!

Frosch: Fro's cheering for you, too !!

Happy: Don't you dare lose, Natsu !! Gajeel !!

Pantherlily: They've got Exceeds over on their side, too ?!

Mew: Looks like it. And they've got serious specimens too...

Happy: What is that supposed to mean ?

Chapati: That makes up all the teams that will be participating, looking at the lineup, do you have any thoughts ?

Yajima: Ah, to be young again.

Chapati: Errr... That isn't exactly what I meant... Thank you for waiting, here is the lineup !! The Grand Magic Games' program has been unveiled !!

"So a contest and battle every day then ?"

Natsu: BATTLE !!

Chapati: As far as the matches go, this is how the points will be distributed amongst first through 8th place. As the rankings fall, the amount of points received decreases, going from 10 points attributed to the first, 8 to the second, until the last who gets zilch. For the contest part, you can select anyone from your team to participate. But for the following battle part, the organizers will pair up cards selected from the fan's votes.

Erza: What the... ?

"So someone completely exhausted from the contest part could very well be called for a battle, regardless of their state..."

Chapati: The battle part's rules are simple. Each team will battle like so. The winning team will receive 10 points, the losing team will receive none. If it's a draw, both teams receive 5 points.

Chapati: Without further ado, I bring you the Grand Magic Games' opening game !! Let's begin "HIDDEN" !! each team will have one participant. After each team submits their player, I'll explain the rules.

Jager: I'll go first, leave the rest to me !!

*Quatro cerberus: Jager*

Cerberus: Don't forget !! Your soul is always WILD !! UWOOOOO !!

Beth: I think I should go first, if you don't mind...

*Mermaid Heel: Beth Vanderwood*

???: I'll permit it.

Ivan: You're up, Nullpudding.

Nullpudding: Gotcha !

*Raven Tail: Nullpudding.*

Eve: I got this.

Pegasus: EVE ! EVE ! Number 1 !! Number 1 !!

Chapati: One after another, each team is deciding on their player. Who will Sabertooth choose ?

Rufus: I'll go. The birds are singing a sweet song today.

Chapati: They've chosen !! The singing bard of the red moon !! Rufus has entered !!

*Sabertooth: Rufus Lore*

Natsu: Why the hell is everyone cheering like crazy over that jerk ?!

"Seven years of being undefeated, probably. But we should rather worry on who's going to go."

Natsu: RAAAAAH !! Let me do it !! I'll show them !!

Gray: There's not a thing about you that feels "Hidden", fire-for-brains.

Natsu: What did you call me, you icy stripper ?!

Erza: We don't know anything about the rules of the game, but judging from the name "Hidden" it's going to involve stealth.

Lucy: Wendy should've gone since she's so small...

"I am deeply sorry for not being a shota."

Sherria: If small is better, then maybe Yuka or I should go ?

Yuka: Don't call me small.

Lyon: No... We should grab this from the very start. I'll go.

Toby: ALREADY ?!

Yuka: Settle down.

Sherria: You're going, Lyon ?

Lyon: Yeah.

Gray: ... In that case, I'll go, to. Let's find out just what kind of tournament this really is.

"Are you sure about that ? As far as stealth go, my 'Shadow Sneak' is pretty handy."

Gray: Certain. This is an occasion and a challenge, I can absolutely not turn down.

Juvia: If they're sending Gray-sama, then Juvia will go, too !!

Gajeel: Hey. If you lose on purpose, I'm gonna kick your ass.

Pumpkin: Will each team's participant for "Hidden" please come forward.

Gray: Looks like it's time for me to go.

"Watch out for Raven Tail, be aware of Sabertooth... And crush the rest. that's all the advice I can give you."

Lucy: Do your best !

Natsu: Don't you dare lose, dammit !! Especially to Gajeel's team !! ... Or Sabertooth... or Raven tail... Or...

Chapati: We're finally ready to begin. I wonder, what kind of contest Hidden will be ? Yajima, is there anyone we should be looking out for ?

Yajima: Hmmm... Well, we all know Rufus is the force to be reckoned with here.. But I'm gonna be keeping an eye on Gray.

Chapati: What about you, Jenny ?

Jenny: i'm all out for Eve, of course. he's so strong.

Juvia: I've gotta tell you I'm sorry, but Juvia doesn't have any intent to lose here.

Gray: I wouldn't expect anything less.

Lyon: Sorry, but i'm gonna be going full force, as well. For Juvia !

Juvia: Auu...

Gray: Ignore him, or you'll catch his stupidity. By the was, this has been bothering me ever since the preliminaries... What the heck are you ?

Pumpkin: Exactly what I look like. I'm a pumpkin~.

Gray: ... Was there something wrong with me asking ?

Eve: We see it every year, so we didn't really notice.

Beth: I think it's probably part of the organizers.

Both: Good work on your character design.

Pumpkin: No, no, I had a lot of fun doing it, so it was no problem. Pumpkii~

Gray: Don't start overdoing your character, now.

Nullpudding: Excuse me just a moment, please... We still haven't been informed about what kind of contest we're going to be taking part in today. In fact, all of the contests are being kept secret... But regardless of what it might be, having two guildmates competing, Fairy Tail has a huge advantage, right ?

Gray: What ?

Pumpkin: That's just how it goes. The fact that two teams from the same guild made it all the way to the finals is nothing short of amazing...

Rufus: i'm fine with it. A little tune from the banks of my memory. I guarantee that having two of you competing... Ultimately will not be what you'd call "advantageous".

Jager: It makes no difference to me.

Beth: I think it's okay, too.

Nullpudding: Kuff.

Gray: Impressive. So there's something behind this royal prince routine...

Rufus: Your comrades can also become your weaknesses. Taking hostages, targets to threaten, interrogating for information... there's countless other ways your enemy can use them to create an advantageous situation. You should remember that.

Gray: How could I forget ?

Pumpkin: FIELD OPEN !!

Gray: What's that ?!

"Are they... Creating an entire city from scratch ?!"

Jellal: 'Creating an entire city ?! Just what kind of magical power would that take... ?!'

Gray: NGWOAAH !!

Gray: Juvia !! Lyon ! Where's everyone else ?!

Juvia: they've all vanished.

Eve: Are we playing hide and seek here ?

Beth: Uwaaaah... Where should I hide ?

Jager: This is weird... How are we gonna play hide and seek like this... After all, nobody's "It".

Chapati: Everyone in the stadium, you can keep track of everything happening inside the city with our vision lacryma. The 8 participating competitors don't know the whereabouts of each other. The rules of Hidden are simple. All of you will be "It" and be looking for each other manually.

Natsu: What did he say ?

"Oh boy, if you're at the level where we need to explain the rules of hide and seek..."

Chapati: Find each other inside that city. You're free to use any magic you like, you just need to land one hit. If contact is made, a point is added to the attacker and taken from the victim. Damage doesn't matter.

Gray: Wh- What's happening...


Lucy: they've all got their faces !!

Natsu: Ugh...

"This is the exact definition of a hilarious nightmare... This is definitely gonna be tough."

Chapati: These are copies of all of you. If you attack a copy by mistake... You will lose a point. Okay, then !! Vanish into the stillness !! Stalk like black cats under the shroud of night !! HIDDEN, HAS BEGUN !!

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