Chapter 72: Chariot

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Chapati: Welcome, to the competition portion of the second day of the Grand Magic Games: Chariot ! This competition's rather simple, just reach the goal without falling off from the interconnected chariots.

Yajima: But, this isn't just some regular race !


*Day 2 guest: Weekly Sorcerer reporter, Jason.*

Chapati: The chariots underfoot are constantly in motion, so even a moment of carelessness will prove to be your undoing. They pass through the major sightseeing locales of Crocus. Which team will be the first to arrive at the goal, here at the Domus Flau ?! We'll be transmitting images from the race to everyone here in the arena through vision lacryma.

Chapati: At any rate, Yajima... With this kind of competition, who is being anticipated ?

Yajima: U... Mmm...

Chapati: S- Somehow... Trailing at the back, far, far from the lead... the Dragonslayers from both Fairy Tail... And Sabertooth... In a groggy state. What in the world is going on here, Yajima ?

Yajima: It would seem motion sickness is rather common among dragonslayers.

Jason: COOOOL !!

Chapati: Um, Jason... You're really noisy.

Gajeel: The one with bad transportation... Should be Salamander... Right... ? Urg.

Pantherlily: What's happening ? Why is Gajeel...

Happy: Stop taking Natsu's character...

Mew: Even the guy from Sabertooth...

Lector: Well, this is a problem. For the strongest, invincible Sting's only weakness to be brought out like this...

Frosch: Fro feels the same way !

Chapati: Well then, let's take a look at the group in the lead... It's a dead heat here ! In the lead is Raven tail's Kurohebi... And behind him, Blue Pegasus' Ichiya...

Ichiya: Meen~ !

Chapati: ... Lamia Scale's Yuka...

Yuka: You're able to keep up pretty well, despite that body type...

Chapati: ... And Mermaid Heel's Risley.

Risley: Don't look down on the chubby !

Chapati: Somewhat further behind is Quatro cerberus' reserve member, Bacchus.

Bacchus: I'm beat... The alcohol from yesterday hasn't worn off...

Yuka: Wave Boost !! You won't be able to use magic within this offensive wave !!

Risley: Don't look down on the chubby... It's no use !!

Chapati: There it is !! Risley's gravity transformation ! She's dodged the wave and is running on the edge of the chariots !

Ichiya: A wave that nullifies magic... Mumumu~. If that's the case... Fleet-foot perfume ! Zero-distance inhalation !!

Bacchus: Hooooh... They're trying their best, huh. My soul is shaking, dammit... I have to try a bit harder too, huh... ALRIIIIIIIIIGHT !!

Chapati: This... This is !! With Bacchus' power, the chariots... DESTROYED !!

Erza: That guy... Compared to 7 years ago, his power now...

Gray: What the hell is he ?!

Bacchus: OOOOHHHHHHH GOING AHEAD !! If you fall, you lose !! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!


Bacchus: Shaking yeah !!

Makarov: T- To think that such a powerful man was in Cerberus...

Chapati: That earns Bacchus an incredible...

Bacchus: Aw come on, no need to keep the tension, we all know that-

Chapati: Second place ! As well as 8 points for Quatro Cerberus !

Bacchus: ... ... Eh ?

"Oh, you're finally here. Did something distract you on the way ?"

Chapati: After checking the race footage... It appears that the first passing the goal line, and by a rather large margin... Was Fairy Tail A's Y/n L/n, therefore earning 10 points !!

Natsu: HAH !! SUCK IT !!

"Chariot. I knew just from the name that letting Natsu go would be a bad idea."

Bacchus: How... How... When and how did you pass by all of us ?!

"... I did it my way."


"The bird way. I fleeeew..."

Bacchus: ... IS THAT EVEN ALLOWED ?!!

Chapati: Well, the only rule is "Don't fall off the chariots", and well... he never touched ground...

"That was really fun. Well, I'll see you guys at the battle part."

Bacchus: ... A crutch... I lost a race... Against a guy, who need a crutch to walk... ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH !!

Chapati: Um... Back to the race... Next to arrive is Raven Tail's Kurohebi. Fourth is Risley, fifth is Yuka, sixth is Ichiya. The remaining two are pathetically battling it out for last place...

Gajeel: It... It can't be... I'm fine with transportation... Was fine... Ugh.

Sting: Well then... You finally got accustomed to it, huh. To being a real dragonslayer. Congratulations... Newbie. Nguh... !

Gajeel: You bastard !! ... I have no strength... Bleurf...

Orga: Hoooo... Is this what it means to be "All fired up" ?

Rufus: This is so "Basic", huh, Rogue...

Rogue: Dragonslayers are bad with transportation, it seems. And I was thinking it was just me and Sting...

Mirajane: Could it be... Laxus too ?

Laxus: Don't say a word to anyone else...

Juvia: I think it's quite obvious already though...

Sting: You look pathetic... Even though you can't summon any strength, you're still taking is so seriously... Fine, I'll give it to you, this victory. We'll continue to win after this. Just 1 or 2 measly points, we can do without.

Gajeel: Heh... Don't go crying about that 1 point later, you baldie.

Chapati: Fairy Tail B, Gajeel, 7th place ! 1 point ! Sabertooth's ting gives up ! Zero points !

"Annd to the infirmary you go."

Gajeel: Bastard... Why'd you just go ahead... Could've picked me up on the way...

"I'm sorry, but I can't hear you from up there, seventh place."

Gajeel: Are... Are you holding a grudge ?!

Chapati: Well then, it's time for everyone's long-awaited battle portion ! What sort of passionate battles will be shown today ? The first battle will be between the current point leader and newly registered guild Raven tail... Kurohebi ! VS. Lamia Scale's Toby Horhorta ! It's a staredown between serpent and hound ! Who will claim victory in the end ?

Yajima: I hope to see a fair battle.

Jason: Toby... He's just way too doggish ! COOOOl !!

"... And you're just way too annoying..."

Lucy: The battle started already ?

Gray: It's just getting underway. Looks like doggish dude from Lyon's team is up.

Erza: the opponent is Raven, though...

Lucy: Raven ?

Flare: Blondie...

Lucy: Huh ? 'She's covered in bruises ?'

"Damn... You've got good eyes, seeing it from so far away..."




Toby: He disappeared !!

Jura: You idiot ! It's mimicry magic !

Toby: Huh ?!

Kurohebi: Sand rebellion.


mew: So it allows him to copy other's magic ?!

Mavis: Mimic. That's a rare magic.

Romeo: Come on, doggish dude !!

Makarov: Smash the guy from Ivan's guild ! Doggish dude !!

"I'm not even gonna question what's happening over there. Not like the fight's making much more sense..."

Toby: Ooon... You're strong.

Kurohebi: You're tough, too.

Toby: Kurohebi's a cool name...

Kurohebi: It's not y real name.

Toby: It's not your real name ?!

Kurohebi: You're getting mad ?


Kurohebi: That's no big deal... And if I win ?

Toby: I'll tell you my super secret !!

Kurohebi: That sounds interesting...

Chapati: It seems like an odd wager has been struck !

Yajima: I'm not interested in either of them, though...

Jason: COOOOL !!

Chapati: DOWN !!Toby is no longer standing ! The match is over !! The victor... Raven Tail's Kurohebi !!

"We've been too focused on Sabertooth... But Raven's no pushover either..."

Gray: yeah... And I don't think he was giving it his all, either.

Lucy: So strong, even without resorting to cowardly tactics, huh...

Chapati: And with that, Raven Tail has 34 points ! Lamia Scale stays at 19 !

Kurohebi: Well ? So, what's your secret ?

Toby: My socks... I... can't find one of them.

Toby: Even though I've been looking for the past 3 months, why can't I find it... I... Couldn't tell anyone... *Sob*

Kurohebi: Um... Look down.

Toby: ... It was in a place like this ?!! You... You're such a good guy... I finally found it... !!

Erza: How wonderful, dog-like guy...

Gray: What are you getting touched for ?

Chapati: Ohhh... these two, who were battling just now, are going to shake...


Toby: NO WAY !!

Chapati: This... This is cruel !! It's too cruel !!

Kurohebi: The more precious something is, the more I want to destroy it. That's me.

"... So what would happen if someone fell in love with him and declared that his life was the most precious thing... ?"

Gray: You're asking yourself unhealthy questions.

Chapati: Only the laughter of Ravens reverberates in this otherwise silent stadium !!

Chapati: Well... Let's compose ourselves and move on to the second match of the day. Quatro Cerberus, Bacchus !! Against Fairy tail A's...

Erza: So it's us, huh...

"Up to wonder how they actually make the brackets."

Lucy: Didn't you say he was on par with you, Erza ?

Cana: There he is !! I don't care who does it !! Take revenge for me !!

Macao: Cana, calm down...

King: Ho ho... You arranged the matchup properly, right ? Arcadios.

Arcadios: Your majesty.

King: I'm looking forward to it. Bacchus Vs. Erza. This will undoubtedly be an excellent match.

Arcadios: Eh ? Did... Did you just say Erza ? The... the one I arranged for...

Chapati: Y/N L/N !!

King: What was that ?!

"Oh ? Me again ? Well, don't mind if I do. Anything that could be useful ?"

Erza: Everything I could tell, you'll figure it out immediately. Remember there is no path for us but that of victory.

"Roger that."

King: What I wanted to see was Bacchus VS. Erza !!

Arcadios: My deepest apologies.

King: From Fairy Tail A... That one S-Class that transforms, with the armor ! I can't remember the name...

Arcadios: My mistake.

King: There's no contest here !! Bacchus' overwhelming victory is a given !! A crutch !!

"So we meet again... Again. wasn't expecting having to kick you into next week so soon."

Bacchus: Same here. I've got something personal to settle with you from this morning.

"So, we're doing this or..."

Bacchus: Just a sec, I've been thinking about something. Why don't we make a bet like those guys just now ?

"... What kind of bet ?"

Bacchus: Well, I've heard the rumors about you and Erza. Zat true ?

"... And what if it is ?"

Bacchus: To be honest, I kinda feel bad about beating up a guy with a crutch, so just so you go at me all out... If I win, why don't you lend Erza to me for a night ? And if you win... Let's see...

"... You do realize... You just wrote down your own death sentence."

Bacchus: Heh... i'm glad we could come to an agreement. My soul is shaking.

Chapati: BEGIN !!

Bacchus: GET DOWN HERE !!



"No. Why would I purposely get closer to a bare-handed fighter when I can fly ? Just so you can hit me again and dodge all my attacks ?"

Gray: is this what you meant by "You'll figure it out immediately" ?

Lucy: That guy's weird movements ?

Erza: Yes. His magic is a type that focuses energy in the palms of his hands. It's a relatively orthodox magic. However, the secret to his strength is mastery of a martial art that allows him to use that magic to its fullest potential. It's called the hanging-chop fist. It's a martial art that uses those special stances to make particularly effective use of "Palm strikes" What's even scarier is that he's added some improvements to that, and created a drunken hanging-chop fist.

Gray: Drunken... like with booze, you mean ?

Erza: Yup. It's impossible to predict the drunken falcon's attacks. On top of that, the destructive power is enhanced as well, which is part of his key to victory. But that's not the problem.

Erza: The problem is... He hasn't even had a drop of alcohol yet.

Gray: So, he's not even trying yet, is that it ?

Bacchus: Is something so funny ?

"I've got an idea..."

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