Chapter 73: 101%

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Chapati: This is quite the stare-down we're having right now ! Both opponents can't seem to land a hit !

Bacchus: An idea, you say ?

"Well, it's more of a gamble, actually. But if it works... There's absolutely no chance for you to evade that."

Bacchus: Pu... Ok, ok ! If you're so sure about that... Then I guess I should start going seriously as well. Let's put an end to things...

Gray: He drank alcohol !!

Erza: Here it comes...

Lucy: He's serious now...

Bacchus: Ready or not, here it co-


Bacchus: ... Bugah...

"... Shadow Sneak."

Chapati: It... IT CONNECTED !! For the first time of the match, it was Bacchus who got hit !! Bacchus' speed was overwhelmed !! How did he do that ?!

Mew: ... Speed EVs...

Makarov: What ?!

Mew: When he told me he couldn't gain experience, and would take the value of his efforts... All this time, he was EV training... maximizing his speed...

Makarov: ... What ?!

Mew: He's a speedy boi now.

Chapati: What a turn of events ! Who will be the one going down ?! Incidentally, since the Grand Magic Games official mascot and referee is on his day off, I will be serving as referee as well.

Yajima: Day off... ? Well, some change is good, right ?

Jason: COOOL !!

Bacchus: W- What ?!

"This was a gamble. And looks like lady luck has sided with me today. I'll be blunt about this one, Bacchus, when I said you had no chance for you to evade what'll follow, I didn't mean it had a 100% chance to hit...

"Rain dance. I meant, it had a 101% chance to hit."

Bacchus: What ?!

"Don't move, this one will sting. THUNDER !!"

Chapati: The dust is slowly clearing... Which one is the winner ?! Which one fell down ?!

"To beat brawn... You need brain... How to hit the opponent for sure..."

Bacchus: Ha... Hahaha... Looks like I made a mistake... Trying to pick a fight here...

Chapati: D- DOWN !! BACCHUS IS DOWN !! The victor... Y/n !! Fairy Tail A receives 10 points !!

Bacchus: Now... You didn't specify what would happen about our bet if you win...

"I never agreed to it, but if you insist... Puppy."

Bacchus: Huh ?

"From now on until the end of the Games... Your guild's name will be 'Quatro Puppy'."

Bacchus: PFFFRRRR !!

Cerberus: WHAT ?! P- Puppy...

Chapati: That makes 20 points for Fairy Tail A !! That thunder strike... Was it the beacon of fairy tail's rebirth ?! A spectacular victory !!


Natsu: Everyone's applauding !!

Wendy: He did it !!

Carla: Wendy, are you sure you're ok ?

Wendy: Yup ! i'm fine now. Thanks to Grandeeney, too !

Porlyusica: I told you to stop calling me that already ! Speaking of which... Those guys just now...

Wendy: Yup.

"Those guys ? Did something happen ?"

Natsu: Yeah... Raven Tail happened... Why do you smell like overcooked meat ?

"Thunder can't miss when it's raining... It also didn't miss me."

???: The strategy was a failure. You moron, the target was wrong to begin with. Didn't you relay her distinguishing characteristics ?

Soldier: My apologies.

???: Well, fine. We'll just have to move to Plan B. What about the culprits ?

Soldier: We've taken them into custody and placed them in jail.

???: We didn't get found out, right ?

Soldier: Yes ! Raven Tail was made the source of the request.

Arcadios: We'll use the discord between Fairy Tail and Raven tail, and take the opportunity to bring the stellar spirit mage into our hands. For the sake of the Eclipse plan.

Erza: You know you did worry me for a short time.

"Aww, worried I would not win this, were you ? You should know me better, I didn't even needed my trump card for that battle."

Natsu: Trump card ?

"Ah-ah-ah. I'm not telling anything. Just know I'm keeping it for when we're going against Sabertooth."

Gray: At any rate... Those guys from raven Tail... their tactics are just so openly dirty...

Erza: Are they hoping to reduce our battle power one person at a time ?

"I still don't exactly know what happened... Let me try to sum up the events, Raven Tail used some bandit guild to capture Wendy ?"

Erza: Not exactly. It would appear that their intended target was Lucy the whole time. And, well, because of Natsu, you could tell they failed twice.

Carla: Their method of capture... Among the guys from raven tail that attacked us... There's a mage that can reduce his opponent's magical power to zero in an instant.

"Which was also how they screwed up Lucy's match on the first day... Yes, if he could do that, why send regular bandits ?"

Gray: Isn't that because according to the battle portion's rules, all participants need to be near the battle grounds ? According to the rules, the ones selected for battle are unknown until right beforehand...

Erza: Well, regardless, if they're trying to target us outside of the arena, for the sake of vigilance, let's try our best that no one be left alone at any given time.

*Day 2 of the Grand Magic Games, third match: Fairy Tail B, Mirajane Strauss VS Blue Pegasus reserve member, Jenny Realight.*

Happy: CARLA !!

Pantherlily: Ooh ! Have you recovered ?

Carla: Wendy's fine now, too. It seems like all non-participants have to stay in the seats here...

Happy: Wahh... I was so worried !!

Mew: Alright, the match is starting, isn't ?

Carla: ... Mirajane !! Please try your best !! ... Wha... ? This...

Mew: ... Arceus damn it...


Romeo: Master... Calm down...

Mirajane: How's this ?

Jenny: And this ?

"... Did... Did we got lost ? This must be another kind of event..."

Wendy: Mirajane...

Lucy: And Jenny, the Weekly Sorcerer's No.1 mage you'd like to be your girlfriend ! (From 7 years ago)

Happy: It seems... They used to work together in the swimsuit modeling business...

Pantherlily: So there was a special rule that turned it into a swimsuit contest...

Carla: Despicable...

Mirajane: Here ?

Jenny: Yes~.

"I keep telling you, we took a wrong turn in those hallways, and ended up in another arena..."

Wendy: They can do this kind of thing in the battle portion... ?

Lucy: I wonder if this is really a special rule...

Hibiki: To think we'd have to use a reserve member on the second day...

Ren: It can't be helped. Ichiya-San's in that condition...

Eve: that competition portion was really though physically, huh...

Jenny: As expected, you're quite formidable, Mira.

Mirajane: You as well. It's been a long time, Jenny.

Jenny: I didn't think you would have gone for a swimsuit contest like this...

Mirajane: Yeah... After all, I don't really like slugfests. We're better off if we can reach a result peacefully, no ?

Chapati: The former swimsuit model colleagues ! With both of them employing transformation magic... This battle is a dream coming true ! The judges will be the three of us at the scene.

Yajima: It's a heavy responsibility...


Chapati: A school swimming uniform !! A bikini... But with thigh-highs !! Glasses girl ! Cat ears !! Bondage ! The themes are changing like crazy !


Chapati: Neither side is letting up ! At this rate, it's never going to end... So let's make this next set the last !

Jenny: 'There it is... My apologies to Mira, but no matter what the theme... My victory is assured, in the end.' Mira ! This is the end !

Mirajane: Yup ! I won't lose !

Jenny: Why don't we go with the flow of the matches thus far and make a bet ?

Mirajane: Sounds good... What are we betting ?

Jenny: How about the loser... Appear nude in Weekly Sorcerer ?

"What in the..."

Macao: I was thinking for a moment it'd be nice even if she lost...

Wakaba: My bad... Me too...

Mirajane: Sure thing.

Chapati: Wha... What kind of unbelievable wager has been made here ?!!

Jenny: 'You fell for it, you fool... Among the people in the stadium here, I don't know whether Mira or I have more fans, but... The key is those three judges ! I just happened to ask about their preferences during a dinner meeting. It appear they prefer young girls ! Mira hasn't aged in 7 years, so she's young ! And Jason... He's definitely want Mira, for the magazine sales. The beauty that's finally returned after 7 years (And without aging) suddenly appearing nude ! It's almost unthinkable !'

Chapati: The last theme is the battle form !

Jenny: 'My apologies, Mira. No matter what you pick, this is my win.' This is my battle form !!

Jenny: 'All according to plan~.'

Mirajane: Well, it's my turn, then. Since we went with the flow and made a wager... Then going with the flow, I guess it'll be fine to finish things off with a clash of strength ?

Jenny: Huh ?

"Uhh... What is that exactly ?"

Erza: Demon... Mirajane Sitri. As far as I know, it's the strongest Satan Soul.

Mirajane: I've acknowledged your wager, and now I'd like you to acknowledge my strength.

Jenny: 'That... !!'

Mirajane: Hey...

Chapati: From a swimsuit contest... It turned into a battle of strength in the end ! Well... The original rules were like this anyway...


Chapati: Victor... MIRAJANE !! Fairy Tail B receives 10 Points !

Gajeel: That was awesome...

Laxus: get it now ? That's not someone you can piss off.

Jellal: Understood.

Juvia: She did it ! That makes it 12 points for Juvia's team !

Mirajane: Sorry... I look forward to seeing you in your birthday suit.


happy: We did it !

Lisanna: That's Mira for you !!

Macao: No matter who wins or loses, we're lucky !

Wakaba: I definitely have to buy it !!

???: Captain Arcadios.

Arcadios: Why, if it isn't the minister of defense.

*Kingdom of Fiore, Minister of defense: Datong*

Datong: Just what do you think you're doing ? Why are you trying to get your hands on the stellar spirit mage ? Don't you think your timing is quite premature ?!

Arcadios: I wanted to try a test run as quickly as possible...

Datong: It's still too early ! It hasn't even been completed yet !

Arcadios: Sir minister of Defense... Your voice is a little loud. And moreover, it's already complete.

Datong: What... What did you say ?

Arcadios: It was just for the sake of the budget estimates that we said it hadn't been finished yet. As long as the stellar spirit mage is present, we'll arrive at a stage where Eclipse can actually be used.

Datong: That's ridiculous... To have finished something like that in just 7 years...

Arcadios: The plan is now moving into phase 4, plan B. Therefore, we will definitely acquire the stellar spirit mage. It's already common knowledge that you've been opposed to the Eclipse plan. However, now that we've come this far, we can no longer stop.

Datong: Are you a demon... ?

Arcadios: For the sake of his king... For the sake of his country... A man can become a demon or a god. Before Eclipse, the gateway to changing the world... The price of a single girl's life is indeed quite cheap.

And now, in exclusivity... ANIME VERSION !!

Chapati: The former swimsuit model colleagues ! With both of them employing transformation magic... This battle is a dream coming true ! The judges will be the three of us at the scene.

Yajima: It's a heavy responsibility...


Chapati: I can't wait to see what those-

???: NOT SO FAST !! You don't expect us to just let these bubble-headed bimbos hog all the attention ?!

???: We have strong and beautiful chicks here as well.

Aranea/Risley: team Mermaid Heel is the ultimate in girl power !!

Beth: This is embarrassing...


Chapati: Well I definitely didn't see this one coming !! mermaid Heel has joined the party !!

Sherry: HOLD IT YOU GUYS !! All these girls are missing the most important thing ! What good is posing with your little swimsuits if you don't have the love to back it up ?! If you want love, then you gotta give love !

Sherria: And we're both bursting with it !!

Chapati: And now the cute sisters of the Lamia Scale guild are throwing their bodies into the arena !!

Levy: Wow... That takes guts... I guess ?

Mavis: Why are you ladies just watching from the sidelines ?

Levy: What do you mean by that ?

Lisanna: Do you think we should go down there ?

Cana: Are we supposed to just always have a swimsuit handy ?

Mew: You... Aren't exactly the one who should talk about that... really.

Mavis: Hehe. No, silly. But you never know, it might happen. So you should be ready for anything. I have one for all of you !!

Makarov: Pay close attention boys, this is why we must never, but never question the infinite wisdom of the First master.

Romeo: She... really seems to knows how to have a good time, that's for sure...

Mavis: You shouldn't just stand here like a bunch of party poopers ! let's all go down together !

Lucy: For real ?!

Erza: there's no reason we should stay idle while our competitors are taking the spotlight.

Wendy: HUH ?!

Juvia: Since Juvia's body is made of water, I can compete in this better than any of these other girls.

Gajeel: Huh... You're gonna do it too ?

Juvia: A woman must do whatever she can to fight for her true love !

Laxus: Well, good luck with that...

Mirajane: This situation has gone pretty out of hands, wouldn't you say ?

Jenny: Oh yeah, but it's all in good terms.

"Well... if anyone in the crowd wanted fanservice, they got it in a silver plate... Why isn't anyone stopping this ?!"

Gray: The public would probably riot if they tried.

Chapati: Well, regardless of what happened, this is still strictly a one-on-one battle, so Mirajane and Jenny will be the only ones scoring !

Levy: then why the heck are we all down there demeaning ourselves ?!

Mavis: Come on, lighten up, this is a nice break from fighting !

Cana: Don't take this the wrong way, but I just don't really understand why a ghost would be so into this...

Lucy: well it makes perfect sense for the person who started this crazy guild in the first place... You know ? And in another note, some really aren't into this.

"No 'Buts', Wendy, you're coming back to the spectator area right now."

Wendy: Thank god, someone who thinks right...

"Erza, are you sure about this... ?"

Erza: Why not ?

"... Good point. You know what, I'm just gonna get the kids back..."

Erza: ... Is there a reason you're standing so close, Evergreen ?

Evergreen: As the rightful queen of the fairies, I'd say I can't be upstaged.

Chapati: Theme rotate, school swimming uniform !

Levy: This is starting to get a little too creepy for me.

Lisanna: I'd say it's a good thing Wendy already left.

Chapati: And now... Bikini with Thigh-highs !

Lucy: That's weird... It covers more skin, but it's more embarrassing...

Chapati: Who likes girls in glasses ?!

Laki: This is pretty much how we look everyday.

Chapati: CAT EARS !!

Carla: I feel utterly ridiculous in these...

Jenny: Meow~.

"So you aren't participating either ?"

Mew: Why do you think I went back from human form for ? No way I'm taking part in... this...

Chapati: Bondage gear !

Sherry: Sometimes love has to hurt a bit !

Sherria: You're scaring me...

Evergreen: So, Titania. Have you accepted your place beneath me yet ?

Erza: You dare speak to me ?

Evergreen: Sorry ma'am !

"Why do I have very mixed feeling about this... ?!"

Mew: Don't you dare. Wendy and Asuka are still here.

Macao: You... You think they're gonna make us go down there and do that in the next round ?

Wakaba: nah... No way in hell...

Chapati: How about a blushing bride challenge ?! So ladies, grab a lucky guy and squeeze him, in a wedding dress !

Mirajane: I appreciate the help, master. Thank you.

Makarov: I would do whatever it takes to secure a win for my guild.

Jenny: Well, we're not such a bad match, are we ?

Eve: Who knows, we might be a lot more compatible than you think.

Droy: Not so fast there buddy ! Levy's never gonna marry you !

Jet: You think she wants you instead ?!

Pantherlily: Hey. How come you're not paired up with anybody ?

Gajeel: This is stupid. I'm just gonna take a nap instead.

Levy: ... Haa...

Jet/Droy: *SCKLING*

Romeo: Why are you guys hiding ?

Macao: I... I ain't making that mistake again...

Wakaba: And I'm afraid my wife will see me...

Happy: How about you let me be your partner for this Carla ?

Carla: Well I suppose it makes sense since we're both Exceeds.

Lyon: My darling. You and I were meant to be together !

Juvia: Sorry... But my heart belongs to another...

Gray: HANDS OFF !! She's not in your guild ! When the heck are you gonna get that in your stupid spiky head ?!

Juvia: Gray-Sama ! How bold ! let's cuddle !

Gray: W- Woaaah !!

Sherry: I'm glad we can finally show the world our love !

Ren: You're being way to clingy. And it's making me fall for you even more.

Lucy: ... So who's with me ? Huh ?!

Loki: Hey, I've got a question for you. Will you marry me ?

Lucy: Uhhhh...

Mew: Haa... There's the ones who take it the fun way... Those who wonder how they got here... And those who take it just a bit too seriously...

"... ... ..."

Erza: ... ... ...

Lisanna: Oh, these two look just adorable together.

Mew: And both of them crashed this time... I think it's a first. Hey... hey, snap out of it...

"... ..."


"AHHHHH ! YES, I DO !! Huh... ?"

Mew: What kind of awake dream were you having... No, don't tell us, it's clear enough.

"D... Don't tell me I said that out loud... ?"

Lisanna: Very loudly indeed. Could you wake up Erza, please ?

"Uh, yes... Erza... hey, Erza... ?"

Mew: More like this: STRAWBERRY CAKE !!

Erza: AAAAH ! YES, I DO !! Huh... ?

Mew: ... Same dream... ?

Erza: ... I wanna crawl into a hole and die...


Lisanna: You guys are the cutest !

Chapati: Now that the wedding is over, let's get back to another swimsuit round...


Chapati: Huh ? What is this ?!

Babasama: You foolish young people !! Let Oba teach you a lesson ! So pay close attention, and learn what it means to be a real woman !!

Chapati: ... ... ... And with that crash course of reality, the mood in the arena has been brought down to earth flat. party's over, folks. The other teams on the field have begun to clear out.

Jason: ... Not cool...

Jenny: Well. The circus is gone and it's just you and me again.

Mirajane: Aww, that's too bad. It was fun while it lasted.

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