Chapter 80: Eclipse

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Wendy: I knew it ! Because I thought it was an offensive spell, I made a mistake in this word here !

"Damn, that's a neat-looking magic circle."

Natsu: What're you up to, Wendy ?

Carla: Weren't you listening ?

Mew: This is for using "Milky Way".

Wendy: And... All done ! Everyone, please stand back. I call to thee, oh wandering souls of dragons, accept my call to thee... MILKY WAY !!

Natsu: Wow~. So pretty.

Happy: It's like Stars !


Lucy: TH- THE BONES ARE... !

"Wendy, are you absolutely sure this is safe ?"

Wendy: I'm searching for the souls of the dragons, the lingering thoughts here are very old... And small...

"... If they're anything like my predecessor, there will be a trace. Stubborn motherfuckers."

Wendy: ... FOUND IT !!

Gajeel: That's a soul ?! Wait, yes, it's like 7 years ago...

"Hm ?"

Happy: Wendy ?

Mew: Concentrating. She's using all her focus to channel the soul...

Natsu: WHAT ?! This is...

Dragon: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Seeing the faces of humans chickening out cracks me up every single time ! My name is "Zirconis", or the Jade dragon.

Zirconis: To be able to awaken my soul from its slumber... That can only be the Sky dragon's move... Where is she ?

"... Right... Here... ?"

Zirconis: ... What a cutie ! This lil' Dragonslayer managed to wake me up ?!

Natsu: Hey, you !! Get away from Wendy !!

Zirconis: Don't feel like it. How 'bout I just gobble up this one right here ?

"Yeah, right. Like you could even do that."


Zirconis: Just kidding ! Your little friend right here's right, ya know ? What a stupid species ! See ? How's a spirit supposed to do anything to a physical body ?

Natsu: This guy...

Lucy: What's going on ? Who's this guy that keeps messing around ?

Gray: He's not a 'Guy', he's a dragon.

Gajeel: Actually, he's a spirit.

Mew I can see now why dragons went extinct...

Zirconis: ... My name is "Zirconis" or the Jade dragon.

"We heard you the first time !!"

Carla: Did something happen here ? There are so many remains of dragons laying around...

Pantherlily: We called you here because we wanted the truth behind all this.

Zirconis: I have nothing to say to humans. Leave.

Happy: We're cats.

Zirconis: Well, at was over 400 years ago from now...

Mew: He just does whatever he wants despite his rules...

Zirconis: Back then, dragons were the kings of the world. Freely soaring through the skies, dominating the lands, crossing the seas... We led quite the prosperous lives, didn't we. Everything in the world, belonged to the dragons. Humans were but fodder for us... Nothing more.

Zirconis: However... A fool of a dragon appeared, and protested against our rule. He spouted nonsensical things like creating a world where dragons "Live in harmony with the humans". A civil war broke out between those that supported , and those that opposed him. I battled as part of the opposition side.

Lucy: if you were in the opposition, then...

Zirconis: I don't like human. Though I don't mind having them for a meal.

"And now you're conversing with your food. Let me guess, your side lost the war ?"


Carla: What then ? What happened during the war ?

Zirconis: We were stuck in a stalemate. The battles between the dragons had already scarred and ripped apart several lands. That was when the pro-human side put their foolish plan into action. They gave the humans magic to slay dragons, and had them enter the war.

Mew: ... Dragon slayer magic...

Happy: So that's how dragon slayer magic began ?

Zirconis: The power of the dragonslayers made a significant change... the victory of the pro-human side would have probably been inevitable... If it wasn't for one small miscalculation...

Zirconis: They had given the dragonslayers too much power, and those who wished for peace with the humans... Were also slain by their hands. Amongst them... There was a man, who bathed in the blood of dragons. The mere mention of his name is terror itself. That "Man" slayed many dragons and continued to bathe in their blood. Until that "Man's" skin became scales... His teeth became fangs... His form itself had become that of a dragon.

Lucy: A human became a dragon ?!

Mew: ... Kinda like you...

"I guess... ?"

Zirconis: It's something that exists as you go further down the path of dragon slayer magic. The dragons resting here, were all slaughtered by that one "man". He was both a human, and the Dragon's king. This was the war that gave birth to the king of dragons. Hence... the Dragon King Festival.

"And... That king... What was his name... ?"

Zirconis: The king's name was... Acnologia. Whilst being a dragon, it also bears wings of darkness.

Happy: WHAT ?!

Lucy: That thing was...

Gray: Originally human... ?!

Gajeel: Impossible !!

Zirconis: Most of the dragons here died by his hand, and that was all over 400 years ago. With this, I bid you farewell.


Natsu: HEY !! It disappeared !! We still have things to ask you !!

Carla: W- Wendy !

Wendy: It's no good... All the lingering thoughts have vanished from this place... I guess we can say he... Ascended to heaven ?

Gray: ... This has become quite something, hasn't it ?

Lucy: This is completely out of scale...

Natsu: So if we use too much dragon slayer magic, we become real dragons ?!

Gajeel: That'd be troubling...

Mew: He said "A man who bathed in the blood of dragons"... So it must happens when you use it to kill dragons... At best, you'll become like him.

"I have no idea if that's a compliment or if you're dissing me."

Mew: Yesn't.

Wendy: What should I do...

???: That's impossible.

"Okay, who's there ? I'm pretty sure we weren't followed down there."

???: I heard your conversation. Looks like my research does match up to the actual history... I wonder, do you know about Zeref's book of dark magic ?

Gray: 'Deliora ?!'

???: Acnologia is something close to that... One can even speculate that Zeref made a Dragonslayer into Acnologia...

Hapyy: That Zeref did ?!

???: In other words...

Arcadios: Getting rid of Zeref, the root of all this... Is the first step to defeat Acnologia.

Gajeel: Defeating Zeref ? Who even are you ?!

Lucy: Yukino ?!

Arcadios: I am the leader of the Holy knights from the Fiore army stationed in crocus.

Yukino: temporary sergeant Yukino Agria of the same group.

Gray: What're hotshots of the army doing out here ?

Lucy: Yukino... Weren't you part of Sabertooth... ?

"Were being the operative word. You said you had a way to stop them, right ?"

Arcadios: Yes, exactly. A certain battle plan is underway, and we require the power of a celestial mage. And that's how Yukino's power come in.

Wendy: celestial mages ?

Natsu: Hold it right there ! I don't get what you're saying at all ! Cut the crap, what do you want ?!

Arcadios: Natsu Dragneel, right ? Congratulations on today's victory. That was quite the marvelous fight.

Natsu: I couldn't care less about that, I'm asking you what you plan on doing with the celestial mages ! If there's something you want to say, say it.


Natsu: Tshhhhhhhh...

"if you stopped interrupting him, maybe he could get to the point."

Happy: Natsu... That thing's status is...

Pantherlily: Then don't address him as "Thing".

Arcadios: Follow me.

Natsu: HEY? You bastard !!

"... So which one of you want to hit him ?"

Gajeel: Really, we can ?

Gray: Don't mind if we do.

Yukino: ... lady Lucy, this is also a request from me. If this plan works, we can defeat both Zeref and Acnologia.


Natsu: What the... ?!

"This huge palace... Mercurius Palace, isn't it ?"

Arcadios: It's the castle in which his majesty resides.

Carla: Is it really ok for us to be here ?

Arcadios: First things first... The incident a few days where lady Lucy was targeted... We apologize for our actions back then.

"Oh, that was you ?"


Gajeel: My turn !


Arcadios: We didn't mean to harm anyone but... It suddenly spun out of control into a kidnapping. We had hastily concluded that we urgently needed a celestial mage... Our sincerest apologies.

Arcadios: The Grand Magic Tournament is actually just a camouflage for us to collect magical power from all these mages.

Gray: So you've been stealing magic every year from these mages ? That's... Dirty.

Arcadios: It matters not what you think, it was all for the sake of this plan.

"Well, if you stole it from everyone equally, then... I guess it's not that dirty."

Lucy: I think you're missing the point...

Arcadios: the opening of the gates that will change the world... Eclipse. To create it, requires a great amount of magical energy.

Lucy: A gateway ?!

Mew: To hell... What the hell ?

Arcadios: When the sun and moon intersect, twelve keys will be used to open this gate. When they open, we'll travel, 400 years in time. We'll eliminate Zeref, before he became an immortal. That, is the Eclipse plan.

"Travel... Through time..."

Yukino: Lady Lucy, I've heard that time flows differently in the celestial world than it does in this one.

Lucy: W- Well, that's true, I suppose...

Yukino: Using the unique dimensional plane of the celestial world, we can use the celestial mages' power to open this gate.

Arcadios: The initial plan was to have mages use an imitated celestial magic, but in the end, it could be said that the real thing, and the twelve keys were vital to making this plan truly complete.

Mew: Let me guess, they all died.

Arcadios: Brutally. When the Sun and Moon intersects on the 7th July, three days from now, we would like to borrow your power, lady Lucy.

Lucy: Eh ?

Natsu: July 7yh...

Wendy: The day our dragons disappeared... !

Gajeel: Just a coincidence... ?

Gray: The eclipse from the moon intersecting with the Sun...


Yukino: The imperial army ?!

Natsu: What now ?! What is this... ?!

Darton: I'll need you to come in peacefully. Captain Arcadios.

Arcadios: What is the meaning of this, minister of Defense ?!

Darton: That's our line... Our secret plan... You leaked classified information to outsiders.

Arcadios: They are not outsiders ! You should know, we need them for this plan !

Darton: That is not up for you to decide.



Wendy: Change... History...

Happy: I see... If we change the past...

Mew: It will affect the present as well.

Darton: I hereby order you to apprehend Captain Arcadios, under suspicion of treachery !! And as extension of that, Lucy Heartfillia and Yukino Agria too ! Get rid of the others !!

Gray: WHAT ?!

Lucy: W- Why even me... ?

Natsu: You bastards... ! BRINGING LUCY INTO THIS...

"... ... ..."

Gajeel: You... Plan on doing anything about that ?

"Yes... I'll make sure... No one ever uses that gate to go back in time."

Natsu: What ?!

"You heard me correctly. I won't allow anyone to use it."

Darton: A wise decision.

Arcadios: Are you insane ?! We may have a way to get rid of both Zeref and Acnologia, and you just- !

"No, you don't get it. Time travel is not something to be trifled with ! And let's be honest, if Dialga was here, he'd be tearing down that Gate for the sole reason it exists, along with the one responsible for building it."

Natsu: ... What... ?

"Captain Arcadios, no matter how much thought you put into that plan, and even if it succeed... It's doomed to fail. By going to the past and killing Zeref, you either create a parallel timeline where Zeref doesn't exist, but it doesn't change anything for us."

Arcadios: That's not what this plan's about-

"OR... You create a time paradox, where you kill Zeref in the past, so Zeref doesn't exist anymore, so you don't have any reason to go to the past, so you don't kill Zeref, so Zeref exists, so you go back into the past to Kill Zeref, repeat at infinitum."

Natsu: ... Why does it smells like copper in here...

"And even worse. By doing that, you might very well be causing this entire country to get wiped out ! By causing it to never exist to begin with !! If Zeref created Acnologia, and Acnologia ended the war between dragons, then getting rid of Zeref might cause the war to never end, humanity to be wiped out, and this entire world to become a barren wasteland ! Congratulation ! YOU FUCKING WON !!"

Arcadios: I... I...

"There's a handful of things that even gods don't joke with. Time paradoxes and butterfly effect being two of them. So in short, I want things to end peacefully here, so either you guys get out by yourselves, or I'll kick you all the way myself ! Move !!"

Darton: I wasn't expecting that. I suppose I should praise your ability to think things through.

"Don't mistake me, I'm not on your side."

Darton: Mh. Please don't misunderstand. Everything I do is all for the country. But, I'll leave you with this. His majesty appears to have taken a liking towards Fairy Tail. If you win the Grand Magic Games, you might get a chance to meet with him in person. If you get on his good side, you might even be able to change the sentence on your comrades.

"We'll keep that in mind."

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