Chapter 81: Battle Royale

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Erza: What ? Lucy was captured by the imperial army ?

"She was treated as an accomplice to the plan... As illogical as it may sound."

Laxus: So in the end, we have to win the tournament to get her back ?

Gray: I don't know if we can even rely on that...


"And this is why we don't let you handle delicate stuff by yourself, Natsu."

Mew: Does he really don't remember what happened with Jellal after defeating the Oracion Seis ? Your opponent this time is an entire empire, you moron.

Makarov: Hmm... We can't make an entire empire our enemy, but... On the other hand, they wouldn't just go hurting their own citizens, right ?

"Yeah... An empire killing off its people for its own benefit... Imagine that."

Mew: It's possible they're only holding them hostage until they find a resolution to the Eclipse...

Gajeel: Still... Something feels off. We uncovered highly classified information... Why let the rest of us walk free ?

Pantherlily: Maybe they want you as witnesses to come forward against that Arcadios guy ?

Carla: Would they really risk us leaking information to accomplish that though ?

Erza: They must have concluded it would be useless to hide this any longer.

Gray: They would have to capture all of us to keep it a secret, after all...

Mirajane: On top of that, you guys are contestants in the tournament. If they suddenly couldn't participate tomorrow, it would definitely get noticed.

Mew: "60% of the Fairy Tail team mysteriously disappeared". That and they know they'd get in massive trouble as well by making an enemy out of a magic guild.

Erza: We all agree that Lucy taken hostage sits well with no one, but it doesn't go against the imperial army's code of justice.


"What word do you not understand in 'We can't make an entire empire our enemy' ?!"

Natsu: You let them be captured !!

"And what other options did we had ?! It was either surrender peacefully and no one's harmed, or fight back and everyone goes down !"

Natsu: We should've fought back !!

"Right in front of the device they're using to steal magic ?! Did Igneel really teach you how to use that brain of yours, or is it really just filled with flames ?!"

Natsu: Don't you dare talk about Igneel like you know what it means to have your parents disappear-


Makarov: ENOUGH !!

Makarov: Both of you, pipe down right now !! A member of our family was taken, those feelings boiling up in you... We all feel the same way. We have to think carefully before making our move, with how nasty the opponent is this time. But, to stay silent and do nothing, like cowards... Is not the Fairy Tail way.

"... Hm."

Gray: Where are you going ?

"... I have a tournament to win."

Mirajane: The mood really sank...

Mew: Of course it did. I think bringing up any parental matter around here would result in that...

Erza: ... Is it true ?

Mew: What reason would he have to lie about that ? When he was ... Both his biological parents died in a car crash... Even he only narrowly survived, but not without aftermath...

Mirajane: What... ?

Mew: The physical trauma he suffered from the crash caused a severe case of amnesia...

Gray: I... Think I'm starting to get it...

Mew: Do you have the slightest idea what it is, as a kid, to grow without even knowing who you are ?

Erza: ... ... ...

Chapati: IT'S FINALLY HERE !! The festival that gets the blood of every mage pumping, the final day of the Grand Magic Games !! Whether it be tears or smiles... We'll have our winning guild decided today ! Brought to you by me, Chapati, and explained by former council member, Yajima !

Yajima: Hello.

Chapati: And our special guest today... !! The official mascot of the Grand Magic Games, Mato !

Mato: Pumpkin~ !

Chapati: Is it really alright for you to be a judge ?

Mato: It's fine, pumpkin !! Everybody do your best, pumpkin !

Chapati: And, here we have it, the entrance of the teams ! Currently in 6th place, will they make a big comeback ? The hunting hounds, now dubbed as just little dogs... Quatro Puppy !! Followed by Blue Pegasus !! Lamia Scale !! Mermaid Heel !!

Chapati: And currently in second place... Will they just fall from their throne ? Or will they reclaim the title of the strongest... ?! SABERTOOTH !!

Crowd: ... ... *Silence*

Chapati: What's this ? They're giving off a different vibe today...

Yajima: Did they regain their spirit... ?

Mato: So cool, pumpkin !

Chapati: And the current 1st place ! The guild that was called the strongest seven years ago, has now completely revived ! The entrance of... FAIRY TAIL !! Huh ? They appear to have changed their member line up !!

Lyon: GRAY ?!

Rogue: Natsu Dragneel isn't here ?

Sting: It's fine, Rogue. If anything, I think it's good for us.

Chapati: Natsu, who did great in the tag battle... Isn't here ?

Yajima: Hm... Perhaps something happened... ?

Mavis: Will they be alright ? After a quarrel like that...

Makarov: Right now, this is the only option we have. If we win, we may be able to get Lucy back legally. But, we cannot rely on that. So we have to make our plan cover all possibilities. Now that everyone's focused on the tournament, it's a good opportunity, we too, will support our team as usual.

Mavis: And behind that, we have another team moving to rescue Lucy. In other words, it's a strategy for a battle on two fronts.

Makarov: It's up to you now, kids !

Mirajane: Looks like the final match of the tournament has started.

Mew: Well that's good. If everyone's over there, it'll be easier for us.

Natsu: Alright ! Now's our chance !

Wendy: But... How do we get in without getting detected...

Happy: We've got a good plan figured out already !

Carla: I expect it to be something ridiculous again.

Happy: What are you talking about ? It's totally perfect !

Mew: Words cannot describe how bad this looks.

Mirajane: It's fine ! I also thought of something !

Natsu: As expected of Mira !

Pantherlily: Please just take that mask off...

Wendy: We'll have to do our best to rescue Lucy. Erza and them will be working hard in the tournament.

Chapati: With their weapons... Their magic... And the bonds strung between their comrades... With an all member participation survival game... WE BEGIN THE FINAL DAY OF THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES !! The battlefield is the entire town of Crocus ! Every guild is already spread out and on standby. As they wander the streets, if they meet a member of another guild, they'll have to engage in a fight ! When the opponent loses consciousness or deemed unable to battle, the winning guild gets one point added. Furthermore, each guild will need to appoint one of their members as the leader. This is kept secret from the other guilds.

Chapati: If the leader is defeated, the opposing guild will gain five points. The maximum points that you can get from this game is 45, so all guilds still have a chance at inning ! Whether the guilds move as one or separate will be reliant on their individual battle strategies.

Erza: Is that clear ? Victory is our only option. In order to get Lucy back.

"i'm completely confident Mew and the others will take her back."

Gajeel: of course, that would be best.

Gray: But even so, there's another reason we must win here.

Laxus: For those in the guild, who we've allowed to suffer for the past seven years...

Chapati: Who will be the ones to claim the glory of the top in magic ?!! THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES' DAY 5... STARTS NOW !!

All: LET'S GO !!

Chapati: So it finally begun, the finals.

Yajima: As I thought, most teams have chosen to split up their members.

Mato: Everyone, do your best, pumpkin !

Chapati: Sabertooth members are all powerful individuals, so they've split up. There are also those who have paired up, or even made trios.

Rufus: Ah ?!

Orga: What's wrong, Rufus ?

Rufus: ... They aren't moving.

Chapati: Er... This is... ?! What could this be ? Fairy Tail... All members have their eyes closed and aren't moving an inch !

Makarov: What do you guys think you're doing ?! The early bird get the worm !!

Chapati: Whilst the bizarre lack of reaction from fairy Tail does bother us... one team has already come into contact with another !! The points are moving, and fairy Tail has yet to make a move !

Macao: Hey, you guys !!

Wakaba: Hurry up and go defeat the enemies ! Whilst you're doing that, Lamia is our crushing the puppies !!

Babasama: In this game, as long as we have Jura, we can't lose !!

Toby: yeah ! As long as Lyon and Jura are on our side, we're invincible ! And Sherria's strong, too !

Bacchus: I wonder...

Yuka: Bacchus !

Toby: We're invincible alright !!

Bacchus: ... Huh ?

Chapati: It's Sting ! Quatro Puppies' leader, Bacchus, has been defeated, five points go to Sabertooth !! It's a turning point ! The current strongest guild is Sabertooth !!

Makarov: AAAAAH !!

Chapati: Keep your eyes on these moving numbers ! BUT !! Fairy Tail has yet to move !

Makarov: What in the blazes is this ?! Didn't we say we would win to get Lucy back ?

Mavis: That is precisely why we must remain calm... I have been analyzing the enemies' magical power, psychology and movement patterns... Everything from the past 4 days is now in my head. With that in mind, I carried out many simulations.

Romeo: First... What the... !

Mavis: The movements of the enemies and the results, everything has gone according to my calculations so far. I've already conveyed the plan to them.

Mavis: To lead my comrades to victory without fail... That is my battle. Fairy Tail star strategy, ACTIVATE !!

All: ROGER !!

Chapati: Fairy Tail has made a move !!

Guard: What's with those guys ?

Soldiers: Intruders from fairy tail. I think they were trying to rescue the girl.

Guard: Fairy tail ?

Soldier: What should I do with them ?

Guard: Hm... neither the king nor the minister of defense is here... Put them in a cell for now.

Soldier: Roger.

Guard: .. hey ! The cells are that way !

Soldier: Sorry, I've only been deployed here recently.

Natsu: ... ... ... Heh heh.

Wendy: As expected of Mira.

Mew: Gah ! Some fresh air, please !

Mavis: Spread out accordingly ! Move to your designated points !!

Guild: ... ... ... ...

Mavis: At this point, there is a 97% probability that Rufus will take action.

Rufus: I see you~. I really can't have you looking down on my wonderful powers. Let's clean you all up at once, shall we ? Memory make...

Chapati: This magic is- !!

Yajima: The one that decimated all the competition on the first day...

Mato: So pretty, pumpkin !

Mavis: If evasive action is taken within 2 seconds of seeing that in the sky, it can be dodged.


Mavis: This spell is thunder based, so Laxus and Y/n only have to put up a guard.

Laxus: Hmph.

"Thank for the recharge, nerd."

Rufus: What ?! They withstood it ?! And why do I feel insulted ?!

Mavis: the enemy will be shaken, and his thought process disturbed. With that accomplished, the now confused Rufus has a 68% chance of approaching us. There is also a 32% chance that he will just stay on standby where he is... But even in that case, it does not affect out plan.

Max: What's the first talking about ?

Elfman: beats me...

Lisanna: The Fairy Star strategy...

Cana: All I get is that it's supposed to be a strategy that lets us win.

Mavis: Erza will now proceed Northwest and come into contact with the enemy.

Jenny: Geh, Erza ?!

Erza: It's just as the first described. What a terrifying person.

Mavis: Gajeel will take on the enemies in the South. Obliterate.

Eve: UWAH !!

Ren: Hibiki, try to escape on your own !!

Hibiki: There's someone in Fairy Tail whose calculations exceed that even of my archive ?!

Gray: Apparently so.

Hibiki: ... Gh.

Mavis: Gray will come into contact with the opponent fleeing into the fountain Plaza, obliterate. From then on, he moves directly to point B4.

Chapati: They've moved back to the top !! There's Fairy Tail !!

Mavis: With his mobility, Y/n will stay as support whilst scouting for enemies. Laxus will stay on course to point F8. Erza to point S5, there should be enemy activity in that vicinity.

Makarov: I- I remember now... The first's nickname... With that extraordinary strategic mind, the first has compiled victories... Fairy strategist Mavis.

Mavis: From now on, I predict the battles will become quite difficult.

Macao: And what about Jura ? Did you consider that ?

Mavis: I did, but I have not managed to come up with a conclusion. That's just how strong he is...

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