Chapter 91: Character Development

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"This is quite the predicament we're in !!"

Minerva: AHAHAHAHAHA, magnificent ! The top cream of Fairy Tail, reduced to mere toddlers now !!

Erza: Gah... Is there anything we can do in our state ?

"... ... I... May have an incredibly dangerous idea, that you definitely shouldn't follow me through."

Erza: Then you shouldn't do it.

"Listen, I'd rather try something rather than stand here and be a punching bag."

Erza: How dangerous will it be exactly ?

"Uhhhhh... I'm pretty sure there won't be any long-lasting aftermath."

Erza: ... ... ...

Minerva: Ahaha... Seeing you run around like that... I love it !

"Right now she's going easy on us, because she wants to toy with us. We need to take advantage of that, while she's got her guard down."

Erza: You plan on taking her down ?

"Not really... I just want to make it so we can escape safely. Whatever magic this is, its range must be limited, so if we go far enough, it will disappear. At that point we'll be able to seriously fight back."

Erza: ... Don't die.

"Not again, you mean- BUARF !!"

Minerva: As much as I like playing cat and mouse with you, I'm starting to grow tired.

"Guh... Ack..."

Erza: NO !

Minerva: Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I heard you mumble about something... What could that be ? What can you toddlers possibly rely on, without strength or magic ?

"N... Natural... Instincts..."

Minerva: What ?




Erza: Was that your master plan ?!

"Something more or less like that..."

Minerva: Gh... You... How dare you ?! You are nothing !! Nothing but insects to be crushed !! The only place you belong to is beneath my feet !!


Erza: S- STOP THAT !!

Minerva: Don't worry, you're just next in line ! I'll make you regret being born in this wor-


Minerva: FFFFFFFFFFFFF*********************************CK !! STOP THAT !!


Erza: A- Are you okay ?!

"My head hurts... And I'm pretty sure I left 2 or 3 teeth in her ankle."

Erza: We won't beat her like that...

"I know that, but damn did it feel good... And it also gave us the opportunity we needed ! Run away now !!"

Minerva: Shit... If they really were kids... More... I need to toy around with them some more... Until I can forget the humiliation that they dealt to me during the Grand Magic Games !

"... Not gonna lie, she genuinely scares me now..."

Erza: What do we do now ? We can't stay here with her.

"Hmm... For now, we must stay down and sneak away... Then we'll be able to figure out a way to fight back. We need to take advantage of what the situation can offer us."

Erza: What would that be ?

"It's two-on-one. As minuscule as it sounds, it gives us a chance. You saw her magic head-on what can it do ?"

Erza: A territory-type spatial magic. She can alter the property of everything she has in her field of vision...

"All she can see, then... I may have an idea... But, we'll need a bait..."

Erza: ... ... ...

Minerva: Come on, where are they... This is starting to really piss me off... And my leg hurts...

"I'll make you hurt way more soon enough !"

Minerva: Where ?! Where is that little !

"Prrrrrrlt !! Catch that brat if you can !!"

Minerva: Nimble toddler ! Get back here !! ... Where did he disappear again...

"Not so far. You're going d- Gurgl !"

Minerva: Futile... I will enjoy ripping you apart slowly... But first, you're gonna call for your little girlfriend to come and save you...

"Guh... S- Sorry... That... Won't work..."

Minerva: Hm ? And wouldn't it ?

"Eh... T... try to guess..."

Minerva: Huh ? Wha-


Minerva: ... Uhhhh...

"Haaa... Haaa... Haaa... Timing... Flawless. Great job."

Erza: We're lucky she didn't try using her magic right ahead, or else...

"Don't think about that now. The priority now, is to find whatever or whoever is responsible for our state and put them out. Then we can deal with her properly."

Erza: ... Shouldn't we tie her up first ?

"You have anything to use as rope ?"

Erza: ... Ah.

Minerva: Guh... I... I will use your own bowels as ropes to hang your bodies...

"Erza, double tap !"

Minerva: Niel Wielg Mion Terse Elcantaeus: YAGDO RIGORA !!


Minerva: For a second, I though I went a little overboard... But you are just lively enough to make the next step interesting.

"Y... You bitch..."

Minerva: That's the spirit. Now... Killing you like this would suffice... But I want one last thing from you... To wipe the humiliation... I want to hear your pathetic cries as you beg me for mercy... Begging for forgiveness... I want to see the face of a shamed warrior. And who knows ? If you're lucky, I just may have a change of heart...

"Begging you for mercy... ? Because you think we'll give you that pleasure !!Even in death, I'll be flipping you off ! Someone like you, who has lost their pride as a mage, doesn't deserve any better !"

Minerva: You... You dare lecture me in your situation... Preposterous... YOU SHALL DIE HERE !!

Erza: Our bodies... They returned to normal ?!

"Dunno why, but great timing ! LIGHT DRAGON'S FLASHBANG !!"



Minerva: Gah ! D- Did he got done in ? That Doriarte... It doesn't change much... You dying like that would've left a bad taste in my mouth...

Erza: So now it's back to normal... I don't know how it happened, but we're... Where are you looking ? Did you see something in that direction ?

"N- No, anything in particular, just... There's perhaps a little too much to look at in the opposite direction..."

Erza: What ?

Minerva: Pfff... There's something you didn't quite planned out. You really need to see a new wardrobe stylist...

Erza: AH ?!


Erza: Hm. I could say the same about you...

Minerva: E- Eh... AH... WHEN DID YOU... ?!

"I don't really know if the end would justify the means here."

Erza: Keep looking at the forest for now, okay ?

"Yes ma'am."

Minerva: W... Why you... !!

Erza: Relax... There was no ill behind it... When I grabbed you, it just...


"E- Eh... ?"

Minerva: Oh... So Doriarte is still alive and kicking...

"Pff... Pfffffrr..."

Minerva: What's so funny ?!

Erza: Y... You...


"WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Haha... Ha... Weeeee... Well, that was fun. But I believe now would be a good time to let the curtains drop. Both on this little play, and that sorry excuse for a human being called Minerva."

Minerva: Gh... S- Stay away !!

"Trying to run ? I'd give you 3 meters before all these oversized garbs make you trip. But by all mean, please try to run away. Hunting's way more enjoyable when the prey try fighting back."

Minerva: Haa... Haa... D... Don't try to play it cocky ! You're as diminished as I am ! You have no way to kill me !

"... ... ... ... That would be correct."


"Should picking up a rock and bashing your head in with it not be an option."

Minerva: ..Ahhh...

"Hm. That's not a sight I get tired off. Superiority wiped off, pride and rage turning to fear... Delightful. Now, tell me... Which one of your limbs are you the least attached to ?"

Minerva: Ahh... Gh...

"Not that it will matter in the end, they're all coming off anyway. What was your term again... ? Ah, yes... You're an insect to be crushed. Now... Say goodnight !"

Minerva: GYAAAAAAAA !!

Erza: That's enough... You don't have to go that far...

"I think I do. I've already dealt with this kind of pain before, they never learn. The only way is to get rid of them for good. Move aside, please."

"Or maybe you're insinuating that I should let her walk away, and forgive all ? Just like that, after everything ? Sorry, not happening. I need to put an end to this bitch now."

Erza: ... Even if she has lost her pride as a mage... It's not too late for her... She can still escape the darkness... Put that rock down, please.

"... Erza, I don't like repeating myself. Move aside now."

Erza: I will not. I know what she did, but as long as there's a spark of light left in her, I won't let you take her life.

"A speck of light ? ... You really are naive. Was there any of that when Hades attacked us on Tenrou island ? When Zero seized control of the Nirvana ? Would've you spared them if you had the occasion ? We need to completely remove evil from the roots, or else it'll just grow back."

Erza: ... If that's really what you think... Why didn't you kill Laxus when he was attacking us ? Why did you choose to take Jellal's side after he turned out to be amnesic ? With everything that they've done, wouldn't that justify taking their lives as well ?

"... Think of that situation as reversed. If I was on the ground like that, do you truly think she'd hesitate to kill ? This was a fight to the death, she said it herself. Now she pays the price."

Erza: ... This is not you. The Y/n I know, the one I fell in love with, would not go that far... Not like some sort of beast, thirsty for blood.

"Humanity has many facets. So for the last time... Move... Aside."

Erza No ! What right do you have to decide who gets to live and who don't ?!

"She would've tortured us to death without even a hint of hesitation !! That's what she enjoys !! She would've gotten pleasure from that, from seeing you squirm and writhe in pain !"

Erza: Is that enough of a reason to get down on her level ?!


Erza: ... ... ... So that's why...

"... I just... I finally found something I truly hold dear... I won't lose it... Not again. Not this time..."

Erza: Because you already know what will happen otherwise...

"H- Huh... ?"

Erza: I've heard from Mew. What will happen to me... Or rather, what has happened in Future Rogue's timeline... How after I disappeared, you...

"I'm not taking that risk... I already almost lost you all on Tenrou island 7 years ago... I will do anything so that don't happen again... It's just... *Sob*"

Erza: Shhhhhhh... Come here.

"... ... I lived my life without anything... And then, when I finally found what I was looking for, I lost it..."

Erza: I know. You don't have to worry about it. Everything will be fine.

"... ... ... Zzzzzzzzzz..."

Erza: I suppose this counts as another side of him I wasn't expecting...

Minerva: Tch... Don't even think this is over, Titania... Soon, you will-

Erza: You're still here ? Listen, just because I stopped him doesn't mean I forgive you. So leave, now. Or else... I'll be forced to take that rock, and finish what he started.

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