Chapter 92: Gentle flame

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Erza What is that... ? Natsu...

Lucy: You're going a bit overboard, Natsu !!


Flare: The flame is... The guardian spirit is... Alight.

Natsu: Then, that voice I heard...

Wendy: The residual energy I felt... I see...

Gray: Y- You're shittin' me... The eternal flame is...

Natsu: It was you.

Atlas: It's been 400 years... Son of Igneel.

*Fire Dragon: Atlas Flame*

Lucy: That's... One of the dragons that came out from the Eclipse Gate !

Carla: So it should have gone back 400 years...

Atlas: 400 years... Yes... For 400 years... I have continued to burn strong...

Natsu: So you're still alive, uncle...

Happy: It's been a while, sir.

Atlas: Alive... ? No... That isn't entirely correct...

Wendy: What we're seeing is a form I brought forth with my milky way spell... That means...

Atlas: I am... No longer of this world... ? But that is something from the distance past...

Gray: I don't think he's firing on all cylinders...

Atlas: My awareness... Or rather, memory... It's all a bit jumbled. Hmm, this... I...

Natsu: Pull yourself together, uncle.

Atlas: I remember... Igneel's son.

Carla: What do you mean ? Zirconis' memory was much more lucid !

Wendy: It's probably from the ice. At its core, residual thought may be based on strong will but it's still a very fragile magic... By being frozen from the ice magic for so long, part of his memories have clearly been damaged...

Atlas: Ice... Yes, ice... The world was covered in ice.

Natsu: Uncle, are you talking about the village ?!

Flare: What happened... Please, tell us...

Atlas: Hmm, that guy, I... Mistook him... For something else. A single human, changed the world to ice.


Atlas: That man... He thought I was a "Demon". He froze the entire village to eradicate me... An exorcist mage... A devil slayer.

Natsu: Devil slayer ?! Not Dragon-slaying or God-slaying... But Devil-slaying magic ?!

Gray: 'Of course... ! So that's why the ice worked on that guy ?! A Devilslayer of ice... Who the hell could that be ?!'

Atlas: Hmm... It's a bit foggy... I am... What was I...

Flare: You are the guardian of this village ! The flame of the giants !! SOMEHOW, I BEG OF YOU !! SHINE YOUR LIGHT UPON THIS VILLAGE ONCE MORE !! PLEASE SAVE THIS VILLAGE !!

Lucy: Flare...

Flare: Somehow... Our guardian...

Atlas: I am... Yes... My name is Atlas Flame. I created this village.

Natsu: Yes ! It's coming back to him :

Atlas: My village's misfortune is my pain... My village's sorrows are my tears... I hold the lingering scent of my final spirit along with the fire of Igneel's son... I shall set this village free... I am the Fire Dragon... Atlas Flame. THE GUARDIAN DRAGON OF THIS VILLAGE !!

Natsu: Whoa... WHAAAAA !!

Lucy: It's hot ! Gray, cool me down !!


Gray: What an amazing fire...

Wendy: His spirit is going to vanish...

Atlas: Igneel... Dragon King... Acnologia... Zeref... I remember... I remember it all... !!

Atlas: The most vile dark magic from the Book of Zeref... E.N.D. ... 400 years ago, Igneel was unable to destroy E.N.D. ...

Giants: Oh ? What ? This warmth... Can only be from the flame...

Erza: The ice is... Melting... They did it.

Minerva: Tchhh...

Giant: Hm ? This is truly a rare sight... Humans are milling about in the village.

Minerva: ... let's end it here. We'll settle things eventually... You and I... No, the three of us... On a much grander stage.

Erza: Don't let the darkness corrupt you. I know you have more fortitude than that !

Minerva: Please... I'll be the one corrupting the world in my darkness... Not the other way around... You'll regret not letting him take my life... Because now, you can be sure... the first thing I'll do is take you away from each other...

"... ... ... Hmm..."

Erza: Oh, you're awake ?

"... Warm..."

Erza: Yes... This light... It feels so warm...

Wendy: Atlas Flame's residual memories have completely vanished...

Lucy: To think he'd be able to muster up that much power with what little spirit he had left...

Natsu: ... E.N.D. is the dark magic Igneel was trying to destroy ? First time I'm hearing about that.

Mage: Lord Silver... We received an order to convene at headquarters...

Silver: I'm visiting a grave... So let me be for now...

Mage: T- This time all of the members of the Kyuukimon (Nine ghost gate) have been summoned to meet... So please comply with the summon, ice Devil-slayer, Lord Silver...

Silver: Relax... There is no need to crap your pants... It's not like I'll eat you or anything. The only thing I consume... Are the souls of demons.

*Dark Guild, Tartaros: Kyuukimon. "Absolute Zero": Silver*



Lucy: It seems like they're already best buds...

Giants: These pipsqueaks really saved us ?

Gray: Maybe I should freeze you again...

Wendy: P... Pipsqueaks...

Carla: In regards to that, you're in a class of your own, Wendy.


"That still doesn't tell us... What happened in this village ?"

Lucy: It was completely frozen by some ice Devil-slayer.

Giants: We took our weapons and tried to fight back... But I don't remember anything after that... Uh- huh...

Lucy: And the eternal flame... That is, Atlas Flame was mistaken for some dark magic and defeated.

Erza: So this all happened because the instigator made an erroneous assumption ? As far as excuses go, that one is extremely feeble...

Gray: No... We still don't know what the attacker's real motive was. That Succubus guy said something about it...

Doriarte: You've opened it... The gates of hell... And it can't be undone.

"The gates of hell... Tartaros ?"

Lucy: EEK !!

Gray: The attacker was probably someone from Tartaros, yes. The Succubus Eye was probably a subordinate guild sent to the village.

"Why would they even try to freeze this village ? That doesn't make any sense..."

Natsu: Well, for now, our job here is done !

Happy: Aye sir!

Flare: By the way, where's Flare ?

Lucy: Why are you hiding ? Flare.

Giants: Flare, you say ?! Is she here ?!

Lucy: hey... It's been so long since they've seen you.

Flare: I... Abandoned this village... I just left on my own... So...

Lucy: It's okay, I doubt they'd be upset over that... Most... Likely...

Giants: Is that really Flare... ? It's been a while... She's gotten big. But we're still way bigger... How was it... The outside world ?

Flare: ... Th... there was a lot of fun stuff... And a lot of scary stuff...

Giants: ... *Smirk* That's just how it is, no matter where you are... As long as you're alive... Whether you're coming or going, this will always be your home. Independence is a good thing... Well... there's one thing... I didn't think I'd ever get a chance to say...

Giant: Welcome home, daughter !

Flare: ... I... I'm back...

Lucy: *I'd never seen Flare with a smile like that... that infectious smile struck a chord with me. We spent the rest of that night, drinking, singing, and partying with the giants until the sun rose... We lost ourselves in that moment so much that we even managed, however temporary, to brush aside those ominous words we had all heard... Succubus Eye... Minerva. Devil-slayer... The dark magic from the book of Zeref... And Tartaros.*

Minerva: W... What... is this... Wha... What's going on ?! Where did everyone go... What's this... A piece of paper...

???: A person.

Minerva: P- PERSON... ?!

???: My magic strengthens people...

Minerva: WHO ARE... ?!

???: However... Those who are too weak and not worthy of my reinforcement... Will be turned into that form... All of them...

Kyouka: I am Kyouka. One of the Kyuukimon members of Tartaros.

*Tartaros, Kyuukimon. Kyouka Reiseiten*

Minerva: 'T- Tartaros ?!It can't be... Word already got out of our defeat ath the giants' village ?!'

Minerva: You went to this extreme simply because the village was taken back ?!

Kyouka: What you speak of... I haven't the faintest of clues...

Minerva: 'Does that mean... Silver took over the village on his own whim ?!'

Kyouka: As I just told you, I strengthen people... In the not-too-distant future... A battle of epic proportions will begin. I simply received a command from my master to gather troops. So I came here.

Minerva: So your idea of gathering troops is killing them ? Just how stupid are you ?!

Kyouka: We do not need soldiers who cannot withstand my reinforcement... So... What about you ?!

Minerva: Ah ! ST- STOP IT !!

Warrod: WAHAHAHAHAHAAH !! I knew sending you guys was the right decision. How nice, how nice !

Natsu: It was a piece of cake.

Erza: I'm just relieved that we finished your request without further incident.

"Even though... I'm not sure I did anything... What even happened to these thieves ?"

Lucy: Sent them flying with a special kick !

Wendy: But, it really caught us off guard when we found out that Tartaros was involved though.

Warrod: Hm... I wouldn't worry too much about them... Let the senate handle the investigations regarding that. More importantly, there's still the matter of your payment.

Happy: We've been looking forward to this !!

Warrod: Here.

Lucy: Here... ?

Warrod: It's a potato from my garden. It's a joke. I'm messing with you.

Natsu: A- A joke... Right... Hahaha...

Warrod: It's actually a potato I bought from the neighboring town. Fufu !


Lucy: Waaah, now this is nice !!

Erza: Quite the marvelous view we have here. As expected of Warrod, he know of a secret hot spring like this.

Carla: Look, Wendy ! It says this place is not only good for your health but works wonders on your physical beauty as well !

Wendy: Wow !

Lucy: Aaah... There's nothing like taking a dip after a mission...

Erza: It helps rejuvenate a tired body and soul... Allowing us to face our future trials refreshed.

Wendy: I can't help but feel bad for the guys...

Carla: They'll be fine. I doubt they have any interest in a hot spring anyways.

Natsu: Shows how much you know...

Gray: We can enjoy stuff like this from time to time as well.




"We were here before you, you know ? You're the ones who walked up on us."

Warrod: Oh ? I did tell you it was a unisex hot spring, didn't I ?

Lucy: DON'T JUST CASUALLY STROLL RIGHT IN !! Guys, just... get out for a bit.

Wendy: That's right ! It's embarrassing !

"I mean... I literally live with Erza now, so that's not a problem... I've lost count of how many times, Lucy ended up naked in front of us... If anything, the only one I'm uncomfortable about is Wendy, she's still a child."

Natsu: Uh-huh.

Gray: Honestly, the novelty of Lucy's body wore off a while ago...

Lucy: Are you guys trying to pour salt in the wound ?!

Erza: Ah well, it's nothing to lose your composure over... We are all comrades here, a little skinship is normal.


"Erza, I think your sense of what's socially acceptable to do might be a little bit off."

Erza: Nonsense. I used to get into the baths with Natsu and Gray all the time.

Natsu: Ugh...

Gray: Um...

Lucy: Like we said, that's not normal. You're not kids anymore.

Warrod: Hahaha, aren't comrades the best ?


Warrod: Doesn't it ? Now that you mention it... I haven't told you guys yet...

Warrod: Just like Mavis, I'm one of the founding fathers of Fairy Tail. That makes me a grand senior of yours.

Gray: WH- !!

"Eh ? For real... ?"

Happy: So the guild you said you were in... It was Fairy Tail ?

Lucy: So, that's why... Even for something that was assigned by one of the Ten Wizard Saints... The master was unusually anxious and worried... Now it makes sense...

Warrod: Juuust~...

Gray: You're messing with us again ?!

Warrod: It's all true.

Erza: It is safe to assume that is the reason why you requested our help ?

Warrod: Hmmm... Pretty much. When you entered my home, I caught a nostalgic whiff of the guild's wooden smell. ... Just kidding.

Wendy: We're not getting anywhere...

Warrod: To have met you young fairies, really made my heart skip a beat... The peace that Mavis sings about... Fairy Tail, a guild with bonds between the souls of mages which are even thicker than blood. That spirit carries on even now, and you have all succeeded that. That very spirit will become the key to your successes and triumphs. I felt that, in the moment I met you all.

Warrod: Mavis once said, comrade isn't simply a word. Comrades are about heart, it's the unconditional trust in your partners...

Mavis: Please, feel free to lean on me... And I, too, will on you as well... There will be painful times... Sad times... I'll be with you through thick and thin... You are never alone, the hopes we carry are matched by the number of stars twinkling in the night sky. The rustling of the wind on our bodies are premonitions for what's to come tomorrow. Now, let us take a stroll... To the melody from the song of fairies...

'To be part of Fairy Tail... Is to be proud, not of individual strength... But of our achievements as a whole...'

Erza: hey, can you do my back now ?

"Ah... Ok..."

Lucy: The words that created Fairy Tail... It really hits you deep... Brings a tear to your eye...

Natsu: Wait, so that means... You're even older than gramps ?!

Erza: That's rude, Natsu.

Natsu: That means... If he's been around for that long... He might know about E.N.D. and the demons.

Warrod: E.N.D.? Demons ?

"Apparently, it's got something to do with the Book of Zeref. Right ?"

Natsu: Yes. My dad, the dragon, tried to defeat it or something...

Warrod: The book of Zeref... Another unsettling word...

Natsu: If I know what E.N.D. is, then I might be bale to figure out where Igneel is... I think, anyway...

Wendy: That's what Atlas Flame told us...

Warrod: Hm... My apologies, but I have no idea. But when you told me about Tartaros earlier, I remembered something. We know next to nothing about the true form of their guild. Not of their base of operations, their members, or even their actual numbers. But from various people who claim to have witnesses their meetings...

Warrod: They all say... Those gatherings are a worshiping for demons.

Warrod: This is a prophecy from the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar, so take it for what it's worth... It's possible they have the Book of Zeref in their possession.

Lucy: A guild has Zeref's Book ?!

Happy: And that might be the E.N.D. ?!

Gray: 'I knew that demon from Succubus Eye was connected with it somehow...'


All: ... ... ... ...

Gray: hey... Natsu...

Natsu: What ?!

"... ... Ow."

Erza: Hoh...



"Here lies... Natsu Dragneel... Cause of death... ... ... Suicide."

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