Chapter 94: Protection mission

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Lucy: Therefore, we'll be loitering around here for a bit as your personal bodyguards. Well, more like, we need you to let us protect you.

Michello: ... I appreciate the thought, but to be frank, it's a bother. Moreover, how did you get this address ?

Happy: Now now, is that any way to speak to a fellow cat ?

Michello: WHO'RE YOU CALLING A CAT ?! Your reputation precedes you... You're that troublesome guild. Doesn't this plan of yours simply amount to you using me as bait ?

Carla: Tartaros will come regardless of our presence, it's different from being live bait.

Michello: This is no laughing matter... I can't stay here if I know I'm being targeted. I'm leaving, don't follow me.

Girl: Grandfather, you're being rude to our guests.

Michello: Michelia...

Wendy: 'This person was... With Loki...'

Michelia: Let's help them... The entire council's been wiped out. As a former member, can you really just brush that fact off ?

Michello: ... ... ...

Lucy: Um... Do you have any idea why you're being targeted ?

Michello: That list is an extremely long one... Dark guilds aren't the only ones that harbor ill will towards us...

Carla: This goes far beyond animosity and hate... There has to be something else for them to be specifically targeting all council members.

Michello: Nothing immediate comes to mind... Wait... What if... Could it be, Fa-


Michello: What the ?!

Lucy: What ?!

Michello: M- MY HOUSE !!

Wendy: What was that... ? Is everyone alright ?!

Michelia: there was an explosion, but we survived... ?

Natsu: *Burp* Phew... Don't know how I maneged to gulp all that down just now.

Michelia: Eh... You ate it... ?

???: Oh ? I expected to find all of you in bits and pieces after that.

Lucy: Who're you ?!

Jackal: Just like the council members, that is.

Natsu: ... Tartaros...

Jackal: The hell are you ?

Natsu: Fairy Tail's Natsu. Time to start putting Tartaros in body bags...

Gray: It's no use... We're too late.

Makarov: What ?! So then Org is...

Juvia: Yes... He's gone... And it looks like someone really went wild here... It's almost too horrible to look at.

Makarov: Unbelievable... What about Gajeel and the others ? And Belno ?!

Gajeel: We're too late.

Levy: It doesn't look like there was any violent fighting here...

Pantherlily: Implying that this was probably an assassination.

Gajeel: Damn it ! If only we were a little earlier...

Cana: They got Org and even Blueno. I guess all that's left are the ones Natsu and Elfman headed for, Michello and Yuri, huh...

Elfman: He isn't breathing.

Lisanna: Oh my...

Elfman: Set up the transmission Lacryma. We need to report to the guild. But how was he killed ?! There isn't a single scratch on him...

Elfman: Crap ! Y- You're ali-

Elfman: What the hell are you doing ?! The transmission Lacryma... Wh- What's going on...

???: I guess you can't expect a corpse Macro to function particularly well...

Elfman: Who the hell are you ?! What did you do ?!

???: I helped him reach the gates of hell.

Lisanna: So you're with Tartaros...

???: The stories humans write really are boring. I'll just spin my own tale. A story fit for a demon.

Elfman: Get ready, Lisanna !!

Elfman: No... My body, it's moving on its own... Lisanna ! LISANNA !! What'd you do ?! Stop ! Stop it right now !!

???: In a demon's story... there's no such thing as mercy.

Lucy: Finally ! It connected ! The Lacryma we brought broke, so we had to find another one in the city.

Makarov: Lucy ? What's the situation over there ?!

Lucy: Michello is alright. Natsu's seen better days though...

Natsu: Doesn't matter. I won. I beat one of the Tartaros members. I won.

Happy: The city's in shambles though. And so is my fur...

Makarov: Have you managed to get any information from Michello ?

Lucy: About that...

Michello: ... Wh- White legacy... Face... I don't know anything... Absolutely nothing...

Makarov: Face ?

Michello: "Face" is one of the weapons the council possesses.

Natsu: Huh ? Why would the council need weapons ?!

Carla: To maintain peace in the demon world. Even I have my doubts, but for now, let's continue.

Michello: The council's various weapons are managed according to their lethality and priority... For example, Etherion, the Grand Magic Cannon that can target an entire continent, with enough power to obliterate a country in mere seconds... To fire it, the approval of nine standing council members and the firing codes of ten senor officials are needed.

Jet: So, now that enough council members are dead... they can't use Etherion anymore ?

Pantherlily: So one of their aims was the nullification, huh...

Makarov: Exactly what sort of weapon is Face ? I know you have a duty to keep these secrets, but now is not the time for that !!

Michello: ... ... A magic pulse bomb. A weapon to nullify all magic across the continent.

Wendy: Magic across all the continent... Nullified ?!

Cana: All magic users would become powerless !

Lucy: That's not all ! Tartaros said that the powers they use are curses, not magic !

Pantherlily: A world where all magic users are powerless, and only Tartaros is free to run amok...

Makarov: What a fearsome weapon...

Natsu: WHERE IS IT ?! We'll destroy it before they can get their hands on it !!

Michello: I- I don't know... Really... I heard that it was sealed by organic link magic used by 3 former council members, but only the former chairman knows who those three were.

Wendy: Organic link magic... So the lives of those three are the keys to that seal...

Gray: That's why Tartaros is trying to silence the council.

Juvia: On the contrary, doesn't that mean that they don't need any more information from them ? That they already know where face is hidden ?

Gajeel: If the three that made that seal are killed, Face is going to fall into Tartaros' hands, old man !

Makarov: Hurry and find those three, and protect them ! You said that the former chairman should know who they are, right ?

Michello: P- Probably...


Warren: It's okey ! We've found the addresses of all 16 former council members. We got the other guilds to help us out and guard 'em all !

Laki: We found out which one of the 16 addresses is the former chairman's !

Makarov: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR ?! Send someone there immediately !!

Laki: Don't worry. they're already on their way Our most reliable elements.

Your POV:

"So they're already advancing... Let's just hope we get to our objective before Tartaros does."

Mirajane: You know... They're probably after Jellal as well. Are you sure you should be here with me ?

Erza: Even we don't know where Jellal is. Besides, he can take care of himself, with or without help.

"If Natsu was able to defeat one of them, then Jellal's gonna mop the floor with whoever they send after him, that I can tell. More importantly, protecting the former Chairman's our top priority."

Mirajane: Right. We've got to make sure nothing gets through here.

Chairman: After retiring, I took up the hobby of cultivating herbs. This is some chamomile I grew myself.

Mirajane: Looks great !

Erza: What a pleasant perfum- er, fragrance.

'... Gah ! Hot !'

Chairman: It's often called "The apple of the Earth", you know. Well then ? I apologize to ask such a rude question to the first guests I've had in quite a while, but... How exactly did you get my address ?

Mirajane: Though we knew we'd be overstepping our bounds, given the current state of crisis we're in, we took the liberty of using the council's extensive information network.

Crawford: Ah, so that's how you found this address, which I'd assumed was top-secret information. I'm glad...

"When you put it that way..."

Crawford: Not at all ! I've already retired, it's not like I'm going to bite you ! Ha ha ha ! Speaking of which, I do remember you.

"... Oh, that trial..."

Erza: H- How embarrassing...

Crawford: Nostalgic, isn't it... I believe you all were frozen for 7 years shortly after that, no ?

Mirajane: Crawford-san... About the matter at hand...

Crawford: Ah, yes. That's what it was. The issue with Face, right ? I, too, am quite pained to hear the sad fate that has befallen my former colleagues. As the council can no longer function, it pleases me to see that upstanding guilds like your own have risen in its place.

"To stop Tartaros, the first step would be to destroy Face. Where is it ?"

Crawford: Unfortunately, even I do not know where it is.

Mirajane: Eh ?

Erza: Chairman...

Crawford: Because it's such top-secret information, we had no choice but to go to extreme lengths to keep it guarded. Though I may be the former chairman, even I had not the authority to be privy to its location.

"But then how did they find out something that even you weren't informed of ?!"

Crawford: Indeed... It really is a head-scratcher...

Erza: Well then, could you tel us where the three council members that sealed Face are ?

Mirajane: We'd like to protect them with everything we've got.

Crawford: That, too, is something I do not have the authority to know.

Erza: How...

Crawford: You see, Face is not even supposed to exist. It's a top-secret, taboo, forbidden weapon. Therefore, the council members that are the key to its seal do not even, themselves, know that they serve such a purpose. Such extreme measures have been deemed necessary in order to protect Face.

"You mean you could be one of these keys without even knowing it ?"

Crawford: Indeed.

Mirajane: that means... Tartaros really is after the slaughter of all the council members...

"... Down !"

Crawford: Wh- What's happening ?!

Mirajane: You felt it too. Looks like they're finally here.

Erza: The house is being sieged. The footsteps... there's about 20 of them.

"Chairman, go hide in the back rooms !"

Crawford: I- Is it Tartaros ?!

"Here they come !"

"Thinking you guys could lay a hand on the Chairman..."

Mirajane: How adorable.

Erza: We won't let you take another step. Let's show them what Fairy Tail is really made of.

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