Chapter 95: All to lose

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Elfman: DAMN IIIIIIT ! Stop it ! My body is... On its own... Lisanna ! Hang in there ! Lisanna !! I beg you ! Please stop this !!

???: Beg ? When a human begs something of a demon... That's when he must offer the demon his soul. Are you prepared to sell me your soul ?

Cobra: Tartaros is after a weapon called "Face". It's a magic pulse bomb. A weapon that will make the entire continent's mages unable to use their magic.

Doranbolt: 'I can't let it go on any longer... I'll go after Tartaros myself.'

Cobra: Whoo ! Fresh air is fuckin' delicious ! Right ?

Angel: I'd have thought you'd be used to the taste by now.

Richard: Ah ! Our love has reached you somehow...

Racer: Freedom really is a wonderful thing. Well then, what are we gonna do first ?

Angel: I wanna take a shower.

Richard: I want to look for my brother !!

Cobra: Hold it. Looks like our first job just found us.

Doranbolt: 'I'm leaving Oracion Seis to you, Jellal.

Jellal: I owe you one. You can count on me.

Natsu: ... ... GAH !!

Lucy: What's wrong, Natsu ?

Wendy: You need to sleep some more, silly !


Lucy: Uh... Er...

Natsu: HURRY, HAPPY !!

Happy: A- Aye !

Lucy: Wait, Natsu- !!

Your POV:


"Annnd that was the last one, I think."

Erza: they weren't anything serious. But, that's what's worrying me...

Mirajane: You think so too ? To get the former chairman, an absolutely essential target, they only sent what appears to be a regular squad.

"Yeah... Sort of difficult to believe, especially when you know they sent top-notch fighters to take care of regular members...

Happy: What's wrong, Natsu ?!

Natsu: DAMN IT ! I didn't realize it until now ! Things that no one, not even the current council members know, like the ex-chairman's address and the existence of Face... HOW DOES TARTAROS KNOW THAT STUFF ?!

Mirajane: hey... Guys...

Erza: What is it, Mira ?

Mirajane: ... I...

Erza: Mira !

"What the hell... ?! Hey, what happened ?! They're not hurt, just... Asleep ? Did one of these soldiers had sleep magic ?


Happy: Who ?

Natsu: I dunno, but... For them to know that stuff, it has to have been some big shot... I don't want to believe it, but... HURRY ! THEY ARE IN DANGER !!

Crawford: Oh, my. What happened ?

"I- I don't know ! They suddenly fell asleep like that..."

Crawford: Ah, right... You were waiting for it to cool down when they attacked...

"... What ?!"

Crawford: This is Crawford reporting in. I have obtained two bodies. But the third one is being... Difficult.

Kyouka: Well done, ex-chairman. Please return to Tartaros as soon as possible.

"... So that's how it is. How they got to discover face's location, as well as all ex-council members' addresses... Well, at least I won't have any remorse sending you back to them in several boxes."

Crawford: Ah ah ah. I wouldn't try anything stupid if I were you, or else those lovely ladies wouldn't stay lovely for very long.

"... Gh- !"

3rd Person POV:

Natsu: Happy ! There it is !

Happy: Aye !

Natsu: ... The aftermath of a fight... ERZA ! MIRA ! Y/N !!

Happy: Looks like they aren't here.

Natsu: No... Their scent is still here, sort of. What happened here ?

Mew: Not pretty things, I can tell you.

Happy: GAH ! Where did you come from ?!

Mew: He told me to stand back, and relay information between him and the rest of you. Sadly, I couldn't get here fast enough to prevent it... Just to witness the consequences...

Natsu: The consequences... ? This whole place stinks of herbs... This scent... Sleeping pills. Probably.

Mew: So that explain how the ex-chairman got an unconscious Erza and Mira on his shoulders...

Happy: Could it be... They were drugged...

Natsu: ... SHIT ! SHIT ! DAMN IT !!

Happy: Natsu ! Calm down !! Destroying the Ex-chairman's house isn't the answer !!

Natsu: The Ex-Chairman is in cahoots with Tartaros !!

Happy: That's how they got information about Face and the former council members' addresses. Then... If Erza and Mira were the ones drugged and captured, what happened to him ?

Mew: ... He followed them. He had to.

Natsu: There's no way he would've done that !! he would've kicked their ass !!

Mew: Oh, believe me, I'm sure he tried. But with Erza as a hostage, there's only so much he could do... So now, with Laxus in a coma, Gildarts who knows where, and these three captured, we've lost about half our fighting forces...

Natsu: I'm still here !!

Mew: ... Right, we lost about two third of our forces.


Kyouka: Come to, have you ?

Erza: ... WH- WHAT... MY CLOTHES...

Kyouka: Welcome to Tartaros.

Erza: TARTAROS ?! Where's Y/n ?! And Mira ?! What about the Ex-Chairman ?!

Kyouka: the ex-Chairman is our ally. After our plan is complete, he will once again be made head of the council. You three fell into his trap and were captured by us.

Erza: Impossible ! The ex-chairman would never commit treachery like that !!

Kyouka: Your struggling is useless. Those restraints are made of seal stone. As long as they are connected, you cannot use any magic, whatsoever.

Erza: Wh- Where are the others ?!

Kyouka: We haven't killed them. Even though we were really tempted, given how much he stupidly resisted. But, in order to to turn... Mirajane, was it ? Into our servant, we have begun modifying her body.

Erza: NO ! STOP !!

Kyouka: Don't be alarmed. She won't be alone for long, after all. When he's finally calmed down, the other one will join her.

Erza: N- No...

Kyouka: Oh ? It also seemed to me that you two were quite close, right ? I can see that. He didn't even wait to lash out and try to escape with you while you were unconscious. Nothing more than some trouble in the end.

Erza: Wh... Where is he ?

Kyouka: Probably somewhere in another cell. It's really too bad we couldn't sedate him. But i'm sure that awake or not, he wouldn't put too much of a struggle.

Erza: then you clearly don't know him ! There's no way in hell he'd follow you willingly !!

Kyouka: Who said anything about him being willing ? We both know very well that the best way to get him where we want... Is right in front of me.

Erza: What... You...

Kyouka: Tell me that. What do you think he'd rather loose ? You... ? Or himself ?

Erza: ... No... NO !!

Kyouka: Don't squeal so. Besides, I have something else that I'd like to ask you about. Where is Jellal... ?

Erza: ... ...

Jellal: Meredy, get back.

Meredy: there's five of them... I should..

Jellal: There's no need. I am more than enough.

Racer: he's selling us rather short, isn't he ?

Angel: How annoying.

Cobra: I see. I guess Doranbolt sent you.

Midnight: Do you wish to return us to our cells once more ?

Jellal: An escapee turning in prisoners ? Don't make me laugh.

Cobra: We won't let anyone take our newfound freedom away from us. i'll take your head, Jellal.

Richard: Hmm. I have sworn to live for love. I would prefer to not fight.

Angel: Hoteye ! You are letting the Nirvana get to you again !

Richard: No... This, this love, this is me. I shall submit to Jellal.

Cobra: Hoteye, you bastard...

Midnight: It does not matter.

Cobra: MIDNIGHT !!

Midnight: We have all obtained freedom. As has Richard. We each have the right to choose as we please. My name is Macbeth. And I choose to destroy all that lies between me and my freedom.

Jellal: ... Come.

Racer: I'm already here. I got tired of waiting. Jellal !!

Jellal: You really are fast, Sawyer.

Sawyer: Don't use my name so lightly !!

Cobra: Your movements... I can read them !

Jellal: And I can read you, Erik.


Jellal: Have you learned some new magic, Sorano ?

Sorano: My angels... !

Macbeth: Looks like I can have more fun, than I did seven years ago.

Kyouka: I know the two of you were close by the past.

Erza: W- Why do you want Jellal ?

Kyouka: Where is he ? Tell me.


Kyouka: My curse allows me to alter a person's sensations. Your sensation of pain is now at its most sensitive. Tell me.

Erza: I don't... Know...


Kyouka: That's funny. He told me the exact same thing. To release the seal on Face, we had intended to kill all the former council members. But we eventually found out the names of the three that actually sealed it. Two are already dead. The only one remaining...

Erza: C- Could it be...

Kyouka: If Jellal dies, we can release the seal on Face.

Erza: Dear god...

Kyouka: Oh, my... Looks like I've said a little too much. Now even if you do know, you'll never tell me.

Erza: I don't !! I really don't know where Jellal...

Kyouka: How about this. If you tell me Jellal's whereabouts, I'll return these two to you, unharmed. If you don't... You will die. You, and them.

Erza: Really... I do not... Know...I beg... You... please spare them...

Kyouka: is that so ? I will enjoy myself a little more, then.

Crawford: I mean really... Destroying my house like that !

Franmalth: Calm down, Ex-chairman.

Crawford: I spent my entire pension on this operation !

Franmalth: But think of the wealth you'll have once the plan is over ! After it is over ! Gehehe.

Crawford: I guess sacrificing my house to make it look like I was captured by you is a small price to pay then... What happened to those three anyways ?

Franmalth: they're being interrogated by Kyouka. No doubt that they will meet a miserable end.

Crawford: You better kill them ! If you let them live, they'll tell everyone of my involvement ! It's already bad enough that one almost managed to escape !

Franmalth: Thank you, my left cheek remember that very well. It's a good thing we managed to put the seal cuffs on him quickly, otherwise... I still remember, while he was being dragged away, all he could do was scream "Erza ! Erza !" that was hilarious to watch !

Crawford: ... hey... What's that... ?

Franmalth: Hm ?



Natsu: FOUND YOU !!

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