Chapter 97: Despair

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Franmalth: Ex-Chairman ? Did you find Jellal ?!

Crawford: No... Something much better has happened... I've successfully completed the transfer of the key ! Thanks to my Super Archive's power ! That is, Jellal's key has become mine !

Franmalth: Yours ?

Crawford; Yes ! And, utilizing the same principle, we can transfer the key to some random person. If we kill them, the seal will be opened !

Franmalth: And who would this random person be ?

Crawford: Whoever !! One of the captured fairies should do just fine !!

Franmalth: ... I've got the perfect test subject in mind...


"That makes three... You really should stop before all your fingers are gone..."

Natsu: GHHHHH !! If they're broken, it'll be easier to slip out of these cuffs !!

"Typical Natsu thinking... If you can call that thinking..."


Franmalth: Get up. We've decided on what to do with you.

Franmalth: Okay, I've got him.

Crawford: Hmm... yes, he will do just fine. Now just leave me some time, and I'll transfer the key to him...

Franmalth: So it really means that you, ex-chairman, have just become the last key ?

Crawford: I've been saying that this whole time !! That this method even exists... It's all thanks to my super Archive's spectacular power !! WITH THIS, THE SEAL ON FACE WILL BE RELEASED ! THE WORLD IS OURS !!

Franmalth: It's almost difficult to believe that such a security key could be so easily transferred.

Crawford: That's what the power and authority of an ex-chairman can do.

Kyouka: Is it now ?

Kyouka: So, it's safe to say the seal is now broken ?

Crawford: KUH... GUH...

Franmalth: Any particular reason for doing that, Kyouka ?

Kyouka: Wouldn't it be faster this way ? Besides, I have special plans for our little guest here.


Kyouka: Even Cube is reacting.. the seal on Face has been released.

"N... No..."

"Gaaaah !!"

Kyouka: This is quite the reaction.

Franmalth: There's no mistaking it ! The seal on Face has been broken !

Kyouka: And its coordinates ?

Franmalth: It appears to be rather far from the expected emergence point.

Kyouka: No matter. Activate it.

Franmalth: About that... Oh ! The vibrations have quieted ! Anyway, it cannot be done from here. Remote control access is impossible. Face can only be activated manually. Well, the former chairman could have activated it remotely, but... Gehehehe.

Kyouka: It appears... I may have been a little hasty... It cannot be helped. Send someone to see to it. I do hope those Fairy Tail brats don't stick their nose where they don't belong.

Seilah: Do not worry about such things. It is only a matter of time. Before long, the end to the fairies' story will be spun.

Kyouka: Ah, Seilah. It's a good thing you could come up with these news at that time.

"N... No..."

Kyouka: So perhaps you could explain how exactly they are going to end, with every little detail ?

Lamy: Fafafafafafafa ! What should I do ? What if they're born because of the vibrations just now ? What should I do~...

*Tartaros, Kyouka's squad: Lamy*

Lamy: Just kidding~. Worry is... UNNECESSARY !! 'Cause they've totally already been reborn ! Fafafafafafa !!

Tempester: So this is my body, is it...

Lamy: That's right, Tempester~

Tempesta: Tempester... So that is my name...

Lamy: Hey hey~ You're sooooo cool ! 'Cause I made you look like a hunk ! A hunk !

Tempesta: My appearance is unimportant.

Jackal: What's this ? Tempester's gettin' all the attention... Pretty unfair, ain't it ?

Lamy: But but... Jackal, you've always been super kawai~ Fafafa.

Jackal: Fuckin's gross. Get off me.

Tempester: Jackal... ?

Jackal: Hey hey. Don'cha remember me, Tempester ?

Lamy: Everytime Tempester is revived, he, unfortunately loses his memories... Is it a side effect of the sin particles ? Such a pity for him... Sniff... BUT A BLESSING FOR ME !!

Tempester: ... ... ...

Jackal: I ain't gonna forgive that fireball bastard and his blue cat... i'm gonna fuck them up real good.

Lamy: Your angry face is so cute~ I think I'm going to get pregnant~

Jackal: SCREW YOU !!

Tempester: And who is that ?

Jackal: Hm ? Who the hell are you ?

Lamy: Ah ! I almost forgot. Teehee.

Minerva: So this is what it means to be a demon... My power is overflowing...

Lamy: Some human that lady Kyouka captured or something. I think her name was Minerva. Anyway, I really couldn't care less about women, so...

Jackal: Minerva... A new demon, eh ?

Lamy: Oh well. Even though I don't really care about girls, maybe I should modify this one as well... Just as appetizer before the next one...

Jackal: "Next one" ? Two new demons again ?

Lamy: And not just anyone ! Straight up from fairy Tail ! Lady Kyouka just told me to wait for her to finish cooking him up.

Elfman: Lisanna... I love you...

Mew: And for that you... What exactly did you do ?

Elfman: H- AH ?! How did you...

Mew: You really thought I wouldn't notice ? Trying to hide a troubled mind from a telepathic master is pretty foolish. So, when and where... No, WHAT THE HELL is that ?!



Mew: A BOMB ?!


Mew: 'H- he really is being controlled by someone !! Quick !!'

Levy: I've done it ! I've pinpointed the location of the enemy ! We've found them !!

Makarov: Well done !! Where are they ?!

Levy: Right above us.

Lucy: Right abo-... What ?!

Gajeel: What the hell ?! Those bastards are straight above us ?!

Levy: There's no mistaking it ! When Happy escaped, they were in the vicinity of our border with Bosco ! Judging from their speed and direction of travel, right now, they're above Magnolia !

Gajeel: Looks like they came to us.

Lucy: let's go save Natsu and everyone else.

Happy: Aye !

Gray: Let's go !!

All: YEAH !!

"N- No... YOU CAN'T DO THAT !!"

Kyouka: Why couldn't we ? Nothing, and no one prevents us from reducing the entire guild to a pile of dust, mages included.

"GH- !!"

Kyouka: Why are you so tense. I already told you of the way to prevent that, haven't I ? The choice is all yours.

"You... After what you did to the ex-chairman, you really expect me to believe you'll keep your end of the bargain ?! Seriously ?!"

Kyouka: there's a difference between an agreement with a human... And a pact made with another demon. I'll have you know, we take a great deal of pride in the "Contracts" we make.

Seilah: That one... Elfman, was it ? He was promised safety for his little sister if he brought the light sphere. And she is unharmed.

Kyouka: So let me remind you of our terms one last time. If you, of your own will, agree to join Tartaros and endure the enhancement to a demon... Not only the little fairies we captured all released with no further harm... But all attacks toward Fairy tail as a whole will be called off, and they'll all be safe from us.

"... ... ..."

Kyouka: ... No answer ? Very well. After all, e have no need to find Jellal anymore, so that Erza girl is of no use for us either... I'll just tell Yakdoriga to finish her off.

"W- WAIT !!"

Kyouka: ... Yes ?

"... I... You..."

Kyouka: Could you perhaps speak up ? Her screams and the end of your entire guild are getting louder and louder.

"... You... You won..."


Erza: Wh... What... Are you...

Kyouka: isn't it obvious. i'm setting you down.

Erza: What...

Kyouka: We have what we wanted. We have no further need for you.

Erza: What... You wanted... ?

Kyouka: Looks like he values you much more than he values himself after all.

Erza: ... No...

Lamy: Fafafafafafa !! You sure took your time !! I was getting so bored, I was about to start messing with that one's face ! She would've been reborn as something so ugly, I was looking forward to it. But now I've got another hunk to work through~ !

"... Just be sure you honor your end of the bargain and be done with it..."

Seilah: Yes. The moment you enter, she will be released.

Lamy: Hurry, hurry ! I can't wait~ !

Kyouka: The time is now. The white legacy created by human suspicion will cause the destruction of humanity itself. Face will steal man's magic completely and start the era of our demon clan. The world will become as Zeref wished.

Franmalth: Uh ?

Kyouka: What' the matter, Franmalth ?

Franmalth: Just a remarkable magical reaction...


Franmalth: 4 ? Actually... It looks like way more.

Soldier: We could only visually confirm 4 of them !

Kyouka: What's happening ?

Seilah: I'll show the undercube.


"... Th... This is..."

Seilah: Cats... ?! And... What is that... Pink creature... ?

Franmalth: They're Fairy Tail's... 'So you let them escape, Silver...'

Kyouka: Such a magical reaction from these 4 ?

Seilah: lady Kyouka, they're holding something...

Seilah: Cards ?!

"No... They're not trying..."

Mew: Shit ! I've gotta think, and fast ! Or else...

Elfman: Must destroy Fairy Tail... Destroy... Destroy...



mew: Uhh... heh ?

Cana: You weren't the only one with suspicions. But now, this thing, is it about to explode ?!

Mew: This one, I've got it ! Teleport !


Cana: ... Where did you...

Mew: Just remind me of something... The closer ocean is south of here, right ? ... Scratch that, could you do what you did to Elfman with the rest ?

Cana: No problems.

Mew: Good. Now's the time for Fairy Tail's counter-attack !!

Franmalth: Those cards are Fairy tail mages !!

Seilah: No way... I made... A mistake...

Kyouka: Put up the barriers !! Create a gravitational field in the Undercube !! Position the 1st battle unit in the front, rear and side of Cube !!

"Hold on !! The agreement we had... !!"

Kyouka: Indeed. We agreed to never attack fairy Tail... However, it would appear that we are the ones under attack here, wouldn't you agree ? Isn't it fair that we just defend ourselves ?

"Wh... What... ?"

Kyouka: And to think they plan to free all of you that we captured... I really hope none of them will try anything foolish, like joining them to fight, or else... We'll be forced to retaliate...

"... ... ..."

Mew: Alright !! Target in sight !! Prepare yourselves !!

Happy: Waaaah !! What's the ?! We're being sucked in !!

Pantherlily: Gah ! Is this... Gravity ?! Are we upside-down ?!

Carla: more importantly, the enemy is coming !!

Cana: I'm freeing you all from the cards !! Let's go !!



Happy: What was that ?!

Mew: ... I know but one who could scream like that...

"... ... ..."

Kyouka: ... He was a tough nut to crack... But now that he left himself fall into despair, we can finally proceed. Put him in the tank.

Seilah: He completely lost consciousness.. Humans are such a weak-minded bunch...

Franmalth: Gehehehehe, don't tell me you were planning on following through with that "Contract", were you ?

Kyouka: Who knows ? It's their fault for attacking while we were willing to spare them. But enough talking, this is the birth of a new demon.

*... ... ... ... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*

Kyouka: ... ? What is that noise... ?

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