Chapter 98: You called for help...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Kyouka: What... is that noise ? Where does it even come from ? The Fairy Tail mages ?

Franmalth: No... That's not them... I... I can't even tell where it is, it's almost as if it was coming from everywhere !

Kyouka: What, you don't think that's his doing ?! he's completely out cold, and he still has the magic seal cuffs on !

Franmalth: I know that !


Franmalth: It's just... I don't understand ! This pressure, I've never seen anything like that before ! It's like... It's like the very fabric of time and space was being ripped apart !

???: You know, as a matter of facts...

???: You fuckers aren't exactly wrong. But, sadly, soon the day will come...

???: When you'll regret angering the wrong beings... That is, if you ever see a sunrise again.

Franmalth: W... What-



Gajeel: What's happening again ?! This damn cube won't stop shaking !

Mew: ... I could be very wrong... No, I HOPE I'm wrong at this point... because if they really showed up...

Lucy: This... Immense pressure... What's happening ?

Mew: ... It really was but a cry for help...

???: ... Did I get them ?

???: I think they used it to run away.

???: Ah, crap. Probably shouldn't have held back like that. Well, whatever, we have what we came here for.

???: True. But man... Look at what they did to you... hey, you okay there ?

"... ... ... H... Ah... H- Huh... ?"

???: Coming by yet, are you ? Really had us worried, you know that ?

"Y... You... What... Why... How... ?"

???: You're really asking "Why" and "How" ? isn't it obvious already "Little brother" ?

Dialga/Palkia: We heard your call for help.

Gray: His... Brothers... ?

Mew: Not exactly blood-related, but... if they really are going to fight on our side... The tides of battle couldn't have turned more...

Dialga: Hngh !


Dialga: That takes care of the cuffs... Now go and wreck them.

"... Why did you even got here..."

Dialga: We told you, we "Heard" your call for help.

"No, you don't understand... Why did you even bother coming here...Just thinking at what transpired, at what I was about to do... I just want to throw up... I'm just pathetic... I couldn't protect them at all...

Dialga: ... At all... ? Are you sure about that ?

Kyouka: Damn it... Who... No, what even are they ?! ... Maybe I should resort to a previous plan and use Erza ? Hostages are always effective against humans. And she has proven to be especially effective...

Natsu: I was waiting for you.

Lisanna: Got you !!

Kyouka: H- How did you get out of...

Natsu: Hehe. This sword I found is really powerful.

Kyouka: H- Heat blade ?! Where is Erza... ?!

Erza: And here I thought for a second you'd allow us to leave just like that... But, since it took care of me... I thought I'd show my gratitude.

Dialga: That's an unnaturally large amount of bullshit from someone like you... For what I remember, the last time, you couldn't care less for what could happen to nearly anyone. What could have happened while you were away ?

"... I found what I wanted... What I needed... I have found people I must protect."

Palkia: And you couldn't do it... Why, has they been killed because of you ? Even if you weren't able to prevent everything that happened to them, do you truly believe that what they went through happened because of you ?

"... ... ..."

Erza: I'll make sure... To pay you back in full for your wonderful hospitality.

Lisanna: W- What did they do to her...

Erza: Oh, that's not for me... Not entirely...

Natsu: Mira, Elfman and Y/n !! Where are they ?!

Erza: So Elfman was captured as well... Talk. Now.

Kyouka: ... I do not know who this "Elfman" is. As for Mira, she is in the laboratory, two floors above us. But I don't know what state she can possibly be in at the moment...

Natsu: You bitch !!

Lisanna: I... I've got to go save her... !

Erza: Natsu. Go with her. Leave this to me.

Natsu: Gotcha !!

Erza: ... Now, on to the most important topic... Where. Is. Y/n ? It was his voice just earlier, and then everything trembled again. So, what happened.

Kyouka: ... I have no idea what happened. If this is what you want to know, he is unharmed. But... He is not alone. And these two...

Erza: ... Then... The first set of vibrations...

Kyouka: Our castle reacting to the breaking of the seal on Face.

Erza: Ah ! Th- The... Did you... Jellal...

Kyouka: He has not been killed. But the seal has been broken by another magic.

Erza: ... What are you after ? Face, the weapon that will eradicate all magic across the continent... What do you plan to use such a thing for ?

Kyouka: All is for but one purpose, to return to Zeref.

Kyouka: I fooled you, didn't I ? These restraints are made to seal magic ! We, who use curses, are completely unaffected by them !!

Erza: So you are Zeref's blind devotees ?

Kyouka: We are books written by the love of Zeref. From those books we were born. The demons of the books of Zeref ! Naturally, we are devoted to our creator.

Erza: It does not matter to whom you are devoted. However... You should be the one to make decisions for yourself.

Kyouka: A lowly human like you would never understand !!

Erza: Humans have things they are devoted to as well. You had a prime example of that. But what is important is to not lose yourself. Not lose the ability to think. The courage to not run away. AND I' LL POUND THIS ONTO HIS SKULL IF I HAVE TO !!

Dialga: ... You're full of bullshit, you know that ?

"I've finally found what I was looking for my entire life ! I will go through whatever if it means I can guarantee their safety !!"

Palkia: I thought your humanity was the biggest treasure you possessed, by your own terms... Yet you were willing to turn yourself in and become a demon... Did you, even for a single second, thought about what they would say, what they would think of you, had you gone though it all ?

"I already said I wanted to throw up for that... My own weakness absolutely disgusts me..."

Dialga: Weakness ? If anything, the only weakness I see is the one you put in them. The weakness you displayed was how much faith you had.

"I'm not taking the risk. They need to be protected, and I don't care the lengths I need to go for in order to-"


"Gaargh !!"

Dialga: How... Absolutely... Moronic. And this is why humans are so often looked down upon !

"Huh ?! Hey, Don't you dare- !!"

Palkia: Sadly, he's right. This is pretty pathetic. You keep claiming that you found what you were looking for, something you want to keep... Yet, you won't give them a chance to fight ? Even us coming here wasn't enough for you to understand ?

"Understand... What ?"

Palkia: ... You were never truly alone. If your idea of finding a family is that you must be ready to sacrifice yourself for them, you are sorely mistaken.

Dialga: So let me tell you what's gonna happen from now on. You'll stop weeping over your own failures like a little sasucker emo bitch, start putting your trust and faith in them all, and prove that he wasn't causing the biggest mistake of his life by making you his successor !! Now move, dammit !!

Makarov: Have we still not found a breach in their fortress ?!

Lucy: No... What should we do...

Carla: And because of this gravitational field, we can't properly use our Aera..

Happy: Right now... We're on the bottom surface. In order to get to the top...

Pantherlily: While we tire ourselves out here... Erza and the others will...


Gray: A- Again with the vibrations ?! What is it this time ?! The ground is... ?!

Mew: E- ERZA ?!

Mew: No, more importantly... A BREACH !!

Gajeel: Now we can go kick their asses properly !


Gray: And that... ? It's the same voice than earlier, but it gives a very different feeling now...

Mew: ... I can't tell what happened up there, but there's one thing I am certain of... The strongest duo of Fairy Tail is definitely back in the game. And with reinforcements at that...

Soldiers: There they are !! The escaped prisoners !!

Natsu: Crap !! Lisanna, keep going !! I I'm leaving Mira to you !!

Lisanna: But... Okay !!

Natsu: And you lot... HAVE SOME !! That's what you can do with magic !!

Natsu: Wh- What the hell ? They've frozen in midair...

???: So you really did make it this far. I knew you would.

Zeref: This is Zeref's bookshelf, Tartaros. The city where my books live.

Natsu: ... Zeref...

Zeref: This guild is composed of the demons that I've created. Tartaros is what I'm known as. Of course, I didn't create the guild itself. It would seem master E.N.D. did that.

Natsu: E.N.D. ? That's the guy Igneel wanted to kill...

Zeref: Or rather... Couldn't kill.

Natsu: In that case, I'll whoop his ass !! I'LL CARRY ON THE OLD MAN'S WILL !!

Zeref: You just might be able to pull it off. But, I want you to remember this one thing... Igneel could not kill him.

Natsu: Eh ?

Zeref: The most powerful of all the demons that I created, E.N.D.. Soon, you'll be faced with the very same decision. Life or death ? The choice is yours.

Zeref: Well then, I shall take my leave.

Natsu: Wait !! I still don't understand what you're babbling about !!

Zeref: Look at all Tartaros is doing just in order to meet me. These little visits of mine do not seem very fair in that respect, do they ? When one finally arrives to me... Will it be you ? Or E.N.D. ? Until we meet again.

Natsu: What the hell was all that about ?

"Natsu ?! Good timing ! I've been looking for you everywhere !"

Natsu: Oh, it's you. You done weeping on yourself ?

"Facts have been pounded onto my skull. Now I'm looking for that fatball to get some payback. Wanna tag along ?"

Natsu: ... Heh. Now that's the you I know and am used to.

"So, wanna go demon hunting ?"

Natsu: You bet.

Palkia: ... He really did find his place, didn't he ?

Dialga: Even so... Something's been bugging me... Like, something about him was a bit different from before. But I can't quite put my finger on it...

Lucy: Erza !! You're okay !!

Erza: Everyone ! Huh ? Gravity ?! What's going on here ?!

Gray: Sorry, but there's no time to explain. We need to get inside through that hole Erza made !!

Guild: YES, SIR !!

Erza: Natsu, Lisanna and Y/n are okay ! All that's left are Mira and Elfman...

Mew: Yeah, about that.

Elfman: Don't worry. I'll handle the rest. I'LL BRING BACK MIRA SAFELY !!

Erza: ... AH ?!

Lucy: Erza !!

Erza: Don't worry about me !! Go !! Face's seal has been released !! Find a way to stop it !

Erza: You not sick of me yet ?

Kyouka: You ? I'm starting to like you.

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