Final Chapter: Where are you going ?

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*The year is X793. A year has passed since this battle. And a lot has happened in the meantime.*

Announcer: The Kemu Zaelon literary prize for best new novelist has been awarded. And I'd like to introduce the recipient now ! May I present... The author of The Adventure of Iris, Lucy Heartfillia !

*But everyone is doing fine.*

Crowd: Well, I heard that the main character was modeled after her author, but... I never imagined you'd be such a lovely young lady ! Ha ha ha !

Crowd: Oh, dear ! Didn't you know ? Lucy-sensei is a member of the magic guild, Fairy Tail.

Crowd: Ah. No wonder... Then... is that why... Her friends are so boisterous... ?

Natsu: Hya hya !! The meat here's so tasty !!

Wendy: Natsu-san, you shouldn't eat so much !

Happy: The fish is sooooo good, too !

Carla: That's terribly vulgar, you know, Happy.

Erza: Hey ! This is a fancy party ! Keep your clothes on !

Gray: Whoa ! When did that happen ?!

"That's it, I'm taping them to your skin next time !"

Gajeel: This classy iron tastes great ! *Crunch*

Levy: I don't think it was meant to be eaten.

Pantherlily: And also... I don't think it's actually iron.

Jet: Our Lucy went and won a prize !

Droy: Won a prize !

Lucy: H- Honestly ! I told you that you could come to the party if you kept it down ! You're ambarrassing me !

Natsu: Sorry, no can do!

Happy: Aye !

Gray: But wait ! Why're you dressed in normal clothes ? It's formal !

Natsu: At least i'm wearing something, ice pervert !

Gray: What was that, flames-for-brain ?!

Natsu: You wanna go ?!


"No one will go here and now ! If you have a fight to pick, do it at home !"

Juvia: Then perhaps... Perhaps Juvia must strip !

Macao: Who gave her the hard stuff ?!

Wakaba: Who cares, give her more !

Lucy: Honestly... This is my award gala, and they're messing it all up !

*Yes, a lot happened... So first, there's me... I had just been writing my novel here and there, so I was shocked when it won an award. I can't say that it's sold well or made me rich or anything. But it was one dream of that came true.*

Anna: Lucy, congratulations ! There's a proper order to events that make one able to live on an author's salary.

Lucy: Anna-san ! Haha...

*Anna-san is still in this time. It's kind of weird to interact with your own distant ancestor, but I got to see her from time to time. At the moment, she's a school teacher in a tiny village.*

Natsu: I get it now. I'm always so relaxed around Lucy because he smell is a lot like Anna's.

Lucy: Can we stop talking about how I smell ?!

Gajeel: You had a thing for teacher Anna, didn't you ?

Natsu: Yes. What about it ?

Gajeel: ... "What about it" ? You...

*Gajeel and levy have only gotten closer. I kind of get jealous when I see them.*

Levy: Gajeel, over here !

Gajeel: Right.

*F- For an instant... I thought I heard the word "Baby"... I- It was just my imagination... Right... ?*


*Ah ! And Wendy has better hearing than I do ! She and carla spend a lot of time with Lamia Scale these days. They even got Wendy to participate in their Day of Thanksgiving again.*

Wendy/Sherria: Love Slayer ! Love Slayer ! Forever~ !

Toby: You'd better take part next year, jerk !

Yuka: Chill out.

*She mentioned that nobody ever knows what Toby is thinking. And speaking of the other guilds...*

Sting: The princess... is just to strong...

Lector: S- Sting !

Rogue: Urp !

Frosch: Fro thinks so too !

Yukino: That's lady Minerva for you !

Minerva: heh heh.

*Sabertooth had another eating contest, and Minerva ran away with it again. Blue Pegasus held a manly man of the year contest (First I'd heard of it) And Ichiya won it.*

Ichiya: Meeeeeeeen~ !

Jenny: That's director Ichiya for you !

Hibiki: General Ichiya !

Eve: Ichiya of Destiny !

Ren: Ichiya Sama !

"Lord Ichiya !"

*Yes, I don't understand either with Y/n went there, or why he cheered on him all along... On another note...*

Kagura: What am I even accomplishing here ?

Millianna: We're all pumped up !

Risley: Don't look down on Mermaid Heel !

*Mermaid Heel is now the exclusive models for Weekly Sorcerer. I'm so happy to report that everyone is in tip-top shape.*

Lucy: Haaaah...

Cana: You never could hold your liquor, could you ?

Lucy: Cana- GLUCK !

Cana: this is a celebration ! You gotta down it by the barrel ! Come on, chug it !

Gildarts: Hey ! Don't force booze down the girl's throat...

Juvia: Juvia feels the urge to strip more !!

Gray: NO !! Quit it !!

Gildarts: See what happens ?! ... ... But then again, drinking is one's duty~.

Cana: You dirty old man !!

Gray: Seriously, what are you even thinking ?!

Juvia: Juvia is sorry...

Gray: ... It left a scar, huh ?

Juvia: Juvia does not mind.

Gray: Why don't you ask Wendy ? She could probably fix it.

Juvia: And yours as well, Gray-sama.

Gray: Guys and girls are different ! Y- Your body is...

Juvia: Juvia's body is... ?

Gray: I- It's... Y- You know... Something that is mine to have... or something...



Lucy: What did you overhear this time...

*I've been following developments between Gray and Juvia, but... There are other pairings to take an interest in, too ! Like, Elfman and Ever, maybe ?*

Elfman: MANLY !!

Evergreen: Shaddap !!

Bickslow: They bicker like a married couple.

Freed: For pity's sake.

*Yeah, I can't help but wonder. They've always been close, but nothing has happened yet. Laxus and Mirajane ?*

Mirajane: Ichiya-san invited us to come by, so...

Laxus: Don't even joke about that.

Freed: ... ... ...

*Nope, nope, nope. But a rumor did spread a while back. Laxus and Lisanna ?*

Laxus: Are you the real Lisanna ?

Lisanna: You still doubt me... ?

Freed: ... ... ...

*Laxus and Cana ?*

Cana: Laxus, let's drink !

Laxus: Right !

Freed: ... ... ...

*He just has too many girl rumors !*

Freed: Laxus ! You should try some of this! And say, how about a shoulder rub ?

Laxus: Uhh, okay...

Bickslow: Alright, it's chow time !

*... Uhhhhhhh...*

Erza: I must say that I am impressed ! I never dreamed you'd win an award ! Personally, I have little skill with the written word. At one point, I wrote a thank-you letter to a guild that helped me and they came after me with weapons in hand. By which I mean, congratulations, Lucy. I feel pride at simply being your guildmate.

Lucy: Thank you, Erza !

*Yep. The pair that had the most developments, without a doubt... It all started just a few days after the battle...*

Gray: Never thought you'd go back from literal death to being all okay so fast, it's only been a few days.

"Hey, they managed to fetch my body back, and we had Wendy and Porlyusica, so it wasn't a big deal."

Natsu: You know you still almost lost an arm and half your organs in that, right ?

"Nothing new then. But, just one thing now. Are we absolutely certain there are no enemies left ? Are we sure this war is over ?"

Lucy: Well, yes, it is. The few soldiers and members of the Spriggan 12 remaining all left for Alvarez already.

"Good. Then I can finally do what I planned to."

Gray: Which is... ?

"... I've waited nearly one year to say these words while putting a knee down, even getting her benediction. So... Erza Scarlet... Will you marry me ?"


Erza: Fu... I was about to ask you the same thing... And I've been waiting for a whole year too ! Of course I do !

*Even though that new took us all by surprise, turns out some people outside the guild have been pestering them about their relationship for years now... And skipping a few weeks in time...*

Natsu: Gh... I really don't like these kinds of costume.

Gray: Well, get used to it. This a one-in-a-lifetime occasion after all.

Natsu: ... Says the guy not wearing anything beside his bowtie.

Gray: Gah ! Not this time !

Juvia: 'Marriage marriage marriage marriage marriage Gray-sama marriage Gray-sama...'

Lucy: Could you keep it quiet ? They're here...

Lucy: He's so solemn...

Happy: I wonder what he's thinking about ?

'This is the best day of my life this is the best day of my life this is the best day of my life.'

'... This is DEFINITELY the best day of my life.'

Gajeel: Why the hell did he wait so long for this ?

Levy: Don't you know ? There's a clause in guild regulation that says a guildmaster can pronounce a wedding between two members of the same guild.

Elfman: Ohhh, so that's why...

Mirajane: They wanted everyone to be back together, and the master to do it.

Erza: So ? Is this living up to your expectations ?

"In just a moment, it will go beyond all."

Makarov: Please, please, keep quiet. Hr- Hm. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, in the Kardia Cathedral, to join this man and this woman in matrimony.

Makarov: Y/n L/n, do you consent into taking Erza Scarlet here as your wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, in sickness and in health, until death do you apart ?

"Yes, I do."

Makarov: And you, Erza Scarlet, do you consent into taking Y/n L/n here as your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, tohonor him, to comfort him, in sickness and in health, until death do you apart ?

Erza: Yes, I do.

Makarov: I give you these rings as tokens and pledge of your constant faith and abiding love. By the virtue of the authority vested in me as the 8th guildmaster of Fairy Tail, I now declare you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bri- annnd they're already going at it anyway.


Lucy: Keep it quiet !!

Elfman: So manlyyyyyy !! Waaaaaaaaahh !!

Lisanna: Are you sad or happy... ?

Erza: Mhhhhhhhh ! So, did it really go beyond ?

"Yes, but... I can't help but feel like something's amiss here... Could you pass me that vase ?"

Erza: Uhhh... Okay... What's missing ?

"You'll see. HMPH !"


Gajeel/Natsu: Gah !! Who threw that at me ?! Huh ?! Hey, what gives ?! You're mocking me, asshole ?! You want it or what ?! GRAAAAAAAH !!

Gray: Don't start it, you two- GUH ! That hurts, bastards !!

Elfman: How dare you desecrate that ceremony ! If you want to fight, take it outsi-

Natsu/Gray: SHUT IT !!

Macao: It's a brawl !!

Happy: Aye !!

Erza: ... So that's what's missing...

"Yeah. Just a bit of the 'Fairy Tail touch'.Now, you mind if I take a few swings ?"

Erza: It's your big day, after all. Just make sure to keep some energy for tonight.

"For you ? I can always keep going. Now... HERE I COME !!"


*So yeah, that was something. Honestly, I've never seem Erza so beaming with happiness than lately, but anytime someone try asking for more...*

Erza: It is complicated... It's way too complicated, Lucy ! Can't you write clearer sentences ?!

*Yeah, I can never figure her out. But there's something else I know... Princes Hisui assumed the throne after the king retired. And one of the first things she did was offer a formal pardon to Jellal and the other members of Crime Sorciere. And ever since the news of the pardon... Erza's been combing her hair every day, when she hardly showed any interest in it before. I think she also tried to do Y/n's hair once... Coincidentally, he started wearing a hat at that time too, for some reason...*

"i can read you like a book, Lucy. It's easy to tell what you're thinking about."

Lucy: H- Hah ?! Is that so... ?

"... He was her childhood love after all, the person who first pushed her forward in life. I know he'll always stay in her heart, no matter how much time passes. And even if I can't make her forget her past, I simply want her to focus on her present and future from here on."

Lucy: ... Speaking of past, I think Cana's trying to coax her into saying what happened that night.

"She what ?! Please tell me she didn't say anything !"

Lucy: I just heard something about "Threat in the streets, treat in the sheets". Rings any bells ?

"... ... ... ... CanaaaaaaaAAAAA !!"

Lucy: ... About 9 years culminating to that.

Makarov: Wonderful ! Congratulations ! Listen, one and all ! It was I who raised Lucy ! Everything she knows, I taught her !

Porlyusica: Quit getting carried away !


Makarov: OW !!

Mest: Now, now...

*His legs haven't been the same after what happened that day, but the master's as feisty as ever.*

Makarov: How dare you strike a sick man ?!

Porlyusica: If you're sick, then you shouldn't be drinking !

Natsu: Just now...

Carla: The first Master ?!

Happy: Huh ?!

Lucy: H- How...

???: U- Um...

???: I think you dropped this.

'Mavis': Th- Thank you so much !

'Zeref': not at all... Do you work for a publisher ?

'Mavis': Yep ! A very small one, though ! You too ?

'Zeref': Ah, no... You see, i'm an aspiring author... I was so moved by Lucy-sensei's story that I snuck in to try to get an autograph.

'Mavis': Me too !

'Zeref': By the way... May I ask, what became of your shoes ?

'Mavis': O- Oh no ! I did it again ! I forgot to put them on !

'Zeref': Heh... Ha ha ha ha ha !! My name is Alios.

'Mavis': ... Ah ha ha ! Mine's Mio.

Alios: If... if you're not busy... It'd be nice to have someone to talk, for a bit.

Mio: Sure ! With pleasure !

Alios: August is so hot, wouldn't you say ?

Mio: So hot that I even forgot my shoes ! Y- Yeah, that's the reason.

Alios: Ah ha ha... Maybe I'll take mine off, too.

"... ... Heh. Maybe, just maybe... He actually achieved what he strove for, in the end."

*Ahhh. Happiness breaking out all over. What a nice feeling, like a warm hug...*

Pantherlily: Hey, have you seen Gajeel and Levy ?

Jet: Don't know ! And wish I didn't care !

Droy: Ask somebody else, wouldja ?!

Warren: These modern times are almost advanced enough for me !

Max: just shut up, okay ?

Vijeeter: Hahahahaha !!

Macao: Check out this chick !

Wakaba: Hey, baby !

Romeo: ... I swear I am never growing up to be like that !

Nab: Tomorrow, i'm going out on a job !!

Laki: We've heard that one too many times !

*So warm...*

Lucy: Huh ? I'm in my room ? It can't be that it was all a dream ? That's too cliché... ! What's the last thing I remember ?

Natsu: Yo !


Happy: Look, Lucy ! I made your trophy all shiny !

Lucy: You scratched it up ! But it wasn't a dream !! Why are the two of you in my room ?!

Natsu: Why else ? You completely passed out, and we carried you home !

Lucy: You mean I was that drunk ?!

Happy: Oh, Lucy...

Natsu: You really should tell her, Happy.

Lucy: What did I do ?!

Lucy: carry me ! Carry me ! Change my clothes for me ! Happy, lemme cuddle you ! G'niiiiight !

Lucy: I remember it all... ! Now I'll never walk down the aisle !

Natsu: But you can walk out and take a job with us, right ?

Lucy: Job... *Sniff*... Uuhh...

Natsu: H- hey, what's the matter, Lucy ?

Happy: Does your tummy hurt ?

Lucy: N- No... *Hic*...*Sniff*. All... All these memories just came rushing back... And I just couldn't stop the tears... if I never met you, Happy, Y/n and the others... I wouldn't be who I am today ! Really ! Thank you ! Thank you... *Sniff*.

Natsu: ... There's one thing that I wanna say to you.

Lucy: Huh ? Wait-

Natsu: Who cares about all that ?! We're goin' and we're goin' together !


Happy: Aye, sir !!

Lucy: Here I am, moved to tears by the things you did, and you don't even care ?! that's awful...

Natsu: What does it matter, though ? We're still gonna be together from here on out, right ?

Lucy: ... ... H- hey, hold on, where are we going ?! I'm not ready for a job right now !

Natsu: It's not a job ! Y/n told us to get to Tenrou island !

Lucy: Huh ? Tenrou ? But why ?

"You three are late. Was Lucy's hangover that bad ?"

Natsu: You have no idea. So why are we here ?

Gray: And why did you tell us to wear these plain clothes ?

"Simple. Where we're going, an armor or an half-naked guy would attract too much attention."

Lucy: Where we're going... ?

Natsu: Where are we going ?

"... Somewhere very far for you, but very familiar for me."

Gray: Wait, so... We're going to see the world you're from ? Why Tenrou island then ?

"It's Fairy Tail's sacred ground. And if the gate is gonna stay open at all time, I'd rather have it open in a place where not everyone can wander in. Now, if you're ready, shall we go ?"


"I think we arrived. You guys can look now."

Natsu: H- Huh ? Wooooooow !

Erza: So this is where you lived before ?

"Yep. Welcome to the country of Japan. More precisely, the town of Kuoh."

Wendy: It looks so pretty ! And the buildings are huge !

Natsu: Hey, what's that on the ground ? This rock looks all weird.

"Please don't start rummaging about everywhere, it's embarrassing. Now, there's one place I first need to go to, and if my estimations while opening this portal were right, then... Right here."

*Knock knock knock*

Gray: So now we wait ?


???: For the last time Issei, I have work to do, I can't go to the amusement park with... You... ?

"H- Hey, Asia... I... I finally made it back..."

Asia: ... ... ... Uuuuuuuuuuuhhh...


Natsu: ... is she alright ?

"It must be the shock..."

Mew: Who's at the door... Oh. You brat finally made it, is that so ?

"Yeah, finally tied all loose ends, so I though I could swing by and say hello..."

Mew: Haaaaaaah... Help me carry her to the couch, and make some tea in the meantime.

"Y- Yes..."

Lucy: So this world doesn't have magic ?

"Think of it as a more technologically-advanced version of Edolas. Magic does exists, but normal people mostly can't use it. To be fair, most people don't even believe magic exists."

Wendy: That's quite sad...

Asia: Hmm... Hmmmmmm...

Natsu: Hey, she's waking up !

Asia: Y... Y/n... Is that really you ?

"Sorry for the shock, Asia... It must have been weird, seeing me again after- GURF !!"

Asia: You... Idiot ! You disappear one day suddenly, and only come back after months without even telling me beforehand !

"H- Hey, didn't you tell her about my predicament, mew ?!"

Mew: I did. I told her you were okay, but you chose to stay there for the time being.

"You made things worse !"

Asia: Idiot ! Idiot ! Idiot !

Erza: ... Did you say "A few months" ?

Asia: Huh ? Y- yeah ?

"Asia... It's been a few months for you. For me, it's been nearly ten years since I last saw you."

Asia: T- Ten... years ? W- Wait, who are these people ?

Gray: Hey.

Wendy: H- Hello.

Mew: His guildmates. I told you about that, right ? There's Natsu, Lucy, Gray, who's in the middle of striping, please stop that, Wendy, and Erza.

Asia: These are your friends ?

"They are. Well, Erza and I are married now."

Asia: ... ... ... Married...


"... Ah ? Uhhh... This is weird. Can I leave her in your care for now ?"

Wendy: Leave it to me, don't worry.

Gray: You're going somewhere ?

"There are other people I need to say hi to. Any idea where they could be ?"

Mew: As far as I know, they were supposed to have a reunion today. If you hurry, you can get there before the leave.


Erza: ... Can I come with you ? I'd like to meet your old friends.

"I'm warning you, some of them aren't exactly my friends..."

Rias: Very well, I think that's about it, everyone.

Issei: President, can we-

Rias: Later, Issei. This is still school hours-


Issei: The door flew off ?!

Kiba: An attack ?! Who's there ?! Show yourself !!

"... Talk about a warm welcome, glad to see you guys haven't changed."

Kiba: ... Y/n ?! is that you ?! What are you-



Issei: Hey, don't throw the furniture through the window !!

"Haaaah... Phew. You know, I didn't think I'd say these, but I missed you guys."

Rias: ... So it really is you. What happened, exactly ? It's been months since your sudden disappearance...

"Let's just say... I was stuck, somewhere really far away. And I only recently managed to make it back. With some help."

Erza: Hello.

Issei: W- Wow dude... Who is she ?! Where did you meet her ? I mean, hers might be even bigger than the preside-


Issei: Yeah ? Huh... Y- Yes... ? P- Please stop looking at me like that, it's creeping me out...

"... Just one thing, Issei, one. Please. KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY WIFE !!"



Issei: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... OW !!


Akeno: Your...

Koneko: Wife ?

"A lot happened on the meantime. And believe me, a lot. Like, I literally died twice."

Kiba: Wh- What ?

Rias: I see... Anyways, I am glad to see you made it back.

"Spare the thought, Tomato, I'm not staying."

Rias: Huh ?

"I just swung by so some of you guys don't start worrying about me. I'm not here to tell you i'm back, i'm here to tell you I'm going, and for good this time."

Koneko: ... So you really are going away, huh ?

"Yep. I finally found a place I truly belongs to, so... I'm afraid this isn't goodbye, but rather farewell."

Akeno: ... There's no stopping you, huh ?

"I've got nothing left keeping me here. But if anything... Please, take care of Asia once I'm gone."

Kiba: ... Don't worry. And I'll make sure to tell Issei as well.

"So you're staying here, Asia ?"

Asia: Yes... I've got all my friends in the ORC, so... Plus, I need to graduate, and all.

"I understand. So, take care of yourself for me, okay ?"

Mew: Hey, it's not like she'll be all alone here.

"Yeah, yeah. So I suppose this is farewell for us too."

Asia: ... ... I'll miss you. Will you be okay ?

"hey, you know me. It's for the others you should be worried."

Asia: I know... Please, miss Erza, make sure he doesn't do anything too reckless. He tends to do that...

Erza: I know... Believe me, I know...

Natsu: hey, the gate's open ! We're waiting for you guys !

"Coming ! Farewell, Asia ! Please beware of Issei when I'm gone ! Just ask Kiba if you need help !"

Asia: G... Goodbye !

Mew: Nothing for me ? Ungrateful brat !

Erza: ... So, all loose ends are tied down now ?

"All of them. I'm not gonna forget my past, but i'm gonna use it to push even more forward. Isn't that right, Titania ?"

Erza: the queen of fairies... You might be a dragon, but me, you're my little fairy. My little, adorable... A chaotic fairy.

*Do fairies have tails ? Do fairies even exist ? It's an eternal mystery, and an eternal adventure. It's with that thought that the guild is named. Despite the cute name, it's a boisterous and rough guild. But every dau is fun ! And everyone loves it !

Let's hope you all find it, too. A place like Fairy Tail, that you can't do without ! With friends that you love !*

The end

Why yes, I made an entire Fairy Tail Story spanning from chapter 1 to chapter 545 following the canon story where the MC has a healthy monogamous relationship, actual character growth, gets married and lives happily at the end.

How could you tell ?

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