Chapter 138: Collapse

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Hey... Is it just me or... Doesn't this cloud looks really weird ?"

Erza: Which one ?

"This one... No, wait, that ain't no cloud... It's not a space station either..."

Jellal: What's that supposed to be... A crack in the sky ?

Hibiki: No way... Is it him... ?

Jenny: That just can't be... ! Ichiya-san and Anna-san gave their lives for this...


"It's getting wider..."

Erza: No...

Acnologia: Such power, surging within me ! Like the time when I became the ultimate dragon slayer !! I was a King before, but no I reign supreme !! This entire world belongs to me !!

Jellal: The Space between Time...

Erza: He ate it... ?!

"Then that means..."

Acnologia: Ohh... This is the magic of Time... The power of Time !! The power is too great ! I can't control it ! Meet your doom, humanity !! ETERNAL FLARE !!


"Behind me !! PROTECT !!"

Erza: Is... is this world... Coming to an end... ?

"Don't start spouting nonsense now ! Like we'd allow this to happen ! This is our future, and we're gonna save it !!"

Erza: ... yes... is everyone alright ?!

Jellal: We're fine ! But...



Erza: Y/N !! What is that ?!

Acnologia: Today, I shall complete the Dragonslayer task !All of the dragons, will come into my time ! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Jellal: ... He vanished...

Natsu: Where am I... ?

Acnologia: The Space Between Time. This is my world.

Natsu: You're... I know this feeling... You're Acnologia !!

Acnologia: And you're the last...

Natsu: What ? Wendy ?! Gajeel ?! These are... All the dragonslayers ?! And... Y/n too ?!

Acnologia: I have gained space-time magic from the Space Between Time. I will rise past the limits of space and time and destroy the world ! And here, in the Space between Time, I will slay you, the final dragons.

Natsu: Just shut up already !

Acnologia: You will become a permanent fixture here. Just like the other ones.


Hibiki: He's heading toward...

Eve: Magnolia...

Erza: DAMMIT !!

Jenny: Anna-san ?! Ichiya-san !!

Erza: What happened ?! You managed to survive ?! How'd you get back here... ?

Ichiya: I... I can't explain it~...

Hibiki: Anyway, I'm so glad you're safe !

Ren: Thank the gods !

Anna: It seems this is no time to celebrate...

Erza: What is happening ?!

Anna: I made a terrible miscalculation... I never thought he could consume the Space between Time... And the price for the enormous power he gained was a loss of control. It caused him to split in two... A flesh Acnologia and a spirit Acnologia.

Jellal: What ?! What does that mean ?!

Anna: The flesh Acnologia is now rampaging through the world... While the spirit is trying to attain "balance" within the Space between Time.

Ichiya: "Balance"... ?

Anna: We weren't necessary for his balance, so we were ejected. What he needs are the dragonslayers. He wants their magic to circulate through the Space between Time, to stabilize his magic.

Jellal: So all of the Dragon Slayers are inside the Space between Time ?!

Erza: How can we save them ?!

Anna: ... We can only trust... In their power... But it might be even worse than what we think... If he really manages to stabilize the flow of his own magic, then... It'll only be a matter of time before he can fully absorb the remaining power of the Dragon God...

Acnologia: Balance and Dragonslaying ! How amusing !

Natsu: Dammit ! I can't move my right arm !! GUAAAAAAAAAAHH !! Why can't I get any fire going ?!

Acnologia: You faced off against the Black Wizard ? I'm surprised all you lost was an arm. To think I'd need all seven of you just to stabilize this one, but soon the very essence of the deity that goes beyond time and space will be mine.

Natsu: M- My hand... It moved !

Wendy: I will use Sky magic to protect you !

Natsu: Wendy !! How'd you get out of the crystal... ?

Wendy: I thought I heard Carla's voice...

Gajeel: Me too. I could hear Levy and Lily.

Sting: And they... They're all waiting for us to come back.

Rogue: their voices gave us strength.

Laxus: Now... Let's do this, Natsu !

Natsu: Let's go dragon Hunting !!

Acnologia: ... I see that I must teach you... Why they call me the Dragon King !!

*What is a king... To a God ?*


Acnologia: Of course... With the dragonslayers free to move, he'd break free too.

"It's eight on one here. You think you can withstand it ?"

Acnologia: Withstand ? I will slaughter you all. You should realize that outside this Space between Time, my flesh is in the process of destroying the world. I will annihilate everything... And bring the endof days.

Natsu: Why ? What do you wanna do ?

Acnologia: Lay waste ! That is all... KAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

"That's all you're in for, destruction for the sake of destruction... This world isn't so weak you alone could destroy it !"

Natsu: This is our final fight ! Acnologia !

Acnologia: Final ? Nothing's really begun yet ! Final, really ? KAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! I will not allow even one dragon to be left alive ! First you seven... Then the Fallen God... And finally, I'll bring this world to an end ! No... With the strength of the Dragon God, why stop there... ? Everything... I WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING !! That is what it means to be a dragon slayer ! It's my life's purpose !

"... ... ... Let the distortion spread wide and far... Open the door to the unknown planes... Open, Gate to the Distortion World !"

"You guys, get out of here through this gate. Now."

Natsu: What ?! You-

"I'm serious. I'll take things on from here. I'm enough to deal with him, but Seven Dragonslayers won't be too much for putting his flesh self in his place."

Natsu: ... You sure ?

"Natsu. I believe that just like you, I had a trump card up my sleeve, right ? Well, it's time I use it, and for that I need you guys away."

Natsu: ... You better win. I wouldn't like to save your ass this time.

Acnologia: ... You just sent them to their doom. Outside, they will all die to my rampaging flesh.

"Then I just will erase you before that."

Acnologia: Erase me ? Don't make me laugh ! All Dragons will die ! You and them alike ! I'll kill every last one of them !!

"... All of them, really ? But you're a dragon too, aren't you ? Then no matter what, there'll always be one dragon left."

"... No. that's not how it works. There was only one dragon left this entire time. Our power may stem from dragons, but we're humans... Dragons are noble, strong and kind."

Acnologia: ... Kind ?! Dragons ?! Dragons stole everything from me !! And you call them Kind ?! They ate my family !! they burned my town !! They slaughtered everyone, even children ! What could possibly be kind of that ?! YOU MAKE ME SICK !!

"... I meant true dragons. Dragons are a spectrum, just like humans. There are nice ones, mischievous ones... Strong ones and weak ones... Hateful ones and kind ones... But if you insist on calling me that, then there's just one here who's gonna put an end to all of this."

Acnologia: You still hope to achieve that ? I have the power of Time and Space here !

"... And here comes my secret art..."

Erza: N- Natsu ?! Wendy ! Everyone ! Where do you come from ?!

Natsu: No time ! Where's Acnologia ?!

Erza: He's... Wait... Where's Y/n ?!

Wendy: He... He told us to get back. Something about a secret weapon of his...

Gajeel: You two were together this year, you really don't know anything about that ? Something that'd require no one around for him to use ?

Erza: the only thing that comes to mind... One day, his two brothers came looking for him... And one month later he was back, saying that he figured things out... that between the three of them, things could finally be settled.

Natsu: ... Settled ?

Acnologia: Settled ?


*Space, Time, and Gravity. The three main forces governing all existence, at constant conflict to maintain balance throughout the different universes. But should one of these three take the ascendant over the other two in one universe, it shall bring it to an end.*


Acnologia: Gh- !

*Shall Space take over the other two, it will become infinite, leading the universe to a "Big Rip"*


Acnologia: Urk- GAAAAH !!

*Shall Time take over the other two, it will become infinite, leading the universe to a "Big Chill".*

"And three... You messed with me. DIVINE DRAGON LAST ARCANA !!"

*And shall Gravity take over the other two, it will become infinite, leading the universe to a "Big Crunch". Also know as...*



"You cannot devour what has no form. The Universal Collapse was used for eons to get rid of universes that fulfilled their utility. To burn the slate clean and allow new universes to be created. So as I said, I will completely erase every trace of the Space between Time, and destroy you from the inside out. Be rendered into nothing, ACNOLOGIA !!"

Acnologia: It isn't enough... Not enough blood... Not enough destruction... Not enough tears... I must... Destroy everything... Everything has to be mine... Everything...

"You can't just take everything to yourself... But to desire what you don't have so much you forget what you already have... Isn't that the ultimate proof you are human ?"

Acnologia: ... Human... You could reign supreme as a King... Or as a God... yet you throw it all away...

"... A king rules over a kingdom... A god can rule over universes, or even aspects of reality itself... But they're still tied up in that. One can tell a king how to rule... One can tell a God how to act... But no one can tell a free man how to live."

Acnologia: ... Not a king... Not a God... This is the human who surpassed the Gods themselves...

Erza: Acnologia just... Broke apart !

Natsu: hey, that wasn't even me ! What happened ?!

Gray: ... There's only one solution, is there ?

Happy: He did it !

Erza: He did... Y/n won !! ACNOLOGIA IS NO MORE !!


Natsu: That's him ! Somebody catch him !

Erza: On it !


Erza: ... Why did I miss ?

"... Urk... You didn't... My head... I may not be afraid of death, but oh boy, did I get close to complete annihilation with this one..."

Erza: Gh... You... Why must you always be so reckless ?! I told you to stop doing that ! I told you... Please... I...

"... I made it back home."

Erza: *Sniff* Welcome back... Idiot...

*On that day, one age of the world came to an end. But the end of an era is also the beginning of a brand-new one.*

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