Chapter 137: Ichi-Chad

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"The space... Between time ?"

Erza: What is that ?

Anna: An oddity, if you want... A strange magic flowing through this magic-rich world. It had no discernible traits. Neither light nor Darkness, a magic of nothingness. Perhaps I should call it a magic that should not exist in this era. I went to investigate it, and I found it. The space between time.

"... I do have a question... Did you notice it immediately after your travel, or did it seemingly appear afterwards ?"

Anna: The latter. I suppose that our trip across 400 years of time created a bit of a warp in the normal flow of time. Or perhaps the concept of time could be trying to repair itself. In any case, it gave rise to a power beyond human understanding. The Space between time is a true void, no one can live there. No one can even exist there, not even Acnologia.

"... You're wrong. There is one living there... Only one, and eventually the ones he invites there."

Anna: Who's that ?

"... Me. Looks like I finally found the door I busted through when I first got here. Thinking of it, I never really asked myself what could've happened after I crashed down..."

Anna: You... What ?

Erza: ... It's true... In the end, you did come crashing down from the sky... But if it's a direct way to that place, can we really trap Acnologia there ?

"It's 'In-between'. If anything, it's kind of where we were for seven years after Tenrou island. That's our bet bet for now."

Jellal: I... I just can't believe it ! There's a space between time, and no one in all these years has discovered it... ?

Anna: I hid it. A year ago, when Eclipse was opened again, the hole reacted significantly. So I am certain of it.

Erza: Hole ?

Anna: Yes. Normally, it can hardly be seen. Its opening is no bigger than your hand, but... If you were to touch it, even by mistake, that would be the end for you. You would never come out.

Ichiya: Our plan is exceedingly simple~ ! We detour around the space between time and wait for Acnologia there. While chasing us, Acnologia touches it, and is destroyed ! Meeeen~ !

"... You think this will work that smoothly ?"

Anna: There's no other option.

Eve: I wonder if he'll follow us all the way there ?

Ren: W- Well, it's not like I'm trying to get his attention on purpose, or anything... !

Jenny: Maybe I should strip !

Hibiki: According to my data, an erotic lure would be ineffective.

"They don't have to worry... Acnologia will follow us to the end of this earth and even beyond... I know it.

Jellal: That woman's story... No, that woman herself, I don't know how much I can trust. But as of now, we have to risk it. This is the only plan with even the slightest chance of defeating Acnologia.

Erza: I do believe in her. Nothing will come from a lack of faith.

Jellal: That's what I liked about you. But it's a weakness as well.

Ichiya: Anna-san ! We're approaching the indicated coordinates~ !

Anna: ... It's time, everyone !

Erza: What do we do ?

"For now, everything is in their hands. You said it yourself, what we need is to show faith in them."

Eve: Hibiki ! You're sure of these calculations ?

Hibiki: Of course I am.

Ren: If we so much as brush the space between time, it's the end for us !

Jenny: Do you really intend to take the ship so close up to it ?! You can't see the space between time, right ?

Hibiki: It's a dangerous bridge to cross, but we gotta do it ! Please, trust my calculations !

Eve: It's 400 meters to the space between time !! 300... 200... 100...

Anna: Everyone, Grab on to something !!

Ichiya: BARREL ROLL !! MEEEN~ !!

Eve: We've passed the Space between time !! No damage to the ship !

Hibiki: Good ! Level the ship out !

Ren: All that's left if for Acnologia to pass the same way...

Anna: To touch the space between time...

"And vanish for good !"


Erza: W- WHAT ?!

Ichiya: It can't be ! The space between time...

Anna: He passed right through it ?! What's going on ?!

Jellal: He definitely touched it, didn't he ?!

"This is bad ! He's latched onto the ship !"

Anna: That can't be possible! Turn back so I can inspect the Space Between time !

Anna: No... The space between time... It's closing up !

"C- Closing ?! But... Why ?!"

Anna: I don't know ! But... To close something of that caliber, you'd need an absurd amount of magic !"

Zeref: I've found the Space between time. It's brimming with so much time magic, it beggars the imagination. And that time magic belongs to me !! So I sealed it away ! I'll only open it when Neo Eclipse is ready !

Ren: We can't take this for long !! The ship will break apart ! Dammit !!

Anna: Why... What could have happened... ?

"Whatever that was, we need a new plan !"

Jellal: And fast ! We don't have much time !

Erza: ... Ichiya ! Destroy the Lacryma that keeps Dragon-slayers from getting sick !!

Ichiya: Huh ?

Erza: That thing is a dragon-slayer too ! With the lacryma gone, it won't be able to stay on the ship !

Ichiya: Of course~ !


Acnologia: Urp !

"Alright, we've gained a bit of distance again !"

Jellal: So... Now what ?

Anna: We force the space between time back open again. By any means necessary, we must defeat Acnologia !

"... ... Then let me out of here."

Erza: What ?

"The only reason Acnologia is even following us in the first place is because I'm here ! As long as there's a dragon onboard, he'll follow us forever !"

Anna: ... Can you buy us some time that way ?

"You've thought of a plan ?"

Anna: I said it before ! We're going to open the space between time ! After all, opening gates and such is a celestial wizard's specialty, right ?

Acnologia: I will slay all dragons ! This world has no need for such creatures !!

"... We'll never last enough to open it that way ! I'll go !"

Jellal: Me too. We'll buy you some time.


"Alright... You know what to do."

Jellal: Don't take any unnecessary risks, we're only here to buy some time. Meteor !!

"Wind and lightning... Bi-elemental, Thunder strike !!"

Jellal: What is that ?!

"Stop asking and MOVE !!"

Jellal: The sea... he split it open...

"So Moses was a dragon all along... All apart, we can't just willy-nilly dodge his attacks or else..."

Jellal: It's the entire world that'll end up destroyed !

Erza: ... Can't you get the space between time open yet ?

Anna: .. Gh... I can't believe that this mush effort isn't yielding any results... Is someone deliberately keeping it closed ?!

Zeref: This world is over. A new one is about to begin. The doors to Fairy Tail, I shall make them the gateway to the new world. I need to connect the guild doors with the space between time.

Zeref: The moment I pass through these doors... this world will crumble away, and my new world will take its place. The Fairy Tail doors have seen countless adventurers set out, and return home...

Zeref: And now Fairy Tail's doors will be both the end and the beginning of worlds. Could the irony be any thicker ?

Zeref: I will retain my memories as they are, as I go back to redo my life. And I will never make mistakes again. I shall save this world !

Anna: H- Huh ?! The space between time... It opened up !

Erza: It did ?!

Anna: But... It wasn't my power that did it. Somebody else opened it. Well, whatever caused it, what matters is that the door is open now !

Ichiya: Anna-san, over there~ !

Anna: The opening is visible...

Acnologia: What is that... ?

"If he can see the opening, we can't hope to make him fall for it anymore !"

Jellal: if that's the case, we only have one choice...

"... To push him in it !"

Anna: No, don't !! It's too dangerous ! If you touch it, you'll get pulled in, too !

"Don't you worry about this ! I know what I'm doing !!


Acnologia: You... I am the Dragon of Magic, Acnologia !! I will feast on your magic as well !

"Gh... If I'm going down... IT WON'T BE ALONE OR IN VAIN !! I'M BRINGING YOU WITH ME !!

Erza: Get away from him !!

"Don't you worry... Making bridges between these is my schtick. I'll keep them all out of reach before I come back !!"

Ichiya: You...

Eve: Ichiya-san, the ship has reached its limits ! It's going to crash !!

Hibiki: brace yourselves !

"ERZA !! GH- !"

Acnologia: Fallen God... You will regret trying to face me In that ethereal form ! I will not crush you... But by devouring your very essence, I shall destroy this entire world !!


Hibiki: Everyone, get away from the ship !! It might explode !

Erza: Y- Y/n... I'm coming !


Ren: What ?! The ship's moving ! Who is...

Eve: No ! The ship's gonna explode ! How is it even flying ?! It's a wreck !

Anna: ... Everything must come in its proper order. I beg your forgiveness, Pegasus ! I'm going to use the ship to push that thing into the space between time !! This is the duty I traveled 400 years to carry out !

Eve: Anna-san ! It's too risky ! Do you have a death wish ?!

Hibiki: It won't work ! Only members of Pegasus can pilot Christina !!

Anna: Gh- ! Even so... I must...

Ichiya: Then allow me to handle the controls !

Ichiya: I could never allow a woman with such a wonderful perfume to go unescorted~ !

Anna: My... What a handsome hero !

Ren: Ichiya-san !!

Hibiki: Master !!

jenny: Captain !!

Eve: Waaaaahhhh !!

Ichiya: Release him this instant !!

"Gh... I... Chi... Ya..."

Ichiya: You still have a duty to make a certain someone happy ! Someone you must survive to protect, no matter what ! So leave this battle to us~ !!

Ichiya: Eat it, Acnologia !!

Anna: You're finished !! The age of the Dragon King is over !!

Acnologia: What is this... My body... Uwaaah... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH !!

Hibiki: They're... Gone... Acnologia...

Eve: Ichiya-san and Anna-san, too... They all went into the space between time...

Jenny: D- Did we... Win... ? We won, didn't we... ?

"Ugh... Looks like... I survived that... Somehow..."

Erza: It looks that way.

"That's funny... I may not be afraid of death, but... For the first time, I was facing complete annihilation... it was... Terrifying..."

Jenny: But you're still here. Because you still have things left to do here. You have to live on... For Ichiya-san and Anna-san, too...

Erza: How many times do I have to tell you ? Your life is precious, so treat it with care.

"Precious... But the jewel of my life... Is right here, after all."


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