Chapter 38 - Assumptions

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Darcy POV...

2 weeks later...

He was with me all day, he did not go to work, and nor did I.

I was doing his hair, and later on, he helped me with dinner, with the laundry, we had sex there as well, and on the balcony, and then in the tub, anywhere.

We were at peace at last, or that's what I thought?

First, he received a message he read it and did not react to it whatsoever.

* A message from an unknown person*

Hey handsome, can we talk?

Cause I have missed you so much, I'LL make Up for everything. The thing iS if I told you I didn't regret all I've done, know that I'm lying, so let me knOw wheN you are available.

Kisses, Kishara!!


Since he was taking a break from acting, I initially assumed it was his agent texting him to inform him of any updates in the acting world, but since he is back, who knows?

Subsequently, his phone started ringing repeatedly, and neither he nor I asked him who it was.

In the middle of the night, the same thing kept happening at one point he was tired of it so he put it on do not disturb mode but this time I couldn't let it slide so I asked him.

"Who is that Brayden who kept blowing up your phone at this time?"

Just before he pulled me in for a kiss, he said, "No one important that can not wait for me to call back. I dedicated today as a day for the two of us so it got to stay that way." It was so sweet that it instantly put my worries aside, and I was unable to let go of him.

The subsequent day...

Brayden was walking down the street, eager to get somewhere, and I was there too, following him around in a car I had borrowed from Javi so I could get a glimpse of him in action.

Once he arrived at his destination, he picked up his phone and started to type. A short while later, a woman emerged from the door, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he followed her inside before shutting it. I was furious with him, wondering how he could have hurt me in that way. We shared every secret. We don't have anything to hide from each other, how could he betray me now?

Since there was nothing I could do about it at the time, I got out of the car and went to a nearby park to wait for the situation to unfold.

I made a phone call, and Emma made a phone call, Ruby called Chloe, and she then put Dora on the line, we were all on the line talking to each other.

"Well, do you guys think he is at it again?" I asked

"That would be ridiculous, cause he got what he always wanted which is you" stated Chloe

"At least that's what we thought" continues Dora

"Just chill out before making any assumption that is not true" stated Emma

"Okay, what do you suggest then?" asked Chloe

"What am I suggesting is to wait before making any unnecessary judgment"

"Emma may be right, Brayden has been..." Ruby was saying this before she got interrupted by all of them to tell her.

"Don't say any name" they all rambled together

"Okay, okay the suspect" Continues Ruby

"That is worst" replied Dora

"Am I missing something? Did he violated any law?" asked Chloe in the confusion about why Ruby called him that

And all of them respond together "Wait...what?... No!!"

"Okay, my bad, it's just because of what Ruby just called him"

"The robot" continues Ruby

"It'll be better to just say he/him or B" I suggested

"Like the B that was in our school and is now a famous journalist?" asked Dora

"Fuck!!" I screamed

"Hahaha, anyway what I want y'all to to see is that Darcy must do what she is best at" suggested Emma

"Which is?" asked Chloe

"Investigate, before making any bad conclusion"

"She is right, you know cause this is not Brayden" mumbled Chloe


"Do you think what I'm thinking?"

"No, absolutely not, he is not going to do this to me Dora, and Ruby, does he?" I asked

"Do you want me to say it?"

"Dora I personally think everything ended, there is no but!!" Affirmed Emma

"Say it, Dora" yelled Ruby

"Unless... it is all part of the game"

"So you think, the game continues? may I remind you that it has been 4 years in a half" added Emma who was still in favor of Brayden

"What I like about games is that there is always a next-level!!" confirmed Ruby

"Guys, I really love him, how can he do that to me?" I sobbed

"Did I hear clearly or my ears are doing me tricks?" asked Chloe

"Well, that's new" added Dora

"Alright Darcy, it is just a possibility, now you are the bravest person I know so now pull yourself together and do as I said" Stated Emma

"Yes, don't forget you are a journalist Darcy, remember that" shouted Chloe

"If it is true, you are the only one who can discover and make the whole world know of what is going on" stated Ruby

"Don't forget it is a big If. it's just a Rumor," confirmed Dora

As I saw him leaving the apartment I told them "Okay girls, we'll talk later here he comes" and then I suddenly hung up and hid myself.

He crossed the street and then a car stopped in front of him turned out it was Dannis our head security guard.

"Welcome back Dannis, how was your vacation?" he asked

"it was great but, why it gotta be when I am not here that everything goes wrong? I saw the news brother, I am sorry I couldn't make it and try to protect you and all of your family believe me I tried" stated Dannis

"Now, you are here, that is what counts... I'm going to need you to triple the number of guards around us cause since the CIA pulled off all of the guards it left some empty spots so please can you take care of this for me?"

"Yes, sir just give me tonight"

"You've got it!!"

"Brayden...seriously, I am so glad that you and Miss are alive!!"

He hops on and replies "Thanks Budd, let's just say I was lucky...alright? can you drop me at that address please, I just got my first casting call since I got back to normal"

"We'll be there right away sir!!" confirmed Dannis.

I barely got home, so I entered my room and started to undress, with all of this pressure I let myself fall on the bed, like someone who has been through enough in life and got tired of it.

Minutes later the door's bell rang.

I heard Rachel run and say " I'm on it,"

A few moments later, Rachel knocked at my door.

*Knock knock*

"Come in,"

She got in and announced the news "Darcy someone is here for you"

I stood up abruptly, dressed casually because I had nowhere else to go, and as I walked to the door, I was startled to see someone I did not expect to see but who was clearly in need of attention.

it was no one other than Serge, my first and ex-boyfriend.

"Hi, Darcy!!"

"Serge, that is unexpected. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I heard what happened so I'm here to see if you and Brayden and you guys' families were okay"

"Wait...what happened as in...?"

"The accident, yes"

"Aww thanks, everything is okay but thanks for checking up on me!!" how wholesome of him.

"So where is Brayden? I have not seen him once since I came here."

"Well, our relationship is falling apart so..." I Exclaimed

"Oh, I see what is going on, no worries...remember you have me to talk to or a shoulder to cry on cause I just got in town and need some friends, and also my hotel is not too far from here" he added

"I guess an old friend would be all we both needed at the moment" I exclaimed

"Exactly, and maybe you can show me around when you are free...if you don't mind?"

I exhale " I wouldn't mind at all!! also, I need to go out and enjoy myself more often cause I can't breathe in know what? Just wait here one moment, I'm going to grab something from my sister's room and we will be headed outside together,"

I went to my sister's room so I took what I needed and then I told her that I would be back, she barely heard what I said since she was playing Fortnite, after that I went back to Serge and we headed out together.

I had a lot of fun not going to lie, that was exactly what I needed to take my head off some unpleasant things going on in my life.

In the night, Javi came to get me so we dropped him off in front of his hotel, and then we went home, at our arrival I saw him just got there as well. So we got out of our car at the same time when I saw him coming towards me, I instantly stopped him.


"I'm not in the mood Brayden so..."

"I just saw your missed calls so I just wanted to clarify..."

I immediately interrupted him to say " Clarify what exactly? And yes I called you 10 times and you did not pick the phone up even once, yesterday was my time so today is hers right?"

"What are you even saying? just let me explain"

"I just hope you come up with some gaddamn good excuses cause you are on the verge of sleeping on the couch tonight" I exclaimed

"Well deserved" he simply replied

"You have 10 minutes," I said while crossing my arms

"This is all I asked for...okay, where to start?"

"The beginning or the end if you want and time is running out just so you know"

"Alright, The reason why you couldn't reach me is because I put my phone on do not disturb mode..."

"You must have a better excuse than that Brayden"

"Just let me finish, please... I've been thinking about a lot lately, thinking about what I could've done differently if I had one more chance to go in the past but we all know that it is impossible. So I went to my therapist trying to understand better what was going on with me" Brayden stated and I was in shock hearing him mention a therapist, why did he need a therapist for?

"Did you just say, Therapist? I thought..."

"Yeah, I know you were following me, and I don't blame you for not trusting me after all you've got through because of me" he exclaimed

"You knew?" I asked cause how the hell does he...

"You are a journalist Darcy so I always got an eye out for you" he mumbled and I laugh

"How long you have been to that therapy session for?" I got close to him and I leaned on him and started touching his chest then I whispered

"Since it all started with Black face!!" he affirmed

"Is that because of all he said to you that night?"

"Yes and..."

"I thought I told you that it's all ended you don't have to worry about me, if it happens again I will do what I did all over again just because I..." I did not have the chance to finish what I was about to say so I got interrupted by him

"I know, I know if you really like someone you will try to protect that someone no matter what and that is what I'm going to do from now on, protecting you!!!"

"That's what you've been doing all along Brayden, what are you on?...with you I feel safer than ever!!" I rambled


"It's got chilly all of a sudden, let's just go inside" I suggested so he took off his jacket and put on me and them when headed inside.

Leaving our driver and Security guard standing outside in front of the car waiting to see if we wanted to go somewhere else at this time of the night.

After a while, they began to converse.

Dannis and Javis POV...

"Hey, glad you are back Dannis, the job wasn't easy without you my friend!!"

"Yeah right!" he simply replied and then they both started laughing, Dannis looked at Javis and said, "Thanks, can I...?"

"Yes, you may my friend, aren't we all friends now?" asked Javi

"I believe so, anyway thanks Javi for keeping an eye on my job for me, I missed my job so much"

"You can have it back, please don't ever leave" stated Javi

Dannis smirked and continued " I won't"

"But let's be real what job you are talking about cause now they have done converted you into a driver, hahaha"

"Hahaha, you got me there, but it is what it is...I guess I am going to be a driver and a security guard for as long as Brayden finds another driver" exclaimed Dannis

"So sorry for making your job easier, the lady wanted me to be her personal driver so here I am" murmured Javi

All of a sudden we heard La Madame and Monsieur start to argue again, out of know where, when we know damn well everything was going fine when they were outside with us, it did not stay like that till they got inside but this time it was getting worse, they were shouting so loud that the neighborhood in the other side of the street could have heard them, so we turn to look at each other, in shock then we stay frozen.

"Okay, just said that you are sorry and that's it, I don't know why you are trying to make me pass as the bad person on that side of the story?" shouted Darcy

"I never said that, I just said you shouldn't be following me around whenever I go, cause I am not just a subject that you can just follow around and write about, I'm your boyfriend Darcy!!" he explained

"If you don't want me to follow you then why lie to me, just be honest for once, just say yes, you are sleeping with her, don't pretend she is just your therapist cause I ain't buying into that bullshit" she screamed

"Now you are the one forcing my hand to lie to you"

"I see perfectly the way she was looking at you Brayden, and you look at her the same. I swear I could have understood what that look meant miles away. I thought you changed Brayden but I have to give that to my friends, once a player will still be a player!!" she confirmed

"What do you mean by once a player will always be a player? The next thing I knew you were the one who started it, everything I did was for you, Darcy Amilton. I became a bad boy for you, you are also the one who transformed me to be the Sheep I am right now when I was I Lion, all that is just to prove to you that I deserved you when I shouldn't be trying to prove myself, so all of a sudden you are assuming the worst out of me...just because your friends said so...Fuck your friends!" he stated

"You are just proving me right, I'm sorry I need to stop wasting my time" she continued

"I got to get out of here cause I can't be with someone who likes me for my qualities and not my default, I'm not perfect, if I tell you that know that, know that I am lying cause baby that is one thing I am not lack off!!" he confirmed

"I know but yours are the worst" she added

He nervously laughs and says "You know what you are right, you are always right, let me finish packing my stuff and I will empty the place for you to be with someone perfect" he affirmed

We glance at each other once again cause we can't believe what we just witnessed.

A few minutes later we heard someone slam Darcy's room door and got out of the direction toward Dannis, he got in the car and they drove to some other place.

The next day Brayden was on the phone with someone while walking on the street to get to the car I was driving, it seemed he was all angry with the person he was talking to.

He passes next to a guy, I don't know what he did to him, he perhaps hit him but not on purpose so the guy turned and stood there to look at him heading towards me after he got enough he started to laugh at Brayden but Brayden was too occupied to even turn and look at him back and see who was it, but I, knowing that this is not the first time I see that guy, I must have seen him somewhere, I can't recall where. So I immediately knew he wasn't just a random guy so I went to Brayden and welcomed him midway with an umbrella and put it on top of his head so we got in the car together.

A short while later, another stranger approaches him before he gets into the car; this stranger also seems random, but they appear to know one another.

"Hey, do you have a moment to talk?"

He took off the phone in his ear and he was too stunned to speak.

******. .*****************

I am back with a new chapter before the year ends so I can focus on other projects next year.

So now there are 2 more chapters to go for this part of the book to end.

So now tell me what do you think of this chapter?

Where do you think the story is going?

Is Brayden really up to something or they are just Assumptions?

Please enjoy your time reading this and don't forget to leave a vote and comment!!!

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