Chapter 39 - Manipulation

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Brayden POV...

I was in the park playing with her and a little boy who is her nephew, talking about Isabella.

She gave a water balloon to the little boy and the next thing I knew the boy was coming toward me at high speed while I was sitting on a bench on the other side of the park, away from them.

Then boom the water balloon splashed on me and then I immediately remembered that my phone was on me so I said "Oh no, my phone"

I quickly checked my phone to see if anything had happened to it but to my surprise it was fine.

I stared at him, and he saw the way I was staring at him so he tried to run away from me, I saw the movement so I quickly grabbed 4 water balloons and then went after him, he suddenly stopped and pointed at Isabella when he remarked that I was so close to grab him.

"So you were the one who sent him after me?" I asked

She smiled at me and then she turned to face his nephew while asking him "So nephew, you are a snitch like that?"

"He did not have any choice, I can be convincing sometimes, you know?" I said while I smiled back and quickly erased the smile showing her I stood in business, she remarked so she fled, and I went after her, Throwing water balloons in the process, and the water balloons splashed on her, she then ran after me and Throwing some crashing on me as well.

It was going like that for a while, till it was my turn again to run after her, which I did, and then I fell, she fell, and we both were on the ground but except she was on top of me, our smiles Quickly faded away, our eyes locked in, she then bit her lower lip and went for the kiss. But I know that it wasn't ideal even tho I am single for the moment, even if I wanted to I couldn't cross that path at least not yet so I stopped her.

I know some of you might ask, who is Isabella? So let me refresh your memory a little bit.

She used to create dirty content to sell on the internet, dirty content I believe 80 percent of you on the internet have seen.

Contents like the ones you watch when you are alone, but first you make sure to put your headphones on, some of you grab the lube and others grab something else like a toy, Love Rabbit, rechargeable wand massager, or vibrator panties.

Oh no no no, we aren't going there. She was a very famous actress known by her name stage as Isaquessa but we know her as Isabella.

She was in a relationship with my best friend Danny except that it wasn't long-term, so she broke up with him, leaving him in Atlanta to come to LA to do what exactly? we, do not know.

There was a rumor she was back in the industry but she personally denied the rumor.

How did we get back in contact with each other?

She has been living there for a while but 2 days after ending things with Darcy our paths crossed, so we exchanged contact info, and then when we had time to spare we started wandering on a forbidden land, where there are codes I do not want to break, happened to me before and that put me at my lowers so I would never wish that upon anyone else not even my friend Danny...

Moments later we left the park and I started to accompany them home, then suddenly I remembered that I had something I got to do.

"Oh shoot,"

"What is it?" she asked

"I got to go, I just remembered I got somewhere to be," I replied

"Okay, just call me when you get back, okay?" she said

"Yes, Ma'am"

"Please don't call me that, I am 26 years old and not married yet," she rambled

"My bad, then Senorita!!"

"Senorita, Senorita," sang Bella's nephew

"Yes, that is right Pedro!!" I said

I then glance up at her and ask her " Did I say it right?"

"Yes, completely turns me on" she mumbled and I quickly covered Pedro's ears

"Oh, no not now! What about we keep sexting later same time?"

"I thought you said you won't go there, yet?"

"Well, I change my mind, can't I?" I Exclaimed

"9 pm, in front of our screen, completely naked" she suggested

"I heard ya, bye now I gotta run"

Grace POV...

We were on our private Jet coming back to the US, talking about Grayden and me. He was working on his computer on the right side of the jet and I, was on the left side, a few minutes later I closed my iPod so I got a bit closer to him, trying to have his attention.

"What?" he asked while his eyes were still glued on what he was doing on his computer.

"I'm on my break time!" I whispered in his ears

"And?" he simply replied while still typing, I suddenly got mad so I knocked his Computer down.

"Come on Grace, what was that for?"

"You know exactly why I did that"

"But I still got a lot to do"

"Do I look like someone who cares, if I take one, you take one, it's as simple as that" I stated

"I didn't know we were twins" he mumbled

I devilishly glanced at him, he saw what was going on so he calmed a bit "Aren't we?"I asked

"Thank God, I saved all of my work, in other case I would been in a lot of trouble because of you, my demon wife"

"Can you blame me? Sometimes you spend a month out and when you get back, you are always working"

"I can't blame you, my beautiful wife, if anything put it all on me, the idiot who sometimes tempted to give more importance to work than his Bibelot-looking wife!!" he affirmed

We busted out laughing and then began touching each other while kissing passionately.

In the airport Brayden POV...

I was with a headphone on and the bastard came behind me, he didn't have anything else to do but choose to Jumpscared me. He got me but until I realized it was him, he was already spitting blood.

Just kidding!!!

"What the fuck dude?"

"Hahaha, I got you good!! Bro, I thought you were there for me?" he asked when he saw I wasn't paying attention to anything going on at the airport not even him

"I am but your flight took too long to get there so choose to listen to this old song trying to not get bored"

"Which one? let me see" he added then he tried to grab my phone

"Yo, yo, yo go easy," I said trying to prevent my phone from taking any damage but it was too late, it fell and broke on the spot "Come on"

"Oops, sorry"

"I guess you'll never know what song it was"

"Don't tell me you don't even know the title? How did you find it then?"

"I was listening to that mixtape then..."

"You should have Shazam it"

"I was about to but you came in hot and..." I was saying just before that random guy came on my back and interrupted me

"Brayden, please do you have a second?"

I gave him that, he wasn't so random to me after all, since he knew my name, and when I turned my head I suddenly got a flashback from the same thing that happened to me last night when I was about to hop on my car, that same guy stopped me and asked.

"Hey, can we talk?"

But the thing is I had nothing to say to him so I ignored him and got back to what I was doing which was talking on the phone while hoping on my car.

But now that he is back, what the fuck did he want?

I took a deep breath and addressed him by simply saying his name "Jordany?"

"Sorry man, for all I put you through, believe me, I deeply regret all of it so please can you...?"

He got straight to the point but I wasn't having it so I told him what I should have told him last night "The answer is no, so go fuck yourself" and I turned to face Danny "Let's go!"

We got out but he was still on our tails "Listen man... are you still following us?"

The next thing I knew was that Danny was no longer beside me but in front of him, throwing a punch in his face. Honestly, I didn't know he had this in him "Son of a bitch" he added

I couldn't bear to look at both of my best friends fighting so I broke this off "Alright guys, calm down."

He touches the corner of his mouth and looks at it and there is blood

"Look, like you saved this for me, nice to see you too Danny boy!!" he simply said

"You should thank Brayden cause where I got this from there was plenty more waiting for you!!" southed Danny

"I know and I deserved all of it, you look buff too!!" he complimented Danny

I had enough of his innocent bullshit so I went straight to the point " Alright cut the crap off, what do you want and why are you following me?"

"Look, I wasn't following you, actually I am here waiting for my flight so I can go back to New York and the first time I saw you I was on my way to my fiance's family house so..."

"When they saw that you are not who you pretended to be so they kicked you out, I-praise them for that" I exclaimed he did not react to it whatsoever, he just smirked and said,

"I know what you are trying to do but it's just that... I have been there for like a week and my pregnant fiance who couldn't come with me to present me to her parents herself, called me this morning she is not feeling well" Explains Jordany

"Wow, happy for you mate!!" mumbled Danny

" look what happened in the past, I took full responsibility for it, despite she was the one manipulating me, and so do you but in that story, you were the one who took the big damage, and for that, I apologize!" Jordany stated

"We were just boys fooling around but now this is a different story, we are now men with a lot of responsibilities, let's just put this quarrel aside and move on, at least I just ask for y'all forgiveness that's all I asked for" Continues Jordany

I took what he was asking of us into consideration, I took a deep breath once again, so I opened my mouth to say "Do you guys remember that night when they found out that we weren't mature enough to get in that night bar? they took our fake ID so they destroyed it and they did not let us in...but turned out I knew the bartender, he was sick so I offered to send my uncle who was a bartender to cover for him, and he accepted without a question,

Turned out that my uncle was no one other than you Jordany!!! so we found a way to got you in as my uncle the bartender, we stayed outside and you kept bringing us drinks outside in the middle of that wilderness of a wind"

"I didn't even know the drinks recipe, don't get me wrong I knew some but the rest is that googling them or making up own my shit, people keep asking "What was this shit?" but what kept me there is that they liked it after the first tried, they kept asking for more,

The way I changed the ambiance that night no DJ could have done it, the next day the manager called the bartender and asked you to call her, so you did, and she asked for my number, you gave it to her, and then she asked me if I know other people who are as good as me, so I said- 'say less" Jordany explained

"So 1 became 2 and 2 became 3 that's why we gained our bartending skills in the first place" added Danny

"Didn't they enter the most money this week which they couldn't have done in a month?" I asked

"Yes, to be honest, that night bar was dead, they were about to close it down but we came and revived it, after this week they became the most popular night bar we know in New York today...hey what about when we were a lifeguard?" continues Danny

"Did you mean a lifeguard who almost drowned just because a girl was working there whom all three of us had a crush on?" I exclaimed and we all started laughing.

"That was my worst day ever please no...anyway what I wanted y'all to see is that we've been through a lot together and did so many bad things together before, things that almost got us killed or being arrested... so I couldn't imagine this- this drama, something I've seen coming miles away, I could have stopped it but I didn't because I was too selfish and was Jealous of you" I exclaimed

"You Brayden Piece, jealous of me? who are you and what have you done with my Brayden?" he asked sarcastically

"Yes, I hurt me to say it but you were the most handsome one back then" I rambled

"Fact but not anymore bitch!!" added Danny

"Well said," said Jordany

"It was real selfish of me so I am the one who is supposed to apologize to you"

"Apology accepted!! now do you accept mine? I will never fuck with your girlfriend never again, I promise!!" said Jordany

"That was the rule number one, never fall in love or have sex with your best friend's girl. Unless it's a former girlfriend or he permitted you to...every single one of us broke it except Brayden, right Brayden?" asked Danny while he focused his gaze toward me while saying this

"Are you sure? Cause I did!!"

"Are you talking about Bella? No that wasn't serious you remember?"

I nodded and I immediately shifted my gaze to Jordany while I answered to his request "Yes, apology accepted buddy!!"

"Are the boys back together now? Cause I didn't like the way it sounded before 'Friends to enemies' Eww" exclaimed Danny

"Sure thing!!!" I replied

"Let's go, the boys are back baby!!!" Screams Danny

"Comme au beau vieux temp" translates to "Like the old time"

"Comme au beau vieux temp" I responded before we did our handshake.

"Where is your famous girlfriend?" asked Jordany

"Long story, but didn't you say your pregnant fiance wasn't feeling well? Buddy, I can help with that if you want to, only one call and you will be back in New York in a blink."

"Yeah, I know but she just texted me, she is fine now and she is actually on the plane coming here!"

"Really? Boy or girl?" asked Danny

"Boy" he replied "And I want you to be the godfather Brayden"

"What? Are you for real? Yes!!" I said out of excitement

"I did not ask you, Danny, because I know Brayden is going to ask you that in the future" Confirmed Jordanny and he was telling the truth, who else could it be if it was not Danny?

"You already know!!" stated Danny and we all started laughing.

*********. .**************

Here we go!! Now one more chapter left ☺️

So what do you think of this chapter?

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Btw we are number 2 on the Devil Daughter's tag, yayyy!!!

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