Chapter 9 - The insatiable and the perfect stranger

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Greg ---)

The richest family in town welcomes a stranger wearing a black mask. He opens the safe and takes everything he needs from the computer inside before locking it back and making it appear as though no one was there. He then tries to leave without drawing attention, but he is discovered by Sandy, the eldest daughter of the family who owns the house, who is also a well-known journalist, according to Beautika. In that scene, she was sexy as hell, only wearing a bikini. The stranger froze as she barricaded the door and stood in front of them simultaneously.

Sandy, "Hello, perfect stranger. As you can see, there are two ways out of here, but let me explain. either you drop the USB and I'll let you go or you fuck me then I'll let you leave with everything,"

Brayden Break Character " Wait, wait, wait, was that part of the line? I remember it was ' I will take off all my clothes and she let me go with the USB'. What kind of pornhub is going on here?"

I respond, " Well, either way, you are going to be naked, I think it's a good improvisation. That's exactly the tension I want in this scene. Imagine the person who was behind everything, or rather, the person we believe to be the real bad guy in that story. She pretended to visit her family, but in reality, she came after the same thing that you, the stranger, had in that computer. When she was about to act, you caught her doing it first, so now the insatiable Sandy, still in the mood after fucking her sister boyfriend, was going to ask that perfect stranger for another round. In exchange, she would give you what she came after and what she most desired, but that would not last long because she would soon realize that sometimes love is better than revenge. She put her mission on hold and now her new goal is to find the person who was that.

"The story is well known to me, but why the abrupt shift?" he enquired.

"Yeah, I just realized I changed a lot, but this is for the sake of the movie. This is what I was looking for, " I stated

"Okay, so I can also improvise, right?"

"Go ahead, give me your best short buddy,"

"Sorry Brayden, for letting my urge get in the way instead of just going as in the script," said Beautika while she smirked

"It's okay, I got it. Tu meurs d'envie de coucher avec moi, n'est ce pas?" he asked in French

"Evidement," she responded in French as well

"Et moi, ma mission c'est de m'en enpecher de tomber dans ta temptation. I will do all it takes. "

"you are welcome to Try," she responded

I really enjoyed what was happening on set today, so I did not wait a minute and gave them the go-ahead to continue with the "1, 2, 3... action."

Stranger Additionally, I will give you two choices: either you close your eyes and act as though nothing happened, or we will have to handle this the hard way.

In an attempt to frighten him a little, Sandy abruptly removes a gun from her back and points it downward.

"Are you threatening me?" Ask the evil princess, and the stranger didn't answer.

"That's what I thought. Let me clarify that I came for the same thing as you, which is the information that was in that computer; it is worth millions, and I am trying to protect it. Trust me, I am not the type of girl who gets intimidated so easily. You should ask my mafia dad, the one you are stealing this from, I am worse than him."

"Stealing from your family?!? what kind of person does that?" he interrupted her

"The type of person who has nothing to lose—after all, I am the most despised person on the planet, and because of my father, no employer wants to hire me. Yes he's the one behind this, so let just said it's something personal but now you're here for the same thing, I don't want to know why but know that I'm not the kind of girl who let the thing she wanted the most slip between her fingers so easily so don't let me repeat myself again what is your choice?" She responded rudely

"The second one,"


She suddenly started walking around him like a menace. He took off his shirt and started touching him. She is attempting to kiss him on the lips as she kisses him from his abs to his neck, but the stranger interrupts her.

"However, you must understand that when I mention second options, it was not for me,"

She uttered, bewildered as hell, "What?"

The stranger then moved away from her, and she tried to approach him once more but was unable to do so because she was handcuffed to the desk. She attempted to point the gun at him, but he took it away from her.

The stranger remarked, "We may have similar goals, but our motivations are different. Your dad has many enemies, and this is bad for him; I am one of them, and he took something very important from me."

"Same, dear."

"Except that he is your family, you are still under his wings, but me because of him, I'm on my own, and for that, he'll pay," yelled the stranger

He turn trying to leave then he heard her screaming "I'll find you" then he suddenly stop and reply "Aren't you already found me, dear? except that I'm not ready to reveal myself yet," and then the Stranger jump out of the window.

With no luck, she was attempting to remove the handcuff and follow him, but eventually gave up and fell to the ground, biting her lower lip.

I lead the set in applause, and everyone else does too.

"Whoa, whoa. Perfect, perfect...well, play Brayden. This is exactly what i wanted. "

"As you have been modifying the scenes, I am giving you something to work on: the girl who is badass has discovered someone even more amazing than herself. She will set aside her desire for vengeance in order to find the mysterious villain she fell in love with," he said, meeting her gaze. Once again, it looks like she failed.

He said to her, "Salut," and walked off the set.

Brayden --)

I went to my room and curled up on my bed with my closest buddy Danny.

"No, he didn't? Cause did you see his face aftermath?" I ask him

"Yes, I did. "He pretended to be calm even though he was furious," he answered.

"For the remainder of his life, he will remain in that state. They have no idea what is in my best interests, so I am not changing my mind."

He said to me, "They always act like they do, but keep up the good work, man."

"Yeah, I wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon, so you got it bro"

"All right, how are things in France going?"

"Everything is going perfectly, at least if that girl could just stop trying to stay away from my head," I responded while touching my hair

"That's what they do, those witches, but keep your amor on. That should be enough till I enter the game tomorrow, " says Danny

"My man coming to the rescue, yay,"

P.S.: Beautika was in front of the door about to open it, but she heard Brayden was on the phone, so she stopped for a second and started to listen.

I continue " the thing is it's not like my amor wasn't on, it's for how long it's going to protect me cause not going to lie I feels like I'll finish by cracking,"

"Just think about Darcy. You can't mess up this story bro that you fought hard for," suggested Danny

"I know. She's the only thought that pushed me to keep fighting and also feeling telling me that's not right or else i would've fallen by now cause Beautika is hot. "

P.S.: she heard that and was smiling behind the door.

"I know the feeling. It's the famous beauty you're talking about, so...

"Not helping at all,"

He scoffed and said, " Anyway, stay strong, brother. I'll be here in two days. "

Then she finally came in and pretended she didn't heard shit.

"Fuck I thought you said tomorrow," but unfortunately he already hang up.

My eyes fall on her with a tight leggings on, I can see all her body shape into it "When did you got here, I didn't know you where here," I asked

"You were on the phone so I didn't want to disturb you," she replied


"Oh I almost forgot, Beautiful prestation today, beautifully done,"

"If I didn't know your plan i would have said that was honest,"

She smirk and responded " So you think you know me? Nah, you don't know me at all, Brayden. "

I jump down from my bed and sit next to her on hers. " Great, so give me the chance to know you. Let's put this sexual tension aside, and let's start again."

She got up and turned to face me while I was still seated on the bed. She wrapped her legs around my legs, grabbed my cheeks, and sat on my lap, pushing me against the bed. I bet I would not have the courage to do anything to stop her on top of me; all I could do was stare at her. At that point, I felt completely helpless since she had complete control over me and could do anything she wanted with me.

"You now acknowledged that you are experiencing sexual tension with me. Now we are on the same page, but I kinda agree with you. We should start over,"

She eventually gave up, climbed up on top of me, and gave me a hand.

" I really like you for real but we have to start on a good foot so you don't have the idea of me liking you only for sex, cause it's not the case honey!" she stated

"But why i got the feelings that was only one of the reasons you interested in me?" I replied

"You can't be serious. That was me making a move on you babe, that's how we girls do when we like a boy and can't wait for them to make the first move. And the other reason you mentioned we are not going to talk about it cause it's not true at all, I pretend I didn't hear that,"

"If you say so," I replied vaguely

She reached out her hand to me. " By the way, my name is Beautika LaChapelle."

"LaChapelle, why does that sound like a French church name?"

"Just shut up and tell me your name, I know you were about to say something like that,"

"Sorry I couldn't stop myself, hey you my name is Brayden Pierce,"

"Omfg, you are a pierce?" she put her hand covering her mouth as she was acting like a fan, "Just kidding,anyway... that was a good joke tho, French Church!" she rambled

"Hahaha, I know, right? So you are french, " I asked

"Part of me are and the other part is Spanish what I mean by that Is that my father from Spain and the mother of my mother from France,"

"Wait that's mean you have 3 nationalities."

"Sort of, what about you? Where did you learn to speak French like that?"

"I've been in so many countries that speak French. With my school in vacation, with my parents, like Canada, Belgium, Haiti and France in a matter of fact I am also a part French because of my grand grand grand grand grand grandpa Jack Legrand he was born in USA but his parents were French long story...that's were come my obsession to speak French,"

"I heard so many stories of him...Oh wait so you've been to Haiti? I would like to go there, but unfortunately, I don't recognize no one there, " she said

"I've been there so many times, so yeah, I guess it's a country everyone dreamed of visiting," I responded

" Teach me something you learned there, like a word or anything," she ordered me

"Oh sure, I picked up a lot of swear words, but instead of teaching you the bad words first, like my friends did to me, I am going to teach you how to greet friends with the highly common phrase 'Sak pase?'in the United States."

"Sak pase?" she repeated

"When I asked you this then you'll respond 'nap boule' very simple."

"Hahaha, thanks for teaching me some words from another language," says Beautika

I turn to face her while we are still sitting on her bed. "Anytime, are we cool now, no sexual pranks, right?"

"Yes, I have to ask you a question first."

"Go ahead. I'm listening, but if it's started like 'do you like me?' I don't, at least not the way you think, I mean, I do like you, like a sister, friend, family, but not the way you think, " I replied

She started to laugh, " Hold on, did you just friend zone me?" she says while looking at me weirdly

"Duh, I know usually it's you girls who do that, but why not?" I rambled

"You're such a fucking asshole,"

"Thank you,"

Then she smirk " Anyway this question is coming up by the time but that's not what I was about to ask you,"


"I was going to ask you about that game I've seen news of you playing, it was pretty famous during that time,"

"A+," I replied

" Yes and you were not so easy according to what I've heard so why you let me have such an influence over you now, I know that we were not in the game, that it's doesn't exist no more so why?"

After i heard that i was so upset at myself but it is what it is

"So you found me easy?"

"Kinda, Don't get me twisted at the beginning when I first met you, you were such a douch bag but I few moments earlier you're let your guard down I could've have done anything with you if i wanted to," replied Beautika

"Got it, so you like being challenged, hein?"

She nodded I looked at her for a moment then I inhale and exhale then trying to defend myself

"listen I'm not used to meet a female player like me. The way you approached me there was a kind of tension in the air that reminded me of an old version of myself but not happening again, lesson learned," she glance at me and look down then she smirk.


We became inseparable after that moment of getting to know one another and learning from one another, and then Danny arrived, bringing us even closer. Making stupid jokes, laughing a lot, etc... we filmed our last scene so that means we succeeded the challenges which was done with filming in 5 days so we can have the weekend to visit famous places in the country, there was no sexual tension between us no more...hold on i talk to soon...until that moment.

He was taking a shower when he realized he had forgotten to lock the door. Since I had just arrived and was also itching to take a shower, I opened the door and entered.

The next thing I know is that he was in the shower with me when I walked in, even though he may have assumed I was just going to leave quickly when he heard the door open and said nothing to stop me.

When I at last understood, I recanted and expressed regret.

"I apologize; I had no idea you were in there."

He responds, " it's alright. I'm almost done. You can use the one on the other side if you want. "

"Okay, I'll be there, but it's going to be like I was never there cause it's so hot today. I really need this shower,"

"Cool with me,"

A few minutes later, there was a lourd silence in the shower. The sound of the water hitting our skin was all that was audible. We were back to back. Though it only lasted a few minutes, nobody tried to pick on the other. In the minutes that followed, I am not sure what got into him. He turned to look at me, and he gave me a quick up-and-down glance. Seeing that it was not enough, he moved in closer and began to take the water with his bare hands, letting it drip slowly onto my skin as I closed my eyes and allowed him to continue. After a while, he began massaging the back of my stomach with his hands, putting pressure on my hips, and kissed my neck.

I was also the one who flipped my hair and let him carry on. I didn't only close my eyes i also opened my mouth and started to moan. The next thing I know, he puts his finger on my mouth as I lean my head against his chest and begin slowly biting. All of that is just because I got a massage in the shower, I promise. A few seconds later, he grabbed my hips and turned me to face him. I opened my eyes slowly and met his, losing ourselves in each other's gaze for a minute. Then, he abruptly grabbed my neck and stared at me like I had lost something, almost not realizing it until he looked at me for a while before letting me go and leaving the shower. The look on my face was priceless because I was really confused.

When I came out of the shower, he was putting on his shoes and getting ready to leave the room.

"Hey, what was that back there?" I exclaimed

"What?" he pretended to be as confused as me

"What do you mean what? Don't tell me you already forgot the moment we just shared in the bathroom, " I continued

"Let's just say this is my way of getting back at you, I warned you,"

Tears were about to fall down my cheeks after hearing that, but I forced myself to hold back because someone like him does not deserve to cry because all he is is a player.

I sat down on my bed with my hand on my face and then replied, "Oh wow, so it's just a game to you, isn't it?"

He was about to exit the room then he suddenly stop for a few seconds I wish he would have turned to face me and said "no" or anything else that would have made me happy right now, but he just went ahead and left me stunned. I was unable to process what had happened when a nervous smile appeared on my face.

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