Adventures Begin: Elements of Harmony

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Malibu's ears fell down in fear when watching his aunt cackle loudly. The Mayor glared. "Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!"

Nightmare turned to see two guards coming, eyes glowing. "Stand back, you fools!" She snarled, shooting magic at them, knocking the two down. Twilight tried to help Malibu up to get him out of here. Nightmare noticed, hissing.

"Oh, I don't think so, sweet nephew. You won't escape me!" Spat Nightmare, becoming a magic cloud, soaring towards them, and knocking Twilight away. Malibu cried out in fear when feeling Nightmare picking him up. Twilight ran after him.

"Malibu!" She screamed, reaching with her hoof. Malibu looked despaired, trying to grab onto Twilight. "Help!" He screamed back, but Nightmare was too fast for them, rushing out the door. Malibu whimpered as he tried freeing himself.

"Don't wiggle, little Night Nephew. Time for you to sleep..." purred his captor. Sleepiness began to take him. Malibu whimpered more, struggling to fight the sleep spell, but the blackness won out his consciousness completely.


Twilight stared in despair after Nightmare Moon who had taken away her best friend, ears flattened. Spike had woken from his fainting spell, eyes widening.

"What...? What happened? Where's Malibu?" The mulberry unicorn looked down in sadness. "Nightmare Moon took him. I have to save him! We need the Elements of Harmony. Come on, Spike, to the Library!"

The two began running to their temporary home. Rainbow had seen this and followed them.

Spike wanted to help but Twilight insisted he sleep, putting him in his bed. He mumbled sleepily. "Uh, we gotta stop Nightmare... get Malibu... home..." he moaned, before collapsing onto his pillow. Twilight covered him up. "You've been up all night, Spike. You are a baby dragon after all."

In a second Twilight was now tossing books about, trying to find the Elements book. Rainbow cornered her then, demanding if she was a spy.

Applejack took her tail. "Whoa there, Nelly. She ain't no spy. Nightmare stole her best friend, if you didn't notice. But you know what is goin' on, don't ya Twilight?" The rest of the 5 gave her attentive gazes. Twilight flinched, the faces of everypony boring into her before taking a breath then sighing.

"I've read all about the prediction on Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her. But I dunno where they are, how to find them. I don't know even know what they do!"

"The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide!" Pinkie suddenly read out of nowhere. Twilight nudged her aside, mouth open. "How did you find that?!"

Pinkie bounced around, unfazed by Twilight's nudge. "It was under E!" This made the unicorn frown in embarrassment. Taking the book she read inside, revealing six elements of harmony:







But unfortunately the seventh was a mystery which disappointed her. Eventually after learning about their location in the dangerous Everfree Forest, Twilight strode out to the entrance by herself. But the other ponies intercepted, insisting to come along. Twilight lost the argument in the end and the group ventured inside. She hoped Malibu would be ok.


"Wake, my sweet little Night Nephew." Purred a smooth feminine voice. Malibu moaned when waking up, feeling a chain around his neck. His vision adjusted; finding himself in a strange castle ruin in a tower. His body trembled in fear. Malibu tried to run but the chain stopped him.

"I wouldn't advise to run or escape, that chain is magic proof and you can choke." Came his captor's sinister tone. Malibu shivered when glancing around, seeing the dark alicorn in all her glory, a dark glint in her eyes, but at the same time, looking loving.

Malibu stepped back. "W-why did you take me?" He asked nervously. Nightmare just gave him a little smile, almost looking like how Celestia smiled at him, sending a small chill through his belly. Nightmare moved closer.

"Uh, wh-what are you doing? Answer my question!" Malibu demanded, eyes wide as he fell down on his bottom, flinching when Nightmare suddenly put a hoof under his chin, making the teal alicorn look into her eyes.

"I brought you to me and my sister's old home; which would eventually become the new Night Castle. Because you shall join by my side, and be a prince. You don't need my pathetic sister for your mother."

This made Malibu angry, pulling his head away. "I love Mother! Stop insulting her! And where did you put her?" He shouted in fury. Nightmare suddenly slapped him. The clone gargoyle fell to the floor, rubbing his face with his hoof. "Like I would tell you that. And your friends will soon head this way, to find the precious Elements of Harmony."

Malibu gasped a bit at this. "Th-they're here?" He asked timidly. Nightmare nodded, presenting a vision of the stone orbs of the six elements that were now there. "There they are, though only six are present. From what I heard, the seventh element is a mystery to ponies. But your friends will never activate them and never find the seventh element!" She sneered.

He growled. "You don't know my Twilight. She will triumph over you and free my aunt and mom from your clutches, Nightmare Moon!" She just cackled.

"I don't think so, Night Nephew. Your pathetic friends will lose. Why not I share with you what will become of them in the forest beyond the castle borders?" She said in a purring voice, lighting up her magic, revealing a vision of Malibu's friends being suddenly surrounded by scary monster trees. Malibu's ears flattened, knowing trees didn't look like that. His friends looked scared, backing into one another, unable to find a way out. Nightmare smirked at the scene. She had sent some of her magic to change things in the forest while Malibu was out.

"Stop it, you're scaring my friends!" He shouted, tugging his chains. Nightmare suddenly grasped him into her hooves and wings, stroking his cheek like Celestia. He squirmed.

"Poor little ponies. And you're unable to comfort them during their frightening hour. Soon, they will either flee or faint from fear..." she crooned. But that was when to their surprise a laugh sounded. It was Pinkie. Malibu was confused. Why wasn't the pink pony scared? She just kept laughing.

"Pinkie, what are you doing?" He muttered softly, though impressed with her bravery. Eventually Pinkie broke into song about how laughter can break past anything scary, making the scary tree faces disappear. This caused the dark alicorn to look furious after seeing the rest of the group laughing, too. Malibu couldn't stop the smile on his face. Pinkie was truly someone who can make you smile and laugh.

She glared at her prisoner. "Don't think your weak friends won, they still have another chance to fall apart yet!" Malibu just glared back, as Nightmare flew out the window to lay another trap.

Malbu paced a bit, scared of what other kind of terrible spell can be used against his friends. Nightmare returned then.

"Witness another possible defeat for your precious ponies. For I set up a cliff to collapse while they're on it. See them now falling to their doom." She conjured a new vision, right as the earth cracked under the non winged ponies. Rainbow and Fluttershy caught Rarity and Pinkie but Applejack and Twilight continued to fall. Malibu's eyes rounded in fear.

"No! Twilight!" He screamed. For Twilight was almost over the edge, hanging on for dear life. Applejack came to her.

"Applejack, what do I do?!" Twilight wailed. Applejack held on as much as she could until she eyed whatever was above her. "Let go."

"What?" Malibu exclaimed in shock, as was Twilight. "Are you crazy?"

"No, ah ain't. I promise you'll be safe."

Nightmare sneered. "You think, my little Night Prince that your sweet little Twilight will be stupid to put her fate into a complete stranger?" Malibu glared back. "She's not stupid!" He spat. He continued to watch in apprehension.

Twilight then let go, screaming as she fell. Malibu didn't want to watch but to his relief the pegasi caught her, guiding her gently to the ground. He was glad now that she trusted the farm pony.

Nightmare hissed venomously. She was going to have to do more to stop those ponies from reaching Malibu and the Elements. But she had another sinister plot in mind should they make it here. She gazed at her prisoner who watched her shyly in fear.

"I'm going to have to use extreme measures to foil your friend's hero quest. But you shall remain here, precious little night prince. This spell should distract your thoughts from escaping and force you to witness each of the times I make a move on your friends..." she sneered, horn lighting up. Malibu whimpered, moving backward.

"No! Don't!" He pleaded, but it was in vain. He flinched from the light in his vision, shivering. After that, she was done. Nightmare petted his mane. "Now, be a good little nightling, and stay put for your aunt Nightmare Moon until my return," she taunted as though Malibu were a hatchling. Malibu had tears.

"You won't get away with this!" He sobbed, tugging his chain that rubbed against his neck uncomfortably. Nightmare just smiled at him and flew away, leaving Malibu alone in the cold empty ruins. He huddled on the ground, scared for his friends and for his life.

Suddenly the magic Nightmare implanted arose inside Malibu, showing him a vision of his friends being attacked by a Manticore; half lion, half scorpion. Malibu whimpered and trembled. He didn't want to watch but the magic made him do so.

Fluttershy had stood up for this one however; displaying her acts of kindness towards the Manticore and removing a thorn from its paw. Malibu couldn't help but give another smile at her being so brave, hoping his friends will rescue him soon.

It happened yet again involving Rarity with a drama filled sea serpent who had lost his moustache. Rarity ended up sacrificing her own tail for it. Malibu was wincing again when next was Rainbow, wanting this magic to stop showing his friends in danger.

This time Rainbow was going to fix a broken down bridge. But on reaching the other side, she is confronted by a trio of Wonderbolt looking ponies in dark uniforms who tempted Rainbow with leaving her friends behind to be a Shadowbolt. Malibu felt tense, wishing to look away. But each way he turned the vision followed him.

Rainbow however refused, returning to the other ponies and fixed the bridge. Malibu was trembling, now seeing that they were nearing the Castle. He fell down, shaking even more from the stress the spell had on him. Nightmare returned then, smiling sinisterly at her Night Prince's wheezing.

He looked up at his captor with pleading eyes. "Please... stop... the... spell..." he begged. Nightmare shook her head, lifting his chin. "No, only if you will agree to be by my side will I release you. But until then it has an even more fun little addition. Your friends will soon see your true form; for I added a transformation spell with the vision spell so they see what you really are; a pathetic clone gargoyle creature with no true purpose other than sucking up to my sister."

Malibu's eyes rounded in fear, panting from his fright. But then he saw everypony's disappointed faces should he join Nightmare Moon. He figured now showing his true form was better than turning evil. He shook his head.

"I won't join you, Nightmare Moon. It will never happen!" His cheek suddenly stung from her smacking it.

"Then enjoy the painful transformation that will come when your friends join us..." she spat mercilessly. Malibu curled up, pulling back from the evil alicorn's wrath.

Nightmare then left. Malibu whimpered when a new vision cane; revealing them at the Elements of Harmony. Twilight tries to activate them. But Nightmare winds up stealing the stones as well as Twilight jumping in after them.

The spell ended there; with Twilight reappearing. She coughed, looking about and suddenly seeing Malibu chained. She ran over.

"Oh, Malibu, are you ok?" Malibu though looked scared, ears flattened. "Twi, behind you!" For Nightmare Moon was standing there with the Elements around her, eyes shimmering darkly and cackling. Twilight narrowed her eyes, stomping the ground with her hoof. Malibu kept back. He wanted to help but felt in no shape to do so. Nightmare and Twilight ran at each other, Twilight's horn lighting up, until she suddenly teleported to the Elements.

Malibu watched, eyes wide, as Twilight began to use her magic to power them up. At first it seemed to be working but then to their surprise and fear it didn't. Twilight gasped in fear.

"But... where's the seventh Element?" She cried in horror. Nightmare cackled in triumph, reappearing before her and with her hooves, smashed the Elements. Malibu shut his eyes from the loud shattering. Their only hope was now gone.

"You little fools! Thinking you can defeat me? Now you will never see your Princess, or your sun! The night will last forever! And... that isn't all. Come here, little Night Prince." Sneered Nightmare, using her magic to pull Malibu towards her. Malibu knew this was it. The sounds of the other ponies were heard. The rest of the 5 coming to find them.

Malibu grunted when struggling to free himself, the other ponies gasping in fear from the sight of Malibu held captive. Nightmare smirked. "You little ponies might think you know this one. But had my sister told you what he really is?"

Twilight was confused; why would her mentor keep something from her? That was when Nightmare caused the transforming spell to happen. Malibu screamed, pain shooting in him as the painful transformations began. His body shifted and changed; wings looking more bat-like, a beak shooting from his muzzle, until then Malibu revealed his real gargoyle form at last. He panted heavily from the pain of the transforming, eyes scared looking.

The ponies were startled at the sight of his real form, never seeing any creature like it before. He had sharp horns coming out of his head, dark gray waist length hair like his mane color, and wore a red loincloth. His right arm had a strange red cross on it. His face too was sad and frightened at rejection when he saw their shocked expressions.

Nightmare smirked at their faces. "Yes... this is the real Malibu. A monster. How can a sad creature like him be accepting of love and friendship?"

Twilight gazed into Malibu's face. He by now looked away, tears coming down. Nightmare was right. And readied himself for harsh words.

But the unicorn Twilight didn't see anything wrong with Malibu's real appearance at all. Like how now she was seeing that the other ponies, too. This caused a small spark to flash in her eyes, and she glared.

"Malibu is not a monster. I still like him, no matter what he looks like. And you really think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony and break my friend's spirit just like that? Well, you're wrong! Because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right here!" Malibu looked up in surprise and relief from Twilight standing up for him. The shattered Elements glowed, rising into the air. Nightmare's eyes widened. "What?!"

"Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the Spirit of Honesty!"

Orange crystals shone around Applejack who smiled. Malibu smiled, too.

"Fluttershy, who tamed the Manticore with her compassion, represents the Spirit of Kindness!"

The pink crystals next went over to Fluttershy. She blushed in shyness.

"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the Spirit of Laughter!" Pinkie jumped a bit in the air when her crystals flew toward her.

"Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the Spirit of Generosity." Malibu felt pride and love for these ponies grow, when the purple gems flew around said owner.

"And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends to her own heart's desire, represents the Spirit of Loyalty!"

Then Twilight gazed at Malibu again with love in her eyes. "Malibu, you really showed how much you cared and loved others since you came after Celestia took you in. And the reason for that is what Element you represent: The Spirit of Love!"

Malibu couldn't believe it, feeling the chains on him break, floating over next to his friends, and the red gems from the sixth Element flew around him now. Twilight stood in front of her six friends, smiling triumphantly at Nightmare Moon. "The Spirits of these six got us through every challenge and pain you threw at us!"

Nightmare glared but looked desperate now. "But you still don't have the Seventh Element! The Spark didn't work!"

"Yes, it did. A different kind of Spark!" Twilight countered back. "I felt it the very moment at how happy I was to hear you, to see you. How much I cared about you."

Malibu smiled, his own tears in his red eyes. Twilight was finally seeing the worth of Friendship.

"The Spark ignited inside me. When I realized you all are my friends!" A flash noise came from above. The Seventh Element appeared, floating above Twilight. Nightmare was scared now. "You see, Nightmare Moon. When those Elements are ignited by the... the Spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the Seventh Element. The Element of Magic!"

The Elements began to power up. Malibu growled at Nightmare. "And Nightmare Moon, I will never be your Night Prince, not when I have such wonderful and caring friends who love me for who I am!" He hissed, eyes flashing up with the color of his element. "And I will free my mother and aunt once and for all!" The Element pieces forged into necklaces for the first 5, a pendant for Malibu, and a regal looking tiara for Twilight, causing a rainbow laser to shine up, flying around Nightmare Moon in a swirl of color. She screamed, shutting her eyes.

Malibu closed his own, spreading his wings, the power of love from his Element flooding his veins, roaring sounds of magic echoing in his ears.

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