Adventures Begin: Staying in Ponyville

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Malibu's eyes opened, head splitting with a headache, still seeing himself in the Castle ruins, the other ponies around him rubbing their own heads, wearing those Element necklaces.

"Oh, my head!" Rainbow groaned, rubbing it. Malibu sat up still feeling himself in his gargoyle form, feeling nervous again. But then he felt that pendant around his neck, the heart shaped symbol of the sith element of Love, giving a little smile on his face.

"Everypony ok?" Applejack asked in concern, gazing over then at Malibu who felt flushed, looking away but she gave him a gentle smile and a nod, while Rarity admired her now grown back tail.

"Why Rarity, it's lovely," Fluttershy stated. Rarity hugged her tail. "I know! I'll never part from it again!" Malibu shook his head. "Uh, Rar, I think she meant your necklace." He said. "Yeah, it looks like your cutie mark," Flutter pointed out. Rarity glanced at it then at her haunches. "So does yours!"

"Look at mine! Look at mine!" Pinkie squealed, her Element crystal shining. AJ just smiled at her own. "Aw yeah! But Malibu, your element shape is just a heart. Not your cross cutie mark." Malibu noticed this, holding it up with his taloned hand. "I guess there's just something about this one," he murmured, along with glancing at Twilight's magnificent tiara, making her look like a Princess.

"Gee, Twilight. I thought ya had been spoutin' a lot of hooey. But I reckon we really do represent the Elements of Friendship."

Malibu though had more worrisome matters. He expected his mother to reappear instantly. Where was she? "But, where's the Princess?" He asked the others. The other six glanced about in concern for her, until suddenly the sun rose; and a heavenly voice spoke.

"I am here, my son." Celestia's voice said, a flash of light appearing, revealing the majestic Alicorn. Malibu's eyes filled up with tears, not even questioning why he still didn't turn to stone yet in the sun in his gargoyle form, running into her embrace. "Momma!" He sobbed, the tears keeping on coming. Celestia nuzzled her son, not caring about what he now looks like. He was still her son. Twilight came on the hug, too.

"Malibu, precious baby. And Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it," Celestia praised them. Twilight was confused. "But, you told us it was all an old pony tale," she argued.

"I told you to make some friends. Nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return. And I knew that only you and Malibu had the magic inside to defeat her. But my son, since Nightmare turned you into your real form, what do you wish; do you wish to remain as you are, or should I turn you into an alicorn again?" Celestia questioned, a hoof under Malibu's beak. Malibu pondered for a time. He rather enjoyed being a pony really. It felt new and unique for him, not feeling like a clone. He smiled.

"I think I wish to be a pony again," Malibu decided. "It was something I enjoyed being, and I can create a new life away from feeling secondary to my doner. I still respect Brooklyn whose blood was used to make me, even though I was at first intended for evil by Thailog. But this is my chance to start anew and live peacefully. This is what I choose, Mother."

Celestia nodded. "Very well," she said in a proud voice, her horn lighting up. The magic swirled around Malibu, who shut his eyes, feeling the transformation happen, this time not so painful.

The other ponies shielded their eyes until it was done, showing Malibu back in his now rightful pony form. He gave a little smile at them, and the six jumped onto Malibu, hugging him in their embrace. Malibu flushed for he wasn't used to this much attention from this many ponies, snuggling with his new friends and Twilight. Celestia gazed then at her unconcious sister.

"Now, there's another matter needed to discuss. Princess Luna," Celestia said gently. Luna's eyes rounded after opening her eyes. Malibu gazed at his aunt. She was smaller in size to Celestia, and her mane didn't flow. Luna shrank back from her sister.

"It's been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We're meant to rule together, little sister."

"Sister?!" A lot of the other ponies who didn't know exclaimed in surprise. Malibu felt a smile on his face. Luna gazed at her nephew, her eyes sad. Malibu then ran to his aunt, giving her a hug. Luna flinched from the gesture because of not having been hugged by anyone for a thousand years.

"I missed you, Auntie Luna. We both did. Please come home," he begged her. Luna's heart began to melt, tears coming down her face. After Malibu let go, Luna jumped into her sister's arms.

"I'm so sorry!" She sobbed. "I missed you so much too, big sister and nephew!" Eventually the three alicorns did a group hug, all crying. "I missed you, too." Celestia said as well.

Pinkie began to cry a river, but for only 3 seconds. "Hey, ya know what this calls for? A party!" She squeed. Malibu pulled away from his family and put a hoof on his friend. "Yes, but first Luna needs to rest. She's been through a lot after being trapped by Nightmare Moon," he stated. Pinkie calmed, nodding. They would do the party after that.


Celestia returned them all out of the Forest to the town, where everypony welcomed them back with open arms. Mayor Mare was especially happy to see Malibu back safe. She looked him over like how his mother did. Malibu flushed at getting this treatment from the mayor.

"No need to fuss, Malibu is fine..." he said using 3rd person again. Mayor nodded her head, backing up. Celestia and Luna stood side by side after ensuring Luna was in good health as well as the others. Two filly pegasus placed a wreath of flowers around the indigo alicorn. She was a bit surprised but smiled. Spike had been happy to see both Twilight and Malibu safe after waking up from his sleep, hugging them both.

After that, though, Twilight suddenly looked sad and depressed, looking down. Malibu was confused about it at first then knew; it was time for them to go back to Canterlot. His ears flattened and his wings drooped. He wasn't ready, and wanted to get to know the others more, especially Rainbow. Celestia came to them.

"Why so glum, my faithful student and son? Aren't you not happy your quest is complete, and can return to Canterlot?" Malibu frowned. "Mom, I do want to go home, but... this place is beginning to feel like a second home to me now. Everypony is so friendly. They like me."

Twilight nodded. "Just as I realized how much I need my new friends, I have to leave them." Celestia smiled gently. "If that is what you wish, my son and student. Spike, take a note please."

Spike brought out a piece of paper and a quill.

"I Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, and my son Malibu will take on a new mission for Equestria. They must to continue to study the Magic of Friendship, and report to me of their findings. From their new home in Ponyville!"

The other 5 cheered, hugging Twilight and Malibu tightly. The two of them smiled. "Thank you, Mother!" Malibu thanked with happy tears in his eyes.

"We'll study harder than ever before!" Twilight proclaimed, as she gave Malibu a tight hug. Pinkie squeed again, givibg Malibu a pleading look. Malibu chuckled. "Ok, Pinkie. Now is a good time for a party," he said. Pinkie zipped away to get the party supplies.

Rainbow grinned. "Sweet you're staying, Malibu. Hope to keep hanging out! Have so many moves to show you. And gotta show you a Wonderbolts event!" The teal alicorn beamed back, cheeks glowing red. "Yeah..." he said wistfully. The rainbow pegasus rolled her eyes, hoof bumping him on the shoulder again. Applejack then spoke.

"Malibu, me an the Apple Family would be most honored for ya to stay in our home. There's plenty of room." Malibu smiled at this but then looked at Twilight. The mulberry unicorn nodded at him to go for it. Malibu then nodded shyly.

"Thanks, I'd be happy to," he said. AJ then put a hoof around his shoulder. "Welcome to the Apple Family!" This made Malibu feel all warm inside like when his mother took him in. Celestia next came and took her som in a wing hug, nuzzling him again. Malibu's tears began to show.

"Promise you and Twilight will write as often as you can?" She murmured. Malibu nodded, sniffling, as they parted. Luna simply smiled at Malibu who waved to his aunt as the two sisters got into their carriage and went back to Canterlot.


The next couple of days were busy for the ponies; Malibu settling into the Sweet Apple barn. Most of the other relatives had left after Applejack welcomed him in, giving him his own room that looked over the Apple fields.

Malibu breathed in the sweet scent of the apples while looking out the window, the sun beginning to set. He had been resting until Pinkie's party was ready to go. Applebloom came in with a smile.

"Hey, Malibu. How's your new room?" The little filly asked. Malibu smiled back at her.

"It's rather relaxing, I like the view of the trees." He said. Applebloom nodded. "Applejack says to get ready for the party soon, it's nearly time." Malibu nodded. "Sure, be right there, AB." She blushed from her nickname, walking out.

Malibu eventually joined Applejack on their way to Sugarcube Corner where the party would be. The evening felt perfect for it. The duo eventually showed at the door, Pinkie letting them in.

It was a good party. Malibu had a great time with his new friends, enjoying a lot of the food on the table and dancing though he wasn't good at it.

After he was exhausted Malibu went for some air and found Twilight sitting there, looking at the stars.

"Twi? You ok?" He asked his friend. She jumped. "Oh, didn't see you there. Just thinking. I really hope this new friendship studying will pay off. This is different from studying magic back home." Malibu smiled gently, sitting and putting a hoof around her shoulders.

"Whatever comes for us Twilight Sparkle, I shall be by your side, learning friendship with you. You can count on it."

This made Twilight sniffle a bit, then hugged the teal alicorn. She couldn't believe he turned into such a gentle caring friend after being spawned by evil. This was someone she would want to be with her through it all.

The two friends then enjoyed the night air, gazing at the stars together until Pinkie called them back inside, the evening ending happily for the ponies of Ponyville.

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