First Lessons: Fall Weather Friends

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S1 E13 Fall Weather Friends! Suited For Success is up next
It was a nice sunny fall day in Sweet Apple Acres. Malibu himself was enjoying the fresh air and eating an apple. He wished every day could be like this one, happy he didn't have to turn to stone. It made Malibu realize what the other gargoyles were missing in their lives.

He had breathed a happy sigh, lying against a tree when suddenly he heard a horseshoe and a mare's cheer. It sounded like Rainbow Dash. Curious Malibu got up and trotted over to see what the cheering was about.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were at a horseshoe toss game, and Rainbow had made a close call nearly hitting the steak. AJ grinned at her. "Hoo-wee! Not bad for a pony who works with her head in the clouds!" Rainbow smirked. "Oh yeah? You think you can do better cow girl?"

The orange mare chuckled. "Ah know I can!" Malibu watched her pick up a horseshoe and toss it, but it hardly touched the steak. It made Rainbow laugh. "Looks like this pegasus can pitch better than the work horse!" She teased. Malibu cleared his throat, drawing the two's attention to him.

"Uh, hey, but what's happening here?" He questioned. Rainbow smiled. "On time, Mal! Me and AJ are competing for who is best at horseshoe toss! And the object of the game is to get the closest to the steak!" She explained, brushing Applejack's hat. AJ smirked. "Oh, alright. Ya got another throw there pony girl!"

Malibu sat down to watch his friend do her turn. Rainbow picked up her horseshoe and threw it, landing too far away from the steak. He couldn't help but give out a little chuckle along with Applejack, making her glare. "Wow, Rainbow! Ya couldn't hit a barn door with that kind of throw!" It made Rainbow roll her eyes. "Yeah yeah. I still have the closest throw, Applesmack. Just try and beat it!"

AJ picked her last one up. She focused on the steak, Malibu and Rainbow watching closely. She threw it, and to the other's surprise, it landed perfectly on it! His mouth dropped open, as did Rainbow's.

"Yee haw! It's a ringer! Now that's how we do it down here on the farm!" Malibu noted Rainbow's despondent face. "I lost," she said. Malibu smiled. "You know it is only for fun, right?" He asked. Rainbow though kicked the dirt. "I hate losing." Applejack smirked. "Yer a mighty good athlete. Ahm just better," she countered.

Malibu had a feeling where this was going as Rainbow glared. "Alright, Applejack. You think you're the top athlete here in Ponyville?" Applejack shrugged. "Well I was gonna say in all of Equestria but that may be guildin' a little."

Rainbow flicked her tail. "And I think I'm the top athlete. So let's prove it!"

"Prove what?"

"Yeah, what?" Malibu added in. Rainbow had an excited look in her eyes. "I challenge Applejack to an Iron Pony competition. A series of athletic contests to prove who is the best once and for all!"

The former gargoyle was somewhat surprised by this dare but seemed interested. Could be fun as long as it didn't turn to war. "Ya know what, Rainbow? Yer on!" Applejack accepted. The two spat into each other's hooves, making Malibu cringe and wonder why it was still a thing, and knocked hooves together in a shake. The game was on.


On the day of the contest Malibu had joined up with Twilight while the others worked on the field to talk to her about what Rainbow and AJ did. As he expected she was shocked.

They made it to where Malibu saw his friends warming up. "So you two are doing what now?" Twilight asked. "An Iron-" AJ started but Rainbow beat her. "-Iron Pony competition!" Applejack raised her brow but continued. "Ya see we set up a bunch of contests to see who is the..." "-most athletic pony ever!" Rainbow interrupted again still doing pushups.

Malibu cleared his throat. "Uh, Rainbow, maybe you should let Applejack do the explaining?" He offered. Rainbow raised her brow. He blushed then. "N-not that I'm not rooting for you here," He stuttered, making both Twilight and Applejack give each other knowing smiles.

"And I'm here to do..." Twilight started. Rainbow was about to speak but halted. "Uh, I dunno. Why is she here?" Applejack sighed. "Ta be our judge and keep score," she finished. Malibu nodded in understanding now. He hoped this contest would go fairly.


The contest was now upon them as Spike did announcing. "Hello, everypony, and welcome to the Iron Pony competition!" He held a stick while announcing on Twilight's back. Malibu felt confused. Nopony was here. "Er, who are you talking to?" He asked. Spike grinned. "Them!" He pointed. Right on que a bunch of ponies mostly their close friends came to watch, including Big Mac, Applebloom and Granny Smith.

"Let the games begin!" Spike proclaimed, as everypony there cheered including Malibu. He usually didn't cheer much for some things but since he liked Rainbow Dash a lot he hoped secretly she would win.

The first challenge was a running and dodging barrels task and to be timed. Applejack went first, and Spike timed it. "Ready, set, go!" Twilight said; Applejack running as fast as she could but accidentally nudged a barrel making Malibu cringe. That would cost her time. "Dagnabbit!" Applejack cursed upon finishing. Spike stopped the timer. "Time Spike?" Twilight said. "17 seconds!" Spike revealed.

"Whoa," Malibu said in some awe but knew what was coming next. "Your kiddin'! That breaks my record from last year's rodeo!"

Spike looked disappointed then. "But... you get a 5 second penalty for nudging the barrel." Applejack kicked the dirt. "Nuts and chews! Still, that's 23 seconds; not too shabby."

Rainbow was shaking next to her. Malibu gave a little smile and nudged her. "Hey, Dash remember, this is just for fun," he encouraged. Rainbow flushed from her friend's gentle tone before getting ready. Twilight exclaimed Go and Rainbow ran, having the young clone feel his breath taken away at her even more impressive speed and agility. She skidded to a halt. Applejack was impressed too. "Woo! That was some fancy hoofwork there, Rainbow."

Rainbow panted. "Thanks. But I couldn't have been as fast as you."

"What was her time, Spike?" Malibu asked the baby dragon. Spike was shocked. "18 seconds!"

Rainbow's mouth fell open as did Malibu's. "18 seconds? Rainbow Dash are ya not secretly a rodeo pony?" Applejack said playfully, nudging her. Twilight smiled. "Rainbow Dash wins the barrel lead!" Fluttershy who was there puts up a score number on the board, causing Rainbow to look happy. "I can't believe I won!" Applejack tugged her down from the sky by her tail. "Yeah, well don't you go gettin' used to it," she warned.

The contest continued with another event that tested their back leg strength by kicking a bell pole. The weight would go up from the kick and ring the bell. Rainbow on her turn kicked quite strong and managed to hit the bell; causing others to cheer, and Malibu to smile. Applejack walked up. "Mighty respectable. Let me show ya how it is really done." She kicked even harder, causing the weight to break the bell, completely having her win the round.

Dash's ears fell and her mouth fell open. Applejack kicked a tree. "Years of applebucking!" She said, having six yellow apples fall onto her head. Malibu came to stand Rainbow up who rubbed her head. "You ok?" He asked. Rainbow just grunted in response. "I won't let her get the better of me," she grumbled and walked off, not even giving Malibu a glance which worried him.

Next event had Spike be a part of it where the competitors had to time how long it took to buck him off. He was on Applejack's back first. "Why me?" He said fearfully. Applejack began to buck hard four times until Spike fell off onto a haystack. Malibu chuckled slightly. Poor Spike, he thought as Rainbow revealed herself underneath him. "Ready for another pony ride?" She questioned. "N-no!" Spike stuttered, but ended up being bucked off faster than Applejack did, earning another point for Rainbow. "Rainbow Dash wins the bronco buck!" Twilight said, Spike groaning on another haystack. "And I lose."

The rest of the events continued including sports like roping with Spike being the target again. Applejack wins the roping contest.

It kept up back and forth with either Applejack or Rainbow beating each other with Malibu on the edge of his seat wondering who would be the winner since this competition was pretty intense. Eventually the score was tied.

"Ladies and gentlecolts; at the halfway point the competitors are tied at 5 and 5!" Spike announced. Twilight looked at him in annoyance. "Who are you talking to!?" She demanded, causing Spike to smirk. "Them!" Malibu himself was amazed at many of the other ponies that turned up for this, some holding up a banner or cheerleading.

Now they were doing pushups. 100 of them to be exact. Malibu stood next to Twilight to monitor the behavior. Something in his gut told him eventually the competing was going to get less friendly. RD and AJ were both sweating on the last couple pushups but Rainbow had the advantage: her wings. She used her wings to help her on the final one while Applejack collapsed.

"Yes!" Rainbow cheered, Applejack glowering. "Be a good sport, Applejack..." Malibu heard her grumble. Rainbow continued to use her wings over the last of the contests, leaving Applejack pretty angry. Malibu was somewhat happy Rainbow was winning but felt she wasn't doing Applejack fair. The last event now was tug of war over a mud pit. Twilight stood next to them. "Alright you two. This is the last event. Give it all you've got."

The two tugged as hard as they could on opposite sides, with Applejack possibly winning, Rainbow nearly falling into the mud. Malibu's ears perked. Was it about to be over?

"Looks like the work horse might come out ahead on this one!" Spike exclaimed. But he was wrong; as Rainbow Dash yet again used her wings and flew up a couple feet, Applejack dangling below with the rope in her mouth.

Malibu couldn't help but facepalm. They really should have set some rules about using flying to win. Rainbow smirked. Applejack spoke up muffledly. "That's not fair. You can't use your wings to help ya win!"

"Huh?" Dash asked, extending her ear. Applejack tried again. "Yer cheatin'!" She shouted in her muffled voice. "I can't understand you with that rope in your mouth!" Rainbow teased, causing Applejack to open her mouth.

"Ah said..." she saw she was over the mud. "Uh oh..." with that AJ fell into the pit. Malibu's ears fell. Not quite a fair win for his best friend. Rainbow cheered, putting a higher score on the board, Fluttershy looking startled. "Wa hoo! I win by a landslide! Or a mudslide in your case!" She said, laughing at Applejack. Rainbow flew up next to a rainbow banner two pegasi held up.

"I am the Iron Pony!" Getting a bit cocky huh? Malibu thought. He thought his friend knew better. Applejack clambered out, seething. "Only because ya cheated!" She stormed. Malibu cringed while next to Twilight. Here we go again. "What?" Rainbow quipped, zipping back down. Applejack stomped her hoof. "Ya used your wing power to help ya win nearly half of those contests!"

Rainbow had a look of denial. "Well... no. But you didn't say I couldn't use my wings!" Malibu glanced at Twilight who's ears were flat, agreeing silently about needing to have made rules beforehand. "I didn't think I needed ta tell ya to play fair!" Applejack argued back.

"I still would've won even without my wings!" Rainbow Dash bragged though Malibu didn't think she had enough strength like Applejack did. Applejack raised her brow. "Prove it!" she said in a daring voice. Rainbow folded her arms. "Gladly. How?"

Then Applejack brought up something that Malibu never heard of much when living here, and have never been too. "Tomorrow is the annual Running of the Leaves. I challenge you ta race me in it." Rainbow smirked. "Easy Schmeezy." Malibu spoke up. "But Rainbow, coming from a friend, perhaps you can try not to use your wings?" He knew this would be hard for Rainbow and his relationship this way but it was the only way to prove their loyalty to one another. Rainbow gazed at him in a surprised way but then nodded when seeing his pleading gaze. Applejack nodded too. "Yeah. So no wings allowed," she concluded.

"No wings? No problem!" Rainbow then challenged. The two then spat into each other's hooves and did their signature hoof shake. Malibu noted Rarity looking a bit repulsed by it. He hoped again that unlike during this previous challenge that it won't go sour.


Malibu was heading over to Twilight's again to head to the race with her and Spike. Twilight had stopped to watch a butterfly which made him smile slightly. But Spike looked impatient. "Twilight, hurry up! We're gonna miss the race!" The gargoyle clone turned pony gave a chuckle. "And why are you excited?" He asked as Twilight agreed with him. "Yeah, its only for ponies," she stated. Spike nodded. "Yeah, but I'm hoping to be the announcer again. Just listen; fillies and gentlecolts, welcome to the-."

"Annual Running of the Leaves! This is Pinkie Pie, your official p-eye-in-the-sky-announcer!" Malibu heard the party pony announce from a hot air balloon. He turned to Spike who threw his mic stick away in jealousy. Twilight gave him a sympathetic look. "Sorry, Spike. I guess that job's already taken," she said.

The trio made their way to the starting line while Pinkie explained the running to everypony which interested Malibu since the ponies here didn't use magic to start autumn either like in Canterlot. "As everypony knows; the Running is a very important tradition for without it, the autumn leaves of Equestria would never fall. So get ready, ponies. The Running of the Leaves will begin in five minutes."

Malibu sat on the side and Twilight made her way to the start. Applejack was warming up while Rainbow looked smug as usual, parading to the line. "Pardon me. Excuse me. Make way for the Iron Pony!" Applejack huffed. "The Iron Phony, you mean." Rainbow fluttered next to the earth pony. "So, Applejack. Ready to win second place?"

"Am ready to run a good clean race like Mal said," AJ stated firmly. Rainbow landed. "Yeah yeah." Malibu then quickly went up to them. "Uh, Dash, don't forget to not use your wing power during this," He said in a somewhat quiet voice. Rainbow looked confident at her best friend, nodding. "I can win this race with both wings tied behind my back!" But then Applejack got an idea; getting a rope to tie down Rainbow Dash's wings so she couldn't use them. It made Malibu snicker slightly at her embarrassed face.

"Trussed up like a turkey! Well, a turkey who can't fly that is.""

Rainbow growled. "Very funny."

Malibu nudged her. "At least it'll be fair now, right? I'll make it up to you later," He promised Dash who pawed the ground slightly with her hoof with a small smile as he walked off to watch.

Pinkie announced again. "Racers! Take your positions!" Spike then showed up beneath her. "Uh, Pinkie Pie...?" he asked Pinkie grinned. "Hey Spike, what's up? Oh, it's me, I'm up!" She giggled afterward. "Uh, yeah. I know you're doing the announcing today and stuff and... I'm sure you're gonna do a great job and all, but... I was just wondering..."

"What?" Pinkie called. Spike then groaned. "Oh, forget it." He began to walk away. Malibu felt more sorry for him until Pinkie said the unexpected. "Hey, Spike. Would you like to be my co reporter? We can comment on the action together!" The baby dragon was stunned. "Really?" He asked Pinkie nodded. "Climb on up!" Spike did so and Malibu felt happy he could do it with her as he turned back to the start line; seeing Twilight coming in to the race. She told the others she was running but was met with laughs despite her confidence. Eventually the running was about to start. Malibu's hooves tingled from the tension, somewhat glad he was watching and didn't feel like running because of his alicorn advantage.

Pinkie and Spike both began to announce. "All right ponies, are you ready?"

"Get set..." Spike said.

The bell rang and everypony in the race started the run leaving a cloud of smoke behind. "And they're off! Welcome to the official coverage of the Running of the Leaves!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "You know, Spike, despite its name the leaves don't do any of the actual running. Nope, that's left to my little ponies!" Malibu blinked slightly at the info because in his old world the leaves fell naturally in Central Park from what Maggie told him. Spike nodded. "Why yes, Pinkie. It's the running of the ponies that causes the leaves to fall."

"Ugh, those lazy, lazy leaves!" Pinkie Pie said playfully. "But this year, this run is about more than the weather. Its about the race to the finish and the two runners who want to win it: Applejack and Rainbow Dash!"

"You know, Pinkie, these two ponies have a bit of a grudge match they're trying to settle. Trying to prove who's the most athletic."

"Yes! And "grudge" rhymes with "fudge". Pinkie responded which made Malibu and Spike confused greatly. "Yes, it... does. What?" Spike muttered in confusion. "And I like fudge! But if I eat too much fudge then I get a pudge then I can't budge!"

Malibu's eyes blinked. Now that's a tongue twister, he stated quietly as he turned to see the racers disappearing, and hoped whoever wins will accept their victory humbly.

It was a pretty tense race with some nonsense reporting from Pinkie Pie and Spike sometimes having to correct her. Malibu's heart raced a mile when he finally saw the racers coming but then to his surprise they all collapsed from exhaustion. He couldn't help but give a laughing smile at the sight and everypony else around him gasped at the sight of the only non exhausted racer; Twilight herself sprinting to the finish looking quite pleased with herself. He ran over to her with a grin. "Good to see you made it Twi even if you didn't run as fast as the others," he said. Twilight giggled. "I'll probably not win first but I don't even care right now. But look who's coming."

Malibu saw that Rainbow's ropes were off as the two ran closer to the finish line and she was about to fly. He frowned. From Pinkie's commentary the two have obviously been at war with each other the whole time. They needed a serious talking to. "That's it! All bets are off!" She started to fly. Applejack looked peeved. "Oh no, you don't!" She jumped up and tackled the rainbow pegasus to the dirt, the two tussling all the way to the finish line. His eyes glowed and he growled at his friend's mortifying behavior as Rainbow stood up. "I won!" She cheered.

"No, I won!" Applejack raged. "I won!" Dash argued back.

"You tied!" Pinkie revealed, shocking Malibu slightly. "Tied?" They both said. "For first?" Applejack said nervously. "For last!" Pinkie said.

Applejack looked upset. "Last?!"

"But then, who won?" Dash questioned. Twilight came up with her medal she earned while they argued. Malibu walked beside her, causing the two to cringe a bit from his glowing red eyes knowing they were in trouble. "You won Twi?" Applejack said in shock. Twilight shook her head. "No. But I did get fifth place. Which is rather good considering I never ran a race before."

Rainbow couldn't believe it. "You ran so slow! And looked at the scenery!" Twilight nodded while Malibu stayed silent, still angry at his friends for all their fighting.

"Exactly! I paced myself just like my book said. Then in the end when all the other ponies were worn out; I sprinted to the finish!"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash both looked at one another, prides hurt. "I don't believe it... Twilight beat us!" Malibu nodded, swishing his tail. "That's what pride and ego for anything like this gets you. it gets you humiliated," He said in an angry tone. Rainbow gave her friend a guilty gaze. Twilight smiled again. "And with all of your horsing around it was quite easy." Both of them both lowered their heads. "Ya right Twi and Malibu. Our behavior was just terrible."

"We weren't very good sports." Rainbow finished.

Malibu's ears suddenly perked when hearing a familiar voice come through the air. "Sounds to me that an important lesson was learned," it said which revealed to be:

"M-mom?" Malibu choked slightly at the sight of his mother again. The last time he saw her was when the Parasprites invaded. He ran into her wing hug again. "Princess Celestia?!" The other three exclaimed while Celestia hugged her son. "Oh, my colt!" said Celestia happily, nuzzling Malibu. "W-what are you doing here?" Applejack questioned nervously. Celestia looked up at the others. "Fall is one of my favorite seasons. So I came to celebrate the running of the leaves." Malibu tilted his head. "But mom, how come you didn't tell me beforehand that you were coming?" He asked. Celestia giggled a little. "I wanted to surprise you Malibu. And your friends."

Applejack felt worse now that she knew that the Princess had seen them behaving like fillies. "I'm sorry you had to see us being such poor sports Princess," she apologized. Malibu saw his mom hold up her hoof. "That's alright Applejack. Anypony can get swept up in the excitement of competition." she said, reciting a friendship lesson. Twilight finished it. "It's important to remember; that the friendship is more important than the competition." Malibu felt a tear in his eye as he nodded. He knew his old family at home would love to hear all these lessons he was learning.

Celestia nodded. "Exactly, Twilight. Now, unfortunately, because the two of you were busy tricking each other instead of shaking down leaves many of the lovely trees of Equestria were still covered."

The earth pony gave a smile. "WHy, Princess, I bet we can knock those leaves down lickety-split. Waddya say, friend? Wanna go for another run?"

Rainbow nodded. "I'd love to stretch my legs. Malibu, would you like to run with us too?" Malibu put a hoof on his chest, his heart thumping again as he smiled. "Yes, Dash, sounds great," he responded. The trio then zipped off down the track, running with smiles on their faces side by side, the leaves falling down around them.
Got a new iPad keyboard that I can hopefully write faster now. Hope you all had a good Christmas yesterday.

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