First Lessons: Suited For Success

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S1, E14 Suited for Success!
In the small town of Ponyville a certain alicorn Malibu was wandering around town, just enjoying the scenery. His heart felt light at everything that had happened here in this town that helped teach him friendship, and wondered what was gonna happen next.

Suddenly his ears caught the sound of Applejack and Twilight trotting over to Rarity's Boutique. Curious Malibu went up to them. "Hey, guys. What's happening?" he asked. Twilight grinned. "We're visiting Rarity if you want to come," She invited. The former clone gargoyle gave a nod. He had been to this Boutique a couple times and had even made acquaintance with Rarity's cat Opalescence, a rather emotionless kitty but with rather soft fur. Malibu stepped in alongside his friends as they entered the building upon reaching it to find Rarity working.

"Howdy, Rarity!" Applejack greeted but Twilight nudged her. "Shh! Can't you see that Rarity's trying to concentrate?" She snipped quietly though Rarity could hear them. Malibu noticed the dress prop in front of her. "What's she making?" He asked.

"Looks like a dress," Twilight replied. Applejack nodded. "That would make sense, seeing that this is a dress makin' shop and all." Rarity grunted, turning about with a forced smile. "Isn't there something I can help you with?" She asked, trying to be friendly after being distracted. Malibu's ears lowered. "Uh, sorry," He said before eventually noticing Opalescence who had come up and mewed. Malibu gave the kitty a little pet on the head making her purr. "Very sorry to have bothered you Rarity but could you fix a dress for me?" Twilight pulled out a red dress with a broken button. "It is my dress for the Grand Galloping Gala."

Malibu had nearly forgotten about the Gala and hadn't even figured out what he was gonna wear. Rarity gasped at the sight of her dress. "Oh, no, no, no! You can't wear this... old thing! You need a glamorous new outfit for the Gala and I'll make it for you. No problem at all. It'll be my pleasure!"

Twilight shook her head. "oh, that's really sweet of you to offer, Rarity, but I can't let you do that, it'll be so much work," she said. But Rarity didn't back down. "Twilight Sparkle, I insist on making you a new dress."

"But-." Twilight tried with Rarity cutting her off with a wave of her hoof. "Not another word! I won't take no for an answer!" The mulberry unicorn ended up smiling a little. "Well, in that case... thank you for your generosity Rarity. Knowing your handiwork I'm sure it will be absolutely beautiful."

Rarity then turned to Malibu. "And what about you, Malibu? I would love to make an outfit for such a handsome alicorn like you," she offered with a wink of her eye that made him gulp slightly. "Er, uh, I really don't think so. Not when you already have your hands full," He stuttered but felt her hoof over his mouth. "Halt right there. You're the son of the Princess. It would be a great honor to do it," Rarity stated with a smile. Malibu blinked from this but eventually gave in. "Alright. But nothing too fancy for you to struggle with. But I can't wait to see it," he replied. Rarity went to give him a hug which he returned.

Next Rarity eyed Applejack. "Let me guess, Applejack. You don't want a new gown either." Applejack rolled her eyes. "Gown? Shoot. I was just gonna wear my old work duds," She said. Rarity looked mortified. "You can't possibly be serious, Applejack! You absolutely must wear formal attire."

"Hmm, nah," Applejack said simply. Rarity chuckled nervously. "What if I spruce up your... duds for you a little bit?" Malibu noted Applejack's face looked somewhat unsure but eventually gave in. "Um, okay sure. Why not? Since you're up for it and all. Just don't make them too... frou-frou-y."

The white unicorn looked happy. "Deal!" But suddenly a voice came from above. "Look out below!" It yelled in an all too familiar voice. Malibu looked upward as the ceiling broke with the rainbow pegasus crashing in, collapsing to the floor. Malibu quickly ran over to his friend. "You ok?" He asked in earnest. Rainbow nodded though looking a bit dizzy. "Yeah. Sorry, new trick. Didn't quite work." Malibu helped her up and dusted her off with his wings and hoof.

But then Rarity was suddenly looking even more excited. "Oh! Idea! I'll make you an outfit for the Gala too, Rainbow Dash!" She squeed. Rainbow tilted her head. "Uh wha?" Malibu chuckled. "Long story, Dash. Rarity mostly offered us to make a few outfits." He revealed, which made Rainbow cringe slightly from the idea. "Outfit for the what now?"

"I'll make one for you, you, and all of you. Oh! And of course Pinkie and Fluttershy too. Oh, and when I'm done we can hold our very own fashion show!" Rarity continued on. Malibu's interest perked. "A fashion show? Never been to one," He admitted. Rarity stared at him incredulously. "You can't be serious darling!" Malibu shook his head. Twilight looked rather excited about the idea. "What a great idea! If you're sure you can handle it."

That made Rarity giggle. "Oh, it'll be a little bit of work, but it will be a wonderful boost for my business. Plus, fun!" Rainbow grinned. "I love fun things!" She said, making Malibu chuckled. Rainbow can still be funny a lot of the time. "Then it is settled. We will have a fashion show starring us! And with Malibu the guest of honor!" Rarity declared. They all cheered at this. But Applejack then had a point made. "So, all you have to do is make a different, stunning, original, amazing outfit for one, two, three, four, five, six, plus yourself—seven ponies? And lickety split?"

Malibu inside felt a spark of trouble arise but pushed it aside, wanting to have fun this time more than have trouble before like the last couple times. Rarity giggled more. "Oh, Applejack. You make it sound like it is going to be hard! Now out so I can start designing your clothe highlights and let Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie know!" The clone nodded. "Will do, Rarity. And good luck."


The gang had informed their other two friends of the fashion show which made Pinkie Pie squee in excitement. After about a day of waiting Rarity brought them back inside to see her results. Rarity had them all close their eyes and walked them inside. "Ok, you can look now!" Everypony gasped aloud at the sight of their outfits. Malibu smiled at his which was a black tux with holes in them for the wings, a rose in the front pocket. It was simple but nice, just what he wanted. The others didn't smile however. They were just staring open mouthed at their dresses, unsure what to say. The dresses were all beautiful in Malibu's eyes.

"These are your new outfits! I hope you like your simple but formal tux, Malibu! What do you think of your old duds now, Applejack? Pretty swanky, are they not? And Twilight! I made this dress for you and I designed each outfit theme to perfectly reflect each pony's unique personality. Oh, it took me forever to get the colors on this one Rainbow Dash but I did it. Oh, and it turned out beautiful, don't you think?" Malibu saw Opalescence purring and enjoying the new dresses. She seemed to approve of them as he did. "And I know you're going to love this one, Fluttershy. It just sings spring! And Pinkie Pie, look! Pink! Your new favorite! Aren't they all amazing?" Rarity gave a huge grin at her friends, but it was just silence in the room.

She kept waiting for their response, eyes blinking. Then Twilight spoke. "Wow... they're..."

"Yeah, they're...." Rainbow mumbled.

"They sure are... somethin'." Applejack finished. Twilight nodded. "Yes! Something."

Pinkie put up a fake smile. "I love something! Something is my favorite!" Malibu didn't buy their false honesty but stayed quiet for now. "It's... nice..." Fluttershy whispered. Rarity frowned. "But what's the matter? Don't you like them?"

Twilight spoke again. "They're very nice..."

"And we're plumb grateful 'cause ya worked so hard on them," Applejack mumbled. Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "Mine was not as cool as I was imagining." Glaring, Malibu kicked her gently since he was standing near her. "Ow! Well, she asked."

Twilight nodded. "I guess what we're all saying is that they're just not what we had in mind," She stated. Malibu felt sorry for Rarity who looked disappointed. "That's ok, not a problem. There's plenty more where that came from. They were only a first pass and I want you to be one hundred and ten percent satisfied." Fluttershy lowered her head. "Oh Rarity. You don't have to do that, they're fine." Rarity shook her own head. "I want them to be better than just fine. I want you to think they're absolutely perfect."

Applejack frowned. "Are you sure? I mean we wouldn't want to impose," She questioned in concern. Malibu spoke his own piece. "Yeah, Rarity. You really don't need to put yourself through this," He argued. Rarity again didn't want to hear of it, putting her dresses in a box. "Oh, it's no imposition. Really, I insist!"

The 6 of them glanced at one another with worry but then Twilight gave a bit of a smile. "Well, in that case... thank you again Rarity." Malibu noted Rarity's strained laughing as they all left, hoping she would be able to hold her sanity for what she put herself into.


And so the next couple days had been quite stressful for Rarity in making the dresses just right with her friends hanging over her shoulder. Malibu tried every now and then to help but Rarity stated she could still do it herself. She had managed to redo Fluttershy's dress to start and had Fluttershy come in to give her approval. Malibu had himself come along to to make sure things were going ok. But what Fluttershy said was this that had surprised Malibu after Rarity tried her best to impress Fluttershy with the new gown.

"Tell me!" Exclaimed Rarity after Fluttershy wouldn't seemingly give an honest answer. Fluttershy glanced at Malibu and Rarity, who found herself cornered and lowered her ears. "All right, since you really wanna know... The armscye's tight, the middy collar doesn't go with the shawl lapel, the hems are clearly machine stitched, the pleats are uneven, the fabric looks like toile, you used a backstitch here when it clearly called for a topstitch or maybe a traditional blanket stitch. And the overdesign is reminiscent of prêt-à-porter and not true French haute couture." Malibu's eyes blinked, having no idea what the heck she said, not even realizing how many fancy words Fluttershy really knew which amazed him.

Rarity herself looked like Malibu as Fluttershy then lowered down. "But uh, you know, whatever you wanna do is fine," She said timidly, ending with Malibu face palming himself with his hoof again. It could only get worse from here.


And it did. Each of his friends constantly nagged Rarity on about which detail to get right on the dress, taking nearly two weeks now to get it all done, with each dress looking worse than the last one. Rarity eventually collapsed on the last day. Malibu knelt next to her, ears fallen in worry, cringing at the sight of the horrible dresses before his eyes. "Oh, Opal and Malibu! These are the most ugliest dresses I have ever made!" She sobbed openly, covering her eyes. Malibu rubbed her back gently. "I'm sure things will be ok." He said. Rarity nodded, sniffling as she invited everypony back inside. "Ok, I did exactly what each of you asked for. Now don't hold back. Tell me what you really think." She said.

As Malibu suspected; his friends all loved their 'beautiful' dresses which was an understatement. Opal hissed at each one of them, not liking them either. Pinkie Pie grinned at Rarity. "Are you just as happy with them as we are? Huh huh?" Rarity's ears were flat. "Well, I'm happy that all of you are happy. I'm just relieved to finally be done."

Spike suddenly arrived in the room, looking excited. "You are never gonna believe this! You've heard of Hoity Toity?"

"Uh, no..." Malibu said, since he wasn't a big fashion expert or on any of the famous fashionistas ever. "That bigwig fashion hotshot in Canterlot?" Twilight then asked. Spike nodded. "Uh Huh. He heard about your fashion show. Well, maybe I haven't mentioned it to him... he's coming here all the way from Canterlot to see your work Rarity!" The teal alicorn's wings fell down, eyes round. This could be fashion trouble when Hoity spots the dresses tonight. "Whoa, nelly! Ya could sell a ton of dresses to this guy! Your business would be boomin'!" Applejack proclaimed, with Rarity just standing there, shaking. "Hoity Toity? He's coming here? To see THESE dresses?"

Spike nodded again. "Yep! Get ready for all of your dreams to come true!" Oh no... Malibu groaned inwardly, now dreading for tonight than looking forward to it, knowing they couldn't cancel now that this big fashion pony was in town.


The big night was now here, and Malibu felt more nervous for Rarity than ever while sitting in the front row. He didn't have much of a desire to show off his outfit to everypony since it didn't have a lot of flashy stuff on it which was fine with him and his friends. Sweating slightly Malibu suddenly heard hoofsteps and saw Hoity Toity come in and sit down. He did look almost as posh as Blueblood did. Malibu did his best not to shake too much as Spike started the show.

"Since the beginning of time; the elite of Equestria have longed for the pony fashions that truly expressed the essence of their very souls. Patiently waiting decades-no-centuries, for the perfect pony gown. Today, at long last Equestria, the wait is over! Let's hear it for the breathtaking designs of Ponyville's very own: Rarity!"

Here it comes... Malibu thought, cringing hard inward as his friend stepped proudly out only to be met with loud gasps of shock, as well as Hoity staring in disbelief.

Twilight's dress consisted of every constellation as well as a headband with three stars. Rainbow Dash had a seemingly 'cool' outfit on complete with a headdress that didn't speak her at all. Fluttershy had a bird nest on her head and Pinkie Pie looked like she was wearing a whole party. Applejack took the cake with wearing galoshes with her dress that looked awful too. What Rarity had gone through to make her friends happy only to make everypony else angry at her and them. He sunk low to the ground.

His friends now noted the angry and disgusted looks. "Why's everypony else lookin' at us like that?" Applejack asked. Twilight glanced at her outfit and suddenly realized the consequences. "Oh dear." Rainbow winced. "You think we overdid it?" Applejack looked at the galoshes she wore then shrugged. "Nah!" But then paused before speaking again. "Uh, okay. Maybe a little."

Hoity Toity spoke then. "Oh, those amateurish designs look like a piled-on mishmash of everything but the kitchen sink!" He criticized. Everypony laughed at his comment, causing Malibu to flush in embarrassment, seeing Rarity hiding a sink that was somehow on stage with her. "It's a travesty is what it is! Those outfits are the ugliest things I have ever seen, oh for shame! Who is responsible for subjecting our eyes to these horrors? Not to mention wasting my valuable time?"

Spike stepped forward. "Come on out and take a bow Rarity. You worked really hard for this!" Malibu shook his head sharply, raising his hoof. "Spike, don't..." He said softly but Rarity wound up stepping out with her head lowered in shame. Spike began clapping. "Yes! All right, woo-hoo! Go Rarity!"

Malibu felt eyes of all ponies also turned towards him since they knew him as Celestia's son and started muttering words of disapproval towards him and his friends. He crouched down on the grass, feeling very shy again while his friend's smiles faded after seeing what they had done to Rarity's reputation, knowing it was screwed.


It had been a week since the disastrous fashion show and Malibu hadn't seen Rarity for days, who had hidden herself in her boutique and in her bedroom. He and his friends went to visit again as Pinkie knocked on the door. "Rarity? You ok in there? You haven't come out for days."

"Yeah, we all miss you Rarity," Malibu said, ears flat on his head in pity for her. "I'm never coming out!" Rarity cried out from inside. "I can never show my face in Ponyville ever again! I used to be somepony. I used to be respected. I made dresses! Beautiful, beautiful dresses! But now everypony is laughing at me. I am nothing but a laughing stock!" Malibu heard her begin to cry loudly, backing up a bit when Twilight went to the door.

She knocked again softly. "You're not a laughing stock Rarity." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "She kinda is!" Malibu nudged her sharply, making her grin apologetically. "Come on out and talk to us." Twilight pleaded.

Inside Rarity sat down on her bed. "Leave me alone! I vant to be alone! I want to wallow in... whatever it is that ponies are supposed to wallow in! Do ponies wallow in pity? Oh, listen to me, I don't even know what I'm supposed to wallow in! I'm so pathetic!"

Oh geez, Malibu thought, shaking his head. "Now what do we do?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy whimpered. "Uh, panic?" Rainbow scoffed. "That's your answer to everything!" Applejack looked desperate. "Well we just can't leave Rarity like this!"

Pinkie spoke up. "She'll become a crazy cat lady!" She exclaimed. Malibu raised his brow. "Er, she only has one cat, Pink," He pointed out. Pinkie gave him a look. "Give her time..."

Malibu turned to Twilight who looked like she was deep in thought. Then she had an idea. "I got it! Fluttershy, do you have your sewing kit still?" Malibu blinked slightly. Fluttershy could sew? The pegasus nodded. "Sure do. What do you have in mind?" Twilight grinned. "You'll see."


The friends then got together to finish the Gala dress meant for Rarity which was a red maroon ball gown complete with a tiara and glass slippers. Malibu was amazed that Fluttershy could sew just as good as Rarity, hoping their friend will appreciate it. Eventually they got a plan to get Rarity outside by having Rainbow get Opalescence up into a tree. Rarity opened her window; eyes widening. "Opal! How did you get up there? Hang on, you poor dear! Mama's coming!

Malibu smiled when she came out, seeing Rainbow sitting up there with her own grin. She glared. "Rainbow Dash! How dare you strand my poor Opal in a tree!" The rainbow pegasus flew the cat down to safety. "Well, how else were we gonna get you out here to show you this?"

Rarity stared open mouthed when seeing her finished Gala dress. "What is it? It's not... you... huh?!"

Pinkie jumped up and down. "We all finished your dress for you!" Applejack looked proudly at Fluttershy. "Thanks to Fluttershy's freaky knowledge of sewing."

Fluttershy turned pink which Malibu found rather adorable. "Do you like it?" She asked. Rarity walked around her dress, studying it over. "Like it? Like it?!" Malibu's face frowned. Did they do something wrong?

"Uh oh, she doesn't like it!" Flutter whimpered to the others. Rarity turned her head away. "No. I don't like it." Everypony else lowered their heads. "Aww." But then suddenly her face brightened up. "I love it!" That startled the teal alicorn, making him jump and eyes glow slightly for a moment then grin. "You ponies did an amazing job. It's exactly the way I imagined it!" Malibu nodded. "We just followed your design," He stated. Twilight looked rather guilty too. "Like we should have let you do for our outfits. Those first dresses you designed were perfect."

Malibu nudged Twilight with a little smile. "Should've done what I have," he said but playfully, making everypony else laugh awkwardly. "We're so super sorry," Pinkie Pie apologized. "You worked really hard to make our dresses exactly the way we wanted them. We all saw well how that turned out."

Rarity giggled. "Oh, I forgive you."

Applejack looked relieved at that. "Well that's mighty big of you."

Suddenly her mood changed. "But my whole career is still ruined!" She wailed, causing Malibu to flinch; remembering last night. "Oh, right, that," Applejack said, looking as cringed as Malibu.

But then Malibu saw Spike and Hoity Toity coming up, his ears perked in hopefulness. "Perhaps not Rar." He said with a smile. Hoity huffed. "Alright, I haven't got all day!"

The group made their way back to the Boutique as Rarity suited up all of them and Malibu offered to show his suit as well to Hoity this time to make up for being shy about it last night. Rarity spoke up. "You really don't have to, Malibu. You already helped with making my dress and if you don't want to be in this it is fine." Malibu felt flattered from Rarity's generosity, making him flutter his wings. "If you insist, Rarity, thank you." He then stepped out and sat next to Hoity Toity, who glanced at him with a somewhat approved gaze before turning back to the stage as Rarity came out; lighting up her horn for special effects.

The two of them gasped as the fashion show began.. Starting with Twilight who had a sparkly purple dress with stars on it that was an improvement over the previous one. Hoity pulled his sunglasses down. "Hello... oh this can't be the same designer." Malibu chuckled. "Better believe it. This is my friend," He proclaimed as Applejack's apple themed dress came into view. She struck her own pose that stunned Hoity Toity. "Simply magnificent! And I suddenly have a fierce craving for some Dutch apple pie, candied apples on a stick, apple turnovers, apple cobblers..."

Malibu felt his own stomach growl. "Please, Hoity Toity, you're making me feel hungry now," He said in a laughing voice, Toity grinning back at him.

Next was Pinkie Pie whose background theme was surrounded by a candy land, her pink dress coming with a nice little hat for her. She gave her traditional smile. "Brilliant!" Cheered Hoity. A thunderstorm sound came, startling them and Malibu felt his body tingle all over as Rainbow came on stage with her rainbow colored dress, giving a flirting smile to Malibu while she flew around, landing back on the stage and did another pose that caused Malibu to feel weak at his knees, stomach having butterflies. So far her dress was his favorite and looked better on her than off.

"Oh, spectacular!" Cried out Hoity Toity as Malibu kept staring with his mouth dropped open, mesmerized. It made the fashion designer chuckle at the sight of his face. Hearing his laugh snapped Malibu out of his love daze, glaring back at him and flushing. Ugh, So embarrassing... he thought, shaking his head and covering his eyes right as Fluttershy showed as the last pony on stage in her pretty flower dress, but not as mesmerizing as Rainbow's in Malibu's eyes.

Hoity Toity clapped his hooves. "Now this is a fashion show! All of these dresses are absolutely amazing! Who is the one responsible? Stepped forward, show yourself!" Rarity and all the others now appeared for the final encore, now in her dress he and the others made. He couldn't feel more proud of all six of his pony pals for stepping bravely out again. "Brava! Brava! Magnifico! Encore!" Applauded Hoity Toity from enjoying the show as a whole which pleased Malibu, looking forward to seeing the dresses at the Gala now.


After the success of the fashion show Twilight had written a new letter to Celestia which Malibu loved watching her do. It went something like this:

"Dear Princess Celestia, this week, my very talented friend Rarity learned that if you try to please everypony, you often times end up pleasing nopony, especially yourself. And I learned this; when somepony offers to do you a favor, like making you a beautiful dress, you shouldn't be overly critical of something generously given to you. In other words, you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth." Malibu chuckled slightly from her saying and Spike sent off the letter.

Hoity Toity approached Rarity with an offer. "My congratulations to you on a most impressive fashion debut. Would you do me the great honor of allowing me to feature your conture in my Best of the Best Boutique in Canterlot?"

Malibu saw Rarity gasp, her eyes glowing in amazement from it. "Now, I'll need you to make a dozen of each dress for me by next Tuesday."

Rarity's mood switched in just a second, eye twitching and giving off a strained laugh which caused the young alicorn to sigh but chuckle quietly, shaking his head. Sometimes becoming popular in fashion isn't as easy as many think.

Feeling Pinkie Keen is up next!

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