First Lessons: Feeling Pinkie Keen

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Twilight was practicing her magic skills with Spike and Malibu, doing a concentrating spell that can cause clothes can appear from what Spike had on him which was a rock, a stick and leaves to make a tux out of. The former clone gargoyle watched his unicorn friend struggling to concentrate on the spell, making grunting noises. He couldn't blame her since he remembered his own tough magic lessons with Mom.

"Keep concentrating Twilight, you can do this," He encouraged. Eventually a hat appeared on Spike and a cane and a tux. Spike grinned fashionably. "Eyes over here, Spike."

Spike blushed. "Uh, sorry."

"For this to work, it's crucial we keep our concentration totally on the-." Twilight tried to explain but then suddenly Malibu heard Pinkie's voice which startled Spike and the clothes turned back into nature stuff again, the rock hitting him on the head. Twilight looked pretty angry. "Spike! This magic needs our full attention to make it happen!" She snipped. But Malibu tapped her shoulder. "I say he was distracted by that," He explained, pointing to Pinkie Pie who wore an umbrella hat and was ducking under various stuff, eyes looking cautious. Malibu scratched his head. What now?

Twilight just rolled her eyes. "Ugh, never mind her. She's just being Pinkie Pie," the mulberry unicorn stated. But Malibu noted something more off than usual about her. "Uh, she seems to be way more Pinkie Pie than usual," He said as Spike nodded in agreement.

Pinkie Pie then felt her tail twitching. "Hmm... Twitchy twitcha twitcha twitch!" She said in nonsensical wording. Curious the trio walked over to her. Malibu spoke up. "Pinkie, um, what's up with you right now?" He asked. Pinkie grinned. "Oh, it's my tail! It's a-twitch a-twitchin'! And you know what that means!"

Malibu turned to Twilight who looked as confused as him. "Er, actually, Pinkie, we haven't the slightest idea." The clone of Brooklyn nodded in return. "Yeah, since we're new...?" He pressed, and Pinkie eventually began to explain. "The twitchin' means my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff's gonna start falling! You three should probably run for cover!"

Alicorn, unicorn, and dragon looked rather mystified about that but then Twilight shrugged that off. "Oh, Pinkie, it's not gonna rain. Why, there's barely a cloud in the - ugh!" Malibu jumped when a frog suddenly landed on his friend's face. The frog croaked.

Pinkie giggled. "He just said, 'nice catch' in frog," she said, causing Malibu to grin awkwardly, with Twilight groaning in exasperation. He then saw Fluttershy from above with a box of frogs she was carrying. "Oh, I'm so sorry. You ok, Twilight Sparkle?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight kept groaning but Malibu smiled and nodded. "Yeah, we're alright. What's up?" He asked. "I just couldn't stand to see the pond getting so over-populated, what with the frogs all hopping into each other and all,, so I decided to fly as many as I can on over to Froggy Bottom Bogg." She explained.

Twilight frowned. "Of course you did," She muttered with the frog still on her, causing Malibu to chuckle. "Well good luck with that Futtershy!" He called. Fluttershy smiled and flew off. "Bye bye!"

The pink earth pony then pointed to the frog. "Um... Twilight? You got a little something on your face there," she said. Twilight grinned mockingly. "Oh really? Did your Pinkie Sense tell you that too?" Pinkie shook her head. "No, I can just see it! La, la la!" She then trotted off and Malibu used his magic to get the frog off and the frog hopped away, Twilight looking at him gratefully. "Come on, guys. Let's continue our practice session with a little less commotion." Malibu nodded. "Right behind you."

Spike though couldn't help but be excited about Pinkie's ability, whatever it was. "Wow! That was amazing! Pinkie Pie predicted something would fall, and it did!" Malibu raised his brow at his dragon friend. "Spike, what Pinkie does doesn't mean it is real," He said. Twilight nodded. "I agree. "She said that something would fall, and a frog just happened to fall on my face around the same time. A coincidence, nothing else to it!"

Pinkie then returned, tail still twitching. "My tail, my tail! Twitch-a-twitch! Something else is gonna fall!" Spike hid under Twilight, looking upward. Malibu stepped next to Pinkie. "Pinkie, are you really serious about this?" He asked, just as Twilight suddenly yelled and fell into a ditch, grunting as she fell in. Malibu's ears fell from this, as Spike went to the ditch and looked in. "Oh, no! Twilight fell! Is it safe to go help her?" Malibu saw Pinkie throw off her umbrella hat. "It's okay, my tail stopped twitching! La la la, la la!" She claimed, trotting off once more.

Malibu went to help Twilight from the ditch and she dusted herself off before continuing to find a private practice spot. Spike chuckled. "That was amazing!" He declared. Twilight glared. "Oh, please..." She huffed. Malibu saw Applejack. "Uh, Twilight, what happened? Why ya all bruised?" Spike jumped up and down. "Because Pinkie predicted her to fall into the ditch!" He said. Malibu shook his head. "No, it was just an accident," He defended his friend. Twilight nodded. "Two coincidences in a row like this may be unlikely, but it's still easier to believe than twitchy tails that predict the future."

Applejack jerked up from those words. "Twitchy tail? Pinkie Sense?" She went to hide under a bench, looking upward. Spike went to her. "It's okay, the prediction already came true." Malibu and Twilight both looked at one another. "You really believe that too, AJ?" He questioned. Applejack nodded. "I know it doesn't make much sense, but those of use who have been in Ponyville for a while have learned over time that, if Pinkie's a-twitchin', you better listen."

Pinkie Pie zipped back again, but this time her tail didn't twitch. "My ears are flopping! My ears are flopping!" She announced fearfully, causing Spike to jerk up in fright. "What does that mean?" Malibu readied himself for what would come. But what happened next didn't seem so dangerous. "I'll start a bath for you," Pinkie responded, causing Twilight to chuckle. "Huh? A bath? This thing keeps on getting more ridiculous by the minute-!" That was when a carriage went by through a mud puddle, soaking Twilight in it and causing her to growl again.

Malibu couldn't help the small chuckle from his mouth now. "Come on, Twi. Let's get that mud off," he said. Pinkie said they could put her in the tub at Sugarcube Corner.


The teal alicorn stood off to the side while Twilight had her bath. Pinkie explained her 'special abilities'. Twilight had allowed Malibu to be in the room with her and Pinkie.

"So, basically it works like this; I get different, little, niggly feelings and they mean different things. Like when my back is itchy, it means my lucky day! And, when my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary is about to happen!"

Malibu felt his hair neck stand up. "Is-is your knee pinching right now?" He asked nervously. Pinkie shook her head. "Nope. But my shoulder is achy. That means there is an alligator in the tub! Look!" And with that she pulled out a small sized gator. That caused Twilight to shriek and jump out, Malibu's eyes glowing red and his wings spreading out. "How come your knee didn't get pinchy?!" Twilight screamed. "That isn't just scary, it is downright dangerous!"

"Yeah, what is an alligator even doing in the tub?!" Demanded Malibu, pointing. Pinkie giggled. "No, sillies! This is my pet alligator Gummy! He's got no teeth. See?" 'Gummy' chomped on some of Pinkie's mane and Malibu definitely saw gums and no teeth, causing him to settle a bit. Twilight frowned again. "Okay, okay, I get it."


After getting out of the bath the three were outside again. "But I still don't believe in all this... special powers stuff. It's just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo," Twilight argued.

Pinkie shrugged. "What's not to believe? You and Mal do magic, what's the difference?" Malibu stopped in his tracks from this, glaring slightly. It was more to it than that. Twilight agreed. "Huge! For one thing-." She then stood on a soap box, clearing her throat. "Magic is something you study and practice. It only happens when you decide to do it. And it's meant to make something specific you choose to make happen, happen! With you, it just makes no sense at all!"

That caused the pink earth pony to frown. "That is so not true Twilight!" Then her frown faded into another grin. Malibu tilted his head. Her moods were usually hard to predict. "Sometimes it is a bunch of random things happening to my body at random times that supposedly predict the future. I call them 'combos'."

Malibu blinked. "Combos? What?" He mumbled in confusion. Pinkie then did more explaining. "Sure! You know, like, ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow!" She said as they arrived at the Golden Oaks Library.

Twilight just rolled her eyes. "Sure," she muttered, going to the door. Malibu saw Pinkie start to tense again. "Uh oh, I feel a combo coming on! Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch!" He looked up at the sky; wondering where the rainbow was until Spike opened the door, slamming into Twilight while he carried books in his talons. Malibu cringed from how painful that looked. The door closed again and Twilight reemerged, eyes looking dizzy. "Ugh... you said that meant 'beautiful rainbow'!"

Pinkie shook her head. "No, no no no. You're thinking of an ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. This was an ear flop, then eye flutter, than knee twitch. That usually means 'look out for opening doors'."

"You ok Twi?" Malibu asked, a hoof raised as Twilight rubbed her head. "I don't believe this..." She said in irritation. Pinkie then smiled mystically. "You don't believe because you don't understand," She pointed out. Twilight then got an idea, tapping her chin. Malibu wondered what it was.


She brought Pinkie to her basement in the library which Malibu had never been. He was amazed at all the technology powered by magic down here. She placed a helmet that looked like a strainer on top of Pinkie's head and hooked her up to a machine there.

"Ok. Now when you get another twitch, we'll have all kinds of scientific information." Pinkie nodded. "Okie-dokie-lokie!" She said. Malibu sat down, knowing this was gonna probably take a while, and he was right. It was at least another three minutes when Twilight asked some questions. "Any twitches yet?"

"Nopey Dopey!"

Twilight glanced back down at the notes that were coming out of the scanner machine and then back at Pinkie who looked quite calm about it all, Malibu tapping his hoof. This pretty much felt like a waste of time to him. "Now? Anything?" Twilight asked once more. Pinkie shrugged then spoke. "Wait! Hold on!" She thought for a bit. "Uhh, no."

Malibu's face frowned. "Are you for real right now?" He demanded. Twilight agreed with him. "Are you kidding me? After a whole day of non stop twitching, now that I've got you all hooked up you're not getting a single one?"

Pinkie Pie looked indifferent. "I don't control it, they just come and go," She revealed. Malibu and Twilight looked at each other with astonishment and annoyance. Seriously?! "That makes no sense!" Twilight snapped. Pinkie Pie smiled. "Sometimes you just have to believe in things, even when you can't figure 'em out."

The teal alicorn couldn't really believe it, shaking his head. "I don't really know..." He mumbled. He never had to believe in anything he couldn't see or have proof that was real, unless it ended up being nonsensical lies. "Wait, hold on. I'm feeling something..." Pinkie suddenly exclaimed, causing Twilight to look excited. "Oh my gosh, what is it?" Malibu waited with bated breath but instead heard a stomach growl, which wasn't his or Twilight's.

Pinkie giggled. "It is my tummy! That usually means I'm hungry. Let's eat!" Malibu sat there, a blank expression on his face from it. All this, for a growling stomach. Twilight looked just as mad. "Urgh... you know what?" She pulled the wires off of the metal hat Pinkie wore, stopping her machine. "Just forget it! I don't need to know if this is real or not. I don't need to understand it! I don't even care!" She stormed away in her anger, Malibu following. Pinkie just gave a grin. "Okie dokie lokie!" She replied, trotting cheerfully after the duo.

But on their way out; Malibu heard his friend suddenly have something. He turned and saw her do a ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch. Oh no. He thought in dread, as the door opened, slamming Twilight against the wall, revealing Spike once more. "Pinkie? Mal? Have you two seen Twilight?" The teal alicorn raised his brow. "Er, take a look behind the door," He suggested. Spike did so, Twilight pressed up on the wall. "Hey, Twilight! What are ya doing back there?"

Twilight grunted from being squashed. "Rrgh, did you two... plan this?" She grumbled as Malibu went to help her from the wall and steady her on her feet. "Plan what?" Spike asked, shrugging. Malibu could tell that Twilight was going into another frenzy like during the Parasprite fiasco. "This is ridiculous! This can't be happening! This makes no sense! I have to figure this out," She stated. Malibu felt trouble arising again. "Uh, Twi, I don't know if-ah!" He felt himself being pulled along by Twilight. "Come on. You're going to help!" She snipped.


Malibu next found himself hiding behind a bush with Twilight who was looking through binoculars at Pinkie Pie who was being her usual self, sniffing the flowers and humming. He had his arms crossed in annoyance. They had been out here most of the day and he hadn't even eaten lunch, getting hungry. "Twilight..." "Shh!" Hissed the unicorn harshly, as another voice spoke her name, making Twilight jump. It was Spike.

"Spike, don't you know better than to sneak up on ponies?" Twilight lectured, glaring. Spike looked sheepish. "Oh, sorry, but, um, well, isn't that what you two are doing?" Malibu just huffed, shaking his head. "Trust me, I really didn't want to be pulled into this," he stated. Twilight gasped before Pinkie saw them, jerking Spike and Malibu both down into hiding.

"No! I'm doing scientific research. I'm observing Pinkie Pie. Scientific name: Pinkius Pieicus, in its natural habitat." That made Malibu tilt his head. "Weird scientific name," He muttered. "Pinkius-whoicus?" Twilight covered his mouth. "There's something fishy going on with the whole twitchy prediction thing, and I'm getting to the bottom of it," she said. Malibu though didn't really want to trouble himself with this.

He sighed, glaring a bit at Twilight. "Twilight, why can't you just let this go? This is getting a bit overboard," He snapped, but quietly. Twilight once again went into stubborn mode. "Uh uh. I won't give up until I have all the facts!" Suddenly she saw Pinkie hopping away. "Come on guys. Pinkius Pieicus on the move!" She began to move the bush and Malibu reluctantly came to ensure Twilight didn't hurt herself.

Pinkie rolled around in another flower patch, humming more. Malibu and Spike looked at each other while Twilight observed. "Hm... itchy nose..." She stated. Malibu felt curious. "And what does that mean?" He asked, hearing Pinkie gasp. He looked up, seeing her hide under a bench. Twilight grinned triumphantly. "Aha! That makes no sense! See? She's hiding like something's about to fall from the sky. But a Twitchy Tail means that something's going to fall from the sky, not an itchy nose!"

But then Malibu's ears picked up the sound of buzzing and felt nervous. He knew that noise. That meant bees. And he and Spike saw the swarm come out of nowhere, looking for flowers. "This proves..." Twilight began but he and Spike decided to make a break for it before getting stung. "You'd better run, Twi!" Malibu yelped. "Where are you guys going? I'm trying to teach you the value of scientific- Ow ouch! Ow!" The bees began to sting her multiple times; Malibu cringing from each sting she got. Not pleasant.

After getting Twilight out of that mess and bandaged her up, she was back at it again, the three watching Pinkie smelling a flower. "What's she doing now?" Spike asked. Twilight replied with a deadpan look. "Smelling a flower," She said. Spike jumped up in excitement. "Holy guacamole! I wonder what that means!" Malibu couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Maybe because the flower smells good," He said at random. But then Twilight spoke again. "Wait... I'm getting something. Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch."

Hearing that made Malibu tense up. He knew that. "Hold on, you told me that was the combo that said look out for opening doors!" Spike yelped. Twilight laughed, going to stand near the Sweet Apple Acres barn. "Oh-ho, you really, really believe in this stuff, don't you? Here, let me show you there's nothing to be afraid of." Malibu saw her lean on the barn door. "You see? I promise you there's nothing to fear of- whoa!"

For a door in the ground had opened up; and Twilight had fallen in. Malibu glanced down in the cellar to see Applejack there. He couldn't help a small chuckle when he saw that the opening door was from her new cellar. "Twilight! You came ta visit my new apple cellar, how nice! Twi? You ok? Uh, Twi?" Malibu went down there to see an unconscious Twilight with a couple broken parts on her. He gave a shrug to Applejack who looked at him questioningly. "Long story, Pinkie Sense happened," he explained while using his magic to levitate Twilight out to get some doctor help.


But not even broken bones could deter Twilight from her mission now sitting in a wheelchair with arm supporters. "Here, let me help you," Spike offered and cranked Twilight's arms up for her to see out of the binoculars. She glanced out at Pinkie. Malibu watched as the pony's tail suddenly twitched. "Okay, take this down Spike. Twitchy tail."

Malibu then felt dread. That only meant one thing... something will fall! Spike wrote it down. "Twitchy tail." He then gasped. "Twitchy tail!" The baby dragon shrieked and let go of the crank. Twilight grunted and glared. "Hush, Spike! We can't let Pinkie know we're here, remember?"

"But, Twi, we should look for cover, just in case," Malibu stated, backing up slowly as Spike panicked more. "Something's gonna fall! Something's gonna fall! Run for your lives!" He screamed, making a break for it. "Ugh, Spike, Malibu, you both are overreacting-."

That was when an anvil fell on Twilight's head Looney Tunes style that made Malibu cover his mouth to stop himself laughing since he saw it many times on the tv in the Labyrinth. More stuff fell too, covering Twilight in a mess of furniture and other stuff from a moving van led by pegasi, the cause from Derpy Hooves. Malibu saw upward she had given a sheepish smile after her boss glared at her before moving on.

He and Spike both helped get Twilight out from under all that mess and continued on their nonsensical quest for learning about Pinkie's powers. Twilight at one point got so mad she let out a frustrated grunt, and Malibu couldn't blame her but secretly did. She didn't really have to do all this. He spotted Pinkie and AJ coming across one another. "Hey, Applejack. Whatcha doing?"

Applejack gestured to the bucket of apples on her back. "Takin' more apples to my new apple cellar. How 'bout you, PInkie? Whatchu doin'?"

Pinkie shrugged. "Oh, letting Twilight and Malibu secretly follow me all day without me knowing." Malibu's mouth dropped, ears fallen, in disbelief. She had known? The whole time? That was it! He and Twilight both walked up since Twilight had eventually been well enough to not need the wheelchair anymore. "You mean you knew all along?! Why didn't you tell us?"

"Yeah, I mean what was up with that?" Snapped Malibu, eyes glowing a tad. Pinkie just giggled. "Sillies, that would've spoiled the secret!" Malibu glanced at Twilight who looked ready to pop, trembling in anger. Spike peeked out from behind her. "Tail... still twitching?" He asked nervously.

Pinkie shook her head. "All done, clear skies from here on in, as far as I can t-." Then out of nowhere she had a violent shudder, making Malibu jump, eyes glowing more. Applejack noted his eyes. "Uh, Mal, no offense to ya bein' a gargoyle but those glowin' eyes do somewhat creep me out." Malibu flushed, toning down the glow factor. "Sorry," He said. "It just happens." Spike looked shocked. "Oh no! What did the shuddering mean?"

Malibu saw Pinkie looking surprised and confused. "Dunno. Never gotten anything like it before! But whatever that shudder's about, it's a doozy. Something you'd never expect to happen is gonna happen!" She revealed and got the shudders again. "And it is gonna happen at... Froggy Bottom Bog!"

Now that scared the former gargoyle clone, wings spread out. "But, Fluttershy just went over there!" He said nervously. Spike looked just as scared. "Oh no, is it about her?" Pinkie shrugged. Applejack wanted to take action. "We'd better make sure she's ok," she said, running off in the direction of the swamp. Malibu really didn't want to run all the way out there possibly for nothing, but he couldn't let a best friend be in possibly any danger, so sighing, he ran after Applejack and Pinkie Pie, Twilight and Spike running right behind them surprisingly.

"Hey, I thought you didn't believe in this stuff!" Malibu heard Spike protest. "I don't," Twilight replied. Malibu rolled his eyes. Figures, he thought to himself while they ran through the trees. "I just want to be there to see the look on Pinkie's face when we find out nothing's wrong." She pointed out then. Malibu couldn't help the little smile. "Well, we'll see when we get there," He told the mulberry unicorn. "Okie dokie!" Pinkie had replied too.

They eventually got closer to the bog, and the tension in the air was pretty thick that it had the gang slow up their running. Malibu's ears were flat, he didn't usually like going out this way because of dangerous animals in here. Spike was walking near Applejack. Pinkie had suddenly shuddered again. Twilight smirked.

"Cold? Need a jacket or something?" Pinkie shook her head. To Malibu that comment seemed a bit harsh. "No thanks, I'm fine!" Pinkie replied before shuddering again. Spike rubbed his hands. "So, what do you think happened to Fluttershy?" Applejack shrugged. "I hope nothin'."

"I know, but... what do you think happened?" Malibu looked harshly at the baby dragon. "Don't do that," He snapped. Applejack nodded. "Yeah, don't wanna think about it," She muttered. Spike glanced down. "Me too. But... I'm thinking about it anyway." Malibu face palmed himself. "Seriously?" He muttered, making him flush but Spike kept talking. "Like, what if, she exploded?"

Applejack looked deadpanned. "Exploded? For no reason?" Spike nodded. "Yeah, like, boom!" Malibu glared. "Spike, you know that's impossible," He said angrily. But then Pinkie spoke up. "What if... what if she exploded, and then... and then exploded again?"

Spike gasped. "Can you do that? Can you explode twice?" Applejack rolled her eyes. "Of course not!" Malibu nodded. "Thank you," He said, happy someone agreed. But Spike kept up the rant. "What if, she exploded, and exploded again, and then- ugh!" Twilight had used her magic to lift him into the air and drop him to shut him up. "WIll you three stop?!" She's fine, I'm sure of it!" Twilight growled back at them.

Applejack glanced at her. "I hope you're right, for Fluttershy's sake." But then they spotted the swamp ahead. "Look! There's Froggy Bottom Bog!" Malibu spied Fluttershy there, placing the frogs into the swamp for their new home. "Fluttershy!" He yelled. The yellow pegasus turned, startled at the sight of her friends. "Fluttershy! You're ok!" Exclaimed Spike, giving Fluttershy a hug that startled her. "Uh, of course."

Malibu looked at Malibu with small relief. "We were just making sure that you weren't in danger," He said. Pinkie nodded. "I'm so glad everything's alright!" Twilight though looked rather smug and triumphant. "Sorry, I know it's not nice to gloat but... aha! I told you there was nothing to worry about and I was right!"

But then there was a low growling sound. The former gargoyle tensed up a bit then saw a huge lizard monster coming toward them, Twilight unnoticing. "T-Twilight..." He stammered, seeing that the thing had four heads too. "Pinkie Pie said what she was shuddering about..." Twilight began to cough from the lizard demon's smoke breath. "Doozy, and (cough) and the only (cough) doozy is here is how right I am!" The creature now towered over Twilight.

Malibu stood there near his friends, shaking hard as the creature gave them the evil eye, wondering why Twilight wasn't even looking around. "Twilight, uh, Twilight!" Applejack protested. "Pinkie's made a lot of predictions today but (cough) ugh, what is that smell? But what we've shown here is that there's no point in believing (cough in anything you can't see for yourself!"

Spike pointed with a shaky claw. "Then s-see what's b-behind you, Twilight!" He stuttered. Twilight saw Malibu nod at her and then she finally turned around, her eyes looking up at the beast. "I see it... but I don't believe it!" She shrieked, as the four headed lizard roared viciously.

Malibu's mouth dropped open, "What is that thing?!" He screamed, backing up. "Is that a hydra?!" Pinkie cried out, making Malibu's blood run cold. Maggie had told him about the mythical hydra but didn't think he would see it in person. It was a mud brown color with four ugly heads.

"Who cares?! Run!" Applejack shrieked, making a break for it, the others following. But Malibu looked back to see Pinkie still there, frozen. Malibu groaned then flew back with his wings, picking her up to save her as the hydra nearly ate her. "Run!" He yelled to Pinkie after placing her down. The gang all ran/flew for it as the hydra was on their tails. "Everypony up that hill!" Twilight commanded, pointing. But Spike had gotten stuck in a mud pit, unable to get out.

"Help!" He screamed. Twilight ran back to get him out, placing the dragon on her back and they kept going. The friends ran up the hill, the hydra unable to at first follow them, roaring furiously. Malibu grinned. "I think we'll make it!" He exclaimed. Pinkie was still shuddering. Then she stopped. "Oh, lookie there. It stopped! Ooooh, there it is agggaiiin!" She cried as Spike helped push her up the hill.

The group all reached the top but gasped at the open canyon in front of them with rock towers to jump on that looked dangerous. Malibu's ears fell, knowing he can get across and Fluttershy but what about the others? Twilight looked back at the hydra that was climbing up after them. "Ugh, he'll be up here in no time! One at a time, cross!" Malibu took to the air, flying across the canyon and landed on the other side to help the others reach over.

"Uh, do you know any spells to turn a hydra into a mouse?" Spike asked. Twilight shook her head. "No."

"How about a squirrel?"


"How 'bout-."

"No small rodents of any kind!" Twilight snapped back in her panic. Spike shrugged, but Malibu couldn't help the laugh from his throat. It was kind of funny. "That's too bad," he said as the hydra got closer. Fluttershy swallowed. "Come on, Flutter, you can do it," Malibu encouraged. She nodded. "A hop, skip, and a... jump!" She said, bringing back memories for Malibu when going to confront a large dragon.

The others leapt across safley, leaving Twilight last, distracting the hydra by pretending to be brave like Rainbow. Pinkie shuddered again. "T-Twilight?!" The hydra tried to get Twilight but smashed into the cliff ledge, breaking two of the rock towers. Malibu had a hand over his mouth at what had happened, and went to try to save her but a shuddering Pinkie grabbed him. "No! Let me go!" Yelled Malibu. "D-Don't want y-y-you t-t-to die! T-T-Twilight, you have to jump!"

Twilight shook her head. "I'll never make it!" "It's y-your only ho-o-ope! You have to take the leap of faith!" Pinkie persisted. Malibu's hooves itched to fly to grab Twilight but if Pinkie believed in that 'leap of faith' then he had to trust her.

Gulping the unicorn ran back to take a jump, then running as hard as she could; making the jump, eyes round. But she didn't reach the rock tower that was left, beginning to fall.

"No!" Malibu screamed, ready to dive down after her but to his surprise a huge swamp bubble caught Twilight, rising her up to safety after bouncing on the rock towers to the other side. Malibu instantly went to her side, giving her a hug. She returned it, feeling rather stunned about surviving all that.

Pinkie cheered. "I knew you could do it Twilight!" Twilight was shaking while in Malibu's hooves. "I don't know how it happened. Coincidence, dumb luck, or what, but you said there'd be a doozy here at Froggy Bottom Bogg, and I'd say we just had ourselves one heck of a doozy. I mean, that hydra-."

But to Malibu's shock; Pinkie still gave a shudder. "Er, Pink?" He asked. "That wasn't it!" Pinkie revealed, startling pretty much everybody. The hydra blew a raspberry at the ponies and baby dragon before going off on its way, Malibu tilting his head at the creature's child-like attitude. Guess the creature couldn't be too bloodthirsty if it wasn't attempting to kill them anymore.

"I'm still getting the shudders!" Pinkie said, still shuddering. "O-oo-oh! You see? There it is again. Whatever the doozy was at Froggy Bottom Bogg, my Pinkie Sense says it still hasn't happened."

Twilight now looked pretty pissed. "Huh? But I—WHAT?!" The hydra wasn't the doozy? How can it not be the doozy? What could be doozier than that?!"

"Dunno, but this wasn't it!" Pinkie stated, causing Malibu to flop down to the ground on his butt, ear and eyebrow twitching in utter annoyance. But Twilight looked worse. She wound up floating in the air, and suddenly bursting into angry flames, growling. Everypony else cringed from her fiery rage. But then she stopped. "Ugh, I give up..." Twilight moaned, falling to the ground.

Spike went forward. "Give up what, Twi?" Malibu snapped himself out of his trance and got Twilight to her feet. "The fight. I can't fight it anymore. I don't understand how, why, or what. But Pinkie Sense somehow, makes sense. I don't see how it does but it just does. Just because I don't understand doesn't mean it's not true."

Malibu was amazed that someone like Twilight suddenly just accepts Pinkie Sense. Pinkie shuddered even more. "Y-Y-You mean y-y-you believe?" Twilight sighed in defeat. "Yep. I guess I do."

Then Pinkie gave out one last shudder then stopped entirely. "Ooh!" She then gasped. "That was it! That's the doozy!"

Spike shook his head in confusion. "Huh?" Malibu questioned, still confused. "Twilight, believing! I didn't expect that to happen! That was the doozy! Oh, and oh what a doozy of a doozy it was! La la la..." She then casually trotted off back to Ponyville, leaving everypony else dumbstruck before eventually following the pink earth pony back.


Back in Ponyville a few days later Malibu was going to visit Twilight for more practice again when running into Spike. "Hey, Spike." Spike turned at the sight of Malibu with a grin. "Hey, just going to see Twilight too."

The two of them went to open the door and were somewhat startled at what was inside after hearing Twilight and PInkie Pie laughing.

"Oh, good guys. You're here." Twilight said. "Spike, take a letter."

Spike nodded but kept staring. "With pleasure, Twilight!" He said beginning to write but was still staring at the two as was Malibu. "Dear Princess Celestia. I'm happy to report that- Spike, what did I say about focus?" Twilight exclaimed.

Malibu couldn't help the small chuckle. "He didn't mean to stare Twi, but, uh..." Twilight gave a smile. "What's wrong, guys? Never thought you'd ever seen me with an umbrella hat on?" For she did wear one, which really didn't look too bad. Spike shook his head. "Uh, not really, no." Twilight turned to Pinkie. "Pinkie's tail is twitching. What else can I do?"

That made the friends let out a big laugh after all the events from before. Then Spike wrote the letter that went like this:

"I am happy to report that I now realize that there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true. It just means you have to choose to believe in them, and sometimes, it takes a friend to show you the way."

After that Pinkie booped Twilight's nose. "Ha!" She gloated like what Twilight did but not in a mean way. Malibu then spoke. "Hey, you got another umbrella hat?" Pinkie nodded, pulling one out of her mane that startled him. "Always keep an extra for whoever needs it." She popped it onto the young Alicorn's head and it fit.

The threesome left the house still laughing while Spike went to send the letter. Pinkie's tail suddenly twitched again. "There it goes again!" Pinkie yelped. Twilight shrugged. "I wonder what's gonna fall from the sky this time!"

Pinkie grinned. "Ya never know." Malibu nodded as he turned to see Spike about to send it off when, to his surprise; his mom Celestia dropped from the sky out of nowhere onto one of the balconies near him to take the letter. He blinked then carried on with the others. I did not just see that... I did not just see that!

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