First Lessons: Sonic Rainboom

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S1 E16 everypony! Stare Master up next!


Out in an open field Malibu was there with his mare friend Rainbow Dash who was helping Fluttershy with her cheering so she could cheer Rainbow on in an upcoming competition. Malibu himself mostly stood to the side, to ensure Rainbow didn't get hurt during her training.

"Now, what have we learned?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy shied slightly. "Loss of control." Dash nodded. "Good."

"Screaming and hollering."

"Yes, and most importantly?"

Fluttershy stood herself up straight. "Passion!" Malibu grinned, liking it when Fluttershy gets brave like when she stood up to the dragon. Rainbow landed since she had been flying a couple inches off the ground. "Right! So now that you know the elements of a good cheer; let's hear one!"

Malibu watched, as Fluttershy took a deep breath... but... "yay." It hardly came out as a whisper. He hoof palmed himself in the face. Not once had he ever heard Fluttershy cheer loudly when not screaming in terror. "Ugh! You're gonna cheer for me on that?" Rainbow grumbled. Malibu put his hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. "C'mon, Flutter, you can do it," He encouraged. Fluttershy blushed.




"LOUDER!" Rainbow Dash screamed, making Malibu cringe from her ear piercing scream, ears lowered. Fluttershy again gave a huge inhale, but did her tiny yay once again. He sighed, collapsing on his bottom. This was gonna take a lot of work. Rainbow had fallen on her back. Fluttershy tilted her head. "Too loud?" She asked. Malibu shook his head. "No, you just need to practice harder, the competition is not that far away."

For the Best Young Flier's Competition in Cloudsdale was on its way and Rainbow had invited him to come to watch her compete since she signed up for it.

Eventually Rainbow Dash began to get herself training again, which included these three routines: swerving in between trees, making clouds spin, and the most difficult challenge of all: The Sonic Rainboom.

Malibu and Fluttershy watched from below as Rainbow flew high into the sky. "Yay," Fluttershy said in her shy voice still. Malibu's ears fell a bit but he nodded at Dash to start. She smiled, zooming down and swerving through the line of trees in record speed.

Next she flew towards three clouds, flying around them, and they spun very fast, making his own hair and Fluttershy's blow in the wind. "Way to go!" Flutter continued, still in her soft tone. Malibu nudged her gently. "Come one, you can do just one loud cheer, I know you can." Fluttershy flushed but looked upward, the two seeing Dash soaring sky high for her Sonic Rainboom.

Malibu felt tensed, wondering if she could do it. Rainbow had told her of the legendary Rainboom which was breaking the sound and light barrier. I could never do that, he thought to himself, and Rainbow began her nose dive, zipping down super fast, baring her teeth, looking determined. But as she was about to do it, something went wrong, sending her catapulting away.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy whimpered, her ears flat, as she and Malibu quickly flew after to make sure she didn't get hurt. They went to the Golden Oaks library where Rainbow Dash had crashed into through the window, messing up a cleaning job Twilight and the others were doing. Malibu and Fluttershy both went inside. "Rainbow Dash, you rock, woo hoo!" She whispered. "Oh, did my cheering do that?"

The clone gargoyle, looked apologetic, going inside and finding Twilight covered in books. "Sorry Twi, we were helping Rainbow practice," He said while pulling her to her hooves. She gave Rainbow a look as Rainbow shook some books off of her back too. "Heh, sorry guys. That was a truly feeble performance."

Fluttershy smiled then. "Oh, it wasn't all bad. I particularly liked it when you made the clouds spin!"

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "Ugh, I'm not talking about my performance! I'm talking about yours! Your feeble cheering!" Malibu glared as well. "Dash, I hate seeing you hurt yourself trying to do this Rainboom more than Fluttershy's cheering at this point!"

Before his friend could counter back Twilight spoke up. "What are you arguing about?" The two looked at the mulberry unicorn. "Were we arguing? I'm sorry," Fluttershy whispered in her usual shyness. Malibu rolled his eyes slightly but he smiled a little at her. Rainbow now ignored what Malibu was lecturing her about. "I wish you guys could come to Cloudsdale to see me in the Best Young Flier's competition besides Malibu and Fluttershy," She mumbled in sadness. Malibu in a way could understand, since the others were unable to fly.

"What is that?" Twilight asked, and Pinkie Pie began to explain. "It's where all the Pegasus flyers get together and show off their different flying styles! Some are fast!" She begins to zoom around the room even with all the books on the floor. "And some are graceful!" She next began to dance but not so super graceful, falling over. Malibu face palmed himself slightly from it.

Applejack grinned. "Golly, I'd love to see you strut your stuff in that competition!" Malibu nodded. "And I'm excited to see that floating cloud city too," He said with a grin, somewhat forgetting why they were arguing in the first place. "Yeah, I wish you guys could be there. Fluttershy's a great support but her cheering isn't exactly inspirational." Malibu nudged her then, making her flush a bit. "Except for you, Mal,' she said, chuckling.

Pinkie's eyes rounded. "Ooh! I'd love to see you make a sonic rainboom! It's like, the most coolest thing ever! Even though I've never actually seen it, but I mean come on! It's a sonic rainboom! How not cool could it possibly not be?!" What surprised Malibu then was when Twilight said; "What's a sonic rainboom?"

His mouth dropped. How could someone as nerdy as her not have heard of it? He explained from what Rainbow told her. "It is when you break both the sound and light barrier, making a rainbow too. I was confused when I first heard about it," He said, with a flush on his face. Applejack put a hoof around Dash. "And Rainbow Dash here was the only pony to ever pull it off!"

Rainbow looked embarrassed. "It was a long time ago... I was just a filly," she stammered, making Malibu's eyes round. Now this was something new too, how could a little filly pull this off?

Pinkie Pie nodded. "Yeah, but you're gonna do it again, right?" Rainbow Dash seemed nervous at first before switching to being confident suddenly. "Are... you kidding? I"m the greatest flier to ever come out of Cloudsdale! I could do sonic rainbooms in my sleep!" Malibu didn't like the way his friend did that in her bragging way, but he didn't want to burst her spirit, since he loved her that much. Twilight seemed impressed. "Wow, if you pull that off you'll win the competition for sure!"

"Maybe, as long as she doesn't get hurt," Malibu pointed out, watching Rainbow in concern again, but Dash bumped him lightly in the side with her wing. "It's in the bag, Mal. Trust me! And the grand prize is an entire day with the Wonderbolts. A whole day of flying with my lifelong heroes, it'll be a dream come true!" Her eyes shone from that dream. Malibu had yet to see these Wonderbolts himself in action.

"Yay," Fluttershy whispered with her cute smile again, making Dash frown but perk up again in seconds. "I'm gonna go rest up. Don't wanna over prepare myself you know. You, on the other hand, better keep practicing! I need a cheering section to match my spectacular performance!" She stated while talking to Fluttershy, flying out the window after that. Fluttershy looked doubtful. "She's practiced that move a hundred times, and she's never even come close to doing it. I don't know if I can cheer loud enough to help her!"

Malibu gave an assuring smile. "I'm sure you can. You go on, I'm gonna stay with the others for a bit," He said. Flutter nodded as she left. Twilight looked around at all the books. "Well, guess we better get this cleaned up... again..." The cloned gargoyle chuckled slightly from her words but then Rarity nudged Twilight. "Go on, go on!"

"Go on what?" Twilight asked in confusion, seeing Rarity's determined face. "Find a spell that would get us wingless ponies into Cloudsdale! Didn't you see how nervous she was?"

Applejack scoffed. "Nervous? Have you spit yer bit or somethin'? She was tootin' her own horn faster than the brass section of a marching band!" Malibu's ears fell. He had no idea what that meant. Rarity rolled her eyes. "Oh, please! I have put on enough fashion shows to recognize stage fright when I see it!"

Malibu then felt shy. "I... never had stage fright. Since I was living my life manipulated by my evil master. So I wouldn't know how she felt," He admitted. Twilight shrugged. "That's fine. That would mean you're lucky to not have had it." But she was suddenly nudged harder. "Now go on!" Rarity yelled. Twilight grunted.

"How am I supposed to find a flight spell in this mess?" She mumbled grumpily. Pinkie perked up. "A flight spell? One sec!" She rushed, picking up a book, and tossing it over. "Page 47!" Malibu's jaw dropped. "Uh... wha?" Applejack was just as stunned. "How'd ya do that?" Pinkie grinned. "It landed on my face when Rainbow Dash knocked me into the bookcase!" Malibu was still confused but decided to go with it.

Twilight found the page. "Here it is! A spell that would allow Earth ponies to fly for three days. Ooh. It looks really difficult," she revealed. Malibu put on a begging face. "I know you can do it," He said. "I'd feel lonely being the only one there with Fluttershy cheering." Twilight seemed unsure. "I dunno." Rarity spoke up. "You have to try."

"Okay... but who would volunteer to be the test subject? That leaves Malibu out since he's already an alicorn. So who else?" The others looked unsure but Rarity stepped forward. "I will. For Rainbow Dash, I will go first!" Malibu smiled. "That's brave Rar," He said.

Twilight then readied herself. "Here it goes!" Her horn lit up with magic, the spell wrapping itself around Rarity and lifting her off the ground. Malibu shut his eyes when the spell shone brightly in the room, and eventually settled down. The gang gazed upward, in awe at the sight. "I think it worked," Twilight said in a woozy voice.


The day of the competition, Malibu joined Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to get there early to greet the others. Malibu hoped Rarity's wings would keep her steady way up here in the air since they didn't look like normal feathered wings like his. He was excited to see the city now. "You got to learn to be assertive, Fluttershy. Don't be afraid to speak up!" The trio flew through the clouds until eventually; the city revealed itself.

Malibu's eyes shone with excitement. It was a grand cloud built city, with many pegasi flying around, no other kinds of ponies in sight at all. Rainbow grinned at her best friend's aw struck face. "Knew you'd like it," she smirked, nudging him with her hoof, making Malibu flush red. They then landed, Malibu smiling at the thought of walking on clouds. If he ever saw his old clone mates again he would tell them it was amazing to walk on something made of moisture. It was soft and fluffy beneath his hooves.

They walked forward into the city until the trio saw another trio of male ponies, all slightly older than them and tougher looking. Malibu's ears fell when he saw they looked a tad mean as well. The brown one named Dum-bell sneered.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

A smaller dark colored pony looked nasty. "If it isn't our old friend, Rainbow Crash!" Dumb-bell laughed again. "Got kicked out of any flight schools lately? Ha ha!"

Malibu glanced at Dash. "Rainbow Crash?" He muttered, making her turn red this time. "I'll tell you later," She mumbled. "I didn't get kicked out!" She then said at them. Dumb-bell noticed Malibu. "Huh, an alicorn? And a wimpy looking one too." That made the teal alicorn narrow his eyes. He wasn't wimpy!

"Leave him alone! He's our friend and Celestia's son!" Rainbow growled, stomping her hoof. The third bully named Score mock laughed. "Yeah sure, like he could rule Equestria!"

Malibu couldn't speak, too angry to say anything back to these messed up bullies. "And face it, Rainbow Crash. Flight school had too many rules and not enough nap times for you."

Hoops huffed mockingly. "Ask her about the sonic rainboom!" Dumb-bell rolled his eyes. "That's nothin' but an old mare's tale! You don't have the skills to try something like that!"

Before Malibu could counter back at them for having enough Fluttershy surprised them. "Now wait just a minute!" Everypony glanced at her in shock. She bowed down slightly. "Oh, sorry, I'm trying to be more assertive. Anyhow, she is going to do a Sonic Rainboom!"

Dumb-bell rolled his eyes. "No she's not, 'cause there's no such thing!" Fluttershy stomped her hoof and Malibu was somewhat impressed with her bravery, even if she was wording what she was saying wrong. "Then show up at the Cloudeseum and see for yourself!... if you're free."

The bullies cackled, which irked off Malibu, wishing they'd quit mocking them. "Yeah, I'd be free!" Hoops sneered. Dumb-bell nodded. "Oh, don't worry, we'll be there!" The trio flew away. "See you then, Rainbow Crash!"

Fluttershy's eyes shone with excitement while the other two gave her blank stares. "Did you see that? I was so assertive!"

"Dunno if that's how it works Fluttershy but good start," Malibu stated with a forced smile, while Rainbow sighed. "Those guys are right. I'd never be able to do it." The yellow pegasus spoke up again. "But Rainbow Dash, just because you've failed the Sonic Rainboom a hundred thousand times in practice doesn't mean you won't be able to do it in front of an entire stadium, full of impatient, critical sportsfan ponies!"

Malibu cleared his throat. "Fluttershy, not helping..." He said through gritted teeth as Dash now has a panic attack. "What am I gonna do?! Every pony's gonna see me fail! The Wonderbolts will never let a loser like me join! Princess Celestia would probably banish me to the Everfree Forest! My life is ruined!"

The gargoyle clone pony tried comforting her but Fluttershy seemed to be staring at something behind them. "Rare...?" Dash glowered. "Rare? The sonic rainboom is way more than rare!"

"Rarity?" Flutter exclaimed. Malibu then knew what they were talking about; they were about to see Rarity's wings. She flew up in front of them, her butterfly wings shining in the sun. Rainbow Dash was stunned while Malibu smiled at her reaction. "Rarity! Are you... flying?!"

Rarity grinned. "I most certainly am! Aren't my wings smashing? Twilight made them for me, I just adore them!" She saw the group (Mostly Flutter and Dash staring open mouthed) at her. "Why so shocked? We couldn't leave our favorite flier without a big cheering section!"

Malibu then nudged Dash. "I think you'll like it," He said, to the other's confusion, right as a hot air balloon appeared through the clouds revealing the rest of their friends with big grins. "I-I can't believe it!" Rainbow exclaimed in surprise. Fluttershy was in awe. "It's incredible."

"Told ya," Grinned the pony/gargoyle mix. The balloon landed. "It's so cool! You guys made it!" Pinkie nodded. "Sure did!" She jumped out, causing Rainbow Dash to raise her hoof. "Wait!"

But she landed on the clouds without falling through. Malibu had already known what they were gonna use to walk safely in Cloudsdale so he wasn't too worried. Applejack, Spike, and Twilight all followed suit. "How'd you do that? Only pegasus ponies and alicorns can walk on clouds," The pegasus asked in confusion. Pinkie giggled, doing cartwheels. "Pretty cool huh?"

Twilight explained so Malibu wouldn't have to tire himself with explaining. "I found a spell that makes temporary wings. It was too difficult to do more than once. So I found an easier spell that lets the rest of us walk on clouds!"

"At least I don't need either spell," Malibu said, using his wings to hover for a time, making Spike roll his eyes, wishing he had wings to fly to Cloudsdale whenever he wanted. "Stop showin' off," He grumbled, folding his arms. Applejack spoke to avoid arguments. "And we came to cheer ya to victory!"

Rainbow flushed. "To be honest, I was starting to get the teeniest tiniest bit nervous. But I feel a lot better now that the rest of you are here. Hey, we've got time before the competition. Why don't Fluttershy and I show you guys around Cloudsdale?"

Malibu's ears perked at the idea of the tour. He had looked forward to this. He was certain the other gargoyles at his old home would've loved to see this. The eight of them ventured into the city at last; Rainbow Dash giving a grand introduction. "Here it is! The greatest city in the sky!" Everypony oohed at the structures of the cloud buildings, which made Malibu wonder how they are able to stay up like that.

But then he turned his head at the sight of Rarity not looking at the city but at herself in the mirror, much to his irritation. Sure her wings were pretty but she needed to focus on keeping Rainbow calm. They went inside more. "Some of the greatest pegasus in history came from Cloudsdale!" She informed, as Rarity realized she was being left. "Oh, wait for me!"

Rarity flew past a group of construction ponies who began to stare at her. "Those wings are gorgeous!"One awed. She smiled. "Why thank you!" She did a flip in mid air and Twilight spoke. "Be careful with those wings Rarity. They are made from gossamer and morning dew, and they're incredibly delicate."

Malibu frowned slightly when Rarity just shrugged her warning away. "Don't worry, Twilight! I'm sure they won't get worn out from too much attention!"

Applejack had an idea then. "Since we're up here, I sure would like to take a look at where the weather's made!" Rainbow brightened up then. "Great idea! C'mon everypony, to the weather factory!" Now Malibu got excited, wanting to see how rainbows are made the most. Thunder rumbled as they arrived at the factory. They first saw the snowflake room. "This is where they make the snowflakes. As you can see, each one is hoofmade, and it is a delicate operation."

Malibu saw how pretty the snowflakes were hanging from above but Rarity flew close. "Ooh, the snowflakes look even better from up here!" Her wings began to blow the snowflakes everywhere, upsetting the workers who tried catching the loose ones.

Dash cringed. "We'd better move on before Rarity ruins winter and causes a drought." Malibu nodded. "Yep," He muttered, cringing from a snowflake breaking.

Next they finally arrive at the rainbow room, Malibu's eyes shining as he gazed at the small pools and waterfalls of them. "And here's where they make the rainbows!" Dash exclaimed.

Pinkie Pie had dipped her hoof into a rainbow pool, which got Malibu curious. "What are you doing?" "I want to see if it tastes good," Pinkie said. Malibu tilted his own head before scooping up some Rainbow liquid onto his own hoof. The two licked it.

Both their heads started showing off different colors, the taste so spicy in their mouths. Malibu shook the rainbow liquid off his hoof. "Aaagh!" He screamed when seeing plain water nearby and dipping his head in, along with Pinkie. The others laughed. "Yeah, rainbows aren't really known for their flavor," Rainbow chuckled. Malibu pulled his head out, glaring with his red eyes glowing. "Thanks for the late warning," He grumbled, wiping his mouth.

But that was when they heard the bullies from earlier. Oh no, thought Malibu as he saw them admiring Rarity's wings. "Whoa! Where'd you get those wings! I wanna pair!" Dumb-bell exclaimed.

Rarity flipped her mane. "Hmm... yeah, I guess I could see that." Dumb-bell then noted Rainbow. "Oh hey look, it's Rainbow Crash again!"

Hoops gave a mock laughter. "Yeah! Rainbow... uh... Crash!" Malibu growled slightly at those bullies calling his friend Crash when it wasn't her name. "Rarity! What are you doing talking to these guys?" Rainbow Dash yelled in anger, flying up next to them. "Oh, they were just admiring my wings, Rainbow Dash," She smiled, showing them off again. Dumb-bell laughed again. "Yeah, maybe you should just forget about the sonic rainboom and just get yourself wings like these!" All three began to laugh and went on their way again.

Dash landed, her wings falling limp at her sides. Malibu put another hoof around her shoulder. "Ignore them Rainbow Dash, they're just being mean," He said with a smile. Fluttershy spoke up to change the subject. "Uuh, come on everypony. Why don't we see how clouds are made?" Malibu nodded. "Good idea," he said, the group making their way to the cloud factory. "Don't worry, you're going to win Dash, I'm sure of it," He promised her. But she kept trembling.

"Are you kidding? I can't even do the sonic rainboom, and just look at these boring, plain old feathered wings! I think that you would probably do better than me besides Rarity since you're an alicorn. I'm doomed!" She said in anxiety. Both Twilight and Malibu gazed at each other in worry for Dash's mental state, unsure of what else they could do.

They got to watch the workers pour some kind of pink liquid into a cloud machine that makes them. Wasn't as cool as the rainbow factory but interesting to watch. But sadly all the other ponies there kept on watching Rarity and setting Dash's nerves on edge. Rarity twirled around again. "What, these old things? Go ahead everypony. Photos are encouraged!"

Twilight glared. "Rarity, we're supposed to be helping Rainbow Dash relax, remember? Put your wings away and stop showing off!" Rarity shrugged it away again, flying higher. "Pft! How can you ask me to put away perfection!" Her wings reflected the sun's rays in a rainbow colored pattern. Everypony oohed at the sight; Dash now trembling even more, Malibu trying his best to ease her nerves but it still wasn't helping.

"Rainbow, are you ok? You don't look so good," Twilight said, Rainbow's eyes round. "Of course, why wouldn't I be? Everypony's so in love with Rarity's wings they won't even notice when I totally blow it in the best young flier's competition!"

One mare spoke up. "Hey, there's an idea! You should enter the competition!" She suggested to Rarity. Another old mare spoke too. "Yeah! I could watch you fly all day long!"

Rarity grinned. "There really isn't anypony who uses their wings quite like me. Perhaps I should compete..." She flew out of the sun again in a dramatic way, her decision shocking both Dash and Malibu. This could only end badly.

"What am I gonna do? I'll never win the competition now!" Dash wailed, looking down, dreading that time to come.


On the time the competition the friends managed to find good seats to watch Rainbow Dash. Malibu sat next to Twilight and gazed at the curtain, wishing he could be in there to give Dash encouragement.

"I'm sure the Sugarcube will be fine," Applejack assured the former gargoyle who nodded, until after a time the announcer called out the start of the competition. "Fillies and Gentlecolts! Please rise and join me in welcoming our beloved Princess Celestia!" Malibu felt himself smile in excitement at the idea of his adopted mom being her, seeing Celestia land on her own seat, waving to the crowd. "Hi mom!" He yelled, waving his hoof. Celestia looked down, smiling at him, with the others all giving each other grins.

"Please also welcome our celebrity judges for the Best Young Flyer Competition: The Wonderbolts!" The announcer said, and there was a whoosh of wind as the three Wonderbolts flew in. This was Malibu's first time seeing these Wonderbolts, and his eyes rounded at how fast they were; whose names were Spitfire, Soarin', and Fleetfoot. Even if the bullies were there it didn't bother him.

"And now, let's find out who would take the prize this year as the best young flier!" Proclaimed the announcer once more, as the competitors came out one by one, each one rather impressive. And now it was down to the last competitor.

Twilight was looking rather excited about seeing all the pegasi perform. "I love #7! Doing fifteen barrel rolls in a row can't be easy!" Malibu nodded. "I personally like #12, the way he flew through all those hoops without breaking a sweat," He exclaimed. Fluttershy grinned. "My favorite is #10. She looked like such a nice pony."

Applejack had been looking confused. "Huh. I wonder why we haven't seen Rainbow Dash or Rarity yet. The competition's almost over." Malibu had to agree, for he figured Dash would want to perform first but hoped her nerves hadn't been overtaking her.

That was when right now the announcer called out the last two. "And now for our final competitor of the day; contestant #15! Uh, and apparently contestant #4."

Who should come out but Rainbow Dash and apparently, surprisingly Rarity, who took her sweet time to put on makeup. But to have them both come out together? Malibu knew this couldn't have been the right decision, but cheered anyhow, hoping this would go well.

Despite that there was rock music going on for the last few contestants, for some reason it switched to classical music. Malibu figured this had something to do with Rarity as she began to dance daintily to the music which he felt got in the way of Dash's performance. She did her dodge and weave routine but ran into a cloud post, colliding next into the stadium wall, making him wince in pain for her, the bullies laughing.

"Ignore them Dash, ignore them," He murmured, rubbing his hooves together, as she pulled herself together and did her next routine; making the clouds spin. She seemed to be doing better than before that excited him and his friends. "Look! Phase two is working!" Flutter exclaimed, the others cheering in support.

So far it seemed to be working but unfortunately Dash got distracted again, accidentally sending a cloud nearly to collide with Celestia who ducked. Malibu winced, giving an apologetic look to his mom as Rainbow flushed. But now it was time for the big one. With Rarity she began to fly up to where the sun was to shine her wing colors onto everypony, and Rainbow Dash to do the Sonic Rainboom.

Rarity had reached the sun first, her wings glittering from the sunshine. She panted from the strain. "Look upon me Equestria! For I am Rarity!" Her colors beamed down onto the crowd, everypony gasping in awe. But then things went wrong when Malibu saw her wings smoking, and then in seconds they were gone in ash. His face fell at this. Rarity glanced at her back.

"Uh oh..." She squeaked before suddenly falling towards the ground, screaming, and startling everypony there. "No!" Malibu screamed, seeing her fall, the Wonderbolts trying to get her before hitting the ground. But her hooves hit them and knocked them out unintentionally. Malibu was raising his wings and getting ready to save them all but Twilight tapped him with her horn and pointed with her hoof.

Rainbow Dash had already taken the dive, startling Malibu, his ears flat, praying she would save them. She dove faster, faster, and faster... looking like she was gonna break the sound barrier, making his friends gasp in excitement. Malibu saw tears of strain coming out of Dash's closed eyes until finally; she managed to actually do the Sonic Rainboom! It made a big explosion of rainbow colors, shooting in every direction. Malibu's red eyes lit up in pride and disbelief at what he was seeing; the sonic rainboom for the first time!

She had also managed to catch Rarity and the Wonderbolts before hitting the ground, making a beautiful rainbow arch over the stadium when flying back up. Dash landed them all to safety as well as two other Pegasi keeping Rarity from falling through the clouds since the wing charm was now gone.

Malibu, crying in happiness, flew from his seat and flew at Dash, tackling her playfully to the ground, making her laugh as Malibu hugged her tight. "Easy, still catching my breath!" She teased, but she too hugged Malibu back as well, the crowd cheering ringing in their ears.

"I just can't believe you did it! It was awesome!" Malibu exclaimed, tears in his eyes. Dash nudged him. "Hey, that's my word!" The two just laughed more, Fluttershy cheering her loudest in the background that impressed him. Rarity had tears as well. "Oh, thank you Rainbow Dash, you saved my life!"

Rainbow flushed. "Oh yeah, I did do that. Best day ever!" Malibu was smiling from ear to ear, for he would remember this day forever. Their other friends joined them at that moment, Rarity now in the balloon basket.

"I want to apologize to all of you for getting so carried away with my... beautiful wings. I guess I just lost my head," Rarity apologized. Everypony else all said to her to forget it and they still loved her. "And I'm especially sorry that I was so thoughtless as to jump into the contest at the last minute after you had worked so hard to win it. Can you ever forgive me?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Aw, it's okay. Everything turned out alright, right? I just wished I could've met the Wonderbolts when they were awake."

Malibu noted the three standing right behind her, all awake and well. He tapped her and pointed, jaw dropped. She turned around, and gasped. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!"

Spitfire strode forward, nodding to her. "So you're the little pony that saved our lives. We really wanted to meet you and say thanks." She then turned to Malibu who was frozen. "And a pleasure to meet the son of Celestia as well," She bowed. Malibu felt himself blush, grinning nervously. "Uh, hi," He said awkwardly, making Spitfire chuckle, as well as Soarin' and Fleetfoot.

Celestia joined them, a proud smile on her face, Twilight bowing. "Princess." Malibu hugged his mom again, feeling her wings around him. "Hello my son and Twilight. And hello to your friends too." Rarity looked at Celestia with guilt. "Princess Celestia, I am sorry I ruined the competition. Rainbow Dash here really is the best flier in Equestria." She proclaimed.

"I know she is, my dear," Celestia said. "That is why, for her incredible act of bravery, and her spectacular Sonic Rainboom, I'm presenting the grand prize for Best Young Flyer to this year's winner, Miss Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow was then presented with the trophy, her eyes still open big. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" Malibu rolled his, chuckling. That was his Dash. Celestia gazed down at her student. "So, Twilight Sparkle and Malibu, did you two learn anything about friendship from this experience?"

Twilight nodded. "I did Princess. But I think Rarity learned even more than me." Rarity spoke. "I certainly did. I learned how important it is to keep your hooves on the ground, and be there for your friends." That was one of the few times none of them didn't need to write a letter at all after the Fall race.

Celestia looked proud. "Excellent. Well done Rarity."

Malibu was admiring Rainbow Dash's trophy. "This really is the best day ever!" But the bullies turned up at that moment. Malibu glanced around, his eyes glowing. "Either say something nice or get out of here," He snapped bitterly, making Dumb-bell wince, but he began to speak. "We don't wanna do that. Just wanted to say, Rainbow Crash-." Hoops nudged him. "Dash!" He hissed. Dumb-bell blushed. "Er, sorry, Rainbow Dash. We just wanted to congratulate you on winning that competition."

Hoops nodded, grinning. "That sonic rainboom was awesome!" He cheered. That stunned Malibu. Maybe they weren't as bad as they used to be anymore. "Aw, that's ok. Don't worry about it!" Dumb-bell glanced at Malibu. "And, sorry for insulting ya too," He said in an embarrassed tone. Malibu shrugged then. "Forget it," He said.

"Hey, do you want to hang out with us? Maybe you can show us how you did that incredible trick!" But Malibu saw Dash shake his head. "Sorry boys!" She zipped over to the Wonderbolts. "But I've got plans!" Malibu watched her fly off with her heroes, one of her dreams finally coming true.


I'm so sorry to the few fans out there for my slow chapters. But S1 is normally the less action packed season. Still anxious for Malibu to meet Starlight Glimmer, Discord, Tempest Shadow, etc. But they'll come everypony, I promise!

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