First Lessons: Green Isn't Your Color

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S1 E20 Everypony! Over A Barrel is up next!


Ever since the incident with the Diamond Dogs Malibu's wing had long since healed but he had been feeling a little on the edge. Rarity having noticed this invited him along with Fluttershy to join them at the Ponyville Spa which Malibu felt grateful for.

He and Fluttershy were at the moment waiting for Rarity who was trying to finish a dress for a customer before arriving. Malibu was suddenly recalling back to when one of those Diamond Dogs broke his wing.

The alicorn hugged his arms with his hooves, shaking. Fluttershy smiled at him, trying to assure his nerves, which calmed Malibu down just as the doorbell rang and Rarity ran in, panting.

"So sorry, Fluttershy! I hate being late for our weekly get-together. And I hope you enjoy our time with us too, Malibu. The usual!"

The two spa ponies from last time he saw them Aloe and Lotus Blossom both gasped, smiling as they wrote them down. But Aloe eyed Malibu. "Uh, Rarity, since Malibu is the son of our Princess, we'd be willing to give him a royal spa treatment." Malibu was stunned at this, not expecting such treatment from them, but then looked at his friends.

"Would like to hang with my friends for now but I'll consider your offer if I like my time here," he said to Aloe who nodded in understanding, following them first into the steam room where he was given a towel bathrobe to wear that his wings could go through.

The three sat in the steamroom for a time where apparently Rarity had exciting news. Malibu was mostly enjoying the relaxing steam on his skin, lying on the bench.

"But you would not believe what had happened to me today!" The white unicorn said. Malibu perked his head up. "What?"

Fluttershy tilted her head. "Is everything all right?" Rarity chuckled. "Oh, it's much more than all right. I was on my way here, wearing my latest hat creation, when who should stop me on the street but Photo Finish!?"

Malibu blinked a bit, confused. The name was familiar but not completely. "Photo Finish?" He asked. Next they moved onto face mask relaxation. Rarity got a full one with cucumbers while Malibu mostly wanted the cucumbers on his eyes and Fluttershy only got a small bit of a face mask. "She is the most famous fashion photographer in all of Equestria. Anywho, she saw my hat, and said it was absolutely marvelous!"

Fluttershy smiled. "What a lovely compliment!"

Their next pampering was a hoof and horn pedicure. Malibu lay down on the mattress, holding out his hooves as one other female spa pony began to rub the filer on it. He gave a little smile. It wasn't so bad.

"She was so impressed that she wants to take some pictures of my shop featuring some of my clothes!" Malibu noted Fluttershy's squee when Lotus Blossom backed away when wanting to give her a pedicure while Rarity had her horn one. "That's wonderful!"

Up next was a nice body massage. Malibu got a gentle one since his muscles from his healing were achy, including a wing massage. His eyes halfway closed under the cucumbers while he heard the vibrating voice of Rarity. "Dooo yyyou knnnow wwwhat tthis cccould mmmean fffor mmmy fffashion cccareer?" She asked in a vibrating voice, making him chuckle.

"I'm happy for you Rar," He replied in a relaxed voice as Aloe gently caressed his wing muscles.

The mud bath was after the massage. Malibu was hesitant at first when putting his hoof in but the mud felt rather relaxing, so he set foot inside it, sighing softly. "But I'm going to need somepony fabulous to model for me. Somepony with beauty, somepony with grace. Somepony... like you Fluttershy?"

He heard Fluttershy speak nervously. "Oh, goodness, I don't know." Malibu spoke. "It could be fun," He suggested while they now stood in a bath that washed mostly their hooves. "This is such a huge opportunity. And it would mean so much to me," Rarity begged.

Fluttershy blushed, making Malibu chuckle. "I'm flattered really." Rarity spoke again. Nopony is going to have your elegance and poise."



Malibu watched as Fluttershy tried saying she didn't want to, Rarity continuing to beg. He slightly agreed with Fluttershy now since she doesn't want to be in the spotlight but when he thought about it; when did a pony like Flutter get a chance to show off in clothes since their fashion show for Hoity Toity?

"Hey, Fluttershy, you weren't too shy during the fashion show for Hoity Toity. This could be another chance to boost your confidence," He offered. Fluttershy gulped at this but saw Malibu had a point. "Oh, if it is that important to you, Rarity, of course I'll do it."

The three stepped out of the baths as Rarity pulled Fluttershy into a squeezing hug. "Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou! You are the best friend a pony could ever have! And you too, Mal!" He blushed now as they left the spa. Malibu himself felt really refreshed, especially his wings.

"Huh, what a wonderful way to spend an afternoon..." Fluttershy said softly, smiling. Malibu nodded, willing to do it again if it helped him unwind. Rarity smiled. "Isn't it? Though I was so afraid you wouldn't agree to model for me that I felt completely frazzled."

"Thanks again for the pampering Rarity, I really needed it," Malibu said, a hoof on her shoulder. She beamed as he and Fluttershy left to return back home and for Fluttershy to prepare for Photo Finish's arrival.


A couple days later found Fluttershy dressed in a purple and black outfit, Rarity nitpicking over what to dress her up more in. Malibu stood near Twilight and Pinkie Pie.

Rarity looked at the hem of the dress, frowning. "Oh, this hem is completely off. PIN CUSHION!" Eyes rounding, Malibu saw Spike run over, pins all over his back. The former gargoyle felt himself wince at the sight of all those pins stuck there. Rarity pulled out a couple of the pins before glaring then making him move back. Her face then relaxed. "Thank you all for helping me. I'm so sorry to be short with you but I'm... I'm just so nervous!"

Malibu grinned. "It's alright really, Rarity." Twilight flinched from seeing all the pins on Spike's back. "Does that hurt?" Spike shook his head. "Thick scales, can't feel a thing." He then looked at Rarity with lovestruck eyes again. "And even if I could, there is no pain that would keep me from assisting, the most beautiful creature in the world..."

The teal alicorn rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "I'm gonna tell you two a secret. But you have to promise not to tell anyone." Spike stated with a frown.

Twilight nodded. "I promise." Groaning Malibu agreed. If it kept the little dragon happy he would do it. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie stated, putting a hoof on her closed eye.

"What?" Malibu asked, raising his brow. Pinkie smiled. "It is known as a Pinkie Promise, and nopony can break that." The young alicorn wound up nodding, though still confused. "Uhuh."

Spike gestured with his hand, causing them to come closer. "I have a crush on Rarity!" He whispered in an excited voice. Pinkie gasped aloud, Malibu hoofpalming himself. "We won't say a word!" The pink earth pony vowed.

Twilight laughed. "Give me a break, everypony already knows how you-."

Pinkie Pie covered Twilight's mouth. "Twilight! Both you and Malibu promised Spike you wouldn't say anything. He trusts you two! And losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend forever!"

Malibu couldn't help his nerves rise a little. "What?" Pinkie glared. "Forever...!" She said ominously. He flapped his wings nervously. Pinkie did sound serious. Twilight then nodded. "Our lips are sealed. Though Spike I'm sure Rarity is gonna pick up on your feelings."

Spike suddenly was wearing a shirt with Rarity on it that caused Malibu to chuckle a little, Spike blushing. The door opened at that moment; Spike hiding his shirt. Photo Finish had arrived with her assistants. She wore thick sunglasses and was a blue pony with a white mane, also wearing a striped dress, speaking in a German accent. "I, Photo Finish, have arrived!" She announced.

Rarity went up to the photographer. "Let me just say, what an honor!" Photo Finish suddenly spotted Malibu, and she gasped. Malibu then realized now that she saw him for being the Prince, and felt rather flustered as she went to get a photo. "Such elegance! An alicorn at my photo shoot!" She exclaimed in awe. Malibu looked at the others but Twilight shrugged. "Just go with it," She said.

Malibu raised his hoof. "Uh, nice to meet you Photo," He introduced himself, as Photo Finish shook his hoof back, nodding. "And a pleasure to meet the Prince. Now where is my model?"

He pointed to Fluttershy who was cowering, and went to set up her camera. "We begin... now!" Photo began to snap pictures, Fluttershy not quite into doing the poses. Rarity smiled. "Attitude and pizzaz!" Malibu watched Fluttershy continue to flinch from Photo Finish's camera.

"Yes! Show Photo Finish something!" The photographer praised. Malibu himself was confused at why she liked Fluttershy cowering and being her usual self more than trying to display the clothes the best she could.

She continued to take photos. "No! Yees! No! Yees! No! Yeees." Then Photo Finish stopped. "Enough!"

That's it? Malibu asked himself, tilting his head. Twilight looked at him. "She hardly took any pictures." Malibu agreed. "Yeah." Fluttershy lowered her head in shame. "I'm so sorry, I tried my best." Rarity pulled off the head dress. "Well, the headdress was too big for you and the cape had too much sparkle. I can't believe I ever thought I could impress her."

"Well you did try, and so did Fluttershy," Malibu said, doing his best to cheer her but then Photo Finish spoke. "It seems that I, Photo Finish, have found the next fashion star here in Ponyville!"

Rarity's eyes shone and Malibu perked up. "Really?" Rarity asked. "Yes, Really. And I, Photo Finish, am going to help her to shine all over Equestria. Tomorrow, a photo shoot in ze park. I go!"

She went onto her platform and her workers carried her out the door. Malibu was watching Rarity when her face was brightened in excitement. "Did you hear that? I am going to 'shine all over Equestria.'"

Fluttershy pawed the ground. "Oh, Rarity. I was so worried I'd ruined everything." She whispered. Malibu himself felt awkward by when Photo had been awing over him because he was an alicorn. "And I too felt worried that my Prince status would ruin the show," He said. Rarity shook her head. "Oh, never. I knew you'd be perfect Fluttershy. And it is no problem at all, Malibu."

She then began to giggle and jump up and down unknowingly on Spike's tail. Twilight had to pull him away as he was too hypnotized by Rarity's beauty. Malibu now wondered how it would all go for the shoot tomorrow.


In the park the next day Rarity had dressed Fluttershy up in a sparkly sharp looking dress. "That is definitely the one, Photo Finish is going to love it. Everypony is going to love it!"

Malibu did like it somewhat for Rarity's work even if it didn't quite fit Fluttershy's personality. Rarity had invited him to see the photo shoot again. Fluttershy flushed. "Oh, I am so excited for you. Just don't forget us little ponies when you become the most famous designer in all of Equestria."

Rarity smiled at her. "Never," She promised, in which Malibu hoped she would keep that promise.

"Put me down here." Malibu turned to see Photo Finish's arrival. But once she saw Fluttershy's display dress from Rarity... well...

"Oh, nononononono!" He himself was surprised at her reaction to the dress that didn't look too bad. "The model should be in something simple! Something inspired by... the nature!"

What? But isn't this Rarity's photo shoot? Thought Malibu in confusion. Rarity chuckled nervously. "That's just what I was thinking." She looked through her other dresses but noticed there was nothing Photo suggested. She cringed then pushed them away. "Um... give me a moment and I'll, uh, put a little something together."

Photo shook her head. "Yes... that'll not be necessary." Malibu stepped up to her. "Wait, then how will you help my friend shine all over Equestria?" He asked. She stepped around him. "I am not going to help Rarity shine all over Equestria, young Prince. I'm going to help her shine." She pointed to Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus gasped when one of her assistants pushed her towards Photo Finish.

"She's my star. And for the young Prince, I vant you to help me draw in my crowd. You are perfect." Malibu now was feeling even more flustered than before, as another assistant began to brush off any dirt and checked on his wings. He was still just through his recover from the Diamond Dogs and now he was gonna be standing in front of tons of famous ponies?

"I-I suppose as long as I can let my mom know," Malibu muttered, but Photo Finish shook her hoof. "Suppose you could. Photo shootings are in a week, time to get ready." Malibu bowed a bit, thanking her to give him time to think it over.

"And you, go!" Huffed Photo Finish to Rarity, waving her hoof in the air in another direction, as she guided Fluttershy away to get dressed. Rarity looked ready to be in tears, lowering her head. Malibu went up next to her, a hoof on her shoulder. "You alright?" Rarity chuckled, but it seemed forced. "I'll be fine, I know I'll be fine..."

Some time later Photo Finish had dressed Fluttershy up in a flowery dress after Malibu did his best to comfort Rarity. "I can't, Rarity," Fluttershy whimpered. Malibu himself too was nervous about making public appearances even if he wasn't dressing up.

Rarity shook her head. "Oh, but you must Fluttershy. Photo Finish wants to make you a star. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. I know we were both hoping it would be my lifetime, but nonetheless you can't throw away this chance. You must do this for me. You must. You must! You must!"

Photo Finish spoke from behind. "Flootershy! It is time to make..." She struck a pose. "The magics!" Fluttershy went up to the photographer along with Malibu. He planned to write a little note to send by magic to his mom when getting to the studio. His mom replied later telling him it was ok, as long as he didn't let it get to his head.

"Oh, wunderbar! You are like a delicate flower! So much more alluring without all those sparkles und feathers!" Photo Finish complimented. Malibu trotted next to her. "What do I do?" He asked her. She smiled. "You will encourage Flootershy, and attract a crowd when going on stage. Everypony would come to see not just Flootershy, but also the Prince of Equestria."

The teal alicorn nodded though deep down he couldn't help but feel something wrong with that as they eventually arrived at the stage studio.

They put some make up on Fluttershy, while the other stylists tried to dress Malibu in regal shoes and a robe, which he didn't feel like wearing since they didn't seem to fit him. When they put too much blush on Fluttershy she looked ready to sneeze. When she did it was a tiny one.

Photo looked excited. "Oh, yes! Even her schneezes are graceful! She pushed the two to the stage. "Now go! How do you two feel? Excited? Overjoyed? Thrilled beyond your wildest dreams?"

Malibu swallowed. "T-to be honest; really nervous," He muttered, swishing his tail. Photo scoffed. "Nervous? Dun be ridiculous. You're only facing a large crowd of ponies who will be watching your every move and silently judging you." The two friends looked at each other in fear at the 'encouragement'.

Music suddenly began to play from the stage. "Uh, you go on I guess Fluttershy. J-just be yourself," Malibu said gently, pushing her softly onto stage. The crowd went silent when suddenly seeing the two, especially Malibu. He himself wasn't a fan of all the eyes on him, blushing, standing there at the start of the runway while Fluttershy walked further out. He could hear her muttering about not wanting to let down Rarity.

She began to do her shy poses, and everypony there for some reason cheered, though he wondered why. One named Lyrica Lilac spoke. "So graceful."

Another called Royal Ribbon complimented. "So lovely."

Malibu even spotted Hoity Toity. "So perfect for my new advertisement!" He proclaimed, while others tried going up to Malibu for autographs. Fluttershy noticed and saw Malibu stuttering and she smiled, shrugging, telling him to go with it. The alicorn then gave in, signing a couple.

Soon the two rose in fame, moreso for Malibu because of his Prince status even if he wasn't a true blood royal. They even got to ride in a carrige limo which was a cool experience for Malibu, and sometimes getting caught up with signing more autographs, feeling his shyness going away a little. They didn't notice Rarity trying to go into the party but had gotten blocked out, making her glare.


But it wasn't all fame and fun like the two thought for a while. When trying to just have a normal day in town, Malibu was suddenly bombarded with ponies wanting to take pictures and get more autographs, which he was wanting a break from.

"Oh, the prince! Malibu! Come over here Malibu!" Yelled one fan, making Malibu's ears fall flat, running away. While running he ran into Fluttershy also being berated by fans taking unneeded photos. "C'mon, we gotta hide!" Malibu yelped, nudging Fluttershy to the closest place which happened to be Carousel Boutique. The two ran through the door, closing it sharply and both breathing heavily.

Malibu struggled to catch his breath, hearing the voices of those fans all yelling outside to come in. "Not... fun..." He croaked. Rarity was looking over her dresses with a sad face when hearing the door open and close. She turned with sad eyes. "Wow, look how popular you two are..." Malibu glanced over in her direction, chuckling nervously. "Uh, hey..." He said.

"You two must be having the best time ever." Rarity said in a bland tone. Fluttershy looked down in despondency. "Oh yes. Best time ever..."

Photo Finish found them then, but blocked off the fan mob. "Flootershy, Prince Malibu! I have been looking for you two everywhere! We have the thing at the place!" Malibu tilted his head. "Er... what?"

Fluttershy turned towards Rarity. "We'll see you at the Spa? Our usual time?" Rarity nodded. "Of course! I can't wait to hear all about the... 'thing at the place'." She muttered. Photo Finish pushed Malibu and Fluttershy out the door.

The thing at the place was obviously an interview of Photo Finish talking about her success with Fluttershy being a model. Malibu stood off to the side, holding up a wing to shield his eyes from the flashing cameras. He wondered how his mom put up with all of this every day. "Obviously I, Photo Finish, am thwilled to have found them!"

Fluttershy tapped her on the shoulder. "Um... Photo Finish?" Photo grinned. "I only need to point and shoot, and I capture... the magics!"

"Photo Finish, I'm so sorry to interrupt. It's just that we're running late." Malibu nodded. "Yes, we-."

The photographer interrupted. "Oh, how could I have forgotten?! Your appearances at the ballet opening! Everypony who is anypony will be there!"

Malibu frowned. "Photo, please, we've promised to meet our friend-!" But was cut off. "We go!" The two cast sideways glances of concern at each other; praying Rarity wouldn't be too mad at them.


After suffering through the ballet opening, Malibu and Fluttershy flew as fast as they could to make it to the spa but sadly didn't make it on time. They burst into the bath room. "Rarity! We're so sorry we're..." But only Twilight was there. Malibu grunted in frustration, stomping his hoof, wishing they weren't held up.

"Oh no, she's already gone, isn't she?" Asked Fluttershy in sorrow.

Twilight lowered her ears. "Sorry," She apologized. Malibu mostly sat down, wings and ears lowered. So this was what fame had brought them both. Fluttershy growled. "Oh, I can't believe this. I am so frustrated, I could just scream."

Malibu watched as she took a deep breath, but only a cute squeak escaped her. It made him smile, but only a little.

"Feel better?"

Fluttershy sighed. "No. Can we tell you something?" Twilight smiled. "Of course."

"You promise not to tell Rarity?" Malibu asked.

"Of course."

Fluttershy raised her brow. "Pinkie Pie Swear?"

Twilight then did it. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my-." She accidentally poked her eye. "Oooww!" That made Malibu chuckle a little bit more.

Fluttershy took a deep breath, then spoke her secret. "I don't like being a model. No, I hate being a model. All this attention is awful, just awful. And I'm only doing it because Rarity told me I must. I must! I must! I must..."

"And me; all this fame for being a Prince. I preferred when it was just me and Celestia being a family, not all this photography and autographs. Too much pressure," Malibu added in, curling in on himself.

Twilight looked curious. "Oh, really? Well... if you wanna know the truth, Rarity..."

To the alicorn's surprise; Pinkie suddenly jerked out of the basket of sponges, shaking her head, zipping her lips shut. He tilted his head in confusion. "Oh, what were you about to say?"

"Forever!" Hissed Pinkie when showing up again. Malibu wondered how she had gotten in here in the first place. Twilight smiled nervously. "Nothing!"


Back in town the trio pondered what they could do for all the uneeded attention. "I was just thinking Fluttershy, if you really don't like being a model, you could always quit."

Malibu jerked. They couldn't! "But then, Rarity would be horrified by what we did," He said in a sad voice.

Twilight tried once more to tell her secret. "Rarity told me..." She gasped when Pinkie now showed up from an apple barrel. Looking weird as she bit into an apple. Malibu backed up slightly. She was being totally weird today. "Oh, if only all these ponies didn't like me so much. Photo Finish wouldn't want me to model anymore and Malibu to attract attention. She'd find somepony else with... the magic!"

The purple unicorn sighed, agreeing. "I guess you're right." She paused before getting an idea. "You're right, you're right!" She cheered, accidentally knocking off Malibu and Fluttershy's disguises. Everypony else in town gasped when seeing their celebrities exposed.

Malibu gave a little whimper and lowered himself, wishing to sink into the ground. "It's Fluttershy and the Prince!" Cheered another fan, causing the two to make a break for it to find cover, having Twilight to be nearly trampled.


Later that night after escaping the mob the group were called by Photo Finish for another modeling. Twilight had come up with an idea on how to have Fluttershy intentionally stumble up during her modeling. Malibu ensured too that she wouldn't get hurt which Twilight promised since she was the one going to do it.

Rarity had snuck in to watch the show. "Guess it's time to see what all the fuss is about." She muttered, wanting to see why they got attention.

Malibu nodded to Fluttershy who walked out and did her poses until soon Twilight lit up her horn with the spell. It caused Fluttershy to trip on stage, stopping the music short. Everypony was startled by what happened.

Twilight used her spell more to make Flutter do more thing she wouldn't do, even bark and bray. Malibu looked over at Twilight. "Uh, Twi? I think we can tone down on it," He said urgently. She nodded and turned it off.

"Get her off the stage! Yelled one pony.

"She's an embarrassment to all things fashion!" Stormed another in anger. Photo Finish from the bottom of the stage moaned. "I, Photo Finish, have made a terrible mistake!"

Malibu smiled, thinking that all their troubles were over until; he heard somepony stomping their hooves in applause. "Bravo! I say bravo!"

It was Rarity cheering for some reason. He was surprised to see her in the crowd in a gown and headdress. "Such attitude! Such pizzazz! She's invented a new kind of modeling! Bravo!"

Malibu was groaning, backing up behind the curtain. Rarity obviously didn't know what he and Fluttershy really thought about all this fame happening for them, when the crowd began to cheer after that. Twilight had blushed red when realizing her plan failed.


After that disaster they were back at the spa. Fluttershy looked in tears as Malibu gave her a wing hug. "This is awful! Just awful! Somehow we've become more popular than ever. Oh, I'm so frustrated, I could just kick something!" She did, but a light tiny kick, making the vase wobble just a little.

Oh Flutter... Malibu thought, shaking his head slightly in amusement through his own sadness. Fluttershy whimpered. "If only Rarity didn't want me to model so badly."

Twilight groaned. "Ugh! But Rarity...!" She quickly halted from speaking, putting a hoof in her mouth. Rarity burst right in during that time, her face flustered and sorrowful.

"Fluttershy, dear Malibu! Are you two alright?" Malibu and Fluttershy both grinned sarcastically. "Never better... everypony likes me more so than when I first became Prince." He said in a shaky tone.

"And I'm a world famous fashion model. Why wouldn't we be great?" Fluttershy asked in the same voice.

Twilight spoke again. "Because you ha...!" She cringed again, putting both hooves in her mouth and crouching down. Malibu rolled his eyes but was confused. "Out there on the runway, everypony was turning on you and oh, Fluttershy... it is so awful. I wanted them to."

The two friends were stunned. "R-really?" Malibu asked in shock.

"Of course she did! Because...!" Twilight shoved a lot of fruit from a fruit bowl to shut herself up, weirding Malibu out more. "I'm jealous! I wanted all the attention. And instead it was going to you. I even started hoping that you would do something silly so your modeling career would be over. But then, when it started happening, all I could think was how could I want you to fail at something you love so much?" Rarity then admitted.

That made tears come into both of their eyes. Twilight had spat the fruit out. "But... they don't... Ugh!" She ran and stuffed her head into a flower pot.

Fluttershy shook her head. "Love? Oh, Rarity, I hate being a model. And Malibu hated the extra Prince attention." Malibu gazed down shyly. Rarity was confused. "You do?"

Malibu nodded. "More than anything," He said sadly. "I will have to write to mom about it."

"Then why did you two keep doing it?" Rarity asked. Fluttershy looked saddened. "I was afraid if I quit, you'd be mad at me for not wanting to... "shine all over Equestria"." She revealed. "And I was afraid to let down those who had been coming to see me, too."

Rarity had a hoof over her chest. "And I thought if I told you how jealous I was of your successes, you'd think I was a terrible friend!"

The two shook their heads. "Never," They both said at once. "Oh, all this time!" Rarity gasped. Malibu wrapped her in a wing hug. "I'd never think less of you, Rarity," He stated. She hugged him back. "If we'd just told each other the truth," Fluttershy admitted.

Rarity looked in happy tears. "I promise to never keep my feelings a secret again." Fluttershy agreed. "Us too."

Then the three did the Pinkie Promise. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" They all laughed at that and Malibu had to admit it was a rather fun saying. Photo Finish had arrived at that time.

"You were brilliant, Flootershy. Brilliant! I've already got six photo shoots lined up for tomorrow alone!"

Fluttershy grinned. "I'm sorry, Photo Finish, but I don't think I'll be able to make any of them."

The fashion photographer was startled. "Whaaat?"

Malibu watched Rarity and Flutter hoof bump. "We go!" They both giggled when leaving. "Vat has just happened?" Photo questioned. The alicorn knew then he had to say something to her. "Photo Finish, I liked hanging around, but I decided it was too much attention for me to handle," He said shyly. Photo Finish gave a nod and a smile.

"Zat's fine, Prince. Fame usually isn't for everypony. But was thrilled to meet you." She and Malibu shook hooves. "You too. Hope to see you again."

When Photo left Twilight had pulled her head out of the flowerpot. "Spike has a crush on Rarity!" She screamed, suddenly closing her mouth after realizing what she said. Malibu hoof palmed himself, but looked up to see Pinkie somehow in the mirror. "And you were doing so well!" The party pony sighed.


After all that in the spotlight Malibu was grateful to have a spa day without having cameras in his face. He was sitting in a mud bath while Fluttershy sat in the tub, Twilight in a smaller lotion scented tub and Rarity in the steam room.

"Huh, now this is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon..." Flutter sighed. "Isn't it though?" Rarity asked. Malibu nodded. "I never thought a mud bath would feel good on my wings."

He heard Twilight saying her letter for his mom. He too had sent one and Celestia had understood what had happened.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Being a good friend means being able to keep a secret. But you should never be afraid to share your true feelings with a good friend. Did you get all that, Spike?" Malibu saw Spike glaring.

"No, I did not. I still can't believe you told someone about my secret feelings for Rarity!" He said in frustration. Twilight lowered her ears. "You're right, that was wrong of me, and I'm very sorry."

Spike grinned. "Apology accepted." Twilight smiled. "Now will you take down my letter to Princess Celestia?"

"Would love to, but I'm busy at the moment..." Spike sighed, using a fan to wave at Rarity that had Rarity's picture in a heart on it.

Malibu leaned back against the mud bath after rolling his eyes, happy to have this moment again after all that harassment he experienced, vowing to never do it again.


Hope there are bronies and pegasisters on here enjoying my fanfic!

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