First Lessons: Over A Barrel

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S1 E20 everypony! A Bird In The Hoof is up next!

P.S. forgot to post this too long ago. Sorry about that!


The Friendship Express was rolling along in a desert area of Equestria, which happened to be transporting the Mane 7 to one of Applejack's relative's villages called Appleloosa. Malibu was in the caboose with Applejack, feeling rather excited to be riding the Friendship Express to a new place he'd never been.

Applejack was reading a book to her apple tree she was bringing to Appleloosa, which sometimes confused him but she was a tree lover so he could give her a pass for that.

"And that's when the yellow birdie thought to himself, "Hmm. My favorite little tree isn't such a little tree anymore." So she sang her song, big and strong, and they all lived in that great, big tree happily ever after. The... end."

They both jumped when Rarity spoke in the back when she came to check on them. "Applejack! Are you reading a bed time story to a... a apple tree?!"

Malibu turned about, unsure what to say as Applejack chuckled nervously. "Heh, uh, well, ya know, bein' replanted in a whole new place is very upsettin' for a tree. And Bloomberg here is one of my favorites!" She petted the tree affectionately.

"You... named it?" Malibu asked, unable to hide a chuckle. Applejack gave him a look and he stopped laughing. Rarity huffed. "No fair, Applejack! You've got a luxurious, private sleeper car for a tree, while I am crowded and cramped in the same car with all the other ponies. How am I supposed to get my beauty sleep?!"

The young alicorn rolled his eyes. "Just get some earplugs." He muttered while Applejack got defensive of her tree. "But Bloomberg's the whole reason we're makin' this trip. He needs his rest so we can give him as a gift to my relatives in Appleloosa!"

Rarity scoffed. "You talk about it like it is your baby or something." Malibu's ears fell when Applejack glowered. "Who are you callin' a baby?! Bloomberg's no baby! Don't wet widdle Rarity make you all saddy-waddy. Bloomberg's a big and strong apple tree. Yes, he is. A-coochie-coochie-coo-coo-coo!"

Malibu backed up slightly. "Uh, alright. Thanks for inviting me along AJ, I can't wait to see your cousins. But, I should probably get back with the others."

Applejack nodded. "Sure..." She cuddled her tree more while Rarity was pretty mad. "It's widdle Rarity who's all 'saddy-waddy'! Ugh!" Malibu guided her out of the caboose so he could get her a refreshment to calm down. The Friendship Express was a pretty nice train that could somehow be pulled by 8 stallions in the front.

He returned to their cart where Twilight and the others were all chatting excitedly about the train ride. Rarity had decided to turn in early but couldn't sleep. Malibu sat in a bed underneath Rainbow Dash's while he talked about having never been to Appleloosa before. Spike groaned when waking up. "Do you guys mind? I was up early roasting those snacks you're all eating, and I'm pooped!"

Dash nudged her popcorn bucket. "Uh, speaking of, some of these popcorn kernels didn't get popped." Spike smiled sarcastically. "Okay, fine."

He shot a burst of fire. Malibu yelped when ducking as did Rainbow which burnt all the popped ones and popped one last kernel. "Good night!" Spike grumbled, curling under his blankets. The gang all looked at each other awkwardly. Twilight cleared her throat. "Uh... maybe it's time we all got a little shut eye. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

Malibu saw the lights go out as he heard his girl friends awing in disappointment. He yawned and snuggled in his sheets, imagining his aunt Luna raising the moon, a small smile on his muzzle as he fell asleep, when Dash spoke.

"Psst! Pinkie Pie, are you asleep?" Now what? Malibu moaned to himself, rubbing his eyes. He saw through the darkness that the girls were awake still. "No, are you asleep yet?" Pinkie asked. Rainbow huffed. "If I was sleeping, how could I have asked you if you were asleep?"

Pinkie giggled at that notion. Malibu sat up. "Guys, we're suppsoed to sleep," He muttered but Dash kept talking. "Mal, when we get to Appleloosa you think we'll have to carry that tree all the way from the train to the orchard?"

"Dunno..." Malibu grumbled in a tired voice. "What tree? You mean Bloomberg?" Pinkie asked quietly. Rainbow rolled her eyes. "No... Fluttershy."

Malibu turned, grumbling and covered his head with his pillow, waiting for them to stop talking, as now the 5 of them were at it. Even Spike had enough. "For Pete's Sake!" He stormed, jumping out of bed and storming off to the caboose. Malibu hoped that would be the end of it, but they kept it up.

"Well that was kinda huffy," Twilight stated. "Huffy the magic dragon," Fluttershy giggled. "Guys, please..." Malibu muttered in a tired voice, too exhausted to speak loud, until Rarity shot up. "Will you all be quiet... Now?!" She was wearing a face mask and cucumbers in bed, that even Malibu deemed terrifying but was glad she was able to speak out when he couldn't, the others blowing out the candle after shrieking at the sight.

Finally, I can sleep... Malibu sighed in relief, pulling the covers over his head and snoring softly.


The next morning; Malibu blinked his eyes open, yawning but there was a sudden loud rumbling, waking the others. What was going on?

Twilight had looked outside. "Ooh, everypony look! A buffalo stampede!" Excited, Malibu joined in looking outside, seeing the buffalo running in a herd, looking very much like indians he saw on tv back in New York. The former gargoyle thought they were the most interesting thing next to the Diamond Dogs.

"I just love their accessories!" Rarity awed, noting their feathers on their heads. But Malibu noted how they kept moving closer. "Is it me or are they getting too close for my liking?" He asked nervously. One buffalo bumped their car while another shoved one of the stallions pulling the train.

Malibu and the others cried out when being knocked around, making him dizzy and have a headache. "Ooh! Now they're doing tricks!" Pinkie suddenly said. Looking outside again, Malibu noted how the buffalo were jumping on top of each other and spied too a younger one running with a confident smile, leaping up high and landing on the last buffalo on top.

"Oh, oh, oh! Now do a backflip!" PInkie Pie begged. But the young buffalo jumped and landed on top of the train car instead. Pinkie was disappointed. "Or just jump?"

Rainbow glared when hearing the hooves of the young buffalo running down the car. "Something tells me this isn't a circus act!" She said, running out to find out what was going on. Malibu joined her, figuring his magic and wings could help them out. He looked towards the little buffalo running their way.

"Where are ya headed in such a hurry?" Dash asked, but the buffalo only ran around her, ignoring her. Malibu glared and flew up, landing in front of the small one. "She was talking to you!" He said, but instead, once again, she leapt over Malibu with a lot of grace for a buffalo.

Dash narrowed her eyes too, trying to get in front more. "I just wanna know— hey! Whoa!" She did her best to stop the buffalo but she kept up her running. Malibu even tried shooting a freezing spell that kept missing. He wound up tripping and holding onto the edge of the caboose for dear life, Rainbow Dash unlucky and hitting a sign, sliding down to the sand.

"Rainbow!" Malibu shouted in fear, trying to get off but one of the buffalo managed to unhook the caboose from the rest of the train with him still on it, and not wanting to jump off in case the bigger buffalo trampled him. The small one smirked down at him. "You won't take this tree anywhere," She mocked, whistling to her herd.

The rest of the buffalo turned around to push the caboose away with him, and...

"Help!" He heard Spike shouting in fear from inside. Malibu glared up at the buffalo before managing to open the door and getting inside. Spike ran up and hugged him, as the two glanced out at their friends disappearing in the distance.

Malibu knew they had the chance now to get out but the train was going so fast along with feeling too flustered to do teleportation and the buffalo would probably try to hurt them if they attempted to run. He knew they had no choice but to see what fate was in store.


The buffalo had been moving them along until finding where a track ended, one of them opening the door. One of the big one's eyes widened at the sight of the baby dragon inside with him.

"You two, come out. How come you were in there?" Malibu glared, his eyes glowing. "We aren't going anywhere and you aren't getting the tree!" He snapped back at the buffalo even though they could easily trample him. The buffalo narrowed too, not wanting to let this stranger threaten him. "We told you to come out and you will." The male squeezed in and shoved him out.

Spike was looking petrified from being kidnapped as he and Malibu were pushed forward to be in a circle of buffalo. A second male went up to them. "The tree comes with us and you won't be harmed... alicorn?" He looked interested when seeing Malibu's wings and horn.

"What's it to you?" Demanded Malibu gruffly. The small one looked a bit sorry. "I'm sorry we have to do this but it is for your own safety." Before he could ask, one buffalo suddenly hit his head hard and he fell unconscious, Spike calling out his name.

An hour into the day later Malibu felt himself coming to, rubbing his head and groaning softly, seeing a tent around him and lying on a mat. Feeling scared he jumped up. "Spike... Spike!"

A deep voice sounded. "Keep calm, young alicorn. Your friend is safe and not harmed. For we have a deep respect for dragons." He turned to see what looked like the chief of the buffalo herd, giving him a gentle but firm gaze. Malibu backed up on his mat. "And what of me?" He questioned out of his nerves.

"We instantly recognized you as no ordinary alicorn but the son of the great Princess. And us Buffalo respect her. What may your name be?"

Feeling his tension now fading, Malibu settled slightly. "I'm Malibu," He introduced. The chief put a hoof on his chest. "And you may call me Chief Thunderhooves of the Buffalo tribe." The tent opened and the young buffalo entered, a nervous smile on his face. Thunderhooves chuckled. "This is Little Strongheart."

Malibu felt himself waving slightly. Little Strongheart certainly had quite the skills back there. "But why did you want Applejack's tree? It didn't do anything to you," he asked curiously. Little Strongheart frowned. "It is a long story."

Spike suddenly came in holding a bowl of what looked like turquoise gems, a big smile on his face. "Hey, Mal! Turns out these guys have a stock of turquoise! Great or what?" He threw some into his mouth, munching noisily, making Malibu roll his eyes until one other male buffalo came with news.

"Intruders on our border, two ponies," He growled. Thunderhooves's nostrils flared. "Take some buffalo with you. And perhaps you and Spike can go too."

The alicorn nodded. "As long as we don't hurt them," He demanded. Little Strongheart agreed to that, as Spike jumped onto Malibu's back and the group ran out to the desert to see who it was.

Meanwhile while out there Rainbow Dash was trying to make her way to the Buffalo camp, sneaking around, hoping to save Malibu and Spike. "Oh, wait until I get my hands on that little buffalo. Ow! No pony tricks Rainbow Dash and gets away with it-yaah!"

Pinkie Pie had snuck up on her, saying 'boo'. "Pinkie Pie!" Snapped Dash in anger, making her giggle. "Ah, ya caught me! Looks like I tricked you and didn't get away with it either! You're good."

Dash shushed her harshly. "What do you think you're doing?! You gotta get out of here!"

Pinkie tilted her head. "I do?"

The rainbow pegasus looked about. "You're gonna blow my cover!"

"I am?"

Rainbow facepalmed her forehead. "I'm trying to save Spike and Malibu!" She hissed. Pinkie smiled. "Oh my gosh, so am I!"

"And the more of us there are out here, the more chances of us getting..." The buffalo now surrounded them, snorting angrily. "Caught." She turned to her friend. "Run, Pinkie. I'll hold 'em off. Save yourself!"

The buffalo growled, wanting to deal with the intruders until Malibu and Spike's voices rang out. "Stop!" Dash and Pinkie were confused, openmouthed when seeing their missing friends appearing, with smiles.

"Hey, guys," Greeted Malibu with a wave. "Wha...?" Rainbow Dash gaped. Spike grinned confidently. "No, worries, we know these guys. They're cool." One buffalo hoof bumped Spike's fist. "If you say so, Spike. Catch ya later, bro."

Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof. "Malibu, can you tell us what is happening?" The alicorn went up to her. "They didn't mean to kidnap us, Dash. Come with us and we'll explain." The two eventually went along with it and had dinner that night at the encampment.

The food wound up to be mashed cactus. Malibu sniffed it, which didn't smell too bad and wound up eating some of it. Pinkie had dived in right away but Dash pushed hers away. "It really isn't too bad," Malibu tried, though his marefriend shook her head.

"Seems they took me and Malibu by mistake," Spike started, telling the story. And they feel awful about it too, poor guys. But it seems they respect both dragons and alicorns so they treat me and Malibu as honored guests. Still don't like other ponies much though but you're with me so it is cool."

Malibu nodded. "I didn't trust them at first after knocking me out—." Rainbow Dash looked pretty pissed at that but Malibu raised his hoof. "It was a defense precaution they had to do. They didn't hurt me too bad, I promise."

Dash frowned. "Huh. Well, I still don't trust them. I say we turn tail and bail while we still—." She was interrupted by Pinkie's munching, making Malibu chuckle. "Mmm! Before we finish eating? Are you loco in the coco?" Little Strongheart went up to take her empty bowl. "Can I please have more of that mushy stuff, whatever it was?

Strongheart smiled, nodding. "Certainly. And Mr. Spike, you still like these gemstones, yes?" She placed down a new bowl of turquoise. Spike started putting them hastily into his mouth. "Heh heh. This here is Little Strongheart. And these are my friends Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash."

Malibu's ears suddenly fell when he saw Rainbow Dash had recognized Strongheart from the train. "You!" Dash growled. Strongheart's eyes widened. "You!"

The rainbow pegasus stood up. "That's it! We are outta here!" Malibu ran up to grab his friend. "No, hold on!" He begged. "Wait! Please accept my apologies for what happened on the train. We didn't mean for anyone to be hurt."

Rainbow rolled her eyes after Malibu let go of her. "Yeah, right," She muttered. Little Strongheart began to finally tell the story that Malibu wanted to hear. "We only wanted the tree. The settler ponies have overtaken the land and have planted an orchard all over it! Because of their thoughtlessness, we can no longer run over our traditional stampeding grounds."

Malibu's face fell when he realized she was talking about Appleloosa. He was sure they didn't mean to. "I think it is time they met Chief Thunderhooves," Spike stated. The prince glanced at Dash who was glowering. The gang all went to meet up with the chief. Malibu sat with the chief as he told more of their tribe's story.

"Hmmh. We have a long and winding stampeding trail that we have run upon for many generations. My father stampeded upon these grounds, and his father before him, and his father before him..."

The friends cringed at each other when he kept going, seeing the other buffalo looking ready to sleep through the lecture. "And his father before him, and his father before him—." Little Strongheart put a hoof on her father's mouth. "I think they get the idea, chief," She said. Malibu nodded.

Thunderhooves humphed a little before continuing the actual story. "It is a sacred tradition to run the path every year. But this year, these... settler ponies, these... Appleloosans!" He began to snort non stop before Strongheart halted him again, having her own glare on her face. "They planted apple trees all over it without asking our permission."

Pinkie Pie looked upset. "Well that's not very nice, right Rainbow Dash?" Malibu agreed though Dash just humphed and crossed her hooves. Little Strongheart's glare softened as she looked sad. "The ponies refused to move their trees, so we are stuck here, and it is not fair!"

The teal alicorn stood up. "I'm sure we can talk things out with them..." He was interrupted when Dash jumped to her feet, frowning, making the buffalo gasp.

"Oh yeah we'll speak to them. C'mon, we have some apple pickin' Appleloosans to talk to!" She ran off in the direction of the town, Malibu, Spike, and Little Strongheart right behind them.

The friends ran as fast as they could and eventually when the sun was rising, saw the rest of their companions getting ready to hike into the buffalo territory. "Hi guys!" Pinkie greeted. Fluttershy gasped and tackled Pinkie in a hug. "Pinkie! We're so glad you guys are safe!"

Twilight ran up and gave Malibu a tight hug, making him yelp before returning his brother hug to her. "Malibu, how did you all escape from the buffalo?" Malibu flushed, rubbing his hoof. "Funny story... we actually didn't."

He side stepped aside, revealing Little Strongheart coming out from behind a rock, waving. The others that weren't in the camp gasped in shock. Rainbow smiled. "We promised the buffalo a chance to talk."

Applejack which Malibu had guessed didn't look too happy since she was a part of the Appleloosans and probably heard a different story from them. "Oh yeah, about what?" She snapped. Rainbow flew next to Little Strongheart. "We brought our pal Little Strongheart here to explain to the Appleloosans why they should move the apple trees off of buffalo land."

The new stallion gave a nervous smile. "That information would be quite help—."

"That's weird," AJ snapped. "Cause my cousin Braeburn here wants to explain to the buffalo why they should let the apple trees stay!"

Little Strongheart spoke. "That would be a useful thing to—."

Malibu felt his heart sink. This wasn't the peaceful talk he hoped it would be. Dash and AJ began to argue mostly at each other more than Braeburn or Strongheart were. "The land is theirs! You planted the trees not knowing that, honest mistake. Now you just gotta move them that's all!"

Applejack growled. "They busted their rumps here! An' now they're supposed ta bust their rumps again, just 'cause some buffalo won't stampede someplace else?" She shouted. Malibu shook his head, feeling his own anger coming up as they kept it up, until to everypony's shock, his eyes glowed red and his voice rose to a booming noise.

"EVERYPONY, STOP!" He roared in what his mom called the Alicorn Voice. They all glanced back in shock. Malibu panted a bit from using his voice that way, especially Twilight. "Listen, this arguing is getting nowhere," Malibu snapped after. Twilight nodded. "Both the settlers and the buffalo have good reasons to use this land. There must be something we can do."

Pinkie then suddenly brightened. "Hey! I got an idea!" Malibu hoped she really did, for everypony and buffalo's sakes.


Back in Appleloosa which looked like a classic cowboy town, everypony there was gathered near a stage along with the two leaders of the respected groups Thunderhooves and Sheriff Silverstar sitting in front with Malibu and the rest of his friends. The stage opened revealing Pinkie Pie wearing a dress and Spike playing the piano.

"We may be divided

But of you all, I beg

To remember we're all hoofed

At the end of each leg"

Some showponies guided Pinkie off of the shell seat she was sitting on onto the stage, then zipped off to the side. She began to dance.

"No matter what the issue

Come from wherever you please

All this fighting gets you nothing

But hoof-and-mouth disease

Arguing's not the way

Hey, come out and play!

It's a shiny, new day

So, what do you say?

You gotta share

You gotta care

It's the right thing to do

You gotta share

You gotta care

And there'll always be a way through"

Malibu's jaw was dropped at how Pinkie Pie had managed to pull all of this together, even having the other ponies on stage dance with her. Would this really work?

"Both our diets, I should mention

Are completely vegetarian

We all eat hay and oats

Why be at each other's throat?

You gotta share

You gotta care

It's the right thing to do

And there'll always be a way


Once she finished, silence rang through the air except for Spike clapping and grinning, Malibu and Twilight both hoof palming themselves while the two leaders were somewhat stunned. "Alright, Pinkie Pie! That was fantastic! What a great song! Right on!" But no pony else clapped still, and Malibu saw the leaders both nod.

"It appears that Sheriff Silverstar and I have come to an agreement." Thunderhooves proclaimed. A smile was on Malibu's face at this.

"That was the worst performance we've ever seen," The buffalo stated, the sheriff agreeing, making his and his friend's faces fall. The buffalo chief's face looked pretty determined. "The time for action... is upon us! Our stampede will start at high noon tomorrow. And if the orchard is still there, we'll flatten it... and the whole town!" He bellowed right into Silverstar's face, making everypony gasp.

Malibu and Strongheart went up to the chief. "But Chief!" She cried in despair. Silverstar interrupted. "An' we Appleloosans say you'd better bring yer best, 'cause we'll be ready and waitin'!"

Braeburn tried as well. "But, Sheriff..." both sides ran off away from each other to get ready for war.

This is bad... this is bad... Malibu thought sadly as he and Strongheart and Spike left to go back with the buffalo despite Applejack's pleas for them to stay.


In the camp Malibu watched the buffalo preparing themselves and putting on war paint. He was sitting next to Spike and eating his dinner, wondering what they could do. "Isn't there some way to stop this?" Asked Spike. Strongheart had a bowl of turquoise. "Unless those settler ponies remove those trees, I do not think so." Spike began to munch on his gems while Malibu went to speak to Thunderhooves.

"Chief, you have to rethink this. My mom wouldn't want you to," the former gargoyle clone said, his eyes filled with concern. Thunderhooves had a face of despair at his guest. "But they have taken our land. What would you have me do, Malibu?"

Malibu flapped his wings. "Dunno, but it isn't too late yet, you could still try to talk reasonably with them before young ones get hurt."

Thunderhooves put war paint on his face, narrowing his eyes. "At noon, it will be too late." Malibu lowered his head, sighing. Mom, what would you do?


The dawn of the battle was high, as noon was nearly here. Everypony had positions down below, and had pies ready to use for weapons for some reason. Malibu and Spike had joined down with their friends to ensure there wouldn't be any casualties. Dash was looking stressed.

"Come on think! Think, think, think, think, think, think!" At that moment the clock rang noon, making everything deathly still, the buffalo waiting on the ridge of the hill. Malibu saw Little Strongheart put a hoof on her father's cheek, looking at him with begging eyes. He felt anticipation. Was that a sign things are changing?

Dash grinned. "He's not gonna do it!" But she spoke too soon as Pinkie ruined everything with her ridiculous song.

"You gotta share, you gotta care!" Malibu shook his head. "NO PINKIE!" He yelled, Thunderhooves's face contorted in rage. "CHARGE!"

His buffalo stampede ran down the hill in a fighting stance, the settlers crying out in fear, some throwing pies at the buffalo, hitting several of them. Malibu dodged pies as he ran, trying to maintain order but it was useless. One pony jumped onto a buffalo's back. The buffalo tried bucking her off. The mare managed to leap off causing the buffalo to be hit with a pie and run into the clock.

Sheriff Silverstar was throwing pies bravely while ducking behind other hay piles. When he tried to reach for another he saw he was out of pies. Malibu spotted Thunderhooves growling madly; charging right at the sheriff. Silverstar yelped from the sight of him and decided to do a noble thing for his town: sacrifice himself.

Malibu cringed, hovering in the air with his wings when he saw a pie come in a crossfire and smack Thunderhooves in the face, making the large buffalo collapse to the ground, unmoving.

Everypony stopped fighting right then and there at the gruesome sight, gathering around. Some of the crowd began to cry. Malibu hoped it wasn't all over; feeling his own tears forming. Thunderhooves couldn't have been killed...

He spotted some of the pie filling which was apple fall into the chief's mouth. It seemed to revive him as he stood up, licking the pie off his face with a smile. "Yum!" Malibu gasped in relief, happy Thunderhooves was ok!

"Hey, I have a much better idea!" Thunderhooves offered.


The rebuilding of the town was offered with help by the buffalo along with the settlers sharing some of the apples. "We... will allow the apple orchard to stay in exchange for a share of its fruit, heh... those delicious apple pies!"

Malibu nodded in agreement as did his friends. "That's a great idea, chief. And I was honored to have met you and Little Strongheart." He and the small buffalo exchanged a hoofshake, Strongheart blushing. "You too, Prince Malibu." Applejack meanwhile had been able to plant Bloomberg which she was thrilled about.

Twilight meanwhile wrote her friendship lesson to his mom which went like this:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing. Even the worst of enemies can become friends. You need understanding and compromise. You've got to share. You've got to care."

Malibu nodded to Twilight at the nice letter when Pinkie glanced once at it and glared. "Hey, that's what I said!" She snapped, causing him and Twilight to roll their eyes while watching Applejack and Dash running off to hang out with their new friend Strongheart.

It was quite the adventure indeed.


Had fun writing this episode and the buffalo.

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