Next Lessons: May The Best Pet Win!

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S2 E7 Everypony! The Mysterious Mare Do Well is up next!


Malibu was dreaming that night while sleeping in Sweet Apple Acres. He dreamt he was in a cave, hearing chittering and water drips around him.

Looking about Malibu suddenly found himself face to face with a small brown bat. The bat gave little squeaking noises at the teal alicorn, flying around him.

"Whoa, easy, little guy. Why am I in here?" Malibu asked, even though he knew the bat couldn't talk. But Malibu always wondered why animals like these couldn't talk like the ponies, sheep, cows, and mules can. It confused him.

More bats appeared however, their eyes glowing, making Malibu cry out and wake up to the rooster crowing. What a weird dream.

He heard the barking of Applejack's dog Winona, wandering downstairs, rubbing his eyes to eat their breakfast. He saw Applejack getting ready to bring her out for the day.

"Where are you going, AJ?" Malibu questioned in confusion. Applejack grinned, petting Winona. "Why, ahm meeting with the others for a critter pet playdate in the park."

Malibu blinked, not having heard of that. "You never told me about this," He said, somewhat offended. Applejack shrugged. "Well, you don't have a pet, and we figured you had better things to do. Don't mean to offend," She said quickly, seeing the hurt look on the former gargoyle's face but wound up cheering him up.

"Maybe you would like to come along and see everypony else's pets with me? Winona would like to have ya along," AJ invited while Winona went up to lick Malibu's face, making him laugh. "Sure. Sounds fun. Kinda wish I had a pet, though."

Applejack gave him a reassured look. "Ah sure you would find the right furry companion. But let's go meet the others before we're late." She took up Winona's leash and the two friends went to the park.

At the park Malibu saw the others were there already. Twilight with Owlowiscious, Rarity with Opalescence, Fluttershy with Angel, and Pinkie Pie with Gummy. It made Malibu smile to see all his friends critters together, until he saw Rainbow sleeping in a tree nearby and being woken by Opalescence, Winona barking at her.

Dash glared down at the group, Malibu wondering why she didn't have her own pet here before remembering she didn't have one like him either. "Sincerest apologies, Rainbow if our pets were bothering you." Rarity apologized after greeting Malibu who waved back, cheeks feeling warm again when seeing Rainbow. Opalescence hissed in reply, Rarity smiling nervously. "She's... sorry."

"What are you all doing here?" Asked Rainbow Dash. Malibu watched Applejack throw Winona a stick. "Why, we always round up our critters for a regular ol' Pony Pet Playdate here in this park."

Malibu noted that his marefriend was just as mistyfied as he was. "You do?" Rainbow Dash asked in confusion. He winked. "I felt the same way, Dash," The teal alicorn responded. Applejack nodded, Winona chasing her. "Same time every week!" Fluttershy while playing with Angel whimpered. "I thought you knew. You didn't know? She didn't know?"

Pinkie Pie then rambled. "We were totally gonna invite you, Rainbow, then Twilight remembered that you don't even have a pet, and Rarity remembered that you really like to take naps in the afternoon, so Applejack figured you wouldn't be missing out on anything anyway, and Fluttershy and I nodded our heads in agreement like this." She made Fluttershy's head nod along with her own which Malibu thought was rather adorable.

"Oh, please don't be mad at us!" Fluttershy pleaded. Malibu put one of his wings around her. "It's fine, Flutter. I don't have a pet either." She gasped a little in surprise. "Really?" Malibu nodded while Dash spoke her own opinion. "I'm not mad. You all are right. Not much of a Pony Pet Playdate for me if I'm a pony without a pet, right? At least I'm not alone," She stated, smiling at Malibu who flushed back.

Applejack threw a stick for Winona. "Exactly. So if'n you'll excuse us..."

The five friends started to play with their pets, Malibu watching with envy. He wanted to join in but it wouldn't feel right without his own pet. And Malibu himself never had the responsibility to have one, remembering when the clan had that gargoyle dog Bronx that Thailog never cloned at all. He could tell that the sounds of his friends playing was bothering Rainbow Dash while lying in the tree even though she was trying not to let it annoy her.

Soon Dash couldn't take it anymore and she glared down at them all. "Hey, now wait a minute! Just because I don't have a pet now, doesn't mean I never want a pet!" Malibu was surprised but happy that she was interested. Fluttershy was the most excited more than he was. "Ohh! Y, y, Oh, really? You really want a pet? Really? 'Cause I've got so many wonderful choices at my house! Oh, and I know you'll just love them! And they'll love you! Oh, and you'll be best friends forever and ever! Oh!"

Fluttershy began to push Dash over to her house to help choose a pet, Malibu following them so he too could possibly find the right companion. His mom would sure be happy to hear about him trying his luck in taking care of a pet of his own.


At her house; Fluttershy brought out all of her animals for Rainbow Dash to look through. Malibu was stunned at how many animals she took care of. "How can anybody choose?" He asked in awe, as a bunny came up, squeaking at him. Fluttershy giggled. "That's why I'm here to help the both of you!"

"Now, Rainbow, Malibu, my dears, I cannot express my delight

It's abundantly clear

That somewhere out here

Is the pet that will suit you just right!"

Rainbow Dash gave the smile that Malibu had been growing to love from her.

"I can't wait to get started, but first let me set a few rules

It's of utmost importance

The pet that I get

Is something that's awesome and cool!"

Her singing voice made his heart feel light, Malibu hoping that Dash could find the right pet.

"Awesome, cool, got it!

I have so many wonderful choices, just wait, you will see!"

Dash took off into the air. "I need something real fast like a bullet to keep up with me!"

Malibu agreed with that while Fluttershy pulled out a bunny. "Sure! How about a bunny? They're cutsey and wootsie and quick as can be!" That made him raise his brow. It wasn't his marefriend's style. "Cutsey? Wootsie? Have you even met her?" He sang in confusion, making Fluttershy go red, but shrug.

"Rainbow, have faith

You see, I will bet you

Somewhere in here is the pet that will get you" she gestured with her hoof. "Come on, the sky's the limit!" Dash agreed. "Sky is good. I'd like it to fly."

Fluttershy held out a kitten next, looking a little too eager. Malibu cringed. That definitely wasn't Dash. "Really? Because I think this widdle putty tat has your name written all over it. Yes, he does!" The kitten purred, rubbing against Rainbow, making her frown. "Aww, look, he likes you!"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Pass!" She said.

Fluttershy soared above her animals.

"I have so many wonderful choices for you to decide

There are otters and seals

With massive appeal!"

Malibu watched Rainbow glare. "Otters and seals do not fly!" Fluttershy gestured to her big looking seal. "Maybe not, but I've seen this particular seal catch ten feet of air when he breaches the water!"

The seal barked and clapped, making Malibu grin slightly, but that still wasn't the type of pet. "That's it, I'm outta here!" She grumbled, starting to fly but Malibu went in front of her. "Please, there must be a pet here, to fit the ticket!" He sang, Fluttershy bringing up a ladybug and cricket. "How about a ladybug or a cute cricket!"

Once again, Dash shook her head. This was definitely taking a while. "Bigger. And cooler!" Malibu watched Fluttershy nod. "Bigger. Cooler. Right. I got just the thing in that tree, Dash! Meet your new fabulous pet, Squirrely!"

She opened up a stage in the tree revealing a small squirrel. Malibu raised his brow. "Huh?" He asked. Dash agreed with him. "Just a squirrel," She pointed out. Fluttershy brought the squirrel out. "Not just any squirrel. A flying squirrel!" The squirrel opened up its wings. Malibu was somewhat amazed at the sight of how the squirrel was flying, but it looked more like gliding really.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Yeah... so, like I was saying...

Fluttershy, pal, this won't cut it

I need a pet to keep up with me

Something awesome, something flying

With coolness that defies gravity!"

Just watching his marefriend singing in such an amazing way was making Malibu's belly flutter, but giggle a bit from how dramatic she was being, Fluttershy realizing what she wanted now. "I'm sensing you want an animal that can fly." Dash folded her arms. "Yep, that's what it was," Malibu said. "Ya think?" Rainbow added in.

Fluttershy flew them up to the clouds where her flying pets were. "I have plenty of wonderful creatures who soar in the sky

Like a sweet hummingbird or a giant monarch butterfly!"

Dash looked a bit more interested now. "Better, but cooler!" Unbeknownst to them a small tortoise was doing his best to be noticed but it wasn't working.

"I see. How 'bout an owl, or a wasp, or a toucan?

There's so many wonderful creatures the likes of that

There are falcons and eagles

They are both quite regal

Or perhaps what you need is a dark and mysterious bat?"

The bat interested Malibu the most; since his kind were related to these animals the most. And it was rather cute. He saw the bat giving him an interesting look, chittering. "Hey, little guy," Malibu greeted, while Rainbow looked rather excited. "Now you're talking! But instead of just one standout, now that's too many!"

She looked overwhelmed with all the choices. "So many choices, and such riches a plenty." Fluttershy grinned. "Not a bad problem to have, if you ask me!"

Rainbow looked over each pet. "The bat would be awesome, but the wasp I'm digging too

Do you have something in a yellow striped bat?"

"No," Fluttershy replied, Malibu seeing a pink flamingo bird come along now. He was learning quite a bit about different animals here today. And most of them were similar to the animals of earth. "I've got a hot pink flamingo, just dying to meet you!"

Rainbow's face seemed flustered for a moment. "What to do, what to do? [gasp]

A prize! That's it! There's really just one way

To find out which animal's best

Hold a contest of speed, agility, and guts

That will put each pet to the test!"

That stunned Malibu for Rainbow to suddenly do something like this but he guessed it could be interesting. "Suppose it could be fun for the animals, too," He added in, his other two friends nodding.

"Don't forget style, that should be considered!" Fluttershy sang.

"Then we'll know for sure who's best of the litter!" Dash sang too.

"The one who is awesome and cool!" Malibu praised, mostly towards his marefriend, who made a confident flip in the air. "Just like me!"

All three of them began to sing together, Malibu happy to be able to have this moment in a musical number with Dash and Flutter.

"Can't settle for less, 'cause I'm (your) the best

So a contest we will see

Who's the number one, greatest, perfectest pet

In the world for me!

May the games begin!"

The trio ended it on a big high note, Dash looking determined more than ever to pick her perfect pet. "And may the best pet win!" Malibu looked over the other animals she picked for the contest who all looked eager, somewhat feeling a little bad for the ones who probably won't get picked. A squeak noise sounded again and Malibu felt the bat land on his back.

He chuckled, raising a hoof to pet the creature. Fluttershy saw and giggled. "I think he likes you," She pointed out. Rainbow Dash thought for a moment. "Hey, Mal. If I wind up choosing any other creature besides the bat, you can have him if you like." She then offered. That filled up Malibu with joy, seeing that Rarity's generosity was leeching into Rainbow Dash's heart. He gave her a hug.

"Thanks, Dashie!" Malibu thanked wholeheartedly. She raised her brow at his nickname, causing him to clear his throat awkwardly. "What was that?" Malibu grinned nervously. "Uh, just a nickname. Dunno where that came from. But, er, let's go set this event up."


On the day of the big pet event, the rest of the Mane 7 was there to cheer on the pets Rainbow picked to be in the competition, which were besides the bat: the falcon, eagle, owl, hummingbird, etc. Malibu stood next to Twilight and Applejack while Rainbow Dash blew the whistle to call everypet their attention.

"So! You all think you've got what it takes to be my pet, do ya? Well, we'll just see about that! If any of you don't think you can handle it, bow out now before you humiliate yourself in front of your peers."

Malibu saw a small ladybug do so, looking intimidated by its larger competitors.

"This competition isn't for the weak. You'd better be prepared to step up your game! You call that flapping?! That's better. There's only room on Team Dash for one of you, and my future pet needs to be able to take it to the extreme! Any questions?"

All the animals shook their heads, Malibu now wondering if Rainbow Dash really understood what taking care of a pet really meant. "I got a question. You really think she's got the right idea?" He asked Twilight. "Yeah, like care and attention, love and affection—." Malibu and AJ grinned when Winona gave Twilight a lick on the cheek. "Ugh! And breath mints!"

"I hear you," laughed Malibu, though he petted Winona on the head. But then he spotted Fluttershy bring out a tortoise, placing him in line. That confused him. Why was a non flying animal being put in here?

Rainbow Dash frowned. "Seriously, Fluttershy! The turtle? What did you bring that thing here for?" Malibu agreed with Dash, for the turtle didn't look like it could match up with something like a bat or a falcon. Fluttershy petted its shell. "Technically he's a tortoise, and he's always dreamed of being somepony's pet. He just wants a chance to compete, he won't get in the way. You won't even know he's here."

His marefriend folded her arms. "No!" Fluttershy began putting on bambi eyes. "Oh, just let him try?" rolled her eyes. "There's no way he could possibly keep up. Look at him!" She tipped the turtle who rolled for a moment but then landed back on his feet, which somewhat impressed Malibu since he learned tortoises end up being stuck on their backs a lot of the time. "It won't hurt to let him try." Fluttershy persisted, holding up the tortoise.

"But-." Rainbow protested, Fluttershy pushing the tortoise into her face, but not too roughly. "Just let him try?" The tortoise gave a pleading gaze to Dash who eventually gave in, glaring at the tortoise. "Grrgh, ugh, fine! But don't say I didn't warn you! This isn't a game, you know!" She growled into the tortoise's face before eventually addressing the other pets. Malibu prayed the little turtle wouldn't get hurt from this. "Alright, now these games will determine which one of you has the most important qualities I'm looking for in a pet."

Malibu watched Rainbow Dash zip up a hill super fast. He always loved watching her tricks. "Speed!" She next flew agile like around the line of pets, leaving a rainbow trail. "Agility! Guts!"

She then put on different poses. "Coolness. Awesomeness. And radicalness!" On the last word the rainbow pegasus put on her big sunglasses. Twilight was confused. "Aren't all those the same thing?" She wondered. Malibu thought that too. "You would think that, Twilight. And that's why you would never qualify to be my pet!" Rainbow stated, before getting the events started.

The speed competition began. "On your marks... get set..." She blew the whistle, all the fast pets taking off instantly, but the tortoise was left in the dust. Dash complimented on all the different speeds, declaring the falcon as the speed winner. When checking on the tortoise, Malibu saw by now he had just reached the finish line. "That's just sad," She complimented.

Now for the agile contest, where Malibu and the others saw she set up an agility course. The teal alicorn noted the tortoise trying to jump but not even leaving the ground. "Wanna know the opposite of agility? That." Malibu cringed a little, knowing this contest was slowly getting to her head, while a hummingbird zipped around successfully around the course, but sadly didn't make the cut.

In the 'guts' contest, they had to try to take Opal's favorite toy away. Opal hissed, and Malibu watched most of the pets looking scared. The butterfly however flew up, displaying its hypnotizing colors at Opal. At first Malibu himself felt a little mesmerized by the colors but shook his head, right on time seeing the butterfly grabbing the plush toy.

Dash looked impressed. "Now that takes guts!" But then from behind Malibu spotted the tortoise trying to push Opal's house on top of her, causing her to jump onto his shell and scratching it. At least the tortoise really did seem to be trying his best.

Next was the 'coolness' contest. Most of the animals did fine. The wasp buzzed, Dash raising her brow. "Not what I had in mind." And with the butterfly he made no sound at all. "I can't hear you!" Rainbow Dash yelled, feeling Malibu tap her shoulder. "Don't think butterflies even have a kind of sound. If they do they probably aren't in our hearing range," He explained, mostly from hearing Twilight talking about butterflies. Rainbow shrugged from his words. "Eh, you know I don't understand that egghead stuff. No offense though," She said, winking at him, making Malibu blush again.

Right as the tortoise made a weird coughing sound, at the same time the eagle made its cry. It seemed to win the rainbow pegasus over. "Now that's a cool sound!" She praised.

The awesomeness competition now started. Malibu had to admit his favorite was the bat doing its echolocation. The bat was the most interesting animal in the group by far for him. "Sorta awesome," Rainbow claimed, doing the same thing to others despite some not winning. The winner was the owl who turned it's head all the way around. "Oh, yeah, that is awesome!"

Malibu felt rather bad for the small bat not being able to win anything, wishing he could take the little guy in now. The tortoise tapped on Rainbow then pulled his head into his shell. Rainbow raised her brow. "Uh, you did that already. That's pretty much all you can do, huh?"

The sixth competition came along, where they set up a stage for all the animals to perform on it for the style and radicalness contests. With the style one was just them getting pictures with Rainbow, the tortoise mostly being the one that wasn't making her smile.

The radicalness competition went well enough, most of them not doing too well there either. Except for the bat. He set up some glasses, playing a small tune that sounded rather catchy to Malibu. To finish it off he did a loud screech, making the glass shatter.

His eyes rounded. That was the best trick from the little guy by far! Rainbow too was amazed. "Whoa! That was truly awesome! But... I'm afraid this is the radicalness competition, so I'm gonna have to take some points off," she then said. Malibu felt his ears lower from how unfair it was. The little bat squeaked in sadness, walking off the stage. He gave him a small smile. "Hey, don't feel bad. I really liked it," the teal alicorn praised him.

The bat squeaked again from the encouragement, suddenly going in to nuzzle Malibu, who chuckled softly from the feeling. Maybe he was getting closer to being able to win over this little brown bat to be his pet. Rainbow had seen it, and it warmed her heart slightly.

When it was the tortoise's turn, they had set up a stunt course he tried to do but ended up falling on his shell instead, wiggling his feet in the air, the curtain closing. Rainbow sighed. "Listen, turtle..."

Fluttershy poked her head through the curtain. "Tortoise."

"Whatever!" Dash snapped. "You've had your fun, but I think you and I both know who made the cut and who didn't."

The tortoise blinked and gave a small croak. "You didn't." She gestured to the winners: the owl, the falcon, the eagle, and the bat. Malibu felt proud for the bat to make it to the finals. "I mean... 'A' for effort and everything, you gave it your best shot, maybe I've got a gold star sticker around here somewhere you can have, but, seriously, go home. You're starting to creep me out." She gave a pained smile to the tortoise who was looking a little sad. Malibu went up to her. "You know, Dash, you could be a tad nicer to him," He defended.

Rainbow looked somewhat guilty but not quite. "I-I can make it up to him when this is over, after I let him race, maybe," She then promised, turning to the others. "So, anyway, you're all outstanding competitors, but there can only be one of you who's number one. So the final tie-breaking contest is going to be... pause for dramatic effect... a race against... me! Through Ghastly Gorge! Dun dun dun!"

Malibu and the others were now at Ghastly Gorge right after she said those words, and he noted how big that gorge was. Twilight looked excited to be here. "Did you know that this was once the Ghastly Caverns?" She asked Malibu who was pretty interested. "Oh, really?" Twilight nodded. "Yep. Before it eroded away into this gorge. But I hope the pets will be ok down there considering the Quarray Eels that live in some of the caves." That made the adopted alicorn/gargoyle gape. "Quarray what?! What was Rainbow thinking?!"

He turned to see from afar that the race had already started, Dash already ahead of the pets, who were doing their best to catch up. But when they were at the Quarray Eels nest, Malibu gasped in horror when seeing one practically eat his bat friend. He couldn't take it anymore, taking off into the sky to save him. "Malibu!" Applejack yelled in fear, not wanting him to be hurt.

Malibu's eyes glowed red when flying down into the gorge, shooting his magic at the eel who shrieked and let go of the bat that gave a little squeak, spiraling out of control. Malibu managed to catch him. The bat looked up at his rescuer, squeaking again, Malibu smiling a little at him. "You ok?" The bat nodded, managing to fly, squeaking his bat language Malibu could somehow understand.

"Are you sure?" Malibu asked. The bat nodded. "Ok, then. I'll be near the end of the gorge if you need me," He promised, making the bat smile before he kept going. But what he didn't know was that by now, Rainbow Dash had been trapped by an avalanche after flying back to the finish line. Fluttershy had given him a hug. "You were so brave!" She squealed, making him smile. "Er, thanks," He thanked, seeing that the animals were close now to the finish line, but not seeing Rainbow Dash anywhere.

Twilight seemed to be so far the only one besides him knowing something was wrong, looking through her binoculars after the animals crossed the finish line. "Hm, something's not right here." The others looked through them too. "Where's Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy yelped.

"Great galloping galoshes! There's been an avalanche in there!" AJ shouted out, pointing. That caused Malibu's stomach to feel cold in terror for the safety of his marefriend, ready to go back to get her. "No!" The gargoyle/alicorn shouted in fear, Spike also looking mortified. "Rainbow!"

Then something came from the distance in the smoke from the avalanche. "Wait, look!" Pinkie exclaimed. Fluttershy saw the tortoise. "It's the turtle!"

"Tortoise!" The rest of them corrected. "Whatever," Fluttershy replied, Malibu rolling his eyes from the irony. But he saw something else too, that made his heart swell. "R-Rainbow? Is she... riding the tortoise?"

Twilight was mystified. "She... is!" The group ran to encourage them to the finish line, but the tortoise was taking too long to get there. "Maybe we'd better go meet them halfway," Flutterhsy suggested. Malibu nodded. "Yeah," He said, using his magic to lift the finish line closer, and the tortoise was able to cross over, having them all cheer.

Spike petted him. "Way to go, little guy!" Malibu nodded at the tortoise. "Thank you for saving my marefriend," He said, petting him too. Dash climbed off, grinning at her savior. "Uh, thanks too. What you did, I owe you one." She hoofbumped the tortoise, then gave Malibu a hug.

"You shouldn't put yourself in danger like that again, Dash. I was nearly scared to death!" Malibu said in a scolding manner, making her look guilty. "But thank goodness you're not hurt, Rainbow!"

The pegasus smiled. "Just my pride." Malibu figured it was a good thing, since Celestia taught him that Pride was never a good feeling to have, even if it makes yourself look good, she said to always practice humility over any kind of pride unless it is to maintain self esteem and not ego.

Rarity flinched up from the dust from Rainbow. "I certainly hope all this dreadful dust is worth it!" She gave a cute sneeze. Applejack nodded. "It sure was, if it means Rainbow gets to have her own little critter just like the rest of us from now on."

Dash looked up at Fluttershy's voice. "Rainbow, your new pet is over here waiting for you!" The falcon cawed, soaring through the air. Malibu was somewhat impressed the falcon had managed to cross first, seeing the bat looking sad again, hoping Rainbow Dash would keep her promise about letting him keep the little guy.

The falcon landed on the rainbow pegasus's shoulder. "Oh... right... yeah... that." She said in a downcast way. Malibu put a hoof around her. "Are you ok?"

Spike tilted his head. "What's the matter?"

Pinkie grinned. "You got your perfect pet, right?"

Flutter nodded. "The best of the best like you wanted, remember? It can fly and it's not a squirrel! Oh, should we sing about it again?"

Applejack brought out a camera. "A Falcon sure looks good on ya, Rainbow," She praised, taking a picture. The tortoise jumped in fear and went inside his shell, Rainbow Dash going to pet him. "Easy, little fella. Nothing to be afraid of," She assured, before suddenly realizing the truth.

She glanced back at the falcon. "The falcon sure does look cool... he's absolutely everything I wanted in a pet." Dash sighed then, Malibu wondering what she was trying to say. "Yay?" Fluttershy quipped. Rainbow smiled. "But, I said whoever crossed the line with me gets to be my pet!"

That made Malibu realize. He looked at the bat, eagerness flooding inside. "You did! You did say that! She did say that, that was the rule!" Pinkie cheered. Rainbow Dash continued. "And the only racer who crossed the finish line with me was the one who stopped to save me when I needed help. The tortoise!" She picked him up, nuzzling the little guy.

Malibu saw the falcon do it's squawk of sadness, jumping off. "But what about the—." Twilight asked before seeing the falcon shaking hands with the tortoise. Or wing if you will. Rainbow next looked at Malibu.

"And, since you saved the bat from that eel while I was still being prideful made you worthy to him. Come on over, little guy!" Called Dash to the bat. The bat chittered, flying to sit on Malibu's shoulder. He felt tears in his eyes. "You mean...?"

Rainbow grinned, nodding. "I keep my promise to let you have the bat if he didn't cross the finish line with me. He's yours." That caused Malibu to give a happy shout, hugging her again at the idea of having his own pet. Dash winced from her hurt wing. "Oh, still hurt," She said, Malibu blushing and letting go. "Sorry."

The bat sat there comfortably on his shoulder while Malibu thought of a name. It had to be something to stick. And he was a being of the night, like his aunt Luna. Something came to him then. "I'm naming him Shadow. Since he's a being of the night, this name just fits him." Malibu proclaimed, the newly christened Shadow squeaking in happiness from his new name. Rainbow nodded in approval. "Sounds good to me! And he does match you perfect, since you as a gargoyle had bat like wings."

Malibu felt the irony of it sink in, making him laugh, petting Shadow. "I suppose," He replied, and saw the tortoise smile slowly after shaking the falcon's wing. "Wouldja look at that? He even smiles slowly," Applejack said, the Mane 7 all laughing at that.

"Spike, take a letter!" Rainbow Dash told the baby dragon, who pulled out his parchment and quill. The letter went like this:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I used to think that the most important traits to look for in a pet, or any best friend, were all physical competitive abilities. But now I can see how short-sighted and shallow that was. Today I learned what the most important quality really is. A certain kind of spirit. A stick-to-it-ive-ness. A never give up, can-do attitude that's the mark of a real winner. And this tortoise has it!"

Twilight smiled. "Tenacity."

"Gesundheit." Dash responded to her word. Malibu laughed a little at that. "You just can't stop the little guy. He's like a... Tank!" She shouted, having now come up with a new name for the tortoise. It felt like a good name for Malibu, until Fluttershy came up with a downer.

"But Rainbow! You didn't want a pet that couldn't fly because it would keep you grounded and hold you back, remember?"

That made Malibu's marefriend think for a while, before coming up with an idea.


On the next Pony Pet Playdate; the first 5 friends went up with their pets to the field, and Malibu flew in with Shadow. He grinned at his new bat friend. "You ready for this playdate?" He asked Shadow who squeaked back at him, nuzzling his cheek. Malibu chuckled before waiting on Rainbow Dash.

"Heh. C'mon, Tank! We're gonna be late for our very first Pony Pet Playdate!"

The teal alicorn saw Tank fly up to join them. How he was flying was that they put on a propeller hat. Twilight used her magic to keep it spinning for a long time.

This was a new step in his new life for Malibu, now that he had a pet of his own to take care of. He wrote in his journal to his mom last night about what had happened and Celestia was pleased at his new responsibility for being a pet caretaker, looking forward to enjoying his life even more with Shadow.


Malibu finally has his own little pet, Shadow the bat! I hope to write more of him in later chapters!

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