Next Lessons: Mysterious Mare Do Well

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S2 E8 Everypony! Sweet and Elite is up next! Enjoy!


Ever since getting his new bat pet Shadow Malibu felt like he added a new friend into his group. Applejack had helped build a bat house for Shadow to sleep in that was on a tree outside his window. Since he was a brown bat and not a fruit bat Applejack knew her apples were safe.

But one morning, Applebloom invited him to the clubhouse for a surprise. When he went inside, everything was covered in Rainbow Dash stuff; banners and such. His eyes widened and he realized this was possibly a fan club for Dash.

"Whoa, you really set all this up?" He asked Scootaloo who was the one who founded it. She nodded. "Yep! And we invited you to participate in the first club meeting!"

That made Malibu have tears in his eyes again at how his little friends had created all this just for his special somepony Rainbow. Scootaloo banged on the table in the front. "Attention, everypony! Attention! The official Rainbow Dash Fan Club will come to order. But first, let us welcome our special guest and our guardian: Prince Malibu!"

The ponies in the room wearing cosplay outfits for Dash cheered when seeing him since normally non alicorn ponies would geek out whenever seeing an alicorn. Malibu's face tinted red at all the attention despite this being a Rainbow Dash fan club. He cleared his throat. "Uh, thanks. But, let's not forget what we gathered here for," He replied. Scootaloo nodded, speaking again.

"Let's get right down to our first order of business. I motion that Rainbow Dash be declared the most awesome pony in Ponyville."

Snails grinned. "I second the motion, and might I add that if you looked up the word 'awesome' in the dictionary, there would be a picture of Rainbow Dash." Malibu shrugged slightly at that, imagining his marefriend's face in the dictionary. Snips said his piece. "I object!"

The others gasped in surprise, while Snips continued. "I think the word 'awesome' is played out! Rainbow Dash deserves better! I motion that we declare her the most stupendous pony!"

Malibu rolled his eyes. "Are you for real right now? This is my marefriend you're talking about!" He said, somwhat angry but a playful one. Scootaloo nodded "'Stupendous'? Is that the best you got? I motion that we declare her... wonderiffic!"




"Bedazzling!" Scootaloo finished. Malibu had a hard time holding in his laughter at all these words they were trying to come up with like they were reading the dictionary itself. But then he heard an all too familiar voice. "What about super-ultra-extreme-awesomazing?" A small smirk was on his face, instantly knowing who it was.

Scootaloo looked around for a moment to try to find who said it but shrugged. "All in favor of declaring Rainbow Dash the most 'super-ultra-extra-uh-whatever you said' pony in all of Ponyville, say 'aye'!"

The teal alicorn witnessed everypony else raise their hooves. "Aye!" He too raised his, glancing over to the window to spy his rainbow haired marefriend hiding outside the window, listening in on her own fanclub, giggling. He went to go over to the window, climbing out.

Dash jumped, yelping a little. "So... watching in on your fans?" Malibu asked, raising his brow playfully. She gulped before laughing nervously. "Uh, er..."

Malibu nudged her playfully. "Your secret's safe with me, since we're special someponies," He said, winking. Rainbow Dash looked relieved to hear that before getting an idea. "Hey, I got something I would like to do with you, something us pegasi love to do."

She took his hoof after Scootaloo gave them a secret wink from inside, and the two flew up into the air. Malibu wondered where they were going, until he found himself in the fluffy moist clouds.

"What's this?" He asked while watching Rainbow beginning to dive through the clouds, sighing in a heavenly way. "So soft. We call it sky swimming. It helps weather pegasi like us to feel relaxed after a whole day of work. Try it out!"

Malibu glanced at the clouds he was sitting on, before eventually beginning to try it. It instantly soothed his skin and cooled him down hence it being a warm day. Plus the clouds were very fluffy. He gave a sigh like his marefriend, eyes half closed in relaxation, swimming through the soft clouds.

Rainbow smiled at him. "Told ya you'd like it." He just smiled back dazedly at her. "Yep..." He mumbled, laying there on the clouds. It was until the sounds of somepony in distress could be heard, making him jerk up. "Dash, someone's in trouble, look!" Malibu shouted, pointing towards where the screaming could be heard. It was a filly trapped in a well. That would be the most dangerous situation to be in.

He was about to go save her but Rainbow was already ahead of him, diving down into the well. "I'm Rainbow Dash, and I am here to rescue you!" Malibu heard her shout out. He flew over to the well, his other friends joining him, gazing into the darkness in concern.

Soon the rainbow pegasus flew out again, the small filly clinging onto her neck, covered in grime but blushing, everypony else cheering for the heroic act. Malibu himself felt happy his special somepony was able to rescue the filly. Dash landed, placing the filly down to saftey.

"Wow, what's with this crowd?" She asked from everypony gathered around. "Uh, thanks, everypony. It was really no big deal!" Dash tried to explain, somewhat startling Malibu that she actually was being humble.

The little filly jumped in excitement. "To me it was! You're my hero, Rainbow Dash!" Malibu watched Rainbow blush lightly before flying off again to ensure she didn't let it get to her head, which to Malibu thought was a good thing. Her fanclub of Scootaloo and Snips and Snails stood nearby. "That Rainbow Dash sure is something."

The other colts nodded. "Something special..." They agreed. Malibu decided to go after Rainbow. He found her in the clouds again, cleaning up from the grime of the well. He gave her a big hug. "That was the bravest thing you did, Rainbow. I'm glad to know somepony who is able to care for other's saftey."

She looked at him with a smile, and then gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him chuckle in embarassment, but liked it.

Yet again later on Dash did another heroic feat from saving a baby pony in a runaway carriage down a hill, grabbing it and stopping the carriage from going over. The baby had stopped wailing when it happened. Malibu couldn't help but allow just a small bit of pride, standing there with Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

But then something happened that caused his pride to deplete. "Oh no! There's something wrong with the baby!" Rainbow Dash gasped, making the crowd looking worried. Nothing turned out to be wrong, though. "She's not cheering for everypony's favorite hero, Rainbow Dash!" She cheered, holding up the baby, the crowd cheering once again.

That made Malibu frown slightly, noting that change of attitude from before. The baby was too young to do something like that yet. Scootaloo began commenting like she was on television after photographers began to take pictures of their hero. "There aren't just enough words in the dictionary to describe Rainbow Dash's awesomeness!" She said, Malibu watching his marefriend putting on braggin poses. Even though she looked beautiful during some of them Malibu wanted her to settle down on them slightly.

"I can think of a few new words," Twilight muttered. AJ nodded. "And I bet 'modest' is not one of them." Rainbow blew some kisses to the crowd before flying away. Malibu had cheered before when she saved the filly from the well but this time, he had a feeling this saving everypony will soon get to Dash's head very quickly. Twilight however smiled. "No, but she is kinda awesome. You picked a good special somepony, Mal."

Malibu looked up at his marefriend. "I sure hope so," He said.

Over the next few days revealed several more incidents in Ponyville having Rainbow saving them including some elderly ponies from a broken balcony in the Ponyville retirement home. The crowd gathered around again, Malibu watching from the outside of it, ears flattened. "We'd be lost without you!"

"You're our hero, Rainbow Dash!" Everypony proclaimed, Dash zipped into the air, encouraging the cheering. "Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!"

She cupped her ear. "I can't hear you!" The pegasus mare shouted out to them, making the crowd cheer even louder, Rainbow Dash performing a couple tricks and dance moves. Malibu was seeing a totally different pony taking over his marefriend's personality, and it was worrying him. Twilight put a hoof under her chin. "Call me silly, but I think this whole hero thing might be going to Rainbow Dash's head."

Pinkie agreed. "You may be right... silly." Twilight frowned at Pinkie's last word which somewhat made Malibu laugh a little even during all this.


In Sugarcube Corner they held a party for Ponyville's hero, Rainbow Dash retelling the events of her first rescue. Malibu questioned himself. Didn't she remember she once saved the whole world from being dominated by Discord and Nightmare Moon? Apparently so since she thinks saving the filly from the well by herself was more important than saving the entire world with her friends.

"And then I zoomed into the well. I knew it would be dark and dangerous, but I didn't let that stop me. Danger's my middle name. Rainbow 'Danger' Dash. Thinking back on it, I acted pretty awesomely heroic that day." Rainbow narrated, making Malibu feel tired of hearing about it constantly. "Yes, I was there," He said to her heatedly, but she ignored him, too engrossed in her fans to notice.

Malibu even saw Spike writing down what she was saying. "That... day." He murmured while writing, wondering why he was even writing this down. Applejack grumbled under her breath. "Awesomely heroic that day and awesomely arrogant ever since," She said, which pretty much summed it up. "Exactly what I was thinking," Malibu replied back, Twilight and Pinkie Pie nodding in agreement.

Rainbow walked up to AJ. "Hey, Applejack. How'd you like to be immortalized as my friend?" The teal alicorn was most confused. "Immorta-what?" Applejack asked before nearly being blinded by a camera flash, Dash holding AJ in different poses, nearly choking her.

Malibu tried to snap her out of it again. "Rainbow, I'm happy you're a hero, but it is getting to you too fast. Could you slow it down a bit?" Dash shook her head. "Are you kidding me? This is making me even more awesome than before! You want to see me happy, don't you?"

That sent a wave of conflict in Malibu, gulping. "Uh, uh..." He was saved by Twilight spotting Spike taking the notes. "Are you taking notes?" SPike nodded. "Yup! I've been hoof picked by Rainbow Dash herself, to write her autobiography!" Twilight frowned. "Umm, autobiographies are supposed to be written by the pony they are about?"

Rainbow shook her head. "Maybe for your normal, run-of-the-mill ponies. But I'm far too busy saving lives to stop and write. That's why I hired Spike as my ghost writer."

"Ghost writer?" Malibu asked. Pinkie shrieked. "AAH! Spike's a ghost!" She zipped out of the bakery much to everypony's confusion. Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Anyway, Spike here writes down everything I say, don't you, Spike?"

Spike wrote down that too. "Don't... you... Spike. Got it!" Malibu shook his head too. "You didn't really need to write that question down." The baby dragon ignored him too while Dash called up little fillies and colts to have pictures. "This way, I can stay focused on performing those acts of bravery that nopony else has the guts to perform. Yep, it takes guts. But it also takes brains. And sometimes a big lunch and a nap. Being a hero is surely not for everypony, but I'm up to the challenge."

Her other friends were just glaring, knowing something had to be done to stop Rainbow Dash from getting filled up with too much ego pride. Twilight had plan, but didn't tell them here now, not until it was in a place away from the rainbow pegasus.


The next day, Rainbow Dash was still in her heroic prideful self, now signing autographs. Malibu stood there to the side, feeling rather left out and lonely, missing the days of when he and her would spend quality time together. But with all these fans, would she even need him anymore?

He kicked the dirt in sadness. "Someday, I wanna be just like you!" Another cosplaying filly simped, eyes shining in admiration. Rainbow flipped her mane. "Aim high, kid, but don't aim for the impossible."

A loud mare's scream was heard from above at that moment, Malibu jerking up his head to see a pony named Cherry Berry stuck in a falling hot air balloon. But Rainbow was still signing autographs, not even looking worried. He had enough of this. "Hey, Dash, shouldn't you go help her?" He demanded. Rainbow shrugged. "Yeah, yeah, Mal. I've got a good ten seconds to spare, just a couple more."

After signing the paper, she zipped off to save Cherry Berry. But from Malibu's POV, it looked like she was performing for her fanclub more than anything, a smug smile on her face. He wished he could snap her out of this pride.

Spike wrote down what was happening next to him. "The tension is unbearable. Will Rainbow Dash make it on time?" But suddenly; a shadow flew over Malibu, making his eyes widen in surprise at the appearance of a new pony all covered in a purple outfit, hat, and mask. The mare jumped heroically over building roofs, managing to jump into the air, catching Cherry Berry from the falling balloon, landing her safely on the ground.

But it came with a price for Rainbow Dash, who crashed into the balloon that fell into a tree, landing her in a heap on the dirt. Malibu was in disbelief at this new hero mare. Who was that pony?

"Holy turnips! That pony came outta nowhere!" A random stranger exclaimed, Malibu agreeing with her. Mayor Mare nodded, stepping up to speak while the masked mare leapt away into the horizon. "That's right! Ponyville has a new hero. A mysterious mare that has done well by our fair city today. I dub this new masked hero 'The Mysterious Mare Do Well'!" Mayor Mare declared, the crowd now cheering for her.

Despite his anger at Rainbow's pride, Malibu ran over to his fallen marefriend, helping her up. "Are you ok?" He asked gently, Dash grumbling about the new 'hero'. "Mare Do Well, huh? Well, that mare would do well to stay out of my way! Ponyville's only got room for one hero, and that hero is me!" She slipped on the rope that had her tied, making her growl a little.

"It was just one rescue, Dash. That doesn't mean everypony stops seeing you as a hero." Malibu encouraged through his quiet anger, hoping Dash would learn a lesson from this masked mare.


Some time later on another carriage was rolling down the hill, but much bigger than the baby sized one carrying six ponies inside. Rainbow Dash had tried to save them but Mare Do Well wound up getting ahead of her first, saving the carriage bus with her hind hooves.

It impressed Malibu that Mare Do Well had a lot of strength in her hooves but something about it was familiar. He knew that sooner or later this mare would have to remove her mask to show him who she really was. As he predicted, Dash was furious. "I can't believe it. Mare Do Well is stronger than me? Well, a hero is more than just muscle, and she's gonna learn that the hard way."


While Malibu was one time observing a construction site in Ponyville, hoping that everything there would be safe, he saw that the crane had begun to malfunction; and to make the building they were constructing to start coming down.

He gasped in horror, going to try to save them this time, as well as Rainbow Dash arriving on scene and shouting her catchphrase. "Never fear! Your friendly neighbor- whoa!" She nearly got hit with a beam. Another nearly hit her but Malibu managed to fly over and push Dash out of the way. She glared. "I don't need your help! I'm the hero here!"

That stung Malibu's heart but backed away to respect his marefriend's wishes, hoping soon she would come to her senses. "I'm coming!" Dash yelled, struggling to manuever past the flying pieces of rubble, until one of the workers shouted out. "Look!"

Mare Do Well had arrived, smiling confidently under her mask, charging in and from Malibu's view could somehow sense when the pieces of building were coming down while grabbing each worker, taking them to saftey. This seemed all too familiar again like the last rescue, wondering how she was able to avoid being crushed and knowing when they would come down.

Rainbow Dash tried to save the last worker, dodging the falling debris too until reaching saftey. He felt too shy from her outburst to try to help anypony, but was grateful for Mare Do Well to help.

"Here ya go, safe and sound." Rainbow assured, the building finally collapsing to the ground, making the worker she saved faint. Poor guy, Malibu thought inside, feeling bad for their hard work to be ruined. Dash smirked while walking up to Mare Do Well.

"Well, Mare Do Well, or should I call you Mare Do Slow? You're gonna have to pick up the pace if you wanna compete with me, 'cause I move like lightning." Another worker spoke. "Actually, she saved all of us! We owe her our lives!"

Malibu watched Rainbow Dash's face fall greatly, collapsing to the dirt in despair, the worker ponies following Mare Do Well as she left. He tried to talk to her again but Rainbow growled a little. "Just don't, I know what you will say." Tears in his eyes again, Malibu flew off to get some air away from this.

But he suddenly spotted Mare Do Well after she had left those she saved, landing. "Uh, hey, that was impressive how you dodged those beams. Only my friend Pinkie Pie could've done such a thing besides you and—huh?!"

For Mare Do Well had taken off her mask. It was Pinkie Pie. She gave him a smile and a wink. Malibu's jaw was dropped open. "But... but... you..." Pinkie shushed him. "Please, don't tell Dashie this. We've gotten together to put on this charade to help calm down her pride."

Malibu didn't like the idea of keeping a secret from his marefriend. But at the moment, he was in conflicts with her, so he supposed this could be payback for what had been happening, nodding. "Alright. But was that Applejack who stopped the bus?"

Pinkie just grinned, nodding as she put her mask back on. Thankfully nopony else was around to see this big reveal yet.

He eventually went to find Rainbow Dash to ensure she was doing ok, finding her by the Ponyville Dam, which had a small crack in it. Dash put her hoof on the crack to stop the water from coming out. Noticing the danger sign from it, Malibu flew down to her. "Rainbow, what are you doing?"

Rainbow spotted him, looking surprised, somewhat guilty from yelling at him, but hid it. "Saw the crack, and thought I could repair it. If only somepony in my fanclub were here to pat me on the back. Well, guess I'll have to do it myself!"

She went to do it, leaving the now bigger crack, which began to break faster. "Dash, wait—!" Malibu yelped, but was too late. The dam broke apart, and Malibu felt the force of the wall of water strike him and Rainbow Dash hard, sending them into the river.

He broke the surface, coughing and spluttering, wings feeling too wet to fly out of there. "Rainbow! Where are you! Help! Somepony!" Malibu screamed, struggling in the rapid water, head going under again, spluttering, choking, scared of drowning here in this river.

A branch wound up catching his body, and he could even see Rainbow Dash there next to him. It happened to be 'Mare Do Well' who had saved them. He shook the water out of his mane, coughing more before speaking. "Th-thanks P-Mare Do Well..." He croaked.

"You?!" Rainbow Dash cried. "I suppose you want me to thank—." Malibu blinked when seeing Mare Do Well suddenly begin to use magic. And that magic aura color looked terribly familiar to him. Twilight, of course... the former gargoyle thought, grinning slightly, watching her use the spell to fix the dam in just minutes. Pretty impressive.

He saw Twilight under the mask do a small wink before going on her way, Malibu and Rainbow Dash both now able to fly again.

Rainbow was definitely not happy. "Lemme get this straight. She's strong, she's agile, and she's magic? Ughhh! How do I compete with that?"

Malibu shook the water out of her mane. "Well, don't forget your..."

That made his special somepony perk up. "Oh, yeah! Thanks for reminding me, Mal! I do have a leg up on her! And that leg is... wings!" She zipped around in the air, showing off of her skills. Malibu face palmed himself, wishing he hadn't brought that up but it was too late for that now.

When he looked up again he spotted 'Mare Do Well' again, this time flying. The only other friend that could fly was Fluttershy, doing a flyby in the costume over the spectators who cheered. Malibu couldn't help but chuckle, imagining Rainbow Dash thinking she was being outdone by an alicorn in a superhero suit. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face later.


Meanwhile in Sugarcube Corner again, the Mane 7 gathered together to have some tea and pastries. Malibu munched on a cinnamon role while drinking blueberry tea. It cheered him up after the Dam events. "Gotta hand it to the girl, that Mare Do Well sure can pull off some pretty heroic feats!" Applejack complimented while winking at Malibu. He smiled back at her but tried not to let it show in front of Dash.

Twilight also complimented the hero. "I must say, I was impressed by that spell she used to fix the dam. Seems something like that would take quite a bit of study!" Malibu watched Dash grow red in the face from hearing these words being spoken, growling under her breath.

Fluttershy flushed. "She really cares about everypony's saftey," She said shyly. Rarity fluttered her eyes. "And have you seen her costume? It is to die for! If you ask me, she's a hero of fashion!" From her words Malibu had figured she had been the one to have made it.

Applejack bowed her head. "And she's modest, and humble. She lets her actions speak for themselves. Gotta admire that." Dash had enough of all this praising, shooting into the air with her wings. "I don't have to admire that! I don't think she's all that great!"

Spike had wound up writing it. "She's... great." Rainbow shook her head. "I didn't say that!" Malibu tried to put a hoof on her shoulder. "Rainbow, you really need to calm down—." She turned with her eyes flashing angrily, having Malibu back away, ears down on his forehead, causing the others to glance at each other in concern.

Twilight smirked. "Sounds like somepony's jealous," She teased. Rainbow Dash blinked in surprise. "Who, me?" Spike jotted it down as well. "Rainbow Dash is jealous."

The pegasus glared. "Don't write that, Spike!" The other 5 minus Malibu laughed at her comical moments, while Malibu focused more on his snack, feeling the urge to tell her their secret but couldn't.

Spike kept going. "Correction: Rainbow Dash is very jealous."

Rainbow frowned deeply. "Fine! Laugh all you want, but I'll be the one laughing when I prove to you all that I'm just as good– no, that I'm a better hero than Mare Do Well!" She zipped out of the pastry shop, going to prove herself obviously.

Malibu's heart was racing in his chest, worried now about when she would find out about what they were keeping to themselves, Applejack putting a hoof on him. "Hey, it'll blow over soon, sugarcube, and the two of ya will be friends again." A couple tears fell down his face. "Don't know now, since she seems more worried about her self ego than our relationship or other pony's saftey," He mumbled in a teary tone.

Fluttershy had a sad look on her face. "Oh, Malibu..." She whispered softly. Malibu stood up. "I'm gonna find her and try to fix it. I can't just mope here. Whatever you guys are doing, you gotta finish it soon."

He flew out the door to find his marefriend, looking at the usual places where she would find trouble and save somepony. But no sign of her until Malibu heard the voice of Granny Smith.

Looking down on the street, Malibu watched, stunned, at the sight of Dash pushing Granny across, hearing her protesting greatly.

He landed next to them. "What's going on?" Rainbow Dash grinned. "Nothing, just helping her cross safely. A good and heroic citizen deserves a little recognition, don't you think?"

Her reply was getting smacked in the face by Granny's purse, making her blink slightly. Granny Smith glared. "I didn't wanna cross the street in the first place!" She grumbled when going back. Dash rubbed her face while Malibu felt rather worried. "No sign of trouble and you're trying to cause it just for fame and to out do the new hero Mare Do Well? You're going off the deep end again, Dash," He tried to say, but she smacked his hoof away.

"I need to put myself above Mare Do Well, Mal! If it means causing trouble so be it!" He was having dejavu of a similar event like this where Twilight tried to cause trouble to write down a friendship letter. Now it was happening again. The two heard the voice of a mare grunting somewhere.

Dash gasped, looking about. "Somepony's in trouble!" She said, seeing a pony Malibu knew as Amethyst Star with her kid having a picnic and struggling to open a peanut butter jar with her magic. The two went over to her. Rainbow Dash grinned. "You'd better let me handle this, ma'am! For your own safety, I must ask you to stand back!"

Amethyst rolled her eyes. "Oh brother..." She grumbled, handing Dash the jar. Malibu smiled in a cringed way, while Dash struggled with the jar. Amethyst just glared at her, before knocking the jar against the fountain, letting Dash open it finally. "Ta da!" She cheered.

Malibu watched Amethyst spread the peanut butter on the bread. "Uh, thanks," She muttered. Dash grinned. "How would you describe what I just did? Would you say I was amazing?"

Here we go again... Mailbu groaned to himself. "Aren't you milking this a bit?" Amethyst Star asked in annoyance. Rainbow had pleading eyes. "Please, just answer the question. Was I, or was I not amazing?"

The mare narrowed. "Oh, you're amazing alright, an amazingly—."

She was cut off. "Oh, look!" Dash shouted, taking up a lawn mower and began cutting the grass, doing the entire yard. She took a heroic pose. "Another great feat of heroism! I have just saved that grass!"

Malibu saw another stallion and some other ponies watching. "From what?" The stallion asked. "From weeds! Weeds that were attempting to eat this lawn!" Rainbow said proudly. The crowd wasn't impressed and dispersed, leaving Dash looking depressed, going off again.

"Wait!" Malibu called, flying after his marefriend and eventually finding her sitting on a dark cloud, eyes sad. Maybe she was thinking about how her pride had nearly ended their relationship again. He edged closer, ears pricked.

Rainbow mumbled under her breath. "All anypony talks about is Mare Do Well this and Mare Do Well that! What about me? How could everypony forget about me so easily? I mean... have I changed? Same sleek body. Same flowing mane. Same spectacular hooves. Nope, I'm still awesome. They're wrong. But... then... why am I all alone? I hate being all alone."

Maybe... this is finally my chance for us to make amends... Malibu realized quietly, a smile coming, waving in her direction, until Scootaloo's voice came, wearing a Mare Do Well costume.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" The pegasus gave a grin. "I knew it!" She went to hug her. "No need to apologize, squirt. Anypony could make that mistake!"

And I spoke too soon... Malibu thought, ears fallen again, watching the scene. "Mistake? What mistake?" Scootaloo asked. The blue pegasus then looked suspicious. "Wait a minute. Why are you here?"

The little filly had star crossed eyes. "To invite you to join us! We're heading off to the thank you parade for Ponyville's greatest hero; Mare Do Well!"

Malibu saw Rainbow shake her head. "No! No way! Can't you see I-I wanna be alone? I love being alone!" That confused him. But didn't she just say...?

Scootaloo shrugged. "Oh, ok. See you later then..." he took this chance to reveal himself. "Er, hi," Malibu greeted with a shy smile. Rainbow Dash looked at him, tilting her head. "And why are you here? Just leave me alone!"

The teal alicorn shook his head. "W-wanted to keep you company. And, it would be nice to see some of your friends at the parade if I may suggest," He offered. Dash scoffed. "Yeah, right, Mal! Like I'm gonna thank her!" She put on a mocking sounding voice. "Thank you, Mare Do Well, whoever you are, for ruining e—." Her eyes rounded, getting an idea, now going to follow Scootaloo to the parade.

Malibu figured what was about to go down, flying after them too to witness this reveal, gulping a little, hoping Rainbow would forigve him for this.


At the parade, Malibu sat there with Rainbow Dash while Mayor Mare called for attention. "Welcome to Ponyville's first, but not last, thank you parade, in honor of our city's greatest hero, the mysterious Mare Do Well!"

The masked pony jumped through the flag for her, standing proudly, Malibu wondering who was cosplaying as her this time, the crowd cheering loud, but was silenced when Rainbow Dash spoke.

"The 'Mysterious Mare Do Well', huh?" Malibu cringed when the crowd gasped in shock at her outburst, so very nervous. "So what are you hiding? Let us see how mysterious you are without that mask!" Rainbow made an attempt to snatch the mask off Mare Do Well who easily dodged her, going on the run.

Rainbow flew after Mare Do Well, Malibu hot on her heels, trying to keep up, the masked mare always outwitting Dash in every corner, sometimes doing teasing whistles. Rainbow saw Mare Do Well behind her in one alley after thinking she went down the other. "What the hay?!" She stormed in fury, going in that direction now.

"Rainbow Dash! I can explain...!" Malibu yelled out, trying to get her to stop chasing Mare Do Well. But Dash didn't listen, sneaking up on Mare Do Well on the roof. "Look out!" Malibu warned, but too late as his marefriend tackled the masked pony to the dirt.

Dash grinned triumphantly. "Alright, Miss Mysterious! Mystery... solved!" She took off the mask; revealing a nervously smiling Pinkie Pie. "Gah! P-p-p-p Pinkie?! Wha-wha- huh?!" Malibu figured she would be dumbstruck with this reveal as another Mare Do Well made her presence, Twilight pulling off her own mask, grinning.

"Twilight?" Now Applejack showed her face. "Applejack? There were three of you?" Rainbow Dash looked to Malibu now, but saw his face looking guilty, gazing down. "We all played Mare Do Well at different times."

Applejack showed off her hind hooves. "I stopped the carriage bus with these babies; Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee."

Pinkie added in. "I saved the construction workers with my Pinkie Sense!" Her tail suddenly twitched, pushing Malibu out of the way of a falling flowerpot from Cherry Berry above.


"It's alright!" Pinkie apologized, Malibu giving her a grateful look. Twilight removed her hat with her magic. "I used my magic to fix the dam." Fluttershy waved her hoof. "Ooh, ooh! And I did the flyby afterwards."

Rarity smiled proudly, Dash glaring at her. "I made the costumes. Fabulous if I do say so myself!" Malibu knelt down, head lowered even further, ready to face the wrath. Dash glanced towards him, her face full of hurt. "And... you knew?" Gulping Malibu replied. "Y-Yes, but only during when Pinkie saved the construction workers. I played along after. But it was for saving you from drowning in pride again."

Rainbow Dash looked crestfallen. "I don't understand. Why? Don't you all want me to be a hero?"

Twilight smiled. "Of course we want you to be a hero!" Applejack winked. "But a real hero doesn't brag." Somewhat feeling a bit more happy, Malibu couldn't help but smirk at Dash who blushed. "Heh. I guess I did start to brag a little."

"A little?!" The other 5 shouted out, Dash falling onto her butt. "Ok, a lot." She admitted.

"Celebrating your accomplishments is natural. But..." Twilight started. "...Rubbin' them in everypony's face is not." Applejack concluded.

Pinkie added her own piece. "Yeah, the only thing that should be rubbed in anypony's face is chocolate cake!" She began to make slurping sounds, confusing Rainbow and Malibu. Applejack frowned. "I think we're getting off topic here."

Twilight kept going. "What we're trying to say is, it's great to be really good at something, but it's important to act with grace and humility."

That caused a spark of realization in Dash's eyes, finally snapping her out of it. "Ohhh, that makes loads more sense!" She chuckled nervously, seeing how sad looking her coltfriend was now, going over to give him a light nuzzle, making him turn pink. "I'm sorry I let my ego get the best of me again in between our relationship, Mal. We good?" She asked, holding up her hoof.

Malibu nodded. "Sure. I always will love you, Rainbow Dash, even if you are a big ego numbskull," He joked, hoofbumping his special somepony. Dash laughed at his joke. "Yeah. You're right. And I guess I should've also acted with grace and humility when others outshine me. Like Mare Do Well." She gestured to her friends dressed up who all smiled.

"Sounds like you've got a lesson to write to Princess Celestia," Twilight then said, Spike walking up with a piece of parchment. "Already covered! As your ghost writer, I already penned a letter to the Princess!"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "That's nice, Spike. But I really wanna write this letter myself. Spike looked upset at that. "Aw, come on! I wrote the whole thing already!" She shrugged then. "Ok, let's hear it," She then said.

Spike began to read. "Dear Princess Cel—." Dash pointed. "Look out! It's a real ghost!" Both Spike and for some reason Pinkie Pie yelped in fright and ran away. Malibu chuckled, using his magic to hand his marefriend a parchment and quill. Dash took the quill and began to write. He was happy his relationship with Rainbow was still normal, even with all that had happened.


I know I have tons to write including those Equestria Girls, but hope it will be worth it to get to the episode The Last Problem.

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